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  1. Exactly same. I just don't like my dick being played with at all. I get more sexual pleasure from my arm being caressed than from someone touching my dick. Also why I love cages.
  2. It's your lucky day: I wrote that from a previous account, this is a prequel to it
  3. Hey! You're the guy who wrote about his fever-fetish. Here is me with the opposite kink (having a feverish body in my arms after pozzing him up) ☣️🤒

  4. A lot of "weirder" kinks have been mentioned already, so here's an interesting one: dunno what to call it, but I'd call it intoxication domination? Hit-dom? Drugdom? Basically, a top/dom decides how many hits of a joint, how many popper hits, how many vape hits I take (I don't do any other stuff while having sex, I don't do shrooms while fucking, and how would someone even control that?). Up to him if he wants to push my limits, have me go light, or not even allow it at all. I love the idea of a dom not letting me suck his dick or refusing to fuck me until I've done a certain amount of poppers hits, or until he chooses I'm high enough. Of course this is a very large responsibility for the dom so informing him of what I'm used to beforehand is essential.
  5. Don't have much to compare to because I'm only 22, but I do know that when I started using apps about 6 years ago saying I preferred raw meant less people would interact and some would even block me. Now, saying I require raw gets me just as much interaction if not more than not having it. Also, I've noticed it's usually the less attractive guys that outright refuse bareback – in other words: ugly people use condoms, hot people fuck raw. That said, in my experience, those tops that prefer raw still are concerned about the bottom's PrEP intake. So it's not carelessness, just realistic risk assessment.
  6. In my first time ever I was bottoming, fully raw, and thankfully condoms were never even discussed. First (and only) time topping was also raw.
  7. I don't remember at what age, I just remember it happened in a public bathroom because I did not expect it to happen. Had to be before 12 though.
  8. Anything that lets me look at whoever's breeding me~
  9. Final part! But also, part 0 of In Sickness? If you haven't read it, now's the time once you finish this! –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Part 0: Decorum The next couple of weeks went on like nothing happened. Some sex here and there, watching TV together when we got back from work, very usual stuff. About three weeks later, though, I woke up very ill. Cold sweats, high fever, and so on. Of course, that happened to be a day where James would go spend the night at a friend’s place. I could barely move, but I still managed to grab some water and paracetamol. The pills helped slightly, but it was still unbearable enough that I called off work. Throughout the four to five days I went through that, James was barely any help, but what else was new? By the time I was able to think coherently, it clicked — what if it was something I caught during the orgy? Long story short, I got tested, waited, got the call at home. HIV, positive. Chlamydia, positive. Everything else negative. I felt devastated. I felt awful. I felt shitty. I knew I shouldn’t have agreed to that orgy. I had no idea who I got it from. I stuck my dick in 6 people, and they each had other people’s cum in them. I had so many questions, worries, crises, but I knew I had to first be responsible and tell James. I did have sex with him a couple of times after that night, and he needed to get tested too. I waited for him to come back from work on the couch, and once he arrived I told him to sit down. “What’s going on, princess?” He said, dismissively. “It’s not princess —— whatever, that’s not the point. There’s something you need to know.” “What is it?” My heart felt like it was on my neck, but for his sake I had to muster the courage to inform him. “After I stopped being sick, I worried it all was caused by something I caught at the orgy and… uh… and… it… was. I got the call earlier.” His face turned serious, but oddly unreadable. “Oh. So… what do you have?” “HIV and chlamydia.” He stood silent. “I know it’s a shock, but don’t worry about me too much… I mean, I’ll go on treatments so I can live like normal, and gono is curable so ——“ “I can’t do this.” Now I stood silent. “… what?” “I’m breaking up with you, Brett.” “What? Why? Why now?” “You’re dirty now. I can’t be with someone with AIDS.” “But I’ll go on the pills, I’ll be okay, and it’ll mean I can’t infect you…” “That’s good for you, but I can’t do it. What if the pills don’t work? Plus, what are people gonna say about me if I keep dating you when people discover you have AIDS now?” “I don’t have AIDS, that’s not the same ——“ “Whatever. You have to respect my choice. We’re over.” “Are you really doing this to me right now? I’m at my lowest point and you’re gonna just… just leave me?” “You’re gonna be okay. I mean, it’s your first relationship, right? You get over those quick. And you’re an adult, Brett. You have to deal with the consequences of your actions.” This is what made me immediately snap. “Consequences of my own actions?” I yelled at him. “You convinced me to go to that orgy! You made me do it even though I didn’t want to! I always thought we were exclusive but I went to this sex