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Everything posted by einathens

  1. this dovetails nicely with your previous post about karma. sometimes you're doing the work, sometimes you're getting the reward. sounds like you got a great reward. to me, the secret is to say a silent 'thank you' and then pay it forward. you were aroused by him. that changes your breathing, pupil dilation, and posture. he responded to it. you'd chosen a pair of jeans that highlighted your endowment. that aroused him, and you responded to his arousal. call it chaos theory, call it neurolinguistic programming, call it magic. who cares, as long as it works for you?
  2. it is generational. if you're older, your concept of masculininty was formed almost entirely by the culturally dominant heterosexist model, that manly = top = stoic = superior and that effeminate = bottom = flambouyant = inferior. for younger guys, the idea seems to be that if you have a penis, you're a man, and how you express that is up to you.
  3. i had been chatting and flirting with guys on a couple of sites for a while. took me a few days to connect the dots, and last night i realized that they were the same guy with different screennames. knowing that two of the men i'd been beating off to were one and the same just made me want him more. this morning the conversation started getting more and more specific, and i started getting more and more horny to get together with him. by this afternoon i'd been hard for hours and was almost in a frenzy. thank god he was available tonight. i had just walked through his door when he leaned down and kissed me (i'm 5ft5, he's 6ft2) and our hands were all over each other. you know how people say "your pictures don't do you justice" ? his showed him to be handsome, and they were wrong. he was fukkin beautiful. gorgeous face, goofy smile, perfect smooth swimmer's body. my hands discovered his 7" curved cock and small muscly ass while his found my throbbing not quite 9" and beefy backside. even his laugh was wonderful. after we'd made out for about 5 minutes, he said 'let's go get naked,' took my hand and pulled me into the bedroom. i don't think i've ever undressed faster, and his baggy shorts, tanktop and flipflops disappeared just as fast. he pulled me on top of him on the bed, and we explored each other at leisure. damn, he gives great head. ooooooh, he's discoverd how much i like nipple work. jeeeeeeeeeezus his ass tastes amazing. his tongue feels about a foot long. fukkin beautiful. i wasn't quite sure who was gonna do what to whom. lube appeared and we each annointed the other's poles and holes, talking smack and almost giggling. "i've got to have that," he said, pulling my cock into his hole. so i gave it to him. slowly and gently at first, then harder and faster as his ass awakened and started dancing on my cock. then the dirty talk started. and the choking, the spitting and the slapping. beautiful. i was only able to hammer away at him for about half an hour in about 6 different positions before i felt my load getting ready to leave my body and enter his. i grabbed the headboard for leverage and tried to push my entire body inside him as i shot. and shot and shot and shot some more. i finally collapsed on top of him, licking the sweat off the back of his neck and whispering what a sweet cunt he had. "you weren't kidding when you said you really like to fuck," he laughed. "and now it's my turn." he rolled over onto his back and waved his cock at me. "time to get fucked, bitch." what could i do? i climbed on and slid down. fucking god did it ever feel amazing. just the right girth, just the right length, and the curve felt amazing, especially when his cockhead nestled up against my prostate. all i could do was moan. i happened to see the bedside cock, and at the 20-minute mark he pulled out, slapped my asscheeks with his scimitar and said "i don't think you like it. i don't hear you." "put it back in, motherfucker, and fuck my motherfuckin cunt. please!" so he did. and i was off on stream of consciousness land, babbling "big cock...fuck my hole.... breed my ass.... fuckin fill me up..... fuck yeah....fukkin beautuful... oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.... dirty load for my hole...." i was on my stomach and he was stretched out on top of me, holding my hands in his when his rythm changed. gome was the slow, deep longdicking. he was at the point of fully-inserted rabbit thrusts. the breeding strokes. fuck yeah. he gasped a ******* of unrepeatable filth into my ear while he flooded my hole with his seed. it was simply a beautiful moment. and he stayed on top of me until he regained his breath and his halfway-softening cock slid out of my tender, abused, happy hole. we both laughed from the sheer joy of it all, cuddled and kissed a bit. "you ready for more?" he asked. "i know i am." then he reached into the bedside table and pilled out the j-lube and greased up my left hand and a good portion of my forearm. "i've been thinknig about this since we talked about it last week." "me too," i replied. i'll spare you the details, but believe me when i say that this man's insides felt as amazing to my hand as they had to my cock. i was toying with his joybutton, watching him flop around and listening to him gasp and moan when he asked to take a break. i slid my arm out of him, looked at his hole ('you like my sloppy cunt?' he asked, almost rhetorically), and slid my cock in. i was amazed that i could get any traction, but i felt him iris closed around me. i tried to be tender and gentle, but after a few minutes when he started to thrust back at me i got a bit more energetic, and soon (too soon) i was giving him my second load. he got up to pee and i stretched out on the bed, just basking. when he came back in he pulled me to the edge of the bed with my feet on the end and my knees up. he stuck a few of his fingers into the lube. "time for me to play." and play he did. he eventually got 3 fingers inside me, which felt wonderful, and attempted a bigger buttplug than i was accustomed to, which started out good but got more uncomfortable the deeper it went. so he pulled it out, leaned over to kiss me and slid his cock back in. this was not like our earlier, more frenzied couplings. it was slow, gentle, romantic. and this time i got to look at his face when he unloaded inside me. after too-few kisses, our time drew to a close. i really hated to leave. but we will be doing this again. soon, i hope. you know what i'm gonn say. it was fukkin beautiful.
