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Everything posted by ellentonboy

  1. California Democrat Governor Newson tweeted he is sending 100K to help Charlie Crist defeat DeSantis. It's great news that gay Floridians have support from other Democrats in trying to win the Governor's race in November. If this subject interests you (and I hope it does) you can catch the details on any news outlet like CNN, or MSBNC. Great news for those living in the Sunshine State, what great news to wake up to!
  2. Okay I am joining this thread late here, but are all the participants voluntarily posting, or is this done without their permission? I just look at the exxxposeme site and they say "uploaded anonymously". Since some of these guys appear to be holding some form of ID I would gather they know what they are participating in, but others I am not so sure. Do sites exist where the person photographed is unaware that his picture is being used? Yikes!
  3. He was on MSNBC at 5pm last night being interviewed by Nicole Wallace. He mentioned he had previously been a republican and how he plans on attacking DeSantis and his extremist views. I am not sure if you are aware but DeSantis only won the governor's race by approximately 35,000 votes (actually less) over the former mayor of Tally. I believe it was four tenths of one percent difference in the overall vote, the tightest race for Governor in the history of Florida. DeSantis is going to use Charlie's past positive comments about President Biden against him, and that should do well with his base. But I am reading that almost a third of this state are not part of either the Democratic or Republican Parties. So Christ needs to get those folks to vote for him. Considering how right wing DeSantis has been on a woman's right to choose, LGBT issues, book bans, replacing State Attorney's etc., there may be people out there who don't share his views and vote for Christ. I am praying they do. I still think Val is going to send Marco packing........I love her commercials, no matter how many times I see them. Let's hope we can turn this state blue...
  4. In my experience, yes you can meet a lot of guys in person by first camming. In an era where guys always want pictures, ask if they are current, etc. there is no better way to validate yourself. With a webcam they can see you at that very moment , and therefore there are no surprises at the front door. I've done it for years and it has saved me a lot of this "back and forth" with messages when all I have to do is sit in my chair naked and turn on the web cam. Questions are answered.....
  5. I know if it were me, saying "thanks not interested" would be the most appropriate. I had moved to a new city and saw that on a particular site a member had already blocked me. Now this is someone who I had sex with over 50 times so I could understand he had enough of me, but still I wasn't even officially in my apartment a day and he went to that extreme. But to your point, I think if you say "thank you, but I am not interested" they should get the hint. Now if they continue to ask why?, how come? etc. then block their ass.
  6. WIth those loads, did you take them in your carry on or put them in your checked luggage??? Just curious.....😄
  7. Camming changed by sex life in the most positive of ways. First it validates you, please see exactly what you look like. It's allowed me to hook up and meet guys I never would have normally come across either on line or in my day to day life. Some cam sites often divide up into "sexual interests" - like the "big dick room", "the muscle room", "Orgy room". Showing off is great, but getting to meet guys from different geographical areas has been the best part about it. When you show up, there are no surprises, because each of you has already seen the other. I strongly urge guys to cam. Yes some people take it to extreme, they want certain positions and sometimes guys find that tiring. But when I see "webcams" as an interest in a profile, I immediately am interested.
  8. Yes I have enjoyed watching Val Demings say "when you don't go to work, you lose your job". Well said Val, little Marco has that awful attendance record I hope his ass is kicked to the curb by big Val. I have to admit I voted for our "firmly in the closet" Charlie Christ. Interesting, he has a new "fiancé" during this election cycle. I voted for him because I thought he was the only Democrat who could even come close to DeSantis. Miss Nikki (nice face work btw) could never overthrow DeSatan. I can tell you this, here in Saint Pete I don't know a gay man who isn't a registered Democrat and is not poised to try and defeat DeSantis in the general election. My partner works for the city, and the African American women he works with do not like DeSantis telling them what they can and can not do with their