party because of you! Because I wanted to make you happy! And then I found out you’re a ‘regular’ according to some stranger there? You’ve been fucking around all this time, putting yourself and me at all these risks, but now it’s my fault I caught this!? This was all your idea, James! You put me in this situation and now you’re gonna leave? I thought you fucking cared about me! I thought we’d be together through the hardships! I wanted to be with you for long, even marry you! But I’m nothing but dirty infectious trash to you now!” “Oh please, Brett, lay off. You know I don’t want to get married to anyone. I told you, you’ll be okay. Just move on.” I fought as hard as I could not to break down crying in front of him, but some sobs were able to escape. After a couple of minutes of silence sitting down on the couch which felt like hours, he got a notification on his phone. “I’m off to Andrew’s place, I made plans with him to watch that new show that came out I really wanted to watch.” “Oh yeah?” I asked between sobs. “What show is that?” “It’s, uh… It’s… I don’t remember the name. Andrew’s the one that wanted to watch it.” “You said ——“ “I gotta go.” James left the apartment and waited outside for his cab. At least he had the decorum not to ask me if he could use my car. The moment I heard the car go I broke down loudly, as the mélange of feelings overflowed. The sadness, the anger, the frustration, the loneliness, the worry about the future, the diagnosis… I don’t know how long I cried, in some ways it felt like a blip of time and in some ways it felt like days. It was dark when I regained composure. I decided to grab all my stuff, pack it up, and leave the apartment. I knew I had at least the whole night, but I did not want to see James’s face again, so I did it as quickly as possible. I considered at least writing a note for him, but he didn’t deserve it. I took all of mine I could from the place, loaded it in my car, and drove away. I stayed in a hotel for about a week. At work, there was a notification they opened a spot for my position in a city across the country, and in an impulse to run away from everything I took the opportunity. Once I moved, it took me a while to get over James. In the moment, I really thought I wanted him. I blamed myself for it all — I knew consciously that nothing was my fault and yet, I thought being ‘dirty’ was the source of all my problems. If I hadn’t gone to that orgy, James would still love me. If I hadn’t been pozzed, I wouldn’t be lonely. And I mean, he did love me, right? Even if he cheated, if he didn’t love me he wouldn’t have stayed with me. …right? About 4 months later, Facebook reminded me of a photo uploaded ‘on this day’, the only photo that James let me upload to social media for ‘privacy’. I shouldn’t have, but curiosity got the best of me, and I unblocked him and looked at his profile. A month before that, the man, my ex, who for the whole length of our relationship claimed to be against marriage, proposed to that Andrew guy. Part of me was heartbroken — he obviously did not love me, if he lied to me about his thoughts regarding marriage. Part of me was relieved, however — nothing I could’ve done would’ve made him stay. I could move on quicker. Over time, I started venturing out to see if I could date someone else. Maybe I wasn’t ready yet, but that didn’t matter to me. I even looked in those sites where people look specifically for poz guys (I think it was something like ‘breeding area’?), but I couldn’t find anyone I was into or that would want to go on a date with me. It was no longer just about my status, since all the mess made me let go and gain some weight, not to mention other insecurities. I truly thought nobody wanted me. I would die alone. I did some things to cope: some drugs, shopping, even multiple tattoos, including a scorpion one to “own” my status. They did the job in the moment, but I’d still end up feeling like shit soon after. About two years later, after one more person in a dating app rejected me, I got so angry I threw my phone across the room. The phone was totaled, screen fully broken, and since it was an older phone it was difficult to repair. Since I needed to upgrade to something new anyway, I went to this retail store near my apartment to buy a new one; I figured I had saved enough anyway. I went in, and this cute guy with a slim figure and brown hair helped me choose whether I should pick a normal model or a Pro model. He rang me up at the cashier where I paid, and before I walked away, he told me he put his card in my bag so I could call him if my phone didn’t work as expected. How nice of him. I got home, unboxed and set up my phone, and looked through the bag. There was a note, not a card, handwritten by the worker. “hey, you, think i saw you on grindr once but i had plans with someone else. i thought ur kinda cute ; ) call me if u wanna meet, my # is on the other side ; p —casey, the store guy” ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– And then goes Part 1: That man. I'm loving this little storyline I'm making, and I'm already a good bit into the following story!
  10. I'm still yet to find an ugly cock. And I don't mean it from a "omg i'm such a slut i love every cock" place, I just genuinely don't think any cock isn't beautiful... ... yes, even this one. Extreme? absolutely? Would I still please it? 100%.
