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Everything posted by cam1972

  1. I would have felt robbed. I've never asked them to pull out either. I find myself begging them to bury it deep instead. It's not all about getting their seed. Part of the fun is enjoying the ride. Getting the load is the..... Grand finale of the event. No grand finale leaves me feeling.... Empty. No pun really intended, but it's a pun I guess.
  2. That's something that is contagious that I'm more than willing to share with others.
  3. No brainer for me. Nekked as a jay bird. Want full body contact. Him having full access to my body and me his.
  4. Have. Everything about him was a total turn off except for his masculinity. Bad hygiene, couldn't suck him because his ass was so rank. Couldn't breathe it was so bad. Hadn't brushed his teeth in three days (he said so). Won't go into his physical traits. But I did it because he was masculine. And that turns me on. But I wouldn't go back again.
  5. Then minutes and minutes and before you know it, you are so lost in lust and pleasure there's no going back. Fuuuuck. Ok. Officially boned right now.
  6. I am incredibly shy in person. Online... I'll say what I want. But for it to happen in person, the guy HAS to be direct. No fucking mind games. Get to the point. Like seaguy, tho, don't tell me exactly how you I'm to "be used" or act like you own me. Just show your interest and say you want to fuck. Me. Then let's do it. And fuck the hell out of me.
  7. Thanks. *Quickly going to Amazon to buy them all*
  8. Any titles you would like to share? Always looking for stimulating reading material...
  9. Not gay magazines, per se. But I do buy the occasional gay short stories books for road trips where I don't have internet access... Gotta keep my perv mind in gear somehow. I've never bought a gay magazine. Porn or otherwise. I am, however, one of those rare people that did use to buy Penthouse magazines for the stories..... Well... That and to see the men's cocks..... Although... Straight porn can sometimes turn me on just as much if not more than gay. Go figure. But it's been years, since now I can find it online for free.
  10. Get your ass over here!!
  11. THIS!! Exactly! I am not embarrassed to be a bottom. Why should I be? It's how I'm wired. I also agree that in a lot of cases, tops feel compelled to humiliate because of their own insecurities. Not in all though. Some just get off on humiliation. But self esteem issues are not limited to bottoms. It goes both ways.
  12. I think it's a combination of things... One being sensory over-load. The cock feels so damn good, it kind of takes over the thinking process for the rest of the body. And mind. It's also primal instinct to breed. It's the natural thing to do. The way men are made. Yes, I have met men who prefer to unload in a mouth, but they are rare. In my experience. The body wants what the body wants. And it wants to breed.
  13. It wasn't fun. Never tried it again. Lmao Agreed! Love that feeling too. And I'd rim the hell out of your ass. Smother me in that ass.
  14. I'm clean too. I shower at least once a day and if I'm getting fucked, I douche. So I'm clean....... I don't get the mentality of guys who want to bareback yet want the top to pull out before he comes anyway. If you are poz and topping, the bug is in the precum too. I'm not judging them. I figure they think there is less of a chance, but.. If you are that scared of being pozzed, better fuck wrapped. I agree with everyone else. Give me the damn load. That said, in response to the original question: I've had a couple of guys who wanted to pull out and shoot it in my mouth. It never happened. Not one time. They couldn't help themselves. The load always ended up in my ass. And I wasn't complaining.
  15. I HIGHLY reccomend trying this on a little spot of your groin before going full speed ahead with balls balm. It's advertised as being so much better than nair because it isn't hard on the skin and specificially made for men.... I used it. ONCE. I followed the directions to a T and I had severe reactions to it. Felt like razor blades slicing across my balls and groin. Didn't even bother trying it on my ass. I blistered, was bright red and burning. I couldn't touch my balls for a week. They were kind enough to reimburse my expenses. But... I highly reccomend you try it with caution. If at all. Come to think of it... That's when I decided I loved a hairy ass.
  16. That's not humiliation. That's just enjoying being a hole to be fucked and seeded and allowing him complete control. Humiliation is when he degrades you. Puts you down. Makes fun of you, your cock, and so on. Every raw bottom loves to be fucked and seeded. Some just don't like humiliation.
  17. I happen to love the shaved skull and the military cut. Both scream masculinity to me and fuck... Do I love a masculine man. And did I mention I love a hairy ass? ;-)
  18. Agreed. Shaved skull.... Hot as fuck. Shaved pubes and ass..... Won't turn it down but love the hair. Another piece of advice: If shaving balls, warm wash rag applied before shaving. Otherwise the chances of nicking the little bumps on the skin are much larger. A wet, warm wash rag relaxes the skin. Less bumps on the sac.
  19. I have advice. Don't shave. ;-) Love a hairy ass. Woof!
  20. Not humiliated at all. It's man to man. Equals. No need for shame for pleasing a top. I'm proud when my ass gets a guy off.
