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  • Gender
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    Wherever you need me to be!
  • Interests
    It's more of a goal. I really want to see my ass on the internet (content creators get at me). As long as I can be anonymous and blindfolded / hooded, I want to make close-up porn of cock n balls unloading balls deep in my sexy ass and or anon porn.
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
  • Role
  • Background
    I have realized that I am happiest when I fulfill my calling to be with a horny man and to help him have a talented set of warm wet welcuming holes to ejaculate into like nature intended. I am perpetually "in heat". If you see a picture of my ass and your animal instinct or desire to is to mount me and fuck me until you ejaculate inside me, then I want to meet you and connect with you. I think it is the ultimate compliment to be used by a horny man to realize a carnal animal instinct to spread his seed and bury his cock inside a horny talented warm wet set of holes.
  • Porn Experience
    I have only made casual personal video clips of random encounters. I would sign any consent forms for any content creators who need or want to use my talented holes. Message me to set something up.
  • Looking For
    Please use my ass as the perfect back-drop to show off your sexy cock and amazing scrotum. Responsible breeders who want to film their sexy cock and balls as it meets my wet hole for the first time and also when it throbs and pulses as it unloads that sweet man seed that you are compelled to grind into me as deep as possible. That's exactly what I am looking for - let's film it.

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  1. This question actually raises a very interesting sub-text. How to find and match "my supply" to the "interested and available demand" so to speak. What this also reveals is that MEN (even the super horny 1% of men) are still selective in terms of WHO they choose to put their penis in and WHEN. So, is it you? Is it the way you advertise? OR is it just that horny men don't want that (aka what you're offering) right now? Would they want it after dark? I am trying to figure out how to make sure that men know that if they look me up and down and they "LIKE" what they see (as in hopefully I give them a boner that they want to put inside me), I want them to know that they have an invitation to ejaculate inside me if they WANT to. Anyway, there is no quick fix, no easy answer, and no crystal ball on how or where to attract the man that want you back.
  2. That's such a turn on. What a lucky bf I would love to receive the seed from any horny man's full scrotum that my partner finds to sends me.
  3. I wish more men had fewer hang-ups with ejaculating inside another man. Bottoms, I am looking at us collectively. It's what most of need and want (to connect with another man by being ejaculated into) right? Does the visual of an ass or a pussy matter?? In full disclosure I have never fucked pussy. Maybe because it does look intimidating. An asshole is rather straight forward. LOL
  4. I love horny men. A "repugnant" man gets horny too. I want to provide my holes to a horny bro in need.
  5. The devious, unappreciated part of this fetish is the deception and trickery. I would love to take a bottom's load, but because I want to be the bottom's bottom when he wants or needs it. The strategy for showing up at the bath house when the bottoms are done collecting loads sounds like the ideal strategy!! Love you guys! I am always advocating for bottoms to fuck other bottoms. Share those cocks men - help another bottom out.
  6. I think you've summed up what others are saying very well. For me I am trying to better understand the consequences of destroying or damaging the gut microbiome, and how to repopulate it healthily to stave off any further adverse or negative and uncomfortable side-affects. @Pozguyinchi and @MuscledHorse I admire and appreciate your experience and insight. I guess the "unintended consequences" were the "GI issues" alluded to or the gut microbiome destruction. What is that? What does it look like? Is it akin to constant (e.g. more than 3-4 days of) water-y or loose stools? Is it constant stomach rumbling? Is it not knowing if you're gonna "shart" (shit-fart)? Your experience is appreciated and I love you guys. xoxo
  7. I find this thread particularly interesting... One, I can't help but wonder how many of us answer the same thread repeatedly over time as they re-surface... Two, the "types" I see described here seem specific, to the point that you might pass a lot of other non-specific horny type of guys over looking for what you entered into your response.. Three, hookup apps make a lot more sense when you consider that everyone is "looking" for their ideal type. My type is a horny man with an erection and a desire to ejaculate inside me. You gotta cast a wide net 🙂
  8. The liquid diet is what I have been experimenting with lately. I also find that going without food for more than 24 hours makes me too weak and / or tired to enjoy the sex. It would be nice to know if I "had" to eat - "when" I should anticipate dong another pro-active douche to clean that out of the pipeline so-to-speak. What I have not explored was well immodium may work for this purpose...and how to dose it. Any recommendations on immodium dosing? Note: Fort Troff does sell a portable douche nozzle - which is a nozzle that screws onto any standard water bottle so you could literally douche anywhere.
  9. My preference was not listed or provided for (unless I missed the closest matching one)...It is that: I enjoy cuming or giving myself an orgasm once and only once I have decided to stop seeking cock for my horny holes. I find that an orgasm "neuters" my horniness and this is why I want to wait until the end of a play-date, session or, douche duration...something like that.
  10. Honestly, this is what I should have asked in a follow-up poll question. How many tops have been looked in the eye and told "I love you!" I am slightly disappointed that the likely response would be to run away - get away. What if as the top - the one receiving the "I love you" from the bottom - you had a mutual attraction?
  11. Misophonia is a disorder in which certain sounds trigger emotional or physiological responses that some might perceive as unreasonable given the circumstance. Those who have misophonia might describe it as when a sound “drives you crazy.” Their reactions can range from anger and annoyance to panic and the need to flee. This is just a little fun fact for everyone out there. If you have never heard of this, consider yourself fortunate. It's a real thing. For example, the "certain sounds" that just drove my partner crazy was my gurggling / grumbling stomach. I ate something that didn't agree with me and my stomach is making more grumblings than usual or normal. I blame my diet. However, this constant grumbling was enough for my partner to just get up and leave because it was making him crazy. I also cannot eat or chew anywhere within ear-shot unless he is also eating, chewing, or there is other ambient loud noise to mask the "annoying" chewing sound. Those are two examples. I have many. The reaction seems harsh and unjustified, but it is a genuine response. As you might imagine, this does make many aspects of life quite complicated.
  12. Thanks to everyone who has voted to-date! It appears that realistically most of us can hope we get a chance once or twice a week. My desire is almost daily, but sadly that is not my reality.
  13. Please feel free to add any context or detail to your poll response by submitting your comments. Thanks all!!
  14. My desire, my preference, and the reason I even seek out a horny man in the first place is to be inseminated. To be bred. I don't pretend otherwise. In fact, I have a handful of local guys who love how I suck cock and they "need it". I am flattered that they want to "feed me" their load orally - but I remind them how much I wish they would breed me instead. I don't mind sucking their cock if they have a buddy who wants to breed me while I do... My gay brain wants to get pregnant by these men - even though that's not physically possible.
  15. This is an excellent topic. I wish I had some wisdom or tips and pointers to leave behind here - but sadly I find I am in the same boat. Clueless. I am actually wondering how often this happens. By "this" I mean spontaneous hooking up by a chance public encounter. How often am I missing the signs? Or do I just need to be more bold, and "go for it"? I think I am too shy or not sure how to handle the awkwardness to 'go for it" but I need to figure it out, wink. Love you guys xoxo
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