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Everything posted by cam1972

  1. This may be a little off topic but... Hell.. I'm gonna post it anyway. There is a guy on tumblr (whose name I will not disclose) who posts pics and gifs of guys barebacking. Then below he gives a PSA about how everyone should always protect themselves and play safe.... Isn't that kind of like showing porn to a 12 year old and then telling him or her to wait until they are of age to have sex? I said in my other post that I was introduced to the word barebacking when I was first fucked bareback. But the seed of desire for barebacking was planted long before then when I saw porn with guys barebacking. Those images built a desire in me like none other I've ever had. Like others, I just didn't know there was a term for it.
  2. Too high school? Then..... Wouldn't getting on here and telling about how, when and where you got your last load be kind of "too high school"? I can hear the locker room stories still. High School Jocks bragging about their latest conquests.... No offense Tiger. I appreciate your posts a lot. But... I think showing appreciation for those whose posts have had an impact is a rather nice thing to do. And.. Tiger... Yours have on me.
  3. I know the risks involved. Obviously. But... I love how even gay men who say we shouldn't be judged feel so free to judge those of us who bareback. Straight people have unprotected sex. If we are equal, shouldn't we be able to? I know I am going off topic a little bit... But this comment just opened the door for me a little. I love (sarcasm) when I see a guy post a barebacking pic or gif on tumblr and then gives a PSA about how we should not bareback. I've seen one who goes so far as to say "even in a relationship"...... Really?? He posts hot pics and gifs but after seeing it a few times, I unfollowed. I'm there to enjoy, not be given a lesson and made to feel like I'm somehow less than those that practice safe sex. I rode horse bareback on the farm growing up. (Get your mind out of the gutter, pervs ) Gotta say I love this kind of barebacking much more.
  4. I am not a very emotional man. Jaded might describe me. But this post.... Hit me. I was in high school in the 80's. Wasn't having sex with men. But I heard about AIDS on the news a lot. I know the difficulty I'm having with losing one friend... I can't imagine losing like you did. It is, in some way, a relief to actually know who infected me. For certain. Thanks for posting, Tiger. I appreciate what you had to say.
  5. I appreciate your comments. It's very difficult to find someone to talk to vocally about this where I live. I'm in a small town where there are few gay men. And most of them are closeted. The very letters HIV or AIDS sends the rest of them back into the closet. But I hope to find someone to talk to about this. I've long since accepted having HIV. I don't think about it. Not even when I'm taking my meds. But this.... I think it's going to take some time to accept. I'll get there someday. Just like I did with having HIV.
  6. I hope I'm posting this in the right forum. I was diagnosed in 2007 with HIV. I had had a fuck buddy with which I had regular sex. Always bareback. I knew he fucked other guys and that was ok. We weren't in a relationship. When I was diagnosed, I told him he needed to get tested. He said "Nah. I'm good. I don't have it." I told him to get tested several times over the course of several months, and he said that he didn't have it. He was so adament about it that he quit talking to me. So I assumed I had been infected by someone else.... I had cancer in 2009 and in 2010, he text messaged me and said he had cancer.He was a facebook friend and had seen that I had had it. He was the type that if someone had an illness, then he had it. So I didn't take him seriously. But I did wish him well. Never heard from him again. Last year. I became curious as to what happened to him. So I tried hitting him up on messenger. He never responded. I googled him. Found his dad's obituary but nothing else. Waited a couple of months then googled him again. Saw the link to the obituary again, so I thought I'd check it out this time. It wasn't his dad's obit. It was his. He died in 2011. I figured it was cancer. Two weeks ago, I was on A4A talking to a guy from his town. I asked if he had known him and he said "Yes. But don't worry. I've been tested." I asked what he meant. He told me that he had died of AIDS. By the time he was diagnosed, he was past medical treatment. It hit me llke a ton of bricks. I keep saying over and over to myself "If he would have just listened to me and been tested, he'd still be here." And....... Now I know for sure who infected me. I know there are older guys on here who saw a lot of friends die when it was an epidemic. But... Has this happened to anyone else? And... How do you move past the wishing they would have listened? He's been gone for four years, yet I feel like he just died... I know this is a strange post, but.... I'm having a hard time processing it for some reason...
  7. I first heard the term in 2007. I was a little behind the times. Met a guy for a hook up. Asked if I wanted to bareback. Once he said what it was, we barebacked and I never went back. Have no intentions of going back.
  8. I had them for the first week then they went away. However, I still had the sleep disturbance for the six years I was on it. I am now on isentress and truvada (took out the sustiva) and I sleep much better now. Not to mention my counts are much better as well.
  9. I agree. Totally agree. What's popping a couple pills every day compared to losing your life? I don't understand how a couple of minutes out of your day kills any spontaneity. I don't mean that to be rude, bottomhole. Just trying to understand.
  10. I agree that it is disheartening. What you have said should be something chasers should think about very hard before continuing the chase. Yes, there is freedom in not having to worry about getting it. But there are also some freedoms taken away from a person with HIV. It's not all positive. No pun intended.
