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About Partyleather

  • Birthday 11/22/1964

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    Leather, rubber, piss play, ass play, FF, dp, pnp, groups, raunch
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
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  1. I thought I am the only Toronto guy that is into leather here:). Asian leather bottom here
  2. Me too. I could rim for hours too if the guy is wearing chaps or when I am spun.
  3. Honestly, as long as the guy is fucking me from behind, i don’t really care who he is or how he looks like especially when I am under the influence of enhancement. Sure I might be curious about their physical appearance but I think that a lot of times, being blindfolded works to my advantage as I probably would have said no to many of them if I see their faces. Moreover, I am no longer that cute young twink that everyone wants to fuck so getting blindfolded or even better wearing a full mask can attract many tops who would otherwise not be interested in fucking me if they know what I look like. lol.
  4. Face down ass up or lie on my stomach with a pillow underneath my hip area . That way the top can kiss me while fucking me when I turn my head sideway.
  5. That would be my ultimate fantasy too, getting dp’d especially two leather tops in chaps, harness, vests after they give a big slam and feed me several big hits of poppers. The top whose dick that I am riding on would give me a long deep wet kiss and spits while putting his hand around my neck. The other top who fucks me from behind would moan and talk dirty to me while pissing inside me until both of them inside me. I don’t think I am asking for much but for some reason, it is not easy to find two tops who are into dp and actually knows how to do it ;(-.
  6. I just turned 16 when I sucked my first cock. I have been fantasizing about having sex/ being molested by older guys since I hit puberty around 12 years old. I have heard that there is a lot of gay sex going on in the public washroom. That was back in the early 80’s. I decided to try my luck over there. It didn’t take long for me to hang around in the washroom before I met a middle aged East Indian/Pakistani guy exposing himself and masturbating in from of me. My heart was pounding so fast that I almost fainted. All those big hard cocks in the dirty magazines that I have read were nothing comparing to a real cock getting hard in front of me. It wasn’t so much as a full on sucking, I think I just licked the guy’s cock a few times but nevertheless that was my first ever taste of another guy’s cocks. In fact it was the first of at least over a thousand cocks. Lol.
  7. In a way, I feel sorry for Austin Wolf. I think it is a curse for him and any other pedophiles for harbouring this kind of sexual attraction towards minors. He wouldn’t be arrested if he has a normal sexual attraction like most of us. Is this a sickness? Can it even be cured? I suspect that there are a lot more guys who harbours this kind of devious sexual attraction than we thought but majority of these people are able to control their sexual urges, hide these dark thoughts in the back of their minds and never act on their fantasies.
  8. I feel for you. It sucks to be rejected. This is the story of my life. I always knew that I am into leather ever since I was in my early teens. The sight of a guy in full leather really turns me on. However I find that very few leather guys are into a small frame Asian like me. I still remember those days in the 80’s when I would spend almost every weekend in the leather bar in Toronto. The bar would be packed with guys all dressed in leather but not a single person would show any interest in me. Back in those days, I would almost be the only Asian in the leather bar and I stood out like a sore thumb. I don’t think I am unattractive as I got picked up fairly easily when I went to the regular clubs. On the other hand, I had much better luck when I travelled to Europe. I started travelling to London, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Berlin regularly in the 90’s. Perhaps the attitude of Europeans were much more open or they saw me as “exotic” because again I would always be the only Asian leather guy in the leather clubs. However I had no problem meeting leather guys over there. I managed to have much more sex with hot leather guys in that week of travel alone than what I would have for the rest of the year in Toronto . Fast forward to 2024, the society has changed a lot and is much more diverse now. It is not uncommon now to find young Asians who are into leather. I don’t know how they fare. Don’t get me wrong, I still manage to find lots of sex with many regular guys but they are just not exactly what I want. These days I hardly travel for sex anymore. I still search for sex with leather guys. I don’t give up.
  9. I will definitely try this position next time. The top can also play with my hole at the same time. Great tip. Thanks!
  10. I have been dreaming of cocks since 12 and started secretly reading my straight brother’s porn magazines at 14. All his porn magazines were western magazines from Europe and the USA. That was my first glimpse of big white cocks. LOL. I didn’t have my first cock until I just turned 16. I have already heard from the news that gays got caught in the washroom while having sex. Yes that’s was Hong Kong in the 70’s. It was a very conservative gay unfriendly city. I started actively cruising in those public washrooms, the sleazier the better. As luck would have it , I soon had my first cock. He was an East Indian or Pakistani. Gosh I don’t know how old he was, perhaps in his 40’s. He might as well be 100 because at 16 yrs old, anyone older than 30 was ancient to me. Lol. He was jerking his cock and gave me a very dirty smile with his tongue sticking out. I almost had a heart attack and my knees went weak. It was the first time I saw a cock in person other than mine. I followed him to one of those sleazy hourly hotels nearby. Everything was blurry as it lasted about 5-10 minutes . I remembered that I sucked him a little bit and he tried to fuck me without success but he came between my legs very quickly .I didn’t come myself. By that time I still didn’t know how to masturbate and never knew what orgasm felt like except those wet dreams. I didn’t experience my first ever orgasm until some time later but that’s another story. I moved to Canada several months after my first “sex”in September 1981 and had my first white cock within a week after my arrival. Lol. I don’t know if it was because of those early sexual experiences that shaped my sexual preferences. For God knows how many years, I would only have cocks from any race other than Chinese cock until I was in my late 40’s. I guess I must have become such a whore or was getting more desperate that any cock would do. These days I don’t care whose cock it is, its shape or size especially when I am high as a kite . Lol.
  11. Why ruin a great fantasy story with a horrible sad ending?
  12. I was told that I should start with playing with myself with dildos. First with regular size then gradually move on to bigger sizes. You need to get used the sensation of your ass getting stretched by big items. In time, you will learn to relax and enjoy the sensation. Of course it would be nice if you could do it just using poppers and alcohol but I find a little bit of T really helps a lot . I do agree that slamming may not be a good idea. You just need a little enhancement to put you to a good space . You don’t want to be so frigging high that it masks your pain. Another advantage of playing with yourself is that you can really pace yourself. Some tops are not very patient especially those dominant tops who tend to push your limit. As for myself, I have been flirting with the idea of getting fisted for many many years but I have not committed myself to try to be a fistee until recently. I am so used to getting fucked by big dicks that getting fisted is not such a giant leap for me.
  13. Oh I remember those good old days. I had so much fun at those piss parties. Yes that bathtub was very well used. Yes there was only one bathtub as far as I could remember. I missed that patio as I spent most of my weekend evenings over there in my 20’s and 30’s.
  14. I’m afraid that I might be addicted to fisting because that’s all I have been thinking about now. Actually I have never been fisted before but last month while I was partying with this guy, he almost succeeded in fisting me and now I am hooked. I just felt so good. Now I find myself looking for fisting tops to open up my ass and fist me with or without chem involved.
  15. Chems especially T really opens up my ass. While I was spun, no dick is too big for me and I was able to take big dildos that I could never take when sober. Last month I was partying with this ff versatile bottom who almost succeeded in getting his fist in my ass. He started playing with my ass with one finger, then slowly and surely he inserted another finger after massaging my prostate and letting me slowly adjusted his fingers. He would repeat this process and before I knew it, he told me that he almost had all his 5 knuckles inside me. I felt so good that not even a moment that I felt pain or had any need to use poppers. Too bad that he said that he wanted to take a break and then we moved on to other things later. I can’t wait to play with him again soon. Next time I am sure that I will be able to take his fist in my ass especially after taking a big hit of T.
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