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Everything posted by ellentonboy

  1. Any forum members looking for group parties or know of any in this area? Can be at either a residence or a public location like a hotel?
  2. I had Kaposi's Sarcoma in 2001, and my doctor told me that he believed it had been eradicated in the US. They sent my specimen back to the lab three times just to get a confirmation. I had 52 T cells at the time and my doctor has since told me I have had the highest viral load of any living patient he has had in his career. I am still kicking today. For the record, I applied for SSD the end of May, 2001 and I had my first check on August 3, 2001. I also get a second check from the Civil Service Retirement Disability Program which I am extremely grateful for. From what I understand, my disability was approved in record time and most guys today have to wait 18 to 24 months to get a response on their case. Thankfully that was not my situation. I also had to give information to two reps from the CDC as to where I could have contracted the strain of virus I had. It had not been seen in the US at that time. In 2001 I didn't have a cell phone, or email, so I just picked up the house phone and called my fuck buddy who was a flight attendant from Brazil. He and I would play twice a month as our paths crossed for business in Fort Lauderdale. Though the reps from the CDC said he would not face any retaliation, they in fact stamped his passport so he could no longer travel into the US, and his employer had to reroute him to countries in Europe. So I was lied to, and as a government employee you can imagine how betrayed I felt. Fortunately my friend was able to continue with his career, flying only into Europe, but I never got to see him again. Oh, and if you want to have an entire party go quiet, just tell them at the age of 30 that you are on disability and no longer have your lofty government job. Talk about a way to kill a buzz, but I managed to get everyone to stop talking. That's my story. If you get a call from your infectious disease specialist and you suspect you have AIDS, and he tells you to come in on Friday afternoon at 4:30 pm, you know you have it. My doctor hates giving people bad news as he prefers to run out the door after giving them the diagnosis. Having HIV is one thing, having your world turned upside down by an AIDS diagnosis is another.
  3. I value my ass, and I don't want to be wearing diapers, so I think I'll decline that option in the future. Been there, done that. I watch some of this porn where DP in now the norm, and I think about those bottoms and what they are facing in the future. One tear in that area, and your sex life as you know it can be derailed. Sometimes "enhancements" make you think that it's easy. You need two tops that KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. It's your ass, you'll need it the rest of your life. I know I put it on my "bucket list" years ago, I did it several times and it was fun. Would I do it today? Not so sure (unless Sir Peter is a member of this Forum, I might make an exception).
  4. I'l just add this. I think Health Officials dropped the ball in spreading the word on both meningitis and hepatitis. I noticed as early as 2018 that my local supermarket/pharmacy in Florida (and those who live here know the one I am referring to) was advertising to get a hepatitis A shot. I went to my doctor and mentioned this, and he informed me at that time that Hepatitis was at epidemic proportions (at least in Pinellas county, where I live). I didn't see anything from the state of Florida or the CDC, so I took the test for all three forms of hepatitis to be on the safe side. Warning: The medication for Hep C is incredibly expensive. If you test positive, you will be required to go back to the lab and have another blood test, as well as a urine test (think job application urinalysis). What are they looking for? Illegal "enhancements" as we say on this Forum. Major health care companies can DENY you the very expensive medication if you show positive for crystal, coke, or worse. Do you see where I am going with this? In other words, if you think you are positive, make sure you have nothing in your system when you go back for the second blood test. Medicare, United Health Care can and will deny you the medication. That particular test is not automatically paid for by Medicare, you must have a clean result or they can bill you for the test itself. They also will not pay one of the most popular meds, Mavyret, which goes for a lofty $13,000 for a four week treatment. Most guys require eight weeks, and in some cases, twelve weeks. I am disappointed in health care officials, but that is nothing new. They were aware of at least the hepatitis situation back in 2017 or 2018, now we have meningitis, monkeypox, and always have been in danger of hepatitis. Why is it always the gays, why?
