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Everything posted by topblkmale

  1. This sounds like urinal action which is VERY different than understall activity. Its very prevalent at train and bus stations here in the NYC area as well as other major cities with good public transportation. Generally its more brazen and lewd with usually one guy playing lookout.
  2. Adding Grindr to my everything is racist list. TikTok is next and CandyCrush had better watch it! ☑️
  3. Sadly Covid closed quite a few bathhouses in the US. I just found out Hawks Gym in Las Vegas has closed.
  4. The pic is is not me. Its an AI generated porn image I found on Twitter. ☑️ But thanks. 😀 When the Metaverse is up and running I will be virtually moving next door to him. By that time Grindr will be history like AOL chat rooms, Yahoo groups and Craigslist m4m. 😀
  5. I live in a dense urban area. I make it a point to block flirty neighbors on Grindr and other apps. In fact I once chatted with a guy on a4a for weeks til the he sent me a picture and I realized he lives down the hall. I quickly blocked him. Don't shit where you live!
  6. How does this relate to the topic of Grindr v. racism in the US, Mexico and Canada? How is coding racist and against whom?
  7. One aspect of tearooms I remember from my youth is the timing factor. Usually the best tea rooms were located down a LONG hallway where you could hear footsteps approaching as well as a noisy entry door that was around a corner from the stalls. I remember my local mall Sears had a double door entrance which gave extra time. As far as agents of social control, I remember my first tearoom had a cleaner who would 'clean' the restroom for long periods of time but actually just watch the action. Never participate.
  8. You should do a search on a4a. There should be a few in Florida who provide toothless gumjobs.
  9. Years ago, a much younger me use to fool around with an older married guy. He would use my STI check-up as his own. If I was 'clean' he felt he was 'clean' too.
  10. Also consider that married 'straight' guys are not able to go get tested as there are no anonymous testing centers (that I know of). Any kind of STI check will show up on health insurance or credit card statements. There are however doctors offices that accept cash.
  11. Had to check the settings to make sure the dialogue was not dubbed. ⭐〰️
  12. I think there is just a natural tendency towards lighter skinned asses/bottoms and darker skinned dicks/tops. I know for SURE I am biased that way through my tastes in porn.
  13. More are coming from the US-MX border here to the NYC area where we have adequate if not UNLIMITED resources to house, feed and provide free bilingual education to their kids.
  14. Wow...I wondered this exact same thing. I think the current law will interpret this as 'cartoon' which I believe is also illegal to depict underage. But how will age be determined in an AI image?
  15. Manhattan ABS scene is dead. Most have closed down or remodeled to remove booths. There is not much daytime cruising in Manhattan other than the bathhouse. The outer boroughs is where the best action is at. I would STRONGLY suggest you consider and check out the Faire Theater in Astoria, Queens. Open til 2 AM if you go Friday afternoon. Do Uber if you are not familiar with driving or the bus/subway to get there.
  16. the black cock or the entire race 🤔
  17. My Grindr app fills up with bottoms sending me random ass pics. I seriously doubt bottoms on Grindr are overrun with dick pics from tops.
  18. Seriously? I figured this out at 16 y/o in the mall Sears men's bathroom. Read the book Tearoom Trade if you require further instructions.
  19. Many believe sexual consent only exists for females.
  20. I'll pass. If its that tight there is NO WAY its clean at the depth that I go.
  21. There are far fewer married black men nowadays than there were in the past. Most married cheating black men I run across are older...late 50s - 60s. The younger generation of black men are not interested in getting married (to a black woman). Add to that many black women are very aware of 'the DL' scene.
  22. Collusion among big pharma, big tech, social media and other left leaning institutions.
  23. I still don't understand this. I guess I'm transphobic since I refuse to date or fuck a trans individual (trans man/woman). Democrats seem to be into some very weird things involving children at the moment. Sorry. ☑️
  24. Does anyone know which parties Lidell's JacksOfColor crowd is attending now? I met so many hot guys at his parties over the years and would like to reconnect with that crowd again.
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