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  1. Hot! Love a good insemination story.
  2. Cheating boyfriend is my favorite genre. Probably because my last boyfriend was a cheating cumdump.
  3. It only took one bare cock in my ass to make me a no loads refused cum dump too!
  4. I love a language barrier! Once I fucked a guy who didn’t speak any English. He was a talker tho.
  5. I love gloryholes like this so much, the combo of anon loads with lack of control. So hot!
  6. This got me off twice! I promise to be the best little pigkunt, I will take ten piss enemas!
  7. Kieth is so cute! I hope to fall in love with a real man who will poz me and make me his. I’m sure Scorpion will take good care of him.
  8. I had a bf who cheated on me, bareback bottoming for a random Grindr hookup even though he never let me touch his hole. I wish I could have set up something like this for him. I mean, if he was worried about getting pozzed, he wouldn’t be barebacking.
  9. I have an ex who could really use the Liam treatment, he always topped me with a condom but cheated by bottoming bare for men of Grindr. If only he were dumb enough to fall for this trap.
  10. I hope I get a green sticker on my photo one day!
  11. This could turn into a full documentary series! Not only could you host neg bottoms as they convert, you could document your own adventures breeding bottoms, either by free will or stealthing. You could also keep documenting getting more strains, they’re like pokemon: gotta catch em all!
  12. All neg bottoms who bareback deserve to be pozzed, but Brad deserved it more than most! The hypocrisy of making his daddy play safe while he was putting on a show for anonymous raw cock? He was asking for every one of those two dozen poz loads those real men raped into him. It’s not pretty but it’s the truth.
  13. I’m not a druggie, but I would certainly take that gamble. Worst case scenario, I get paid to have my ass ripped apart; best case scenario, I get $20k and freedom to get fucked however I want!
  14. Oh man, that really had me going. I think all neg bottoms just haven’t met the right poz cock yet, they need to be so desperate they throw caution to the wind. Miguel was right to make him beg.
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