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Everything posted by pssilverbear

  1. Two great chapters to kick this off. Can’t wait to see how the kid begins to adjust to dad and his husband and learns how to become a part of their truly hot and very untraditional lifestyle. Hope he can realize how lucky he is to be in this special home. I had some really good times in college but nothing as fantastic as what I think this will turn out to be. More please.
  2. Powerful chapters and a very original storyline. Want to find out what plans Garret has for future.
  3. Looking forward to another chapter.
  4. The ceremonies get more and more interesting as they progress. Can’t wait to see what’s next.
  5. Can’t wait for the next chapter. Uncle Drew needs to help Jeremiah expand his number of sexual experiences significantly as part of his upcoming training.
  6. Nice beginning. Curious to see where Michael goes from here.
  7. Great story so far. Please keep it going. I am hoping Uncle Chester is able to breed and poz Will into the total pig he can share with his friends.
  8. I’ve done more than half a dozen films of group bareback parties that I helped host during some Bear events. The films are a blast to do, with full nudity required and constant Ndola not allowed and totally amateur but with decent camera work and editing by a buddy of mine. It’s a hoot when someone recognizes me from the films after seeing in them online. We always try to get a wide variety of ages, shapes, colors and sizes. My partner and I also live to do quick scenes with guys who come over to play. We never film without full consent by all players.
  9. What a great response. My partner (47) and I (70) also love a naked lifestyle as much as possible while also sharing an intense and constant desire for sex in any form we find it almost any time of the day or night. We agreed manogamy was not going to be part of our relationship from day one. We have only three rules in our relationship, no judgments, no jealousy, and no secrets and it really works for us!!
  10. I understand they test between scenes and gigs but when you bareback as much as he does, there’s a good chance he joined the club. He has made a LOT of films. We can hope. He is hot and now that he tops too, I enjoy bating over him. Can fantasize about getting a truly hot load from him and then returning the favor for him.
  11. I have been in an open non-monogamous relationship for three years with my current partner. It is the first open relationship I’ve ever had. The experience has been the most loving, respectful, satisfying and joyous relationship I’ve ever had. We have three major tenets that we follow: no jealousy, no judgements, and no secrets. Open communication is truly important to making it work. Like some others, I have walked in on my partner in full fuck mode with someone I may or may not know. (He has done the same). Generally there are two options to choose from, either drop my clothes and join in as a welcome addition or take a sideline role and cheer them on, happy to see them pleasure each other. We both enjoy voyeurism and revel in seeing the other in full sexual arousal. It is also helpful that we enjoy a mostly naked lifestyle in our home, encouraging our guests to lose their clothes at the door. We often play together alone or with 1 to 4 additional guests as well as apart and encourage each other to find additional sexual partners to make sure we can achieve a level of satisfaction and stimulation matching our libidos. And while both of us enjoy the variety and frequency of couplings with others, we fell hard for each other the first night we met, and have a deep and abiding love and respect for each other that has not lessened since day one and in fact continues to grow and deepen all the time. I am so lucky to have this man in my life. As a reference I am 69 and he is 46 and we are full equal partners in our relationship. I meet many people who cannot get their head around how my relationship works but I know it’s not for everyone and wouldn’t expect it to be. I was married to a woman for many years and the expectations of monogamy and a lack of male friends and contacts she wanted me to observe were totally stifling. Thanks for letting me share this.
  12. — Pastor Jack has an amazing ranch going. I bet there is more to come and some truly toxic results to enjoy hearing about.
  13. Perfect ending to encourage another chapter when he goes back to pick up the ring and get another round of poz cum to seal the deal.
  14. Really good story. I bet you could do a sequel that would be really hot as well where he seroconverts and learns to breed others together with his family.
  15. Looking forward to another chapter. Let's see where the pipe takes him and what he finds out about himself. .
  16. Look forward to hear how the rest goes and how many hit loads he takes in his first time. Bring on moreand let's get this boy hopped up and shared by a bunch of hot men. Woof.
  17. This is one of the best stories I have read here. Great mix of several perv and taboo threads. Each chapter adds another thread. Cannot wait for the next chapter to be posted. This is so good.
  18. Good story. Waiting for more.
  19. Very good start. Matt is going to work out well for Steve. Looking forward to hearing how Matt will take to his new duties for Steve.
  20. Definitely an exceptional experience for Tucker. Can't wait to see how Duncanny expands his hole further and how much more he will enjoy it. And another rig is sure to be coming as well for him to take it where I think it's going. Good work.
  21. Can't wait for the two of them to tag team Kyle.
  22. On with the story. Let's get that boy shaved and on to the bathhouse for a amazing drug fueled fun and a good poz result.
  23. Great sTory. Can't wait for more chapters and great adventures bringing more boys into the fold and enjoying the pleasures of good T and G.
  24. Can't wait to see this new pig react to a nice big bump with all that smoke too. He is going to be fun to breed and enjoy what is in store for him.
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