  11. What if's are ok... But... I've spent too much of my life wasting time on what if situations. I will say this, however: I am very fortunate to have and ID doctor who is very much up to date on what is happening in the field of HIV study. He's ranked one of the top in the nation. When I asked him how soon a cure might be coming down the pike, he shook his head and said that he doubts there ever will be. At least in our life time. So........... I'm not even going to allow myself to think about the possibility. My meds are having no side effects on me. I'm healthier than I've been in years and life is great. I have HIV. But even tho I have it, it's not something I think about every day. Not even when I take the Truvada and Isentress in the morning and the Isentress again in the evening. I can't allow myself to wish I didn't have it, because wishing does nothing. It is what it is. I'll live my life one day at a time and enjoy what life has to offer. Things beyond my control? Fuck it. Not worth worrying or speculating about. It does no good. Ask me this question again if/when there is a cure. I can understand the curiosity of whether people will take it. But... I don't think it will be something that will happen in our lifetime. And that's sad for those in 3rd world countries dying from it every day. Those are the ones I feel for.
  12. Iron Horse is on 4poppers.com. Didn't see Berlin on there tho.
  13. Exactly this. Hot talk is fun and some grunting and groaning.. If it's real. But it's the "telling the whole world I'm coming" kind of thing that turns me off. But as someone else posted, sometimes just feeling his body tremble and shake is enough to send me over the edge. Totally lost in the moment. THAT'S fucking hot to me. Hotter than any guy screaming at the top of his lungs.
  14. Well damn.... Guess I don't need to reply since these two said it perfectly...
  15. "Tend to" means I didn't mean that to be a blanket statement. There are guys like you who don't have them. And I'm glad you don't. Life is enjoyed much more that way.
  16. I have standards. If I'm not attracted, I'm not going to fuck. Regardless of age. I tend to go for guys my age or older because there are less hang ups with guys my age. 42 is just around the corner, and I'm finding the younger guys aren't interested anyway. And that's cool. As long as they aren't asses about it. I'm more about the experience than the age. That said, if I'm attracted to them and they want to fuck.... Who am I to say no? Young guys are great to look at, but I stand a far better chance with guys my age. And that is fine by me.
  17. This should be in every bottom's guide book... (Does that exist?) Great info to have. Thanks!
  18. I agree... Freedom... That's all dependant upon what you call free.. Having guys turn you down for sex because you have HIV? Or demanding to wrap if they are going to fuck you.. I had a hell of a lot more sex when I was neg than I have since I've been poz. I know it's not that way with everyone.. But if HIV gives freedom, why do I have to be bound to taking meds twice a day and bound by state law to disclose my status with every sexual partner. That sure as hell doesn't sound like freedom to me.
  19. Yeah.... I don't get this whole size queen thing.... Sure, I don't think a guy with a two inch cock will do much for me.. But I've had a guy with 8 1/2 inches and a guy with 6 3/4 inches. Give me the guy with the smaller any day. Why? He knew how to use it. I don't care how big it is. If he doesn't know how to use it, it's not going to do me any good. And... As others have stated, it's just easier to take a smaller cock on a daily basis. I don't want to be ripped in half every time I take a cock. I want it to be a great experience for both of us. I'll take a large one occasionally, but on a daily basis? Again, as someone stated, I'd need poppers. And as much as I love poppers, every day just isn't ideal for me in regards to those either. So give me the average size cock any day. I'll make it and the man attached to it very happy.
  20. Actually.. This makes sense to me... You put it in a way that says that even tho he is really wanting to get off, he still cares about you as an individual. A human being. The way the other posters on here sound... It's like their life does not matter. At all.. That if they weren't used to get off a top, then their life is of no importance. I'm very glad you responded. Helped me see that there can be love and dominance in the same relationship. Very cool to know.
  21. This is me. Exactly. I don't like to feel used and I don't want to use. I want that connecction. And I want the bottom to feel just as much pleasure as I do when I'm fucking or I want to feel as much pleasure as the top does when being fucked.. And if there is that connection, then I can gaurantee that both of us will be feeling a hell of a lot of pleausre.
  22. I see a lot of guys, both tops and bottoms, posting how the bottom is only to be used. Only to concentrate on pleasing the top. Never to come during sex... I know for some, this is role play. But I think for others, they always feel this way. My question is this: Is there ever a time when you want to "make love"? And by making love, I mean pleasure for both. Or do you have the mindset that bottoms are purely to be used and only the top should feel pleasure? Role play is one thing.. But I don't think... No... I know I couldn't live that way every time I had sex. I know I'm wired differently than a lot on here... But I just can't imagine not feeling affection during sex at least every once in a while. Hope this makes sense.. I just see have noticed a lot of posts pertaining to this and they made me curious.
  23. While I've never been incarcerated, I have been in a maximum security prison in Ohio as a visitor. Was a college outreach program. One guy sitting in the front row was a lifer for setting his wife on fire while she was still alive... I can say with 100 percent certainty that I would NOT want someone like that having his way with me. Add to that the fact that prison is not some place where I ever want to be. I'm with Tiger. I'd last a week at best. I'll take my sex outside the prsion bars, thank you. At least if I need to, I can get away from a man further than the bars of a cell. I have no fantasy of being raped.
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