  21. Yep. I jack. Pleasure for both guys is a must for me. My opinion, of course.
  22. I have read it several times. And you are not getting the intent I wrote it with. I do not have a "holier-than-thou" attitude nor am I being preachy. If you only knew HALF of the kink I get into, you'd know I do not find myself holier than thou. I DO think it is hypocritical for us to say it's hate speech for straight people to call us faggots but we can call each other that. In a derogatory fashion at that. If it's wrong for one group of people, it's wrong for us too. I'm not being preachy. I'm speaking from my own personal experience on the affect it's had on me in the past. You have it said to you long enough and you begin to believe you are worth less than anyone else. I'm NOT criticizing ANYONE for getting off on humiliation. If that's what gets them off, go for it! But I think there are boundaries needed to protect each person involved. I personally could not care less whether someone gets hard or not during sex or whether they come. I was merely stating that I LOVE to get hard and come when I'm fucked. And just as they are proud of being the opposite, I'm proud that I do get hard. My concern is solely about the mental and emotional state of being for each person. It's called "caring". My point was that if this behavior leads to desires of suicide or no self worth, then someone should intervene. If that is "preachy" or "holier than thou" to you, then... Ok. We can agree to disagree. This isn't a pissing contest. This forum is here to discuss OPINIONS on different subjects. I'm giving mine. No crime in that. I respect your opinion. I may not agree, but I respect your right to have yours. Just as I have mine. I don't have hard feelings toward you or any ill thoughts. We each live our lives how we see fit. I'm just trying to make sure that each person that does this has a healthy point of view in what they are doing. There's no harm in that. I care. So I gave my opinion. Wasn't here to ruffle feathers or preach at people. Just want them to know they have value. That's all.
  23. Let me give some clarification. I saw a guy several times over the course of last year. He got off on flicking his cigarette ash on me while I was sucking him. Would bite me until I had welts on my skin. Would break the skin. Loved yanking on my balls and cock til I thought they would sever. Would ram his very thick cock into my ass without any lube or spit and fuck me for hours. Telling me how he loved my "tiny dicklet". First session ran from 2 in the afternoon til he finally came at 5 after midnight. Yes. There were 15 minute breaks. But that's a hell of a long time to endure a dry fuck. I watched him try to wrap a dollar bill length wise around his cock and it didn't come close to reaching. Here's the difference. After all of that was over, he would hold me and tell me how much I really was worth and that all those things were role play. He treated me like a king outside the bedroom. It was role play. I get into the Dom/sub scenario. As role play. So I've been on a lot of sites that are geared to that culture. I have seen several times where men have posted something like this: "I am desperately seeking a man to be my Dom and make me his slave. I have been a slave all of my life and know my place. That I am just a hole and mouth to be used to get "real men" (my quotes, not their's) off. I want my new master to use me and abuse me until my hole is wrecked and my body is broken and useless. When that time comes, I NEED him to do what I deserve. Fuck me one last time and then kill me. Because I am nothing but a piece of worthless shit. Please help me find the man that will do that." Call what I'm saying psycho babble or whatever you want. That's ok. But that is not healthy behavior. Nor the sign of someone who has any self worth. This is a forum. Where things are discussed. If everyone agreed on every issue, it would become boring incredibly quickly and the site would die. I'm not always going to agree with you and you obviously won't with me. But we can all agree on one thing: We fucking love fucking bareback and there's nothing better. Oh... Did I mention I love to drink piss too?..... Just thought I'd throw that in there... One last thing and I'll shut up on this issue.... I never inferred that the subs are not "manly". In fact, I believe I insisted that they are men. In all caps at that. I understand the idea of getting off on being used. But I think it needs to be done in a healthy manner. As in, the bottom knows he's worth more than just a hole to be fucked. We have enough gay men and women committing suicide or hating themselves. I admit I still struggle with both issues. Maybe that's why this hit close to home for me. And felt the need to post in the hopes that maybe even just one person might get the message that they are worth something. No harm in that.
  24. I gotta say I whole heartedly agree. Ther e's nothing like being opened up solely by the cock. I love to be rimmed, but don't open me up with a dildo or fingers. Let the cock do what it is supposed to do.
  25. THANK YOU!!! Finally. A voice of reason. What I'm gonna say is said with love and kindness. I know there is the dom/sub culture. And I tend to be submissive. BUT I am a bottom AND I'm a man. I don't have a pussy or a cunt. I have an asshole. And a COCK. And it was put on me for a reason. I am no less a man than the one fucking me. I get tired of seeing on tumblr the posts where the bottom is "the only faggot in the picture." News flash: You only fuck with men... You are just as much a "faggot" (What's with that? We call it hate speech if straight people call us that but call ourselves that??) as the MAN you are fucking. And we deserve every bit of pleasure from our cocks as the tops do. This mentality that it's a useless piece of flesh... I feel sorry for men who feel that way. You act like you are less than human. YOU HAVE SELF WORTH!! And a purpose. And it's not just to be used and treated as tho you are something to be used to get another man off. I LOVE sex. And I derive pleasure from pleasing a man. But there is more to life. I love rough, piggy sex. But to never have those intimate moments of making love and mutual pleasure? You guys are missing out on so much. I love taking loads. But loads can be and are taken when having intimate sex too. Oh... And to answer the question, unless I have taken deep hits of poppers, I'm hard. And stroking. And I explode when the top does. And damn proud of it. Everyone deserves love and respect and pleasure during sex. It's not all about the top. If he feels that way, he can go stroke himself off. He's not getting inside of me. Learn to love yourself guys. Respect yourselves. You deserve better.
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