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  • Gender
  • Location
    South Florida
  • Interests
    being on bottom and taking as much cock as I can in my tight ass. Bareback feels so natural, Totally poz friendly.
    Married but no sex with her for several years. Only enjoy sex now with tops who get off inside me. Can be versatile but much prefer to bottom
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Married just over 40 years but as I've gotten older my taste and needs for sex have changed. While I still enjoy pussy on occasion, being a bottom and pleasing another man is what really gets me horny. Sexual encounters are now almost entirely M2M. Have also become interested over the past couple years with poz sex.
  • Looking For
    Mainly for tops for bareback sex

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  1. Married here also but wife and I do not have sex. We kiss and play together naked but no oral/anal/vaginal penetration. I love sucking cock and getting fucked. Bareback is definitely prefered. Getting fucked bareback is a fantastic feeling that cannot be matched by a cock with a condom. I am also reluctant to go to my primary Dr to get prep. or worry about insurance knowing. I have been actively seeking poz cock for awhile now and consider myself bi but definitely enjoy cock much more than pussy now
  2. what makes you evil ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. evilqueerpig


      Is it purely a sexual desire?

    3. dale38


      mostly sexual but open to anything. Thinking of evil cum being shot deep inside me marking me and my body being used completely for his satisfaction what ever that might be

    4. evilqueerpig


      It doesn't work that way.

  3. poz pig in south florida, love piss play and want someone to cum then piss inside me

  4. also in south florida and looking for pozzing

  5. in south florida and looking for poz loads for wife and I 

    1. drugsluthole


      Plesee fuck my little boy hole daddies I want you to be my first men deep in my boy holes party pretty please daddy ccc16988771285075680582798678567430.thumb.jpg.720e9d505409ff82819858c1326828fb.jpg

  6. wanting poz cum in south florida

  7. also married bi, bottom that loves bareback sex. Raw cock feels so good inside me

  8. looking for poz seed

  9. older bi vers but mostly bottom guy in south florida.  Always looking for sex,  always raw., and prefer poz men. Looking for the bug of course

  10. thanks for checking my profile,  mostly bottom here also and always looking for raw sex with poz men, Want the gift inside me

  11. would love for you to poz me if you ever get to Florida

  12. older bottom not on prep in South Florida looking for poz seed deep inside me. Want to be converted so I can help others along the journey.

  13. looking for poz cum in south florida also

    1. Mascwild


      We need to find someone to poz us both. Or a party. 

    2. Seedthissub


      Groups wanted. Poz parties palm beach county preferred . Mild to mild top pigs and aome bottoms wanted. pig play ok.

  14. neg bottom in south florida not on prep and looking for the gift

  15. neg bottom in south florida not on prep. Looking for poz seed deep inside me

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