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Everything posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. thanks for follow, boy! 😘☣️

  2. Thanks, such a surprise! Nervous and sleepless I found this one to help changing my mood! Of course you could write more chapters, what about Eli's poziversary with a new present - another guy to train as a slave. And what about having the young guy not succeeding with conversion despite multiple breeding? Jack and especially Derek offer Eli their help with their strains but Eli does not want - the soon-to-be slave is his! Being a 20-years-ahead future, even PrEP assumption has changed, no longer pills but an under-skin slow-release implant. And the young guy has it on, but keeps it as a secret. And when Eli discovers it, it's all about punishments! Ropes, whip, handcuffs and whatever! The guy could say that he does not want to be pozzed, just enslaved, because he heard Eli cuts all his slaves' genitals off; the new one doesn't want this modification, and Eli tells him that if he accepts the virus, he'll be owned and also used as new breeder when Eli is not around. Then up to you, I just gave you my 2 cents. If inappropriate just forget it
  3. Fuck!!! I don't remember to have been such sweaty in my life - even during seroconversion. I'd sleep in the fridge 🥵😓😱🫠

  4. he's getting to the other side! Let's think about those older guy enjoy the young's feverish, hot hole around their members while they charge this newly pozzed body with an extra-dose
  5. Oh really??? I also felt frustrated the first time I wrote a story here, as I published it on 26th May 2022 and was banned for 13 days on May 27th, with 9 warning points! But in that case I was perfectly made aware of what was wrong. As far as I know, your stories do not involve minors or harm somehow - or chems in the wrong place; really don't know! In my case, those points expired on November 23rd 2022 - good coincidence as it was the date Freddie Mercury announced his AIDS before passing away; and given that my fictional talking virus's origin is from there... seeing "warning points expire on Nov 23rd" has charged me (pun intended) more to improve myself. Then, the sequel of that story wasn't coming good as it came from my ass instead of my heart LOL, so I stopped; but it's another matter! I'd encourage you to fight frustration and go ahead writing!
  6. I considered leaving bz today due to the post of a woman who asked for poz loads and wanted a baby "no meds all natural". Despite my poz talk and fantasies I really felt disturbed and disgusted! Why should a woman want to hurt a not yet born child? These things make me VIOLENT and I will do anything law allows me, to set the Internet free from the worst of the worst. In the end I've decided to stay here though, "how many time can a man turn his head, and pretend that he just doesn't see?" No, I'm not that man; real life is not PozWorld, the fantasy environment of my tales where the unluck is being born neg. Real world is another thing! 

    1. viking8x6


      There's a quote one doesn't hear too often these days! Kudos on your musical literacy!

    2. PozTalkAuthor


      that's an evergreen song I still love playing and singing; many young people do not know it and I want them to learn

  7. Read other people's mind - especially what they REALLY think about me, in order to catch their lies in time when they think the opposite of what they say. Especially during sex when one says "you feel so fucking good" and eventually thinks "you're a fail!" My fictional HIV has this superpower and attempts to save his humans fron dangers, how I wish my real virus could inherit this power and train me, have my body under control despite meds till I learn to behave and trust less people's words - this would avoid lots of disappointments in many everyday situations!
  8. thanks for follow from me and my 🦠☣️ 

    1. LewdNightNYC


      thank u for sharing

    2. PozTalkAuthor


      sharing is caring, right? 😘

  9. fuck my bf on the doctor's exam table. With doctor watching.
  10. Pozzed in 2013. Unwillingly, a cheating ex with no respect for himself and me.
  11. Can't wait for him to experience conversion flu and having all guys charging him up again - unless you decide to end it now. Of course it's up to you I'm no one to force you!
  12. A friend told me "go to chem fiction area you'll find something to turn you on" He meant this one. Even if I'm not into chemsex, who cares, at the end! This story has caught me for plot and scene! First of all, for the name trick as "Sam" might be a shortening of "Samuel" and "Samantha", like "Alex" Alexander/Alexandra, Andy Andrew/Andrea, Vicky or Vic, "Victor" and "Victoria. Especially the scene of the blow job and nipple play, experienced gay man seducing straight, it's same trick I had with my current bf who was straight before - at least he believed to be such although we didn't need chems then, it was gradual. And him riding the boy, yeah, that does the trick. Last but not least, I became rock hard at the idea of Sam not pozzing him despite having the possibility to, and letting the honour to Dennis's older brother in what seems to be Michael's poz anniversary. I'm longing for chapter 3!
  13. My writing coach said "do not watch too much porn, you'll waste your energy and lock your writing attitude down!" Me, looking straight into his eyes: "watch porn? I don't! I just read nasty sex related stories to get inspired, and, excited". Like that. Nonchalantly. And such a hot guy is lucky I've contained myself or I could have said "yeah, if you want me not to watch porn, let's do it in real. Here. Strip naked!" 

