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The writer and his fan
PozTalkAuthor replied to PozTalkAuthor's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
He's in the gifter's hands, he can do nothing at all to avoid his control -
The writer and his fan
PozTalkAuthor replied to PozTalkAuthor's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
*Authors note: NOTHING real from now on! Everything is pure fantasy. --- Part 2: Limitations One week off meds and I was starting to be horny as fuck, but I decided to abstain from sex with my partner till I could meet my bug chaser fan in person. “I caught a urinary infection”, this was the excuse that made us argue and have my boyfriend sleep on the sofa, even if I always kept an eye on him thanks to webcams installed everywhere. During that time I exchanged lots of private messages with my fan, then I understood the web community had some limitations: new members were restricted to send few public or private posts in a day! I did not expect so many followers and readers, my fictions about HIV transmissions had inspired a lot of real conversions and I was conflicted about that, horny and guilty at the same time. “How rude he is”, someone wrote about me, “he doesn’t even answer our questions!” But I did not really care about that crap, all my attentions were focused on my fan, ensuring to keep three slots a day always free: “good morning my chaser”, “your gifter wants you”, “good night my boy”, had to be guaranteed in his inbox daily to keep always him aware I gave him attentions. Limitations were becoming a big advantage for me! Personally I enjoyed his presence too much, he daily filled me with compliments certainly better than my partner who was accusing me instead. “You are obsessed by Internet, you promised to gift me then leave me neg and sexless”, and so on. Almost I regretted my decision to share my life with that guy, I really was thinking about packing my belongings to travel and reach my fan wherever he lived, till one day I received a call: a university had invited me to talk about my HIV related stories, and it was few kilometers from my fan’s town! First thing I did was to access the web community publishing such a news as a reply to one of my most popular stories, but among various congratulations or good luck messages I received nothing from my fan. Such damned flake, he was making me angry and I started to check on his profile every minute to see his activities, last visit, people he followed; I had to find a way to ruin that fake bug chaser’s reputation forever. A voice in my mind told me to stay calm and cool, sooner or later I would convert both him and my official boyfriend for sure. Losing my patience was matter of hours, it was really hard to contain myself every time I saw my bug chaser on line but never giving me any news about himself; I was almost fed up of keeping on writing sweet nothings to a virtual person, when I still had my real partner at home waiting for my gift; at that point I could seriously consider converting my guy, then take him to the conference at university and publicly announce my first poz son, eventually in front of my fan’s eyes. Count down started, it took three more days till I had to join the university event so I made another move hoping to break my fan’s silence: “My chaser, in three days we can meet in person. Show yourself at the conference about HIV in literature and we can arrange whatever you wish”. His reply came in a few seconds: “Sorry my gifter, but I finished my message slots. I give you all my instant messengers and phone contacts, use whatever is better for you but let’s keep in touch.” Attached to the chat I found a digital card full of phone numbers, e-mail addresses and any chat identities this world could offer. “Well”, I typed back; “I do not need all this stuff. You should rather close all these accounts and change your profile on the community where we met, if you want me to poz you.” “I want your HIV whatever it takes”, he quickly answered without even thinking; “what else to get rid of my neg life?” “First of all, in the community modify your nickname adding the word CHASER as prefix; then on your profile information, specify wherever you can, that you are owned by me. Do whatever to prevent other guys from contacting you, keep message slots only for our own conversations. Understood?” I expected him to block me, but the opposite happened: his profile changed almost instantly and as an avatar he placed an access denied signal. “Good chaser”, was my feedback. “See you at the conference, wear a t-shirt with biohazard symbol for me to recognize you.” “OK gifter” and a thumb up was his last reply. That’s not a flake, I thought. 100% slave, 100% exhibitionist, his original profile information was the truth! -
Important: What's Allowed Here & What's Not
PozTalkAuthor replied to rawTOP's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
In that case, the smart virus was not the issue. It was a character who was afraid of meds and the other lost his patience, telling him the consequence of his actions but now we have changed it all and take more care of words we use, so, for us, it can be considered old business. -
pozworld We have to talk
PozTalkAuthor replied to PozTalkAuthor's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Sixth chapter is out! Part 6: Meeting in person -Ian: Waking up I realized to be alone. I listened to my surroundings but every room was completely silent. "Hunter!" I screamed; but no answer came. My only possibility was to call him, so I turned both my phones on hoping to find his usual goodbyes but what I found was much, much worse: “Ian, last night was hot but gifting is not my thing. Find someone else, it’s better this way. Goodbye. Hunter.” No way to reply, he could have blocked me and his number was not reachable. He even packed all his personal belongings he used to leave here when spending the night at my place! Sad, disappointed, I didn’t really know how to feel about it all so I decided it was time to wash all emotions out; my hole still hurt from the night before, so I took the chance to give it a clean up with some fresh water. After shower I began to feel at least more relaxed and I thought about what my neighbour always said regarding my blindness: “you manage to turn all failures into opportunities”. Maybe this was the case, too? It seemed that destiny decided I had to find a better gifter! But for now I needed some physical pleasure to let every negative sensation flow out of me. I opened my nightstand drawer and got my favourite sex toy; it was shaped as a huge penis, with a switch at the base but turning it on did not cause any vibration: it was remotely controlled through a smartphone, by myself or even a partner running the same application. That was my way of sexting with a guy I met on Internet who claimed he converted 3 chasers out of 3. I laid down naked on my bed fucking myself on the silent dildo; without vibration it really meant nothing to me! Leaving it inserted I took my second phone and went into the usual chat; PozCop was on line! -- BlindChaser: Hi, I’m horny as fuck! Can you help me? Toy already in place. PozCop: Fuck yeah! I’m very close to you now! BlindChaser: What do you mean? Please turn the vibe on! -- Nothing happened for a while, then a message arrived: “Stay there and wait! No toy needed, no cum wasted today.” I had just relaxed trying to reorder my feelings, when someone knocked at the door. Three