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Everything posted by JeffSLmmPigDadd

  1. Nice hoT sTarT! Thanks. 🐖 🐷
  2. Nice HoT STart baby!
  3. PigSon & his PigDad - Chapter 4 Dad Jake placed the hot glass pipe down to the wet washcloth, letting out that all familiar “hiss” as the hot pipe cooled to the wet washcloth. There was no swirl left in the pipe, after he and his boy Adam had just shotgunned each other. But now it was Kyle’s turn. And daddy Jake was to teach him how. So daddy Jake picked up the pipe, cuddled close to Kyle, lit his Bic to the bottom of the pipe, bubbling that wonderful crystal again, informing How to look at those beautiful white clouds swirling in the pipe bulb, beautiful fuckin clouds, and when that whole pipe clouded milky white, he put the stem to Kyle’s eager mouth, instructing him to “suck in slowly, slowly, while Daddy’s Bic flame stayed on the pipe, burning that beautiful Crystal, as daddy Jake rocked his pipe back-and-forth, saying, “suck it in baby Kyle. Suck in your future, our futures, bitch. Keep sucking. Suck suck as much as you can and hold it in, baby.” Jake Twirled that pipe back-and-forth after taking the flame off to it, until there was no cloud left, telling Kyle to blow a big beautiful white cloud for all of them to see. And it was The most fucking beautiful thing all three of them saw. Jake put the pipe down on the washcloth, hissssss. “You like, baby Boy?” asked Jake to Kyle. Picking the pipe up again, and lighting the torch flame to it, daddy Jake swirled the pipe again, saying to Kyle, “now baby, you me and Adam are all gonna swap and share, bitch.” Dad Jake took it all in, shotgunned Kyle, who as ordered by daddy Jake, shotgunned into his boy Adam. Now Picking up that more intense torch, daddy Jake fired up the torch, ran it between the stem (Daddy likes to use a longstem pipe, keeping the flame more away from the lips) back down to the bulb, letting all that beautiful brown shit start swirling again, and all three shared that beautiful fucking cloudy white cloud, bitch, Swapping back-and-forth, over and over, torch to that bulb, tortured every little brown spec that was on that fucking glass pipe, until that fucking pipe was burned clean,bitch. Ahhh. “Time to move the shit upstairs, Time to clean out our fucking Hungry pussies, For the seed we’re all gonna take and give to each other, bitches, ahhhh,” Claimed dad Jake. Daddy and his two boys are all fucking horned up now. And after they clean themselves up, they still had the percolator bong to work with later. So fucking fucking hot, bitches. Men working together, in unison, sniffing their dirty stank, licking their fucking feet, Sniffing their dirty tank tops jacks and socks,their fucking armpits, their juicy fucking pussy holes, and sucking on each other’s fucking hard cocks bitches. The adventure continued. Daddy Jake at this point, would have to enter this chapter and future ones a bit later From now on. End of Chapter 4
  4. PigSon & his PigDad - Chapter 3 From the G Koolaid, the bar sprits and the strong weed, Dad Jake, Adam and newbie Kyle were all feeling good. It had been a few weeks since Jake clouded and, says Adam, over a week for him. Jake and Adam have their same plug supplying them, separately. Jake, on retirement income and, other than supplying at a party, like here, where he’s invited other users and , says “I don’t fuck around selling my crystal stash to anybody else who wants to pay me for it, nor do I wanna deal it myself. I’m just a user, and I pay for it through my plug.” So Dad Jake and Adam looked at each other, and figured it’s about time now to cloud. Both of them were itching for it, cause it’s been a while. Longer for Dad Jake. So, Dad Jake, being the mature one in the group, the older guy in the group, looked at newbie Kyle, and said “This is kind of a moment of truth for you, bud. If you agree to partake, this shit acts differently to different people. I’ve been using for a year now, and it acts with me ‘in the background.’ Meaning I’ll put it away, but I’m always, always thinking about the next time I want to do it. I Plan for it. So kind of sort of, it does control me in that respect. You might wanna know what you’re getting yourself into. Your Life might change from this point on. Cause Adam and me just don’t swirl the pipe, we like to heavy cloud in the percolator bong too. So much so, there’s so much heavy white cloud all around us, we can’t even fucking see each other.” Dad Jake pulled his Newly loaded glass pipe out, and his bic. He flicked the Bic, flame to the bottom of the clear glass pipe, and the flame started melting that beautiful crystal, bubbling , as Jake rocked the pipe back-and-forth, watching that white cloud form in the bulb of the pipe, while putting it to his hungry mouth and, while flame under the pipe, kept sucking it in. He then locked lips with his Adam, blowing all that beautiful white smoke into his baby boy’s hungry lungs. “Ahh been too long,” said Jake. Adam, not wanting to shotgun Kyle yet, shotgunned it back to his daddy Jake. Kyle watched in interest to it all. How daddy and son just love their white cloud. Jake to Kyle. “This shits gonna change your brain forever. Raises your dopamine 1,000,000,000%, and then you end up, even after coming down, wanting some more, sometime down the road. For some, all they think about is getting their hole fucked. For me, I think about that, but I also like to stay a top, makes me appreciate my fucking hard dick and all of them hungry holes that want me and need me. You might find some new people in your life, some of them not so good people, and you need to fucking stay away from them Fucks. Usually types who won’t pay for it themselves. Your plug, your dealer, is also to become a part of your life. Ours is Andre, good dude who stays discreet. Checking on us every so often. Sometimes he offers discounts, Supplies like pipes, and accessories, cause you’re gonna fucking break them sooner or later bitch, trying to clean em or just dropping them, and your plug might even offer some freebies. So be good to your plug, cause he’ll be good to you, bitch. So just know what you’re getting yourself into. Got it? So, buddy, do you wanna try?” Kyle responded “Yes, I do daddy.” And so then Adam let daddy Jake spark up the pipe for newbie Kyle, and guide him through and past his new possible life-altering threshold. End of Chapter 3
  5. PigSon & his PigDad -Chapter 2 It was a 100-degree heat wave and Dad Jake was fast to let his boy Adam and buddy Kyle through the back door. But dad Jake didn’t run his air conditioning, because he was not an air conditioning person, and like to sweat all day long. Both Adam and Kyle were wearing their track gear from yesterday, team tank tops, team high socks (resembling daddy Jake’s own dirty Nasty Pig brand fuck socks, and worn out team Adidas running shoes, and Adam said they hadn’t showered since. Jake, Stroking his meat over the imagination of their awesome funky smells,said we can clean out upstairs later, so Kyle knows how its offered here. Pigs clean each other out. Jake likes running his hose setup connected from his tub/shower, with his boy Adam strattled over the toilet and blasting that water in, having him take in as much water and him push out his nasty pussy fudge, a bunch of times. Jake wanted to see Adam do Kyle, then either Adam or Kyle do him. Jake Loves that sound of that water and fudge blasting out of his ass. And loving seeing and hearing it blast out of his boys ass. For now, the three just sat in the living room couch, each partakin the G Kool-Aid. Jake was clear to tell Kyle what he had added to this mix. He needed to relax. He seemed a bit nervous. It’s the first time Kyle met Jake so he was surprised how both Adam and Jake had the same ink. We’ve been working on the same sleeves, forearm ink, upper back ink. And some leg ink. Dad Jake and Adam fucking love the feel of the viper gun. They can’t get enough of it. They’ve been hitting the same ink artist, Fernando, since Adam and Jake met, and they got really cool kick ass design plans in the works. Having met Jake for the first time, Kyle also noticed how both Adam and Jake have been growing their hair, loose perm long. Fucking Peter Frampton 1970s style, bitch. They both fucking love the redneck look. The rough trade look. “We’re fucking long haired pigs, we are,” beamed Jake to Kyle, As both he and Adam started stroking their meat. Jake hit the bic to the weed pipe and Passed it all to both Adam, and then to Kyle. Kyle seem pretty comfortable with Jake’s weed. Jake being the good host he is, offered his boys Anything else they wanted from the bar. Adam took his vodka and water, as did daddy Jake, and Kyle took a beer. The gangsta rap music was playin louder. Kyle asked Jake, “How did you guys meet? “Jake replied, “We’re both on BBRT, and on the Geo Search, this baby boy was less than 50 feet from me. After that, it’s been history baby, from the first time he climbed over his backyard fence, through my backyard gate, buddy. ” After a while, Jake told Kyle, “I hope you don’t have anything planned today, cause, if you want to, you’re gonna be up for at least the next 24 hours, bitch. We’re gonna have a fun fucking adventure.” Adam chuckled When Kyle asked Jake, “What are you tappin on your phone all the time for?” And Jake replied, “Chapter 2 to our amazing adventure to come!” End of Chapter 2.