bodies, so they are going to vote for Charlie. If every gay man in this state who is eligible to vote would cast their ballot for Charlie I think he could win. I cringe at those new commercials DeSantis has put out, looking at these letters he received from constituents who say how much they adore him. I literally become sick. I know he has an incredible amount of money, he has presidential aspirations (that would be a nightmare) I just hope Charlie can gain some votes in the northern part of the state. When DeSantis won the last time, it wasn't by much. That in-the-closet mayor of Tally almost beat him, it was only by a few percentage points DeSantis won. If there were not so many racists in parts of this state I think DeSantis would have been beaten. But currently, with all of his medaling with school boards, firing the State Attorney in Tampa, and limiting abortion services I think DeSantis may be making some enemies. Or at least I hope the suburban soccer Moms are furious enough to be told they can't have their daughter's untimely pregnancies terminated that they vote for Charlie. So you don't think he has a shot? I remember you mentioning Charlie in an earlier post, and you thought he was a long shot back then. I still think he was the only Democrat who could be DeSantis, I voted early for him Your prediction is probably true, I would LOVE to see Val dancing if she defeats Rubio. That would be a treat...
  9. Wait - did I just hear the word "cam" -- music to my ears. I have made many friends by allowing people to watch me have sex and vice versa. It opened up (literally) a whole new avenue of potential fuck buds. Some cam sites have come and gone but here is what I use now and some info to help. Fell free to message me if you like, because frankly since 2003, I have got so much action off web cam sites when people told me "oh you'll never meet them". Well guess what, I have flight benefits and not only did I do many locals, but flew to San Fran, Vancouver, Miami, Palm Springs, all because I was well known, and well seen, by many guys. I got to meet men who did porn, and well, you get the hint. Sadly the sites I used ICU and ICU!! went out of business, I then used Google Plus rooms, but they too were shut down, But here is my current platform; Go to: MeWe.com At that point, create a profile, include a pic like you did on here and then look for various "groups to join: Some of my favorites are "PNP Porn", or "Slamming Gay Guys", "White and Black Guys", "Spun Pnp Tweakers", etc. You don't have to be into partying, just ask for an invitation and they will accept you. Once you are accepted and you. sign on, you will receive invites to join various Zoom rooms. Since MeWe has an international membership these rooms are available almost 24 hours. The more groups you join, the more invites you get. Now there may be some rules, such as - you must be seen, in other words no empty seats. Or you must be naked or partially naked. Things like that. But Zoom is basically the platform that is used, sometimes up to 100 men are in a room. If you are more of a one on one kind of guy - some members will send you a request to do a private Skype call. I would download both Zoom and Skype after you look at MeWe and decide if you like what you see. There are some very attractive guys, all shapes, ages, colors, interests, you see where I am going with this? You don't have to party, but you can watch or be watched having sex. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. I had a trick give me a computer as a gift, and he had the ICU web cam program on it. This was in 2004 and I never looked back. It opened up so many opportunities for me to meet guys, I even started buying memberships for friends and tricks who saw the program running at my house. Sadly ICU was poorly managed and they went out of business. But MeWe is great, it can lead to private one on ones with Skype and also another platform called Telegraph. I belong to maybe twenty clubs, someone is always having a room party. and I just click on a link, make sure I am naked and on my bed or sofa, and ready to go. It's fun and you can meet alot of guys that way. Hope I have helped you, message me if you need any additional information.