firm, loud knocks. It couldn't be my neighbour, we agreed that when she needed to enter my house without keys she knocked four times, fast. Another three, four, five knocks: I ignored them and patiently waited: if they're ball-busters they'll go away fast enough. After some minutes, though, I heard some foot steps coming from outside and finally the door being unlocked. “Hunter, what’s the fucking matter with you!” I asked. “You scared me off!” The door remained open and steps were approaching but no one spoke. “Is it you, Sharon?” I hoped it was my neighbour, but those steps were too heavy to be hers. “What the fuck!” I grabbed my phone, ready to call emergency service for help, when I heard the door shutting and a person coming closer and closer to my bedroom. “Finally we’re here. Me and you”, the stranger's voice said. He was currently standing at small distance from my bed! “Ian, don't be afraid. I'm more than a friend for you!” That voice seemed familiar but I was not sure enough, I still felt scared as hell. “Fuck yourself, bastard, get your ass out of here or I call…” “Hey, hey, BlindChaser, calm and cool. Who are you going to call? The cops? Don’t waste your time, a policeman is already here!” Oh, fuck, that voice, the more he talked the more I confirmed my assumption: my gifter of dreams was really close to me! “I had enough of remotely pleasing you with a smartphone”, he said; "now it's time for you to show me your true intentions!" “Who on hell gave you my keys?” I asked, still frightened. “And above all, who are you?” “My name is Adrian, Adri for friends, and...” With no embarrassment, he sat on the bed next to me placing his hand on my back. “I'm PozCop”, he whispered at my ear. “And together with my chasers I'll help you through your conversion journey.” I felt completely vulnerable to that man; I had no courage to touch him or shaking his hand but his voice was sexy, charming and deep! “Hey boy! What's the matter?” he asked, coming even closer; “did you turn into a shy guy? Let me have a look at this hot body of yours!” I blushed a little, as except Hunter I had never heard a man giving me a compliment about my body so I decided to take it easy; “let’s see where this goes”, I thought while his warm hands were exploring my shoulders. “I feel tension here”, he said, “it’s time to relax a bit.” His fingers felt strong and gentle at the same time, it was clear he was experienced with massages… Or seduction! I was starting to get hard and he was clearly noticing it, although I was trying my best to compose myself. “Someone’s hungry”, he teased me, starting to kiss and lick all over my body; That man was really hard to resist! “You taste good”, he said, “but your shower gel’s flavor is too childishly innocent. Let vanilla and honey go to neg drama queens; an insatiable bug chaser like you needs something stronger, at least when I’m around.” “How disgusting!” I protested. “Are you asking me to stink as a dirty pig?” He laughed hard at me and I felt his body completely over me, heavy as he was. “Not at all”, he whispered, his lips closer and closer to mine. “Hunter is a dirty and stinky pig, I am a superior DNA and I want strong flavors on your skin! Mint and ginger should be better, you will discover how your hole and dick feel fresh and seducing with that gel soon enough.” I couldn’t help myself and made my move, breaking the space between us; my arms and legs wrapped around him, our hard dicks touching each others, I kissed him passionately as I never did before; it was so different from Hunter’s lovemaking, this man’s tongue literally invading my mouth was pure dominance and I felt truly complete, for the first time. I would have even paid to feel him naked, but his strong hands exploring my body made me suppose it wasn’t appropriate trying to take his clothes off or asking why he was still dressed. “Good start”, he smiled breaking the kiss. Looking back I did not recognize myself, I had just let a stranger enter my house and lay on the bed where I made love with my boyfriend! “I know what’s your feeling”, he continued while squeezing my ass cheeks with his warm, strong fingers. “Now you have a real gifter replacing your undetectable boyfriend, I can still feel his meaningless scent on your pillow.” “It’s the first time”, I replied blushing. “I have never cheated on him but it’s so thrilling to have a different man in my bed!” “From this moment on, you’re free! No one can judge your sexual life; except me, of course.” Without saying anything else, he grabbed my shoulders and made me roll on my back. “Let me in”, he commanded, “I want to try that hole of yours.” I bent my legs upwards, exposing my ass; it was still sore since the night I spent with Hunter but PozCop seemed not to care. He roughly pushed a finger in me without any spit or anything else and blocked my moves with his free hand when he noticed I was trying to reach the lube bottle above my nightstand. “No artificial fluids, boy”, he ordered. “I’m not here for cheaters. Natural contact, or nothing!” He inserted another two fingers and I pushed, to give him more access; “you’re still bleeding a little”, he warned me; “at least Hunter wrecked you good! But you need to be stretched open for my superior organ to enter, I don’t want you to feel pain when I’m all the way in.” A fourth finger in my hole made me actually yelp in pain so he withdrew them all; “no, no, boy. You are not yet ready for my virus!” Weird comment, as far as I could know: every bug chaser story I read on the Internet described tops wrecking holes even with toothbrushes to make they bleed, and now PozCop is scared by some droplets? “I notice you take care of your fuck hole and keep it always clean. This is a good start to be a chaser of mine but you’re still far from ready.” “I told you”, I replied. “There’s lube! Now make me touch your supposed superior organ, at least, please. I’m curious!” He stepped backwards and took his hands off me: “Fuck tool is mine and I decide when, and if, give it to someone. I said, you’re not yet ready and not authorized to make sexual requests to me!” “Listen, PozCop or whatever. If you beave like this it means your dick is not that great as you pretend. So, as far as I’m concerned, you can go fuck yourself.” “Tell me, is this what you want?” He asked standing up next to the bed. “I take your answer as a final rejection for me and my gift and, if so, there is no turning back!” He dropped a set of keys on my nightstand, then guided my hand on it: “I got these keys from a person you perfectly know, so I give you two options.” “These are Hunter’s”, I protested; “you should give them back.” “Now they’re mine because I am in control”, he said holding my wrist tight. “Look at me… Oops, sorry, listen to me: first option, you send me away and stay here on your own with your negative life forgetting PozCop, I’ll block you from every network and your keys are yours. And in this case, you’ll lose your friend Sharon too.” Why was he mentioning my neighbour? Had Sharon truly something to do with this man? I gasped, but he held my wrist even more firmly; it was really not the case to protest or ask questions! “I am very sorry sir… No, I don’t want to stay neg much longer! Tell me option two!” “Good boy”, he smiled. “Second option is that you can become a family member, but first I have to prove you’re worthy of my strain!” “I want to poz up”, I almost sobbed, “but my boyfriend and future gifter just dumped me with a cold farewell message.” “Yeah”, PozCop