  6. Authors Note: As mentioned this is a fantasy story about chem enhancement to hot sex and hot sex preferences. All characters are fictional. All descriptions herein are fictional.
  7. PigSon & his PigDad - Chapter 1 60-year old dad Jake thinks it’s Friday. Everyday seems the same these days for him. Climbing outta his bed, puttin on his old strap and shorts from yesterday, his sweaty black tank top and his dirty knee high fuck socks into his dirty old converse canvas high tops. He likes to feel and smell ripe sometimes. He don’t work no more. He loves the smell of his old converse high tops. Jake Headin downstairs to grab some Java. Excited today caus he hadn’t clouded in a few weeks. Today his 18-year old “baby boy” Adam from across the alley is due over with his 18-year old high school track buddy Kyle. Kyle told Adam he’s curious about our daddy-son pig thing goin on these past couple months. Jake just gotta give the signal. Out on the back porch sparking up a cool menthol and raising his coffee cup to take another swig, he hopes Adam gets their agreed upon signal. Been about a year since Jake got introduced to clouding and it’s an addition to his stash of strong weed, weed vape pen, occasional G and his usual alcohol spirits. Jake Set up his clean glass pipe loaded with fresh shards, his weed pipe and wet wash cloth and his cleaned out and ready to go percolator bong with fresh shards and fruity Sugar-free Kool-Aid Bongwater. Torch and bic on hand. Divided his G into three glasses of sugar free koolaid and ice cubes for a nice ice-breakin start. All on his side coffee table. They should be on their way, thru the back alley gate so these nosy fuckin neighbors don’t see them. Jake stocked up with beer and some spirits. He’s Tappin this chapter out while waiting. Getting fucking excited slipping his cock ring on and stroking his PA ringed cock. Oh baby. Jake Missed the pipe swirl and those nice thick cloudy bong hits Gonna be a fuckin nice Friday or whatever day it is. Adam and Kyle still all sweated up from their big meet yesterday. If they didn’t clean out they can do it here. Adam says he too Misses the swirl. Been awhile for him too. Not sure if Kyle has tried yet. Adam says he’s curious. Jake hears them knocking on the back alley gate. End of Chapter 1
  8. One hot twisted tweaked out story. Thanks.
  9. Welcome back. Hot updates! Thanks.
  10. Swirlin with BBC fukkin HOT!!!
  11. “If that’s what you want then get ready slut” made my dick so hard. I’m not even through this and feeling more. Good job! Good story writing you fellow pig!
  12. I’ve read this story three times and I get harder every time! Nice job.
  13. Sorry. I guess I didn’t mean this the way it ended up sounding. I don’t know (can’t seem to find) how to delete/edit my story introduction comment. Basically just about boys and dads having fun.
  14. Hey guys, retired dad here who likes rough trade types and dad/son group party and play. This story is me living my fantasy, with other rough trade dads corrupting, teaching and converting boys into our play stable. I’ll be startled it soon…
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