  4. from the honest, conscientious poz tops I know, I've learned that sto some neg bottoms, playing raw with a poz top is the ultimate taboo, the last line they can cross. with those bottoms, it would seem best to make clear statements to them, and require them to do the same. tell them again that you're poz and that you do not pull out. make sure they know that yelling 'stop!' or 'pull out now!' will not work. give them a safeword, make them repeat it before you penetrate them, and tell them that if they don't want your load, it is their responsibility to say the word and to pull off of you. @fuckboy20: i'll take as many of your loads as you want to give me, any time you're free to give them. i really enjoy your postings. it's great to be able to watch you growing and evolving. soon you'll have to change your name to fuckman20.
  5. i keep waiting for the posting that says one of you has officially ended this toxic relationship, blocked calls, deleted contact info and started moving on.
  6. to make love with RawPozLust, to feel his lips on mine, his hands around my throat, eyes locked on mine as he shots his load deep inside me and I finally convert.
  7. damn, I meant to thank you the other day for taking the time to be tender with the boy in the 'Mr B____' posting. he will remember you with affection forever. and that's why karma is to be embraced, not feared.
  8. has this always been the case? have you ever felt sexual pleasure? you might wanna get checked out by a urologist and find out if the problem is physical. do you ever top? might be worth trying. are you just hooking up with random one-time guys? have you tried receiving more foreplay? since you get no physical or emotional pleasure from it, have you considered abstaining for a while?
  9. this wasnn't my sluttiest or piggiest evening, but it sure was fun: guy came over with multiple loads in his hole. i added mine to the mix, then felched them out (a nice mouthful, good 1/4 cup or so), i snowballed them to him and he spit them into my ass, then fucked his poz load in with them. then it was his turn to felch them out, and we kissed until they were all swallowed.