  14. I might have one extra-week of vacation...Let's hope!!! 

  15. something's telling me Peter is starting his own transformation 🦠☣️ and soon shooting his very first charged load
  16. What a surprise! Another chapter! I'm longing for the next one. I'm not so verbal today, sorry, feeling so fucking tired
  17. A homophobic wanting to make fun of me said "taking it up your ass, opens your mind". I could feel offended, but I replied: "it's the opposite: Taking it up your mind, opens your ass! It's so clear what you want..." He shut up instantly. 

  18. Oh fuck... I'm already horny AF, this has increased it! Proud green citizen 🪹🦂
  19. Clear from my profile which fetishes/tastes I have. But, since I broke up with my ex and have my current partner, I can comfortably explore my ass play fetish - having my bf learn to control his ass muscles to get objects in, and push them out. Very extreme fantasy would be to "swallow" a tennis ball and push it out but this would be too large! For now we are managing with the plums just come down from my mother's tree... LOL! If she only knew what we do with them! They're, let's say, a little bigger than a medium-sized human poop. And yes I confess - having my hand in him without causing him pain would be heaven, but I would never want my loved one to have permanent ass damages because of sex pleasure. NOT AT ALL! Given that he was virgin until last October it's not appropriate. Being vers we do not care about roles too much but let's say it's so fun having him in female underwear!
  20. Officially turned 48! Celebrating birthday with my beloved ones.

  21. My boyfriend's dirty underwear on the charger, my phone in the laundry box. Thankfully I noticed it in time! He's teasing me now and says "are these clear intentions to charge me up?"

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      you both need a charge, sluts! 

  22. This is something which must be reminded every now and then! I'm aware this might be a paradox but, if we want to talk about most intimate subjects in the public forum, we must be anonymous as much as we can, despite we must be conscious that, even with best personal safety precautions, in case of need the cops can find out who, when, and where, whenever they want. Can I say: this post has come up the front page in the right moment! My bf has been caught by enthusiasm lately, reading some posts about experiences and told me "come on, are you ashamed of talking about us when others even show their genitals and ass around"... He almost managed to convince me, in occasion of his birthday but NO. Seeing this one and reminding the obvious, I became more determined as before! What's our business, remains our own business! Even good experiences. I'm a poz talk roleplay author here, and such I want to stay. I know so many victims of blackmail, even minors, everytime I hear a story it's always the first time; every one is different but they have all a common start: "we are intimate now, what's wrong, show me your pic, tell me where you're from, tell me more about you"... F-off.
  23. Awful dream: changed boss at work and he wanted us to wear a Nazi t-shirt as uniform; my bf had no courage to rise against him but I did and brought a shirt with the biohazard on it! Result, being chained and gangbanged by all his crew. 

    1. ChargedLoadLover


      Are they taking applications?

    2. PozTalkAuthor


      thankfully it was a dream! Otherwise I'd gladly left you my place

  24. Honey, I've no longer seen you around. Hope everything's OK! And, overall, I hope not to have scared you off somehow. I didn't want to, in case. I had no intention to bother or make you upset it's just fantasy fun. Hugs. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. PozTalkAuthor


      the gym bubble butt sounds interesting 🤤😋

    3. marriedsub


      Working on it! Want men to notice...

    4. PozTalkAuthor


      That's so good, important is keeping on shape but not being obsessed by it! Meanwhile I'm just laying down fully naked, chilling out. Finally a relaxing moment after ages

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