  5. I travel light, I'm a 501 jeans and tee shirt kind of guy. My best friend is my wing man, but Philly is fun and it's great to go back to a city where I am from but people haven't seen me in a few years. I can behave like a ho both online and when I go out - you can grab a cab or ride share as parking is a bitch but you can get around. The best party time is after 1 am, most of my nights in that town turn into mornings. I highly recommend Philadelphia.
  6. I did an Atlantis Cruise on the Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas out of Miami in 2009. 4300 horny gay men on, at the time, one of the nicest cruise ships in the world. It was overpriced, as you were paying for the luxury of just opening your stateroom door and having guys at your disposal. Everyone posted one of those stationary board's on their door where you could post pictures of yourself and people could leave messages. If you like your men with some international flavor, I believe we had over 60 countries represented with men from their 20s to the 70s. We even had a set of identical twins, they were fun actually. The entertainment was top notch, the food wasn't bad, and if you like to drink or use enhancements your only issue was finding your cabin at the end of the evening, or early morning, depending on your situation. It's not for jealous couples, go with an open mind. I would go with my best friend, not a potential partner.
  7. I meant to say "leaving town in a few days does have it's advantages". My bad!
  8. I don't think bath houses will ever go out of business. They may be closed in some cities, but somehow or some way they will reemerge calling themselves something else. I was under the impression bath house were out of business in San Fran, yet when I first visited in 96 there were plenty of places to go, check your clothes, get naked and fuck. They didn't sell alcohol, they were not part of a chain like Club Baths (or whatever it was called) but I had no trouble finding establishments like that one. Health officials may pressure city commissioners to close facilities. I'm not saying that won't happen. But I think "where there is a will, there is a way". I am surprised this topic gets much traction because organized sex parties are advertised on at least one hook up site that I am aware of. Wait, am I in the right thread?
  9. I now live in Florida and when I do visit Philadelphia I stay with my best friend in South Philadelphia. I can tell you the last time I was there I had great luck online, I used BBRT and dare I say Manhunt. Post that you are from out of town and every guy that has a partner will come calling. They love it (or at least they did with me) when they know you are there for five days and four nights. I think I averaged about three guys a day. My buddy was practically my doorman, he said most of the guys he would see hook up with me were in the bars and never gave him a chance because they all had partners. See, leaving down in a few days does have it's advantages. Have fun!
  10. I am not going to pick the original poster apart on this subject, but after reading his reasons for leaving I wonder why it took him so long to make this decision. After all he is a senior member, and clearly states he is employed in public health. Now the forum name itself, "Breeding Zone" would be an indication as to what the contents were or what interests the participants shared. So why now? Why the judgment? He states he is not into bug chasing, agreed. He appears to be anti-enhancement, and I understand his feelings on that matter. But to say that his stories shared are in "the top 5%" of everything posted, how did he come to that conclusion? I haven't posted anything false that has happened to me. I have not exaggerated numbers of sex partners or who I have hooked up with. If anything, I was cautious not to "name names" when it came to porn participants only because they too have a right to privacy. What really gets me is this "top 5%" business, I mean he says he is in public health, is he now a book or newspaper editor? Come on, talk about "tooting your own horn". I wonder what the true reason is that he decided to go? Anyone feel the same as I do? I think there is more to this story.
  11. You might want to read the post above yours where Forum members are being advised about the "Not being polite to other members" infraction. I don't need to be lucky, btw.
  12. If you want to have a large number of multiple partners one option is to merely check into a bathhouse or sex club in a city like Fort Lauderdale or Philadelphia. Normally you can get a room for an eight hour period, and during busy hours the place can almost be sold out. Think of the number of possibilities you have in a place like Lauderdale with eight hours to enjoy, you could easily do three guys an hour, giving them each 20 minutes of your time. That is highly possible. You don't have to waste time on travel, or finding them on an app or hook up site, they are within feet of your room. So why risk driving or showing up and finding you are not attracted to the individual. If you don't want them you say no thanks and they move on to the next room, it not an awkward situation where you leave their house or vice versa. I have seen posters mention BBRT but I wouldn't chance a conventional motel, as management may watch the number of people entering a room. A bathhouse or sex club is made for that reason and I think if you are playing the "numbers" game (i.e. how many guys can I have fuck me in a night?) your best bet in a bathhouse membership. If you got the looks and the body, they will keep coming, and coming and coming. Been there, done that. I post from my own experience and it is a convenient and safe (at least from a security stand point) way to make the numbers go WAY up!