  10. here is the first part of the story, from the archives of the old bugshare: Father and Son Disclaimer: This story is presented as written by an unknown author and may have a basis in fact or may be totally fictional. Nothing herein is meant to suggest that anyone, under any circumstances, participate in, or solicit from, sex with anyone under the legal Age of Consent for Homosexual Acts in any jurisdiction. I had the most incredible sex last weekend. If it hadn't happened to me, I wouldn't have believed it. I was about to leave work last Friday and decided to check online to see if there was anything worth fucking. I checked the local chat room and found several prospects, one of whom caught my eye. He was my type: mid-40s; 6'3"; 225; ex-football player; hairy chest and butt; 7 inches. He wanted to play and get fucked before his wife and son got home. Only thing was—he didn't have a pic. That usually constitutes an automatic "No No." But I was I was feeling extra horny and decided to swing by. Was I in for a surprise! Contrary to my expectations, he was much better-looking than he'd described—a brick shithouse with a muscular build, furry chest, mustache, and a day's worth of facial growth—a hot looking Daddy to be sure! He answered the door dressed only in shorts and ready to play, escorted me to the couch, got me a beer, and almost tore off my clothes! While he went down on me, I flicked his Nips, and felt my way down to his Shaft—not as long as mine but definitely a Keeper. I reached behind to his hairy Ass. His furry Butt seemed to tremble as I explored his Anus. I lubed a couple of fingers with spit and pushed in to see how receptive he'd be to fucking. The Dude seemed hungry enough. I sunk my fingers in to the knuckle. When he came up for air, I raised his cumly legs to my shoulders, and spit on his Mancunt to make it more hospitable. Just as I was about to take the plunge, he suggested I wear a Condom. Now what's the sense of that? I told him to try and take my Cock first since he hadn't been fucked in ages. I slowly let my bare Cock slide up his Ass, and—Boy—did he wiggle and squirm! I started off slowly to let him get adjusted and hungrier for more. Works every time. Get 'em used to you before you start bruisin' and abusin'. Once he was primed, I went in for the Kill—pounded his Hole like he there was no tomorrow. He loved submitting to a guy bigger than he. You could tell he had been yearning to let his Bottom Side hang out. The closer I got, the more impudent my thrusts, till I blew my Charged Load. The idea of breeding this married Dude on own couch sent me over the edge. He felt me spasm and clenched up to stop me. That never works. He asked me if I'd Cum? "Yes," I nodded. He seemed OK with that, no doubt ASSuming I was NEG. I wrapped my lips around his Rod; and seconds later his hot, creamy Load slid down my throat. We settled back onto the couch with our beers, and he said his son would soon be home. As I dressed, he remarked, crestfallen, that he'd hoped I'd stick around. "Won't that be awkward for your Boy?" "No. I'd like to see you fuck him" I was floored, but the suggestion got me rock hard. In walked the Kid in shorts and tee, sweaty from the gym. At 19, he was drop-dead gorgeous—6', 200, chiseled face and bod, dark hair, and slight body hair. You could tell he shaved more than his face or he'd have been a Man's Man like his Dad. Dad introduced us and called him over. I tried to zip up, but Dad positioned Junior over my Crotch and told him suck my Meat. A little shy at first, he did as he was told. Daddy helped peel off his sweaty underwear. Nice Cock on Junior, too—longer than his Dad's—but not as thick. His Ass was a perfect Bubble Butt, and you could tell one place he didn't shave—thick and furry—like his Old Man. After he'd scarfed Dad's Ass Juices off my Cock (little did he suspect where It'd been a few moments before), Dad turned his progeny around, confronting me with the sweetest "Virgin" Rosebud (any Pussy that is NEG is "Virgin" to me). I'd plied his Mancunt same as I'd done his Dad, but figured I didn't have to beat around the bush, so I went in for the Kill. The Kid was a bit taken aback when I plowed my diseased Shaft up his Ass in one abrading thrust, but Dad had obviously tutored the Boy well and reassured him it was okay. "Just let the Nice Man fuck you, P.J," was his phraseology. I wasn't gonna last long with the Kid, so when I was ready to shoot I gave his Dad a wink and released my POZ Jizm deep inside P.J's NEG Gut. Likewise Daddy shot what may have been the last NEG Load of his Queer Career down Junior's throat. After we finished, we let the Youth sit down, and I went down on him as Daddy jerked him into my waiting mouth. As I dressed I told them what a hot time I'd had and how I'd like to do it again someday soon. Daddy walked me to the door as P.J. sat there fucked and filled and smiling from ear to ear. I gave him my number, and he told me he'd call me the next time wifey was out of town. Glancing at Junior, I replied I'd really like that. What I really meant was, how incredibly hot it would be to POZ both Dad and Son and, indirectly, Mommy, too!
  11. many, if not most, gay men will have sex on the first date. i will have sex as the first date. while there is a certain efficient logic to 'fuck first and see if dinner would be a waste of time,' you lose the part where you get to know the other person as a person, not just a meatpuppet filling a vacancy in your bed. dating can be scary. also expensive. and first dates can be sheer hell. i for one hate having to iron a shirt and be the most charming, non-intimidating version of myself. that being said, there's nothing like finally finding a kindred spirit, someone you want to spendtime with when you're both clothed and vertical. sex is about self-discovery, and journeys are better shared.
