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Everything posted by PrisonbaiT

  1. Hope there will be more to this story, did love the start and would love to read more
  2. Never tried it, but would consider it
  3. Have been to several parties there, love the atmosphere and the Nice service by the owner. Always Fun there and good steamy sex
  4. If you distribute child pornography, it is as bad as performing it yourself, why would you expose victims of sexuall abuse to others??? These victims are branded for life, and they have no say in whom sees these images, willing it or not. I assume most victims do not even know they are filmed in their hardship. There is no excuse for this.
  5. I was abused by family members sexually and violently for more then 5 years in a row from the age of 7, it fucked me up internally big time, like soldiers coming back from a warzone. In later live it still plays a role in my life sadly enough. So i had this bad vibe about Wolf, and it proved to be right in the end. Most victims who temped to forget here have mental and physical scars for life, and some even don't make it. I was a fighter and proved my assailants wrong by fighting back
  6. Somehow i always thought of him as a phedofile, given his bottoms where always Tiny and petite, and he always loved to bring them on the brink of passing out, this guy loved the dark side in my view
  7. Hope their will be more, great story, love where this is going😉😉😉😉😉
  8. Had some real Fun there that evening, it was naked evening and some guy brought me to a sling, for some private Fun, but as soon i was in the sling and blindfolded the cabin was busy feeling hands and mouths everywhere
  9. Rectum and Bruc where my favourites, will go back soon. Hope openmind goes back open, would not mind some drugfueled date
  10. He is to Ugly to become a Jailbitch, and with is orange skin, they may think he has hepatitis C😂🤣😂🤣
  11. Trump is now saying the hush-money trials is very hard on his wife Melanie. And i can understand Melania 200%, but hey Donald, "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime". Now he puts the blame on the democrats, because he could not keep his "wiener" in his pants, and did stupid moves to cover it all up. Respect for Melania, this lady must feel so humiliated, by this con-man.
  12. I do yes, i feel very masculine, especially when the tops want to go hard on me, i feel proud to serve hard alphamales, with no or little limits. It brings out the rough guy in me how can take all, and begging for more. Sadly it is only since recently that i did figure my true identity out, a little to late.
  13. Strange thing is that now Larry Hogan former Maryland Governor is blocked by the Trump campaign official Chris LaCivita who said that MR Hogan campaign is over. This is really hard they now block everybody within the party who is not k.ss.ng .ss of Trump.
  14. Never was asked for a safeword, altough i did undergo some hardscènes. You know when you date hardguys they want to go hard, so what is the point fit a safeword
  15. Guess I hate the idea of another 4 years of Trump. It will be another 4 years about Trump, and not about the people of the USA. This man is such a narcist twatt that he does anything to Shine a light on him. Currently the Republican party is filled with cowards, they all are to scared to stand up to him, and go against him. He is a treath for his own nation, and the security of his own people. Hope People will see that when they vote. Biden is also not the ideal candidate, but he at least did do his job, and did govern
  16. Showing fucking only by the ass, i want to see who is fucking who, and if they enjoy it, i want to see faces. When i see sl.m vids, i want to see what happens after the rush, how they enjoy the enhancement
  17. Love to wear blindfold in front of a dom, and being pissed on and degraded
  18. == Results from bdsmtest.org == 100% Rope bunny 98% Voyeur 97% Exhibitionist 96% Submissive 92% Experimentalist 92% Non-monogamist 87% Degradee 85% Masochist 82% Primal (Prey) 80% Switch 77% Brat 73% Slave 69% Pet 33% Vanilla 30% Dominant 8% Primal (Hunter) 1% Ageplayer 0% Daddy/Mommy 0% Rigger 0% Brat tamer 0% Degrader 0% Boy/Girl 0% Master/Mistress 0% Owner 0% Sadist [think before following links] http://bdsmtest.org/r/u594YGaD
  19. Good story was Fun to read it
  20. Dumb question 🥴🥴🥴🥴 where do i find this test???🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
  21. Wow this is really good advice thanks again for the insight and openess
  22. Hope there will be more
  23. Surely a good advice will train myself anally and then move on after a period
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