laughed. “I forced him to do that, you deserve something better than a hybrid HIV strain like Hunter’s. A smart guy as you are, must carry a smart virus!” My parents had tried to decide every aspect of my life, and now this man was doing the same! No one had the right to destroy my relationships or friendships in that way! “Ian, little chaser, open your eyes. And ears, if needed. If you two actually matched, Hunter should have already converted you good. But if he’s undetectable and especially if you didn’t tell him about your desire till yesterday, it means you’re not made to develop the sacred bond of team poz together. Accept it, you have me now and I’m all yours.” “Your voice, your touch”, I whispered to him. “I feel so right in your arms… I would like to call you Gifter!” “Of course you can”, he assured me and surrounded my naked body with his arms again. “But from now on, I am the only poz person who can touch you; then, one more thing…” I was fed up of talking and I pushed my hips back towards him, wondering why he didn’t make the first move for something sexual; “you are afraid of fucking a blind guy?” I took all my courage to ask that unpleasant question. “My eyes don’t work, but you can count on what’s left! My body is fully functional and horny as fuck!” “No, no, no, chaser Ian. You got it all wrong! I’m super excited too, but I keep it under control as my role is to guide you through this journey preventing the possibility of any regrets when it’s too late. You want to call me Gifter? So, I must be sure I’m the one who converts you.” “I respect conditions given to me”, I told him holding out my hand towards him. “And I am a Scout, so I am aware about the importance of promises.” He gripped my hand vigorously, there was no doubt about who was controlling the situation. “Words are nothing”, he said. “Now make your choice: you stay with me and let me ensure you abstain from sex till I decide otherwise, or you keep your sexual freedom but go on PrEP and stay neg till I want you to. Anyway, I’m going to teach you how to control your horniness. Ready, my chaser?” I could only answer yes, sir! “Perfect”, he grinned at me holding my shoulders. “Get dressed, then I help you packing your things. You’re going to leave this horrible house. Follow me, life is long!”- 76 replies
- 8
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- pozzing
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The writer and his fan
PozTalkAuthor replied to PozTalkAuthor's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Thanks, now we are working on our other story (We have to talk), the one we care about the most; but maybe next days we also work on second chapter for this, we are only uncertain on which direction it must have. The negative of us wants one, the poz wants the opposite. -
pozworld We have to talk
PozTalkAuthor replied to PozTalkAuthor's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Thankfully PozCop has his virus to help him, otherwise he could never understand which chaser is carrying a hybrid strain! That must be stopped, whatever it takes. Ian cannot turn poz by a non-smart HIV!- 76 replies
- science fiction
- pozzing
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Being both biological and viral sons. This is really an unbreakable bond! We're curious to see where it is going!
- 64 replies
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pozworld We have to talk
PozTalkAuthor replied to PozTalkAuthor's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
*Authors note 1: Chapter 5 is a bit longer but we preferred to finish introducing poz and virus characters; from now on, the journey will effectively start! *Authors note 2: we recognize this kind of stories may not be appreciated by a high percentage of bz readers but as we prefer more emotional tales than roughly sexual ones, we try to give our contribute in this way. --- Part 5 – Chaser or cheater? -PozCop: When my HIV warns me about something, they’re 100% right. I have avoided many dangerous situations thanks to my virus but in that moment I really didn’t know how to feel about such a revelation. Hunter, my beloved, my first pozzed chaser. A good boy to be proud of and who deserved to take a big step forward in his viral life: I wanted him to be a gifter, hoping he could achieve and overcome my 100% transmission rate. I was sure he had so much potential, and HIV knew it too! So what was wrong? No way to sleep that night despite my evening hard fucking with Ryan, my second chaser. Every time I tried to rest, HIV almost enjoyed waking me up: “Hunter is a scam, not your first success. Remember the dates! When did his fuck flu hit?” It seemed that my virus really enjoyed making a fool of me. “Come on, consider every single clue. Policeman, should I teach you how to investigate? Let’s go, FBI!” That chaser was my pride, my glory, the guy I treated as a biological son: with just one poz load in his hole, it took only a week for Hunter’s conversion fever to show, high and potent as it was. And now HIV tells me it’s a cheat? I was a profiler who arrested the most challenging and terrifying serial killers; understanding people’s behaviour even from their expressions or voice, I should have noticed if Hunter lied or had been converted by another gifter! Actually my load is powerful, my virus is a smart one, so I did not worry when Hunter’s fuck flu came in advance because if my HIV has the ability to talk, they could even convert a human faster than an ordinary infection! Moreover my dear Hunter was a genuine, innocent boy, evil could not have corrupted him anyhow. Next to me in bed, Ryan gave me a tender hug: “Let me take care of you”, he quietly said starting to lick from my shoulder up to my neck; “recharge me, Gifter, you always teach me that a good fuck blasts all worries away. Now it’s time!” “You’ve become such a good boy, Ryan”, I replied hugging him; “but I don’t feel like recharging anyone, our HIV will not authorize me.” “Of course I won’t let you move further”, my virus answered but I was the only one to hear them. “You should hurry up if it’s not already too late! Call him!” I looked at the clock: three in the morning! Contacting Hunter at that time, would not be a good idea at all. Staying in the same position for another thirty minutes, with Ryan who tried in vain to ask for my attentions again made me nervous even more, till I finally got up from the bed and grabbed my phone; Hunter was the first number I had into my contact list and I decided to run the risk. There it was! I heard the familiar tone of an available line, he left his cellular turned on! “Gifter…”, his sleepy voice answered, yawning. “What’s… Up?” “I need you my chaser”, I firmly answered. “Come here, quickly!” “Tomorrow”, he whispered. “I’m at Ian’s place…” “I don’t give a damned shit about where you are. Come, now!”, I almost screamed in impatience. “You must satisfy your gifter’s needs otherwise you know what happens!” I grinned to my other chaser who was still laying in bed then touched his dick locked in a chastity cage, and his collared neck. “Or you want to end up like your younger viral brother?” “Why are you treating me like this! What have I done!” “Don’t force me to punish you. Come, Hunter. Come here immediately. Walk here.” “Walk? But it’s a long way…” I didn’t let him finish talking and abruptly ended the call; I knew the issue, it took five kilometers from Ian’s place to his, and another three to reach my house but also