  11. Growing up with porn, I think everything I'm into I learned about watching it. But if I have to say one thing porn singlehandedly got me into was degradation. I'm not so hung up in the degradation fantasy to constantly be in that mindspace, but that period of time where I can lose control and just be treated like outright garbage would probably be something I'd not allowed myself to experience if I hadn't seen it in porn
  12. New chapter! This is 2/3 of this prequel, and yes, this is the sex scene! Enjoy ❤️ ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Part -1: |||| |||| “We don’t go by names around here, prince. Let that big cock do the introductions.” He lowered my boxers to reveal my slightly larger than average cock. He cupped my balls with his right hand and immediately deepthroated my dick, all while keeping the pipe safe. As he kept sucking another top showed up. He held my by the neck, french kissed me — his tongue felt cold as he was drinking something — and grabbed another bottom to take care of his cock. The one sucking me off stopped for a bit, took out a lighter from his jockstrap pouch (smart) and started smoking the pipe. Another bottom showed up, grabbed my cock, and stared at me asking for approval, to which I nodded. He did not hesitate to take care of me, almost expertly handling my dick inside of his mouth with only a couple of gags. The night is a blur in my memory in some spots, but I remember at one point I had fucked at least 4 guys that night. I had never had sex with that many people period, let alone that many people in one night. I started fucking the fifth one with quite a bit of stamina to spare (I have to say, even in my first time I could last a lot, which is how I was able to get away with lying to James about not being a virgin). I fucked him hard, with deep, ample strokes, which make loud smacks between our skins in the middle of loud moans and ‘fuck yeah’s. Another bottom came up to us, kissing the one I was fucking while stroking him. He whispered something to him, which made him put his legs down signaling me to stop. The other bottom quickly got to work on my cock, cleaning off the mix of saliva and mucosa that had accumulated from fucking that many people. He was really good at it, but seemingly struggled to keep his jaw fully open. At one point, his bottom teeth kept scraping a bit against my skin and glans, which I did not mind much until he did it particularly hard, enough to make me wince. He got up, apologized to me and explained he had jaw problems so keeping his jaw open for long was tiring, thus the extra teeth. I told him it was okay and I wasn’t mad, but he still moved on to getting on all fours, revealing his tallied back and a marker held by his jockstrap strap. He had taken 9 loads so far. I decided I’d be the tenth. I stuck my dick in him, and it burnt a bit where his bottom teeth scraped hard. It wasn’t painful and it went away quickly, so I didn’t pay attention to it. I could immediately feel all of the loads in him surround my cock, and it was one of the best feelings it had ever experienced. The warmth, the slickness, it was heavenly. I let myself fully have at his ass — he was very well broken in, after all. He moaned loud. Very loud. Grab a lot of people’s attention loud. We seemed to have attracted a crowd of onlookers to watch us, so many people stroking while they spectated me giving this random person whose face I don’t even remember the fuck of his life. I even spot James in the crowd, and when I did he turned around and walked away, which I thought was to get fucked by someone else. I kept on fucking this guy, when I got really close to cumming. “You want your tenth load?” I exclaimed. “Yes sir, please give me your cum sir!” “Yeah you whore? You want another stranger’s load?” “Please sir give me your load!” With a body-shaking growl, I came deep in his guts. I don’t know how much cum I let out, but it might have been in the top 5 largest ejaculations that have spurted out from my penis. I grabbed the marker and marked his back diagonally, as I became in fact his 10th load of the night. Spent, I put my cock close to his mouth for him to clean up, which he did subtly, no teeth this time. I pet his head and messed his hair up a bit (which in hindsight was probably either the hottest thing or the dorkiest thing I could’ve done for him). Went up to the bar to get my clothes back, put them on, seeked around for James but couldn’t find him. The guy that went up to me first tapped my shoulder. “Oh, you’re still here? I thought you guys had left.” He looked at me confused. “No, why do you say that?” “I saw him leave when that crowd gathered, I figured you left with him.” Discreetly I looked out the window. Effectively, he took my car home and left me here. I got a cab home and eventually found him watching TV on the couch. “You had fun, Brett?” “Why did you leave without telling me?” “You were busy with that guy, didn’t want to bother you.” He said in a slightly sarcastic tone. “You know it’s not that. Why are you bothered?” “I’m not bothered. I was just tired and wanted to come home.” I knew that wasn’t the truth, but I knew this was not gonna go well if I continued in that moment, so I let it go. We went to sleep that night completely silent. I wanted to bring up what that guy told me as well, but knew better than that for the moment.
  13. I did a chastity challenge that made me lock up for just under half a year, and I'm unlocking until November. I have no choice but to do Locktober 😛
  14. I published a prequel to this! It's called "Scorpioned". I'm already working on a continuation to this story, but in the meantime go check this out!
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