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Everything posted by pjaco

  1. Nice story!
  2. Very hot story!
  3. Tattoos are great and it doesn't matter what the guy's age . I personally love piercings , but a combination of both is a big turn on for me !
  4. Agree, until I am relaxed then I do not mind whether it is fingers, cock dildos or a fist.
  5. I fully agree with you. I was in two situations like that and it all centered around them and what they want and they do not know what the word "no" means. I avoid all married guys these days there are more than enough gay guys around for me to play with!
  6. This is exactly how I stared as well. Now any thing goes except for first piss in the morning. Fully agree with bearbandit on that.
  7. CHAPTER 4 - TRISTAN Thanks rawrawraw76, as always hot!
  8. I started fucking and getting fucked in 1980, then a student at university. We always barebacked and condoms were never used. I frequent a sauna in Johannesburg and always got fucked bare. It was only in 1983-4 that the Aids awareness really took off in South Africa and guys started using and insisting in using condoms. I lost two friends in 1986 and really got afraid and stopped bare backing until 1989. In 1989 I started fucking and getting fucked as the situation dictated , meaning when a guy insisted on a condom we used it otherwise I bare backed. However I always took oral loads no exception as I loved sucking cock and refused to suck a cock with a condom on. After 1991 I just stopped fucking with a condom or getting fucked with one as up to now.
  9. Yes it is hot!
  10. I agree, I have never had a problem taking any size cock, doggie style
  11. I agree with seaguy it is fucked up and childish, but I also agree with bbhz be careful as it can backfire seriously. There are some sick guys out there who would stop at nothing to ensure that they are not exposed.
  12. Agree a hot story!
  13. Read the story today - Love it! Hot ! Thanks Bearbandit
  14. Agree with you cumslut23, the same for me
  15. I never get bored sucking dick as long as the guy loves it, doesn't matter how long. The main aim is to pleasure the guy whether he wants to be sucked, fuck my throat or fuck my hole.
  16. Great Tattoo. Looks good!
  17. Great I love it. Thanks for a Hot story!
  18. Agree with melvin0095 on getting a stiffy, I did whack off about a week after I got my PA just be very careful not to touch the piercing or to let friction get to it, I stimulated the bottom part of my cock. It is a great feeling and you will love it !!!
  19. salyavin I agree with you and Tiger, but the main concern these days is the issue of antibiotic resistance.
  20. So in agreement !
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