  12. dating makes you vulnerable. what if he doesn't like me? what if he thinks i'm a dork or a jerk? what if he doesn't want to see me again? in theory, sex without context removes that. you get right to the end without having to go through the beginning or the middle. i don't think that romance is dead, i think that a lot of guys feel that the time for it has passed for them. and that's a shame. i'm interested in what you mean by 'nothing swish.' why would you think that dinner, conversation and some other form of entertainment was emasculating?
  13. i am over this nonsense and done with this thread.
  14. yeah, i'm done with both of these threads too.
  15. are you making excuses for him or for yourself? stop wallowing in your unhappiness and move on.
  16. distance has nothing to do with the way you are when you're together. he eggs you on, he doesn't put out enough, you lie to him, he's no longer sweet, he offends you, he lectures you, you no longer enjoy being with him... stop looking for excuses to stay with him. you're asking for permission to leave, and now you've got it. quit whining, quit procrastinating. leave him. block his number and email address. work on yourself for a long while. you need it.
  17. is this the same long distance open relationship as the one witn the 36yo student who lives with his parents? the relationship with the drinking and jealousy? in the other thread it sounds like he's an immature jerk. this one makes it clear you're no prize pig either. i'm not sure if you two should run from each other as fast as you can or if you deserve each other. karma's a bitch, dude, and you have no room to complain.
  18. is what you're getting out of it worth what you're putting into it? if yes, then you two need to have a serious term-defining discussion alone and sober. if no, break it off. no 'let's be friends/let's be friends with benefits.' just tell him it is absolutely over and make sure it stays that way.
  19. the rythm method is a no more effective means of risk reduction than it is birth control. you can ask a guy to pull out, but you're asking him to conquer millenia of lizard brain instinct telling his body to push forward. does it work? ask tens of millions of catholics worldwide. were you stealthed? no. you knew they were poz and that they only play bare, and you agreed. any consequences of your decision are on you.
  20. i disagree with you about the married guy. i'm presuming that since he was writing to you for advice, his extra activities are unwrapped. given that some men don't know their hiv/std status, and that some men know their status and lie about it, and presuming that the husband is probably not using a condom when he has sex with his wife, he's rolling the dice with his wife's health as well as his own. pardon me if you think it's an inflammatory word, but he made the decision to cheat. his wife deserves all of the info so that she can make her own decision whether to continue the relationship.
  21. two years ago during folsom fair weekend i was at the same hotel as the stars from one of the porn houses sponsoring the event, a company known for not just being strict about condom use onscreen, but for being kinda snotty about it. saw the guys quite often. got to be elevator and hall buddies with about half a dozen of them, and was even given quite a few tee shirts to replace the TIM ones i was wearing . they were perfect gentlemen all day long, smiling, greeting, being flirty and funny, sexy but not sleazy. and every night that weekend i saw them at mack, nary a condom within reach. took at least one load from 4 of them, gave loads to 3 and swapped with two. what i found funniest was that their famous total top loved getting his second ring stretched open. he almost cried from joy. amazing what can happen when the cameras are off.
  22. i have been on the recieving end of sex that was not 100% consensual (especially when i was much younger) and i have also had sex that left me and the other participant(s) bruised and/or bloody. i can understand the appeal of rape fantasy scenarios (top-- take what you want, no questions asked; bottom-- it's not your fault, you're not responsible) and i enjoy enacting them from time to time with known, trusted partners. i have also been known to enjoy aggressive couplings. sometimes you just need to let go and let it happen, to find out how much you can take, see what your breaking point is. orgasm + tears = a good night's sleep afterward. and sometimes i like to be the one doing the damage, my hands on his throat while i spit into his worthless faggot face, destroy his hole and force his second ring wide open while he begs me to stop. but not on the first date.
  23. i just ask them to reread my profile, tell them we're not compatible. and if they tell me they do play raw but don't want people to know, i tell them that most people won't notice if they just leave that blank, and to hit me up again after they've updated.
  24. have somebody write 'cumdump' on your stomach with a sharpie and 'load this hole' with an arrow pointing to your hole on your back.
  25. i've taken 24 in about 5 hours, at cumunion last folsom fair weekend. i don't know if there's a secret, but if anyone wants to fuck you, let them. and if you have no volunteers, go find them. it has been my experience that after the second guy in a row fucks you, the line will start to form. then the word spreads that you'll take every load, and the tops will find you.
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