that there were a couple of public toilets with lots of anonymous man sex happening especially during night time, along the street. I had to bring my bug chaser to face temptations and prove he was faithful to my rule: no contacts with people with unknown HIV status or pozzed by strains different than mine! Unless I decided otherwise, for my conversions sex was free just with certified undetectable poz, or negative on daily PrEP regimen. I went back to bed next to Ryan who was almost asleep and gave him a gentle spank: “chaser Ryan, get on all fours”, I said. “Stay there face down ass up, ready for your brother.” “I want you, my gifter! Not him!” I extracted a leash from my drawer and attached it to the collar; “do you want me to tie you to the front door once again? You know I’m not kidding!” I touched his caged dick one more time; yes, I’m very strict towards naughty chasers. “You told me I was going to be unlocked after you succeeded with third conversion, isn’t it?” “It was an assumption”, I told him; “the third has been a memorable event but unfortunately things have dramatically changed because of latest murderer I arrested, so don’t fool yourself: you’ll remain locked until I change my mind. And that could be never.” He complied and exposed his ass out of the bed; I had to admit: that experienced, open hole was always inviting but I had to keep in control respecting my role. “Lick me at least”, he implored pushing back towards me. And my only answer to him was sitting at my desk, concentrating on the wall clock. “Hey silly chaser, don’t even finger yourself”, I ordered; “otherwise I’ll give you the shortest leash I have.” He breathed deep clearly struggling against his lust, while I stayed still, looking at my calendar: Hunter. 24th November load deposit, 1st December fuck flu. Exactly a week later. We planned his pozzing as a Christmas gift and maybe my HIV did their best to satisfy our need, but something began to look suspicious inside my mind: my first born didn’t seem surprised when he started feeling symptoms too early, and worst of all he laughed every time I spoke to HIV. “You’re talking alone”, he always said, making more fun of me when I told him he should be able to interact with the virus too. “Fucking cheating slut”, I exclaimed hitting the desk hard with my fist. “If he’s standing me up, I’ll give him a heavier punishment than yours, Ryan!” “I’m thirsty”, my younger chaser pleaded, “at least bring me some water, please, Gifter!” That’s a good boy: everyone has needs, but in order to satisfy them it’s necessary to be polite! I brought him some water which he drank greedily, then I kissed his ass cheeks. “I know you’re impatient honey, but I want you to be an example for your corrupted brother!” “I know you own me, Gifter”, he smiled. “You rescued me and now I’m blood of your blood!” “Don’t be such a bootlicker”, I told him walking towards the door; “you should know you’ll never get anything when sweet-talking like that.” Finally someone knocked and I opened the door: Hunter stood in front of me, sweaty and out of breath. “Sorry”, he said, “I walked as fast as I could!” His hug was tight as usual but when I felt his scent on me, a sudden memory came out from my mind: his sweaty naked body, in bed next to me, the night he started converting. He was horny as fuck despite his fever, but when I unloaded inside him he called me by another name: Gifter Arty. “You are wrong, I said your name, Adri!” he excused himself, weak as he was. “I am in pain even talking, let me try to rest now.” I shook my head to send that flashback away from my mind and took him to my bedroom where Ryan was still on all fours, on the mattress. “You’re so distant, gifter”, Hunter complained; “I’ve walked the whole night to reach you and now you don’t even kiss me.” “It’s not appropriate”, I answered walking close to Ryan’s ass. “Now strip and sit here, next to your brother.” “I’m afraid he’s going to lock you”, Ryan told Hunter, but I pulled his leash firmly: I hadn’t authorized him to talk at all! My first born was sitting on the bed, looking around. “I really don’t understand what you want from me, am I going to recharge him?” I shook my head again and started fingering Ryan’s ass: one, then two, then three fingers, four… twisting them around; I met no resistance so I continued with that movement some more time, holding the leash with my free hand. “Fuck yeah”, Ryan moaned; “you’re driving me crazy! Fist me sir! Go all the way!” “Chaser Ryan! No! You’re not in the position to ask something”, I yelled at him; “shut the fuck up, otherwise…” I pulled the leash abruptly, so that the leather collar could press on his neck. “Do you understand, Hunter? This collar is the result of cheating on me.” I withdrew my fingers from Ryan’s hole and looked at them: some remaining lube and ass juices, but everything was clear so I positioned them on Hunter’s lips. “Lick me clean, number one”, I ordered him. “Taste number two’s poz DNA. Feel how good this boy is. This is how I want my chasers to be! Clean, clear, and sweet. And pozzed, of course.” He eagerly sucked and licked all my fingers clean without saying a word, then sat on my bed again but I felt from his eyes something was wrong with him; “We have to talk”, I expected that sentence from Hunter but he never pronounced it aloud. “Someone’s conscience is dirty”, I teased him, “let’s verify if it’s the same for their hole!” The two chasers were now lying down, one next to the other, and I pushed a finger inside Hunter’s ass; this time a little resistance occurred, so I went slower. But it took just some seconds for me to withdraw fast, and get a wipe from my nightstand. “More than dirty”, I said completely disgusted. “This guy has been fucked by strangers and worse than that, he did not clean his insides at all.” “But everything was unexpected”, he tried to excuse. “It was Ian who topped me! Gifter, please, don’t…” “Your boyfriend never tops, you always complain about this. Don’t try to make a fool of me, or you know…” Once again I pulled Ryan’s leash and held his chastity cage; “you see what happens to unfaithful chasers? If I ask you to have sex with others, do it; otherwise you must all abstain!” “I beg you, please, Gifter, I did not mean to cheat on you. There is someone who’s blackmailing me and I have to give them my body to pay their silence…” “But he won’t pay mine anyway”, I heard my virus talking again. “This guy needs to be completely washed from his feet to his brain.” I had a malicious grin but looking at my two viral sons, reality suddenly hit me: I had punished the wrong one! “Chasers! I don’t give a damn of your silly explanations”, I said grabbing Ryan and Hunter’s arms; “now both of you go straight to the shower and come out only when you’re completely clean. In and outside. Ryan, I recommend. Teach him good! Understood?” “Yes, Gifter”, Ryan answered, while my first born shook his head again: “But Ian, my boy!” Hunter protested. “I left him alone at his place, he may get scared when he does not find me in bed!” “You’re not even able to keep your lust and personal cleaning under control”, I laughed at him; “how do you expect to look after a bug chaser on your own?” I was still holding his arm tight and he tried in vain to break free, while Ryan walked towards the bathroom; “Follow your brother and learn from him”, I suggested Hunter. “Take a long shower then go home!” “But what about Ian…” He tried to talk again. “He needs an explanation from me!” “I’ll take care of your former boyfriend, don’t worry, dirty blank-shooter. Give me his house’s keys and go clean yourself, Undetectable. Then after you’re done, return to your meds; you’re no longer needed here!”- 76 replies