  13. Well in 2004 the Tampa area had three hurricanes or tropical storms that passed over the area. Many guys went to the Rainbow because it was open, at least initially. At some point in the evening, when the place was sold out, everyone was told they had to evacuate. I had initially planned to go to the Parliament House in Orlando, but the storm tracked across the state and I wasn't about to drive down I-4 in that kind of weather, so I sheltered at home. I did not have power for two days afterwards but at least I was in my own place. Now regarding the arrest. It was not local, but Federal authorities that came in. The individual, who I had played with both before and after that arrest, was basically living out of a room there, and selling "enhancements". He would sit with his laptop and just continue to download everything that bathhouse was offering to show it's patrons. I don't know if the Feds were tipped off, but they knew the I.P. address and they knew exactly who they were looking for. I was not there the night he was arrested, but the Feds came in and took him out. They paid no attention to what else was going on at the establishment. They simply took him away. I know he spent some time in Federal prison, and I hooked up with him a second time after his arrest. I didn't want to bring down the mood, and this was at a friend's house, so there were three of us. I really didn't want to ask about the specifics of his arrest, but he did confirm it was him. So what did he do while we were playing? Download every bit of porn the third guy had at his house, which was a vast amount. I later called him out about it and told him he was rude. He told me by sending him that message I had screwed up some downloading that he was doing at the time - lol. I guess some people never learn. For those who were going to the Rainbow from say 2004 to 2009, most know or would recognize this individual. After his arrest, when I hooked up with him, I was shocked at how large he had become. But he was still downloading porn, from any source he could find.
  14. Put me in the "highly skeptical" category. Talk about "over sharing" geez. I am not the type of guy to be jealous of someone else, especially their sex life. But that post read like someone who, never mind, I'll be polite but I am not buying it.
  15. What I had initially heard, and this was several years back, was that is was believed the owner himself was behind the fires. Not that he personally set them, but that he paid someone to do it. I also heard (again, not confirmed) that the owner was someone who was either a judge, commissioner or local politician, and that owning this kind of establishment was not a "good luck" and he wanted to end his association with it. You mentioned there was an arrest for the third fire, I just wonder if we'll ever know the truth. I just could kick myself for never going, I had heard it was far better than Rainbow, at least as far as the accommodations. Now the type of guys there, I am not so sure. However I would have liked to go at least once and decide for myself. At the time it was open it was close to where I was living and it would have been convenient. I guess I will never know.
  16. Bathroom at the Walgreen's in Ellenton, FL. Had gone in there at 2 am to pick up a Cialis prescription to assist a friend. It turns out he didn't need it. He was in full leather and the bathroom was open to the public, my biggest fear was security would follow us in, but fortunately not.
  17. What are the chances that the same location would burn three times? No one ever held accountable. I heard the place was nice, it burned before I ever had a chance to go. It's a shame in my opinion, I can't imagine that law enforcement didn't pursue an investigation into the matter. If they did, I never heard if anyone was arrested. I doubt the insured was paid on the claims. Curious if this was someone who did not want that kind of establishment in their location, or the owner trying to get an early payout.
  18. Well he was advertised for a long time as a top. It wasn't until recently, in Lucas Entertainment Productions, he has bottomed (for two at a time). So despite what he may say, the videos show clearly that he is versatile.
