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  1. This is so hot. I can imagine myself in both of the corruptor and the corrupted.
  2. This was an amazing story. I wish real life happened like this. I’m excited for the sequel!
  3. So fucking hot… blew a big load and ate it! More please
  4. More please sir…
  5. Oh my gosh… this is so hot. I love your stories. Please keep this going.
  6. Please write about Apex Predator. I’m hard just imagining it
  7. Every addition to this (and all ) stories is flat out amazing. You are an excellent author.
  8. “It hurts daddy, but I love it.” no truer words have ever been spoken.
  9. This is a great story. I’m leaning like crazy reading it. 🐷
  10. Great Start! I can’t wait to see where you take us!
  11. This is so fucking hot. I can visualize every bit of this. please keep it cumming
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