- 2
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pozworld We have to talk
PozTalkAuthor replied to PozTalkAuthor's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
5th chapter is taking a little longer as at the moment we are far from each others. me - the poz half - has the duty of writing HIV's and the poz characters' point of view, while the neg half has neg ones. When we get together again, after doing something better between us... we are going to edit the story and upload next chapter- 76 replies
- 1
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- pozzing
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Important: What's Allowed Here & What's Not
PozTalkAuthor replied to rawTOP's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Hello, we are just wondering if those topics may be subject to infraction. In context of SCIENCE FICTION - a virus with human abilities tries to enjoy sex with a human being. This question makes us laugh a little, but one of us demanded if this can be considered "bestiality". We have read about werewolves with humans, humans becoming monsters, and so on, why not HIV enjoying the whole experience together with his... its... their, humans? And, would it be "bestiality" if a dog comes and licks the main character's feet while two guys are having sex? For jealousy or whatever reason. This can be a part of the story we can of course let go, it adds nothing to the meaning of it. We already got an infraction for our first shot, because of two incorrect behaviours: one was regarding some characters we took as inspiration from another story here but we didn't worry about formally asking the characters' creator, we just said "thanks to [author] to have inspired us with these characters" but of course this is not sufficient. Enthusiasm, rush, whatever, in that situation we have understood we were wrong and totally changed our initial idea. The second one though, was regarding harming people but we had no intention to harm, it was the opposite suggestion a character gave to another: "if you go through [damage] you'll do it on your own, I don't follow you at all in this path!" The character was discouraging the other about wrong choices. But in that case too, we changed it all. This is your house, not ours, and as far as we can notice here, being so strict in rules is the only way to keep a community like this, as safe as possible. -
Starting a Family
PozTalkAuthor replied to ComingUpRoses's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Love this one. Unbreakable bond for them! -
The writer and his fan
PozTalkAuthor replied to PozTalkAuthor's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Yes, chasers must learn their place: to submit to gifter's needs without any protest. If they want to upgrade, they must prove to be worthy of it! -
*Authors note: this fiction is inspired by some real events happened to us. Real: we enjoy writing and we are here _to_ write our HIV-related fiction. Real: we discussed if it was the case to publish our tales to Bz, the negative partner of us thought it was 100% failure. Real: our first attempt failed and story was deleted. It can happen. Real: a guy has said he's "a fan of ours" and sometimes we write to each others. Real: this story is written agreeing with the guy in question. ...You know who you are. FICTION: entering a post in order to intentionally cause infraction, the bet, stopping meds, gifting intentions and further, all this is pure fantasy. no one of us two has real intentions to stop meds or PrEP, or to disturb community with intentional harm, just enjoy fiction as it is! --- Part 1: the bet My partner and I love to write stories, and we found our tales as a way to flow our most intimate fantasies out. Especially for me, a mid 40s poz undetectable guy, as I feel like a caged animal. Every time I read about a real successful conversion on the Internet I simply get hard as a rock but I have too much respect for my neg buddy so I have never ran the risk of proposing him to plan his status upgrade by starting a meds holiday; anyway every reading, real or fiction, is a higher and higher turn on till sex life without poz talk has no meaning for both of us. “What about sharing our writings with a bigger public”, I proposed one day to him while he was upset seeing his own web site had zero visits for an entire week. “Internet is big and we may find people with our own tastes. Come on, we’ll try, I publish it now!” I showed him a community where fiction about consensual HIV infection was accepted; “here we have nothing to fear, I read lots of authors who even write much worse than us.” “But no one will understand our plots and intents”, he complained; “we also may be subject to infractions. You’ll see.” I was fed up of his negative thoughts, and shared the story with the community without hesitation. Who cares, time will tell. “Let’s place a bet”, he told me in the end; “if you’re right, you stop your meds. If I’m right, I stop my PrEP!” I just laughed at that, a joke is a joke and I was sure he’d never do something so incautiouss. “OK baby, deal. Bet placed!” At that point doubts started to overcome my rationality, almost I hoped to be wrong so I made my move: let’s go to the community and edit content in order to intentionally commit an infraction as I wanted to save my HIV treatment regimen… Nothing at all, after a while it was impossible to modify published material! What a pity, let’s wait for destiny. We went to bed and slept over it. The following morning, my partner picked his phone up from the charger and opened community’s web site: “your account has been suspended for 13 days. Nothing that can harm people is allowed here”. “Oh, damn, it’s for that sentence I wrote about the main character’s death”, I thought; “nothing too bad, failures are often good opportunities to grow up”. “What did I tell you”, he asked me. “You see I was right then!” I took his PrEP bottle in my hands and walked towards the toilet: “a bet is a bet”, I smiled. “what can we do with these pills, now?” “Don’t flush them”, he pleaded; “I stay off PrEP for 13 days till our account is enabled again then I’ll restart it when we share another tale. Do you agree?” “I’m game”, I said spanking his ass playfully. “But now, this fertile butt is just mine. No sex with others till you are on meds again! Understood?” He just nodded and closed the bottle in a drawer. Days passed quickly, we also took our time for a short vacation where we took the opportunity to improve our story then Friday 17th arrived: three, two, one, launch! New piece was shortly on line! Knowing his ass hole was unprotected turned me on like crazy but I managed to control my temptation to lock my meds in the same drawer he placed his; it was matter of time, I was aware of that, and in fact the new tale started to collect likes, hearts, thumbs up, and the unexpected message from a stranger in reply to our contribute: “Hello, I’m a big fan of yours, guys! Great story!” I looked at his older posts and found his first one: “I am a bug chaser and would like a connection with poz guys from my country”… and the second: “I believe in a chaser-gifter long term bond, the one who infects me should be present in my life afterwards”. Oh gosh, yes, interesting, we came from the same country! This guy is explicitly consenting to be infected, if it happens after all he wrote on Internet he cannot blame me at all! I want that connection too but who cares, I have my partner for now. I watched the fan’s profile information to see if he was compatible with my tastes; gifting could be a possibility, but he had to deserve it, learning to stay at his place! All that I read was a very, very good promise I had to admit it. “100% slave. 