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Everything posted by topblkmale

  1. I enjoyed the seediness of Man's Country with the those dimly lit hallways, dark room and those specialty rooms. Fort Lauderdale is tied with Providence, Rhode Island for the East Coast city with the most bathhouses with two each now that Philadelphia will have less Brotherly Love. But soon Providence will take the title as the premier bathhouse city - who could have guessed that? FLL-Clubhouse II is on its last leg. On my last visit the roof was leaking, showers were inoperable, glory holes removed and the jacuzzi had not been cleaned. The dry sauna was also OOO. There were about seven or eight guys stirring about on a prime time weekend night. Otherwise 321 Slammer was packed.
  2. Could we add inflation to the list? I paid close to $50 bucks to get a locker at Club FLL on a holiday weekend. The younger generation won't pay that when you could get three months of ad-free Grindr for $39. Grindr did to bathhouses what Netflix did to DVDs. Which brings me to my point of could bathhouses do a subscription service model to attract new patrons?
  3. Add 2022 monkey pox outbreak. I recall one bathhouse in the US shutdown during MP but never reopened.
  4. I'm curious what did he look like exactly that made him unattractive. In my experience, very handsome attractive guys are NOT good cocksuckers (or good bottoms) in general. Just eye candy fucks.
  5. Northern Sauna in Queens closed when the lockdown was announced in March of 2020. I was there days and the night before it shutdown. I remember it distinctly. The bathhouse was totally empty with everyone fearing Covid.
  6. Sansom Street Gym most likely will be shutdown. Its currently temporarily closed. Don't know why.
  7. NYC lost two bathhouses to Covid. One I suspect would have closed anyway due to neighborhood gentrification. I think that is what happened to Chicago's two Clark Street bathhouses. Along the east coast, the stronghold is Providence, Rhode Island with two bathhouses. Also South Florida which still has three. The other cities along the east coast barely have one remaining open. I'm certain Philadelphia is next to close one of its two remaining bathhouses sadly.
  8. Those bottoms who chose one guy for 30 minutes + load please feel free to contact me. I can throw in an added 30 minutes as a bonus.
  9. That amount of sodium intake all at once can't be good for one's body. But as a top who ONLY fucks clean well-douched holes, I say GO FOR IT! 😀☑️ 👍👍
  10. When was that? I don't frequent bars so I am really out of the loop on that scene. But I highly doubt any local would go down to the Village in search of black guys. Some friends have told me that - that area is mainly tourists and gentrified now.
  11. Pro tip: Check out Prospect Park - Open the Grindr app to browse the local talent.
  12. I've done similar and tried to move on. But some guys, if its Grindr, will try and report your profile to Grindr for a community guideline violation in an attempt to get your account banned. It has happened to me numerous times with certain communities. I say swipe left, delete and/or block is preferable.
  13. 100% true Happens to me ALOT. I guess since I'm top, many bottoms send me pics with female attire (which I'm not into) I try to give a nice compliment then politely say 'that's no my scene' But most gays can't handle rejection so I just ghost and block.
  14. Let us know what you got planned and how things turned out. 😀
  15. I have a major foot fetish. Ugly bad 'fucked-up' feet are a HUGE turn-off. So yeah, I tend to judge bottoms attractiveness based on their feet rather than their ass. I might enjoy a foot-job at some point.
  16. This is true but has more to do with socio-economics and just not being properly taught on personal hygiene practices. The latter is true for any and all races of gay men.
  17. Admit defeat - seriously. And try to please your man other than orally.
  18. Washington DC - Half and O Street LA - bathhouses (mostly closed now) Chicago - Man's Country, Man's World and the Bijou
  19. Reposting from another thread... Yes, East Side Club (ESC) is the only bathhouse left in NYC. Frankly, its not worth it. NYC is all about private sex parties now. Find one or two you like and get on the contact list for details. Google: Gay Sex in New York City - WordPress.com Also milkchocolatenyc.com rainbowplaygroundclub.com Twitter: @MilkChocolateNYC
  20. Yes, East Side Club (ESC) is the only bathhouse left in NYC. Frankly, its not worth it. NYC is all about private sex parties now. Find one or two you like and get on the contact list for details. Google: Gay Sex in New York City - WordPress.com
  21. I don't think there are any gay bars left in NYC frequented by mostly black guys, I could be wrong. However there might be bar 'nights' at spots in Harlem or deep into Brooklyn.
  22. here we go with the offensive language... (yeah, I know some of you enjoy it)
  23. Or their scanner broke... 🤔🤣
  24. Is the site asspig.com still active? I regrettably deleted my account but came to realize its the only site to meet local experienced bottoms with the type of hole I like. (i/e LOOSE) 🤣
  25. The title and content of your post conflict each other. But to answer the content of your post, its because generally guys that don't share pics are hiding something they feel may be less desirable. I like ALL positions including missionary, therefore I need to see what a bottom looks like before agreeing to meet. I have a type(s). Bottoms no longer care how a top may look or present themselves?
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