  10. Yes he did, and was trounced. Funny item on that - he used his mother's maiden name as his last name so that folks could not google him and find out his past. So the name "Biaggi" never was on the "ticket" so to speak, it was his mother's last name. I can't remember if it was for city council or some almost, I hate to say this, "entry level" political position. I don't think it was for a position on the School Board (I doubt he graduated from high school, he was already making Machofucker videos at 17) but I believe it was for a city council position perhaps. Lying about his age was true Antonio, I think he states in his "profiles" at least at that time he was 39 but his actual age was 42. No big deal on that, but I wasn't surprised. I think information on him entering the race was covered by either Querety.com or LGBT News (I know, true institutes of journalism) but yes he did run. He did lose, and that was the last I heard of his political career. I used to follow him on Twitter till I got a restraining order due to all the DMs I sent him, so right now I have a "no contact" order regarding Mr. Biaggi. If you hear anything about him, please let me know. My sources have dried up, or moved to Palm Springs (which is probably what happened to them once they got there). Okay enough on Antonio, don't call him Tony he hates that!
  11. Wait, did you say "self serving"? Isn't that what gay men are known for? Having life be "all about them", or better yet, spreading disease due to our controllable sexual nature. Come on, get with the program, it's 2022. What's all this "do gooder" stuff, save that for celebrities who on late night television ask us to pledge $19 a month to save some soon to be extinct animal. Okay, so I am a little jaded. Your post is quite nice, but I had to poke fun at SOME of us who may be a little more SELF SERVING. I especially liked the poster who wanted to see if his Grindr trick would show up - now that is relevant.
  12. Very funny, very funny. I thought the most famous person in Wilton Manors was Antonio Biaggi? Oh wait, he did run for some elected office and had to indicate his real age - and promptly lost. Nah, I would just be one of the many souls to have passed through the town - and parked my ass at the Ramrod for five years but that was another life ago. I do appreciate you recognizing that at some point in the past I did help relieve the needs of the many tops that lived in the area and frequented that bar. (or employees of the bar who allowed me access to the private employee's bath room!).
  13. That's a very sweet thing to say coming from someone who has never nailed me. I wish every potential "suitor" was so nice, I'd be close to 20,000 by now, but I did not include the times I was in a relationship so that number I mentioned may be slightly low - yikes!
  14. It seems my response disappeared. Now are you saying a guy got stuck in a turnstile trying to avoid a fare, i.e. trying to avoid having sex with me. Or did you mean he got stuck inside me, or stuck with others trying to get to me. I'll take either of those. I didn't click on the link, I just read that awful article of the guy who broke his neck in NYC trying to avoid the subway fare, I hope you weren't implying that is what would happen in my case. Either way, thanks for the morning laugh.
  15. See! That is a true, class act! What a gentleman. I know you would have preferred he not be a gentleman, but wow, I would save that picture to show my grandchildren - if I were to have any......did he sign an autograph? Too bad you didn't have an old VCR cover for him to sign. I am uber jealous, but happy for you!
  16. I don't mean to sound selfish or "it's all about me" but my Ryan White case manager called me today and informed me he had set up an appointment for me at his office as well as the secondary appointment for my Monkeypox vaccine. Imagine that, doing your job! No seriously, I am incredibly grateful. I thought I had been forgotten, since I was not part of the south Florida area I assumed I was left out in the cold. Granted, there were no options, I will report on a particular date and time, and I will have the second shot on a particular date and time. No changes, no exceptions. But hey, no standing in line for hours, no standing outside in the hot Florida sun while everyone whispers about my dubious reputation and how there is no doubt I should be included. Victory for the obviously promiscuous! For once, my lack of common sense is being overlooked for the greater good of the community I live in!!! Imagine that, in a Republican state governed by a man who would prefer I was dead. Okay enough, but yeah I am happy!! So to all you Floridians who are Ryan White case managed, and don't live in the luxury of Wilton Manors, help is on the way! Just please use some self control and don't have sex with twenty men before your appointment date! Help is on the way!!!!
  17. I would like to be able to demand, at that very moment, that the guy I desire online appear at my front door without even having to send a message. No back and forth, no question and answer session, no drama, and no asking for UBER or Lyft fares. Just show up, take your clothes off, and do I ask. I would sell my soul, never mind, that's in a thread I am staying away from.......
  18. You have a great selection of dick pics, damn!  I don't know if I could pick a favorite.  Your most recent addition is certainly among the best.