100% exhibitionist. 100% non-monogamist. 100% masochist. 4% vanilla. 0% owner. 0% master”… All what I needed to know! “Wow”, I thought. “If this is my biggest fan, he has first priority!” “So what the fuck do you do?” My partner asked, worried. “Are you going to stop your meds now? You remember, it was a bet! If it applies to me, it applies to you in the same way!” “I can’t”, I said. “If I stop my treatment it’s to gift you. This person may be a flake or whatever bad, so I’ll continue my therapy regularly.” Disappointed, my guy went upstairs to bed and I took my chance: extracting all pills from my meds and his PrEP bottle, I flushed them all. Now the bet is not over, it has just changed the challenge. Not if, or when it happens, but WHO is my first conversion!
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yes the best one! 🦠☣️
pozworld We have to talk
PozTalkAuthor replied to PozTalkAuthor's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Part 5 SPOILER . . . . . As HIV has planted the seed of doubt in him, PozCop has to discover who his first born chaser, Hunter, really is. Looking back he realizes that Hunter's fuck flu came too early after their encounter, everything must be done to avoid the creation of hybrids from original HIV smart strain, this would cause a biological disaster...- 76 replies
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pozworld We have to talk
PozTalkAuthor replied to PozTalkAuthor's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Thanks, we're writing part5 that shows Ian's story. poor neg guy he has to be careful not to trust the wrong gifter- 76 replies
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"can you pretend you're pozzing me?" Answer: "No, not at all! This cannot be done . . . . . I'm pozzing you in real!" 🦠☣️
pozworld We have to talk
PozTalkAuthor replied to PozTalkAuthor's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
*Authors note 1: this character claims their own space and we only had to please them! *Authors note 2: the plural of the word "aid" has a good double meaning for the story... *Authors note 3: no HIV virus has been mistreated or exploited for this purpose. 🦠☣ --- Part 4 - A new host -HIV: I was extracted from a famous poz singer's blood by Dr. Raymond Still, a researcher who was trying to transfer human emotions to viruses but what I experienced was just pain, submitted as I was to every sort of poison and trapped into a vial. I felt degraded in all possible ways, that sadistic neg human took pleasure from humiliating "his own special HIV" as he called me, without giving me any prize or allowing me to enter his blood stream. That ultimate moment never arrived, making me really sick and tired of such a miserable existence so I decided I had to find a way to rise up against him somehow. One day Dr. Still held the vial tight with his right hand, while gripping another object with the other; I couldn't distinguish what he was holding but in that moment I felt the end was near, for the first time. "He no longer needs me and he will hit me with most powerful poison in the world", I thought; "now I must show him how clever I have become". Looking back I haven't any idea where I found the ability to talk in that situation but living or dying was matter of seconds so I took my chance and said: "FUCK"! "Good virus", Raymond smiled proudly; "You're smarter than I could ever expect! Your first spoken word is the only one you need for now because fuck is the main method to generate human and viral life, learn this!" Wonderful, not only I managed to talk, but I also could understand what a human being was saying! Too late I realized he was not holding a sort of weapon, he played with his own penis instead. Such a fool I have been, I panicked for nothing. At least, I can assume my primal instinct made me say the proper word at the right time. I wondered why a scientist was playing with his organ while working, but maybe he attempted to show me how to fuck! I was not a newbie towards human world though, I always spied their sexual behaviour and enjoyed entering their bodies through those activities but no one allowed me to completely join in and share their sensations. This situation had to change, sooner or later, I needed to know what sex was! Or even fuck a human myself! Although I observed his hand moving up and down his member, nothing happened; the meaty pole stood fully erect with no fluids spraying from its tip. "Look at yourself", I teased him. What I easily learnt from male humans was the degrading sensation they had when someone gave negative feedbacks about their penis size. "How far do you believe to go with such a tiny dick? You even can't produce seed using your hands! You're just a trashy negative creature, powerless and worthless." He didn't reply but closed his hands even further. One on the vial containing me and the other on his shaft. "Fucking HIV", he screamed. "Smart but naughty!" He lifted a foot and then hit the ground hard with his boot, producing a scary sound. "Remember", he continued showing an evil grin; "it takes a second for me to smash this fucking vial under my feet and then we'll see who is the tiny one between us. How much time do you think you'd survive in open air? Let's see, 30 seconds, one minute, two... Not enough to harm me any way." He was right then: his negativity prevented me from weakening his inner defences, if he was poz I could drop his cells to 200 or lower instantly and the great scientist was screwed at that point! Realizing I had nothing to earn or lose, I played my last card. "Make your move doctor", I encouraged him. "What are you waiting for? Let's get it over with this drama!" I expected him to drop the vial and crush it with his heavy shoe but nothing happened. "Show me your powers", I continued teasing him. "Prove me what a real alpha male can do to a worthless virus like me!" His hand moved faster and faster on his member till some drops of fluid started to come finally out. "Only that small load?" I challenged him again. "You're in this world just to be fucked from behind, aren't you? If I were a human I could..." "Fuck, fuck, fuck", he panted tightening his fist once again on the vial and I insisted degrading him. "Such a useless fag you are, let me in! I want to access your blood stream so I can turn you into what you're meant to be! A cum dump for viral loads!" His breathe became stronger and finally he grunted; ropes of sticky cum soaked the laboratory's table and his dick finally softened, leaving a puddle of fluid which hit the vial too. "HIV! Good virus, I am really proud of you now", he exclaimed dropping the vial on the desk and cleaning his hands. You finally deserve a big prize". Raymond smiled taking a syringe out of a drawer. "Every creature has a first spoken word. Human babies say 'mama', you viruses say 'fuck'! It's just natural! And you learnt how to make a human cum, what a good training I gave you! Nice shot!" I wanted to tell him he enjoyed feeling me humiliating him, but I couldn't run