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Everything posted by cam1972

  1. On occasion, I love it hard, deep and fast... But 90 percent of the time, I prefer it.... I don't know if gentle is the word I would use.. Passionate, tender, slow intense strokes is definitely the way to go for me. Truly melding into one unit. Not being able to tell where the one man leaves of and the other begins.. Arms wrapped around each other, legs wrapped around the waist of the top. Lost in the intensity of the moment. Looking into his eyes, seeing the desire. Buidling to that moment of complete and utter bliss. Those are the men I remember. The sexual moments I remember. The pounding fucks are great, but not ones that I look back on and remember as being the best sex I've ever had.
  2. Now this is a first for me..... Can't help but wonder if the OP was kidding....... This is in no way meant to offend him, but.... I know that ignorance about HIV is far too prevalent... But.... This takes it to a whole new level..
  3. Guess I don't fit in that box.. I like a man in control, but I also want him to want me to enjoy it as well... Submissive? I can be... THAT submissive.... I'll make sure the door doesn't hit my ass on the way out.
  4. Jock or nothing... I don't feel I look good in a jock so I always go commando. But I'm also there for my pleasure as well.. So I like access to my cock. I'll jump on the bandwagon. Thongs..... Pretty sure those went out with the leg warmers. Oh god... Am I that old that I remember leg warmers? Fuck me.....
  5. I've always laughed at those "restrictions" Grindr and other apps like it has. Guaranteed that they just put those there to protect their asses. I don't see them following up. I've personally seen kids on there who not only looked underage but had in their profiles that they were. Even after reporting them to Grindr (I'm such a spoil sport), their profile remained active. Their guidelines are worthless. Just a way of avoiding prosecution.
  6. Nailed it. You can't think in the now about HIV. Yes, there are meds that work. But you have to look to the future. So many things to think about. Life insurance. Medical insurance. Paying for meds the rest of your (hopefully) long life. That's a lot of money. Meds aren't cheap. Breaking up with your boyfriend (not that I'm wishing that on you) and trying to find someone else who will accept that you are poz. There is still a huge stigma within the gay community (forget about the straight community) about HIV. Ignorance seems to be the choice in gay men when it comes to HIV. So think this through. If you indeed haven't converted, get on meds.. You can still have a great time and fuck like rabbits...
  7. Spot on.. I didn't chase.. Didn't fuck without condoms.. Didn't want the virus. But shit happens. I sure as hell wasn't happy to find that I was poz. Nor do I see it as a gift. I've dealt with it and have accepted that I will always have it. But, believe it or not, not all guys that are poz were looking for it or wanted it. dubbugchaser... That wasn't cool. You do not know the circumstances behind his pozzing. So don't make a statement like that without knowing the full story. As far as getting multiple strains... Since becoming poz, I've only fucked with poz guys. No condoms. I mostly bottom. Been on meds since diagnosis. I've never had a complication. Never been told I have another strain.. I agree with everyone else. I think it's a scare tactic. One that fails, given the many poz guys I've talked with who do not/have not/will not use a condom. Ever. I know it will take some time to process being poz, but once you wrap your head around it, life won't look as dark as it may at the moment. You'll find happiness again. Hang in there. Life is definitely worth living. Poz and all.
  8. If he's a sexual prude, I'm guessing the chances of getting him to do meth are about as likely as to get him to bend over and take 20 poz loads from 20 different strangers.
  9. Here's an unusual question: Do you want someone to change you from being slutty? Each of us are different. He has to do only what he is comfortable in doing. You have to let him live his life. He may do what you push him to do and regret it the rest of his life. We all are wired differently. If he wants to be a sexual prude, then let him be a sexual prude. He is who he is. Only HE can change himself. Not you. And that only happens if he truly wants to.
  10. Yeah... I agree... Doesn't matter if he was not the teacher of the boy he abused. His job IS relevant given what his job was. I wouldn't want him teaching my nephew's class. If he will do it to one minor, then he will do it to another. And maybe one who is more accessible. ie: A boy in his class.
  11. Damn.... If that is the straw that breaks the camel's back.... I'm fucked... "He's ugly. Send his ass to jail." lol Ahh.. I love it.
  12. Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Truth.
  13. Fuuuuuuck! Seductive top.... Leaving a bottom powerless to refuse... Fucking hard reading this.. Damn good writing.
  14. I totally agree.. Each one, poz and neg need to take responsiblity. It's not fully up to the neg person to be honest. It's a two way street.
  15. This will bring some unwanted attention to those of us who live with HIV. I'm sure the phrases "They are all predators" and "Threats to society" and that lame ass crap will be filling the comment section on the news site and other websites... Dumbass should rot in prison. Not only for not disclosing, but having sex with a minor. Not cool. And I'll bet the 15 year old thinks twice about getting back on grindr. Given the fact the guy he's hooking up with is poz and didn't tell him. Then again.... Some never learn..
  16. Be easy on it? Made me fucking hard.. Hell of a great job...
  17. I had met a guy online a few weeks ago.. We talked on the phone... Had phone sex.... Was going great until he came... Blew my fucking ear off.. Did it again a few nights later... Same damn thing.. I asked him if he always is loud when coming.. He said "even louder"..... Totally killed it for me.. Was supposed to meet up with him. Never did. I prefer to walk away with some hearing left after getting fucked...
  18. Now that I can get on board with. I agree.. If you are going to bareback, they need to accept the fact that infection can occur whether the guy pulls out or not. So let him unload inside you.. You are already 3/4 the way there.. Maybe 9/10's...
  19. I use bing.. I've had trouble bringing up BreedingZone in the past on Google. Same with Machomoe. Never have a problem on Bing. And the porn results are much better on bing than on Google. I appreciate google being supportive, but when it comes to results... I get far better with Bing.
  20. I couldn't agree with you more. I just want to get the hell out of there. It's like he is trying to impress me... Hell.. If you haven't impressed me at that point in the fuck... You sure as hell aren't going to by screaming for the whole world to hear. I also agree with the talking during sex. I love to hear a guy whisper in my ear how he's going to give me his load, knock me up, breed me, etc... I guess I should have been more clear in my original post. Dirty talk? Hell yeah! Yelling while coming? Where's the door?
  21. Question for bottoms... When a guy is shooting his load, do you like him to be loud or just unload? I've had guys who were so loud, it killed the moment. I've had guys who were quiet but so intent on coming that the intensity in their movements and eyes made me come without touching myself. I prefer that over a loud comer any day. Am I alone in this?
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