    1. daemien


      Thank you. I really do love cock. A small booth covered in gloryholes with hard cocks emerging from every hole would be my heaven. 

      I also love piss. Should I include pissing cock pics? 

    2. ellentonboy


      Ummmm, why ruin what is already an incredible gallery of cocks.  But you like piss, and feel other guys enjoy it as well.  Then go for it....

  19. Yep, obviously wanted to drive his point home, over and over, while quoting me. Really nice, wouldn't you say?
  20. Funny, when I first joined I didn't know my chem sex story was supposed to be fictional, I wrote exactly how it happened, where it happened, In retrospect, maybe I should have read the rules, because I wasn't punished for it. Nothing seemed redacted, and I haven't really felt any new restrictions. But the part regarding satanic rituals, and what I thought was a swipe at Catholicism , was a bit much for me. I find it somewhat laughable that I have received texts and phone calls from at least two BZ members, yet they won't either refer me to other sites where I can see their pics or follow up with me at all. So I take it this is not a site to hook up, or God forbid, share your picture. I guess that is considered "over sharing". Go figure .....
  21. After following this thread from the OP's first comment until now, I think we have gone WAY off topic but that's just my opinion. A few moments ago I thought someone made a veiled reference to Catholocism, which prompted me to reply. After reading every post from the beginning, it's like someone took a wrong turn while driving and others followed. I don't think this is appropriate for BZ, it appears some may already have been offended and a moderator has split it up into a Backroom topic, which is probably where it belongs. Enough for me on this subject, thanks guys.......yuck.
  22. So I gather you are taking a swing at Catholics? Okay, fair enough. I'm not here to argue the pros and cons of that religion, I hear what you are saying. But some of these "satanic rituals" are just too, too much to digest. Worshipping the devil, or believing in evil spirits has been going on for centuries and I am sure it will continue until the end of time. My question - when did it somehow become involved with human sexuality? That is the point (no pun intended) I don't "get". I noticed many guys make hand gestures while parTying on cam. At first I thought they were given me an updated version of the middle finger, but a friend told me I misunderstood. I never once thought that my behavior in regards to those substances was somehow a tribute to Sarah Palin, or any demonic being. Granted I didn't want the world to know about my misbehavior, but devil worshipping, human sacrifices, animal sacrifices or sex with children was never on my "to do" list. To think that there are educated men on this forum who somehow believe that worshipping the devil is a great way to spend their free time just baffles me. I thought this was a forum on sexuality, not the occult. I never understood how those two things crossed paths. Sure, everyone has their likes and dislikes when it comes to sex, but the occult? Nope, not buying it.
  23. When I first starting having sex with men I used to write their first names down and what I did, and where I did it. Then I realized I still lived with my strict Catholic parents and it actually wasn't a good idea. So I ditched the journal and just kept a running log in my head. I realized after a few years there was no way I could remember everyone so I divided the number by location, or city or state. That worked for awhile but once I had my first relationship those men and those numbers became blurry. After spending five years with one guy, and having him bring home tricks, only if they were Spanish speaking and couldn't communicate with me, that I decided it was ridiculous to try to keep up a running tally. I sometimes wonder about these guys (i.e." married guy with wedding ring who fucked me at the Samson Street Theater"or "Grad Student who had a roommate and we had to finish quickly". At a young age I was naive enough to actually believe I would see these guys again or that they would be willing to tell me their names (yep, I asked for names). Maybe it is just me, maybe it was the time period, but I am pretty good with numbers and when I did some calculations the result almost made me vomit. My advice: unless you have a death wish, don't keep track. It's nothing I am proud of. If you are say 38 and you started having sex at 16, that is 22 years. Fair enough, now multiple 52 weeks by say 8 guys a week. You figure you can do multiple guys during the weekend and fit in an occasional "lunch time fuck" or "before I get on the train and go home fuck". So with just this simple formula I am at 8,320 guys. That's a conservative number as I haven't included extended trips to San Fran, Palm Springs, Fort Lauderdale or Key West. Oh, and the week after my sister got married and we all went to P-town to celebrate. Those numbers were left out because frankly I should have put a turnstile outside my room. Now I know there are guys who may live in New York or spent 15 years in the Castro and 8 guys a week could be more like 30 or 40. So in the interest of your mental health, don't try and rack your brain because there always will be some event, city or holiday period where the numbers will be much higher. Frankly I find it mortifying......but that is just me.
  24. then I guess we don't live in the same area, because I have had black men leave my house when they found out another black man would be attending, and I have had white men openly use the N word when they found out who would be in attendance of an upcoming house party. I don't care what you're economical or educational status is, racism is alive and well in all parts of the US. Plain and simple...
  25. I have no idea why anyone, in their right mind, would become involved in satanic worshipping. To me, it has to involve recreational drugs. I cannot imagine any man, no matter how educated they are, would follow or believe that crap.....but that is just my opinion, and frankly, I am sticking with it.
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