that risk. He had just decided to reward me and now I had to prevent him from changing his mind at the last minute! Neg people are so unpredictable and uncontrollable, I had no advantage in trusting him that much. My sensations were correct, in the end: he left the unopened syringe on his desk and ran out of the laboratory, leaving me still trapped in that damned vial, alone. What the fuck, I thought; he's really determined to kill me in a way or another. But after an hour he finally entered the lab again, together with a new male human. "This is Adrian, your first carrier", I heard him saying while he opened the syringe; "Adri for friends, and he is a bug chaser; you'll soon enough learn who they are. My experiment's second step can finally begin!" I just remembered the vial being emptied into the syringe and then me passing from a needle to a vein, but for the following three weeks I couldn't understand any word or sound. Maybe I slept I don't know but when I came back to consciousness I realized to be living in the new human's blood stream. What a wonderful reward I got! From that moment I felt in heaven, Adri and me could understand each other's language and soon enough he authorized me to call him dad although I had no longer direct contacts with dr. Ray Still, the mad scientist. Not that I missed him so much, indeed! My current carrier taught me many lessons, especially the importance of mutual consent for every action involving me and humans, and as a final exam he let me enter my first willing chaser's body; it was so overwhelming! New environment, new habits, new lifestyle for all of us and above all every time Gifter Adri succeeded in spreading me to a new creature, it meant new emotions for me to discover! Now I was hosted by three of them, and everyone gave me different skills: music taste, ability to keep secrets but the most important came from last conversion. After the event, I was completely aware of what empathy for other creatures meant! Even if the latest chaser was different from other two, she was a female human and biggest surprise came when I noticed she carried a second creature in her, together with me! "Touching this one is strictly forbidden", Adri warned. "This new human will grow up neg, then they'll decide to convert or not at appropriate time. You hear me?" "Yes, Gifter Adri. I understand. But..." "Yes but? But what? Saying yes is enough for me! Damn to you, HIV, you make me feel I wasted my time giving you the best education I could!" I knew it was time for next conversion, Adri said he did not want to gift his fourth chaser and his plans were to give his first one the opportunity to become a gifter himself, allowing me to acquire more powers from a second generation strain but something told me this journey was completely wrong. Maybe it was the thrill coming from a new experience, or the idea of my further evolution, I only knew I was freaking out as fuck! "Consent, dad. You ask me to respect others but don't care about what I want! I'll never accept the new chaser you assigned me. Never! He'll stay neg forever or will go to catch another strain somewhere else. I simply can't grow inside him! I said NO!" "Pay attention!" Adri was becoming angry, I felt it. "You're going to lose a great opportunity if you insist whining like that. I believed you were the smartest virus in the world and now you're embarrassing me. Make me proud of you, crybaby! Or tell me your reasons at least." "We have to talk", I tried to confront him. "The situation is more difficult than you currently judge it." What to do, telling him the truth about his first born chaser or crossing the other road? The damage was already done, it was too late even to think about repairing anything and I was not the one who could solve any issues. "That guy scares me a lot with all his non-human talking equipments", I finally explained. "How could I properly interact with him if everything speaks in his house, ears, and pockets? I'm not used to that stuff!" "He's just a blind person using his own aids", Adri was doing his best to reassure me. "Nothing to be worried about!" "Here's the problem, My Carrier! He's neg and owns aids! This confuses me even more! How can it be possible?" "Oh, HIV, yeah, forgive me. I did not warn you about case sensitive meanings of words. Lowercase aids is a thing, uppercase is another. Well, Ian has the lowercase version and that's no trouble or conflict for you; aids are machines helping him in everyday life and you can be helpful too, you'll discover itt by yourself accepting this journey. Time for excuses is over! Trust me!" "Understood. I trust you, but I don't trust..." He did not let me protest more and took a bottle of pills in his hand. "Then you haven't heard me! I give you two options, foolish virus. Enter BlindChaser's blood stream through his boyfriend's seed, or I'll bring you down to undetectable. Is it clear now?" "Why don't you gift him directly!" I asked. "So you can be certain to give him this pure smart strain." I was conflicted. Since I learned how to keep human beings' secrets, there's an unspoken promise between me and the chaser I live with: I am aware of whatever they think, say and do, but won't reveal anything except for explicit requests involving our mutual life or death. In this case though, the secret was too big and I found myself between two fires. Basically going to undetectable meant losing all my spreading powers and also giving up my hard-earned communication skills; but on the other side, if I talked I could break an alliance with the first willing chaser who hosted me. "Now you freaked out, my virus, isn't it?" He grinned, soundly shaking the bottle. "Strain's life or death depends only on you!" He extracted a pill and slowly brought it close to his lips, that was definitely not a trick! I could not accept such an offense. I experienced the same feeling of my past when Mad Scientist Raymond wanted to kill me with his boot. "Fuck, Adri, fuck! Don't swallow that poison please!" "I won't, but the condition is you tell me your true reasons. We have to talk, and then? What's the subject?" "OK, OK. I'm betraying your chaser Hunter's trust, but you forced me to. Ian could not be an issue, while his boyfriend..." This time, Adri was really pissed off at me and the pill was closer and closer to his lips. "Hunter? Are you accusing my first born of something? Who gave you the right to do that?" "You're the policeman", I challenged him. "Investigating on the guy's real life is your duty, I have told you all I could say. Go ahead and discover what's left!" "Well, well, if that's the case I trust you, I'll keep a close eye on both of them. Take it easy!"- 76 replies
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From Saint to Sinner
PozTalkAuthor replied to Donnyjames's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
character is dead but his HIV lives in all chasers he has left around ☣ -
pozworld We have to talk
PozTalkAuthor replied to PozTalkAuthor's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
We'll do our best. We do not spoil it, the non-human involved character does not want us to... 🦠☣️- 76 replies
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pozworld We have to talk
PozTalkAuthor replied to PozTalkAuthor's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
preparing part 4, but we think it may take some more time.- 76 replies
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Such a wonderful bond! Waiting for more!
