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Everything posted by einathens

  1. i'm hoping that this couple is no longer together and that this thread will end. just in case it doesn't, i'm unsubscribing.
  2. being underestimated gives you the element of surprise.
  3. last year during folsom fair weekend i took 14 loads at the TIM cockpit party saturday night and 24 on sunday at cumunion. that's 38 total, plus the oral loads i didn't count. this year my goal is 25 loads a day for 4 days, for a 100-load weekend.
  4. three things come in handy when you're a southerner up north or out west-- people think you're exotic, they can't peg your socio-economic/educational background as easily as someone from home can, and they automatically presume you're less intelligent than you may be.
  5. perhaps you should revisit the idea of bring a couple who lives together. you might both be better off if you're just best fuckbuddies who live seperately and share adventures from time to time.
  6. i don't participate in any social media sites, and i don't understand the appeal of one that's hybridized with a sex site. the closest i come to that is recon, which i guess is kinda like facebook for perverts. a4a is the only kinda mainstream sex site i'm on. i prefer my sex sites specific. i don't manhunt, but i do bbrt and nkp and bugshare. and here, of course.
  7. i guess i didn't read closely enough and i missed a few details. i got that you don't live together yet and he travels for work but it didn't register that you're not in the same country. how long have you been together? is this a real relationship or just a theory? his attempting to control your theoretical behavior from halfway round the world does not bode well for you, in my opinion. 'do as i say, not as i do' doesn't work for me. then again, my open relationship just failed because of communication difficulties, so my opinion is probably biased.
  8. open relationships seem to be the ideal to most gay men, but they can be tricky. i've seen relationships flourish because of it, and i've had relationships fail for the same reason. most important thing is to communicate clearly with your partner. i'd suggest that you create a contract. you write down a list of what you want, don't want and expect for yourself and him. he does the same. then you compare lists, negotiate and create a framework agreeable to the both of you. if he's free to fuck when he's away, aren't you also free? you might post a 'novice top seeks experience' ad or ask a friend to help you find someone. since you don't yet live together, you might designate one or two 'free nights' a week where you're both able to go have a solo adventure and tell each other about it the next day. the thing that kills most open relationships is jealousy. be careful of it.
  9. the transition? i guess it depends on which part is more important-- the 'fuck' part or the 'buddies' part? some guys i sleep with, we only see each other for sex, and that's okay. some i wouldn't mind for a social engagement, and one or two i imagine dating. that's the cool thing about the word 'friend.' it's elastic and can mean many things. if you're worried about your porn friends spilling the beans to your other friends, ask them ahead of time to say 'we met socially, mutual friends' or something like 'seems like i've known him forever. can't really remember how we met.' and if that makes you nervous, have 2 smaller gatherings on different nights.
  10. i remember that story from bugtales. it was always one of my favorites.
  11. i would've progressed earlier from barebacking on the sly whenever the opportunity presented itself to exclusively raw. i became sexually active at a precocious age, and by the time the condom era started, my habits were already set. it pissed me off to have to wrap up. i can remember being out at clubs in the late '80s and early '90s. a hot guy would go by and the whispers would start. "he doesn't play safe." my cock would get hard at the thought. my life might be different now if i had listened to the voice in my ear telling me that safe, sanitary, sterile sex with condoms was not for me. i sacrificed 20 years of pleasure for myself and my partners for political correctness. another thing is that i wish i hadn't turned down the foundation fellowship. that bought me 20 years of student loan debt. and i wish i'd had better haircuts.
  12. oh he got behind me alright. also in front of me, on top of me, underneath me, inside me and around me.
  13. hmmmmmmmmmm, noy sure about where the line of asterisks came from. lemme try 's*t*n' instead. or *a*a*. if that doesn't work, let's just say that the devil made him say it.
  14. " i think ***** built you just for me" is possibly the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.
  15. if you need booze to do it, you're not ready. it's like what they say about men-- if you want him when you're drunk, it's lust. if you want him when he's drunk, it's love.
  16. so he blew you off, took 3 months to contact you, and wants to make a date for 3 months from now? i'd be wary, and i'd see if he keeps up communication in the meantime. i'd give him a tentative 'yes' but have a backup in case he bails again.
  17. if you really care for him, instead of just being with him for convenience, you'll be honest with him. you're making it sound more difficult than it really is. man up, take a deep breath and just tell him.
  18. i don't know much about current condom porn, but i have noticed a few steps down the slippery slope, with bits and pieces of raw fun making their way in. can't think of any specific examples cuz i don't really pay atention. have seen quite a few bj scenes where the top either shoots in the bottom's mouth directly or pulls out and shoots across it and the bottom will slurp it down. saw one scene where they did the initial penetration and quite a few strokes raw, then the top pulled out and put on a condom, he shot in the condom in the bottom's hole, then pulled it out and the bottom slurped his load out of the rubber. i think there was a porn house who briefly had a Raw Oral line. i call it halfbacking, making a nod toward safer behavior but sneaking in unproteceted here and there. lots of men do it in real life; i guess porn is finally starting to reflect that. and i have also noticed at least one orgy scene where not everyone was wrapped.
  19. emotional connection is the point of nonprocreative sex. sometimes the connection lasts for a lifetime, and sometimes it's for a few frenzied moments, but sex is definitely more satisfying when you feel something for the one(s) you're sharing it with.
  20. mine remains our very own RawPozLust, and being converted by him remains my #1 sex fantasy. our own hook scott is a very close 2nd.
  21. first time i got fucked, i loved it and wanted more. first time i fucked, i loved it and wanted more. they were both during the same encounter. guess i've been vers from the start.
  22. gay middle age = too old to get a daddy, too young to be one. i have a longterm fuckbuddy. and by that i mean we've been getting tgether off and on for over 30 years. he tells me that not only is my ass just as tight and hungry as it was way back then, but now i know how to do more with it. and ditto for his.
  23. being discounted because of your years is a regrettable fact of gay life. guys who do so don't know what they're missing. i'm 47. i don't nornally seek out the company of much younger men, but i don't automatically turn them down anymore. i'd say that for every guy who refuses me because of my age, two pursue me. and let me add that one of the hottest fuck sessions i've ever had was last fall with an 85yo man who had been sexually active since FDR was in office.
  24. i wonder what offends the OP the most-- that these prancing little minces (to whom he would never deign to speak) dare to ignore his internalized-homophobic idealization of the only thing that a man can be, or that they don't give a shit what he thinks? every generation disregards the work done by the one before it and discounts the one after it. i personally tend to be drawn to guys in my own age group, byt that's linda by default. i like older guys so much, i became one. i'm 47 in a college town. i used to ignore the guys in their early 20s who threw themselves at me, but then i decided to catch one every once in a while. i'm glad i did. most of these boys don't know their history, and that's not necessarily their fault. i'm glad i'm taking the time to talk to them, to listen to them, to show them that rejecting someone because they're older is just as bad as them rejecting you for being young. and the ones with daddy issues sure are fun to fuck. it's even more satisfying to watch them grow, and to know that you had a part in it.
  25. one of the reasons pornloads are so large is that the guys don't shoot for several days beforehand. another secret for cumming large is taking mucinex and drinking more water for several days.
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