  19. Ah, would I love to be a fly on the wall in his cell, or shower, or any public area for that matter. I wonder how long it will take the other inmates to find out just how much time he has spent with a dick in his mouth or ass? He's not my type sexually, and if he's in a video I usually change to the next one, but still the idea that he may not have much to say about who he has sex with in prison gives me a little bit of pleasure. I know, it's wrong for me to say, but I hope the commissary is out of lube the week he arrives.
  20. Thanks for that, I've never been. I knew of one that burnt down under mysterious circumstances but that was a few years back. I'll check out Tampa Men's Club now, I would think all of the "refugees" from Rainbow would be headed in that direction. I mean, there has to be somewhere for them to go, unless they all decide to stay home which I honestly doubt. Thanks again!
  21. Wow, so the Rainbow is closed permanently? I can see heads exploding as the news makes it's way through the PNP/bathhouse crowds. If the walls could only talk about what went on in that establishment. So, does anyone know what the available (if any) options there will be in the Tampa area? That place went through so much, from being considered a shelter from hurricanes (that didn't end well), to having people "escorted" off the property by law enforcement for downloading all the porn off the property's server. Where, oh where, will people go????
  22. I just wonder if his fellow insurrectionist buddies know he is more than "gay for pay". In his latest video with Lucas Entertainment he bottoms for two guys. I guess those mounting legal costs make "a guy do what a guy has to do". Yeah, like he's "gay for pay", my ass he is! The pride of Zephyrhills, Florida, he makes me so proud to be a Floridian. Some of these Forum members should look at the indictment and then look at the Federal sentencing guidelines, because he facing more than just a few days in Club Fed. More than likely he'll get at least 18 months in Federal prison. Watch for Steve "Sergeant" Miles to do a lot more bottoming leading up to his sentencing. He'd be wise to accept any plea deal the Feds offer him. I just wonder if the guys photographed with him on January 6th know he takes it up the ass, he's so stupid he didn't even bother to try and conceal his face. What a piece of trash.......
  23. A poster mentioned "high prices"???? What's this about, who is paying for porn.........? I am not suggesting anything illegal, I value my job and don't want to be a convicted felon, but when I see what some of these studios want for their "product", I'm like "NOT MY MONEY",,,,,,, There are ways around this gentleman, we all know that..... Okay, enough said before I get in trouble.
  24. Listen I apologize for quoting you. I'll be sure to be more careful in the future. I realize being relatively new is not an excuse, but I assure you I meant no harm and if you took any flack for how I handled your post I am sorry.
  25. It could not happen to a bigger IDIOT. He's been notorious for calling out guys who either party, or go out the night before they shoot a scene. He has asked AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS ON A PORN SET if a model has any STD's or when they were last checked. He has made it very clear that he is racist and that he does not want to do scenes with minorities. These are not one time occurrences, I am surprised that the one major studio hires him because the owner is someone that a Trumpeter or other far right extremists would not want in their homes. Funny, he's stupid enough to use his actual real name as his stage name, only altering his first name slightly. I won't use it here because I don't want to fall is disfavor with the moderators. I have seen him do bb scenes, and I have seen him use toys, he's not 100 percent top no matter what he says. He's not in the best of shape and there are 1000 other porn performers that are more attractive and have better attitudes. I wonder how he will do should he be sentenced to jail time, in a Federal prison he is less likely to be sexually assaulted versus a state prison. The first question during the screening process for incarceration is "Have you ever been the victim of sexual assault?" They do ask questions regarding your sexual orientation and those who openly identify as gay can be separated in many low level security prisons. From my conversations with individuals who have been "guests" of the US Bureau of the Prisons (where this IDIOT will go more than likely go) the guys I spoke to told officials they were straight so they were not limited to where they could go, and were mixed in with the general population. He didn't make an effort to disguise himself, I am not a fan of his porn, but the minute I saw his photo I knew it was him. How stupid can you be? I wonder if his Proud Boy brothers or whatever extremist group he belongs to know he has sex with men???? I wonder if he just lies, or if some know. Or maybe he uses the line, oh, I'm a top they just suck my dick or I fuck them. Give me a break...........
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