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@chi4loads may we send you a virtual hug? Your stories are such an inspiration for ours! Can't wait to discover if those guys will manage to cement their bond thanks to the gift! 🦠☣🧬➕➕➕
pozworld We have to talk
PozTalkAuthor replied to PozTalkAuthor's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
*Authors note: Part 3 is the end of the beginning, when characters decide to face this journey. But they still don't know how many obstacles there will be to achieve poz status! For now, let them believe it's as simple as gifter off meds and have fun, till it takes. --- Part 3 - a conscious decision -Hunter: Ian's smile suddenly disappeared: "What?" he gasped; "are you really..." "Shut up and push back", I commanded. "Show me you're a true chaser!" He obeyed and in a few seconds I was pounding him hard; in that moment I realized how excited we both were, our usual sweet lovemaking had be replaced by wild, animal lust. His spit and my precum were the only lube we got and he did never complain for it. "I want to make you bleed", I said. "My HIV needs an open door to enter your system!" "Yes sir, knock me up! Make me your own slut!" "Fuck yeah! I'm wrecking your hole good!" The dirtier our talk became, the harder I fucked him! I pulled almost all the way out and remained with just my cockhead inside; then, holding his hips, I pushed all the way in again. "Take it all, slut! Give me your neg status!" "It's all yours, Gifter! cum in me please!" Hearing him calling me like that sent me to overdrive and I spanked him hard. "I'm pozzing you up little bitch! Here it comes! Get all my HIV!" That was not the first occasion I bred him, but this time the orgasm was truly intense; just the idea of giving him my virus excited me to another level, even knowing I was currently shooting blanks. "I'm close, sir", he panted squeezing my dick with his ass walls but I held his balls tight: "not now, you've no permission to cum!" I collapsed on him, completely spent, but remained inside him some more time before my member softened and popped out from his wet and sore hole. I pushed my load deeper in his hole with my fingers, then made him suck them: we both noticed some blood in there and he licked my finger like it was a lollipop. "Savor your neg blood, my chaser. This might be one of the last sterile fluids you ever produce." "Thanks Gifter", he whispered lying down next to me. "This has been the best fuck we ever had!" "Oh, really", I agreed fingering his hole and sucking some blood again. . "It was like popping your cherry for the second time! ...Honestly this one was much better!" "Stay with me during the night", he added; "Tomorrow I have a day off work and we can play the same game!" How could I say No? This was a new beginning for us! I perfectly remembered our first date: we met in person after months of chats and calls; he talked the entire evening of how many people were refusing him for his blindness and I felt dirty myself when I guided his hand on my hardening dick for the first time, not to count how I felt when I brought up the HIV matter. We both enjoyed our gentle love making but I spent the following night sleepless, feeling guilty and scared even knowing I could not infect anyone. But the worse thing was I completely fantasized of pozzing him up! So from that moment on, our sex was mainly silent and I always found myself as walking into a minefield when thinking about exploring our inner desires. I stared at him while he was still face down on the bed, apparently lost in thoughts. "Hey, what's up my boy? I didn't want to offend you before", I apologized hugging him. "But poz talk turns me on like crazy." He didn't move, his head flat on the pillow. "I would like you to...", were the only words he said. Here it was, the usual disappointing scene: me introducing a sex related topic, then his silence, and in the end conversation always focusing on somewhere else. No thanks, it couldn't be like that once again! "Come on, tell me! What would you like me to do? Talk during sex?" I asked quietly. "Poz talk? It's not wrong if we both want it, role play harms no one! Don't be afraid, say it all!" "I know it's a mistake", he was trying to hide tears. "And there's no turning back from that path." Drama queen, once again. I understood it was my turn to take the first step, as always! "Admit it, you want me to poz you." "You got it", he finally said softly. "I'm aware it's a permanent condition whatever happens between us, but I want your HIV in me!" Finally he came out! "Your pozzing must be a conscious decision", I told him. "And I have to be sure it's what you really want. I'd never forgive myself if you regret everything when it's too late." "I'm educated, baby. I'm informed enough about PEP, PrEP or whatever but I don't want to stay neg much longer. So, is it true? Are you off meds?" "No, not yet. I have them at home", I replied. "So if you want me to spend the night here, I'll skip tomorrow morning's dose. Not enough to wake our friend HIV up but if you wish we can plan it all starting from today." "Fuck yeah! I am afraid for you, though; stopping your treatments may cause permanent damages to your immune system." "It's a long journey", I reassured him. "And we are not alone. Both my gifter and my poz family would be happy and proud to guide us through the whole process!"- 76 replies
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pozworld We have to talk
PozTalkAuthor replied to PozTalkAuthor's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Oh, thanks! There will be many surprises coming, as an anticipation we can say the gift must be deserved. All involved participants must agree, humans and not. We wouldn't spoil anything else.- 76 replies
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