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Everything posted by topblkmale

  1. Like cum, its an acquired taste (smell). Bonus if the black brotha smells like cocoa butter as well. 👍🤣
  2. Love when these posts in the 'LGBT Politics' forums somehow turn into anti-Christian, anti-Trump, anti-critical thinking. 👍😀 /s
  3. Agreed. 👍 I was trying to highlight the gay cities first.
  4. Ideally it would be great to have Mexico under Regional Hookup Forums with Mexico City and Puerto Vallarta as separate sub-forums.
  5. That's East New York which is NOT a place I am going late at night when I'm not familiar with the area. I have safety and security concerns when it comes to apartment sex parties in sketchy neighborhoods.
  6. I'm not sure what brown has do do with anything since both Obama and Kamala are brownies.
  7. It's not a fact. It's observation. Legacy media will be gone and irrelevant come 2032 election. Social media will be in a steep decline as well since its 100% 'woke' and far-left. New media will dominate later this decade.
  8. This is the 2028 RNC pre-show. Vivek will be the only one relevant in 2028 as he is new media. No one under 50 years old watches FOX, MSNBC or CNN.
  9. Which part of Brooklyn are you referring to? Park Slope, Bed-Stuy, Crown Heights, East NY, Williamsburg? Brooklyn is big and diverse so men on the 'DL' could mean something different depending on the demographic in question.
  10. Nope, its not a myth. The thing is I mainly fuck regulars so I'd much rather wait til my bottoms are cleaned out to receive me rather than unplanned fucks where things are messy. Add to the fact that I'm an old-fashioned top in that I value a bottoms time it takes to clean out. I let them tell me when they're ready to get dicked down. I like one-on-one 45 minutes to an hour of breeding. That level or fucking requires pre-planning. I've had bad experiences with wanna-be cump-dump bottoms who would drive around my neighborhood to meet guys on Grindr. Then want to show up at my place with a dirty hole or already having taken many local loads. I'm not into mystery hole so I stick to scheduled regular bottoms.
  11. That's the norm and appears socially acceptable for gay dating apps.
  12. But its NOT ghosting if you don't even know their REAL first name and/or phone number.
  13. Try and have your tops get in the habit of giving you a 24 to 36 hour advance notice. I mostly fuck my few regular bottoms who are usually pre-cleaned and ready to take me long and deep. For instance, I will start contacting my weekend bottoms on Thursday evening to see if they're available. But short notice fucks are a recipe for mess and an embarrassing situation.
  14. Fair is the best place if you like mature blue collar ethnic guys mixed in with trans. Thursday, Friday and Sundays are the days I prefer. Saturdays are way too busy with guys/trans booth hogging the entire day. The straight porn theater has so much dark room potential. I wish I could remodel that space similar to Glorious Health, Blowbuddies, Slammer with glory hole booths and a suck ramp.
  15. Kamala Harris seems like a good candidate for the D's 👍 She's a black woman and likeable. So much so I've noticed there are now three pronunciations of her first name. 🤣
  16. Biden deporting venezolano migrants. [think before following links] https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/2023/10/25/border-venezuelans-migrants-deportation-flights/
  17. .01% of the 1% I did the maths. That's still ALOT of horny men.
  18. Wow! We're there now. Drone cruising. The younger generation is a bit more comical when cruising as they are socially awkward and lack interpersonal skills to begin with.
  19. On average, my type changes every five years or so I have noticed. And its usually a 180 turn to a TOTALLY different scene, different looks, build and different background. The age range changes since I've always been into daddies, but now I am a daddy. 🤣 I now deal more with married guys where as my younger self always wrote-off married men.
  20. Your hole is no where near being loose. Might be another issue with the fellow who could not get an erection. Also it matters MORE how loose (or tight) the second hole is.
  21. Which 'blue state' should those folks fleeing Florida run to?
  22. Delete a4a, bbrt, manhunt profiles (they've basically become xxx pic and amateur porn sharing sites) Pay for Grindr Xtra or Unlimited and use filters (photos 👉 has face pics) Use social media (FB & Twitter) if you are in a medium to large city to search for locally organized sex parties Log off - go out to the cruise park, ABS, bath or gym
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