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jd13 last won the day on March 20

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About jd13

  • Birthday January 13

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    100% bareback btm. Poz-friendly, not on prep, open to all from neg/prepsters, ‘don’t-know-don’t-care’, UD to D and toxic. Total chaser for strangers’ cum in my ass.
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
  • Role
  • Porn Experience
    Did some Triga stuff some years back
  • Looking For
    Bareback hookups in the UK. Cruising, taking anon loads in saunas, bb group sessions. Cum in me. Loving the fucked-up thrill ride of the journey. Poz-hungry, waiting for the thrill of infection. I will be ecstatic when it happens.

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    Scruff: search hashtags #neg4poz #pozfriendly #submissive all together and you'll find me there

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  1. Fuck. I just saw this. I am away this weekend, otherwise I would offer my ass to you like a shot. God damn it. Enjoy, man. Please let me know if you are ever over this way again.
  2. It's odd isn't it? In Basement on a Sunday, there's not one or two guys getting all the attention, it's just that everyone's bouncing around everyone. it's really unfocussed: I'll fuck this guy for as bit then move on. One Sunday I came out with 10 loads, the next Sunday 5. But on a Saturday, people are definitely more focussed, and simultaneously, chilled. Glad you enjoy them. Love writing them. Gets me hard recounting them... ...well it would do this time, but I just bought a new chastity device, and I'm wearing it right now. Breaking it in. Enjoying the delicious rightness of being locked up again. Fuck yeah! 😉
  3. Yet another trip to Basement sauna in Manchester, this time on a Saturday. Now Saturday afternoons will have less than a quarter of the crowd on a Sunday, but it’s simultaneously more chilled and more focussed. Crazily I walked out of there with more loads (8 in ass, 2 in mouth) from 50 guys max being there than I did with 250+ guys who were there last Sunday. Once again, a Backroom sort of meeting was arranged with a Backroom sort of guy, who flaked. Nothing I can say here, or anywhere, because yet again, nothing happened. This is practically becoming an obligatory thing to say in my Basement ‘Your Last Load’ stories. FFS and all that. Anyway, some highlights… First Load: As ever, I’ve got to neutralise my goddamn ‘top vibes’ that I apparently give off to publicise the fact I’m a total bottom. A guy in the main video area was happy to oblige, railed me good and hard on one of the mats as guys walked by from one cruising area to another. No one really stopped to watch, and it was early – less than an hour after the place had opened – so I thought, fine it’s gonna be just five minutes fuck and then he’ll move on. But he didn’t. After about five minutes, he started gripping my hips and it felt like he was digging in for the long term. And his cock felt like it was digging away into me. Quite sizeable and I was starting to get shudders and fuzzy ecstasies as he was hitting all the right spots. P spots and such. One guy did come and watch, walked up to me and started banging his cock on the top of my head for a suck, but I really was head down and focussed on the depth of this fuck. Sorry, man. I should’ve looked up and accepted a throat fuck. But my whole body was going blurry, just from the first fuck of the day. Then without warning, a gasp and howl and I felt my digging top cum hard inside me. I was in fucking heaven. Above aforementioned backroom person was meant to rock up at 2pm. It was before 1 and I already had a load in my ass, and I knew the jizzjoy would put me in the perfect frame of mind. I was flying, as always. Fuck yeah. Thank you thank you thank you: Seems I have developed a new little thing during sex, which is to thank the guy repeatedly while he cums in me. Not after, but during. First noticed this when I got chatting to a guy who’d just arrived, started fucking me in a cubicle as a warm-up, then we broke off as he was gonna hit the dark rooms. I spent an hour between 2 and 3pm hunting around for the guy who never showed, then decided to hit the dark room myself. Must have been perfect timing: wasn’t that crowded, but a succession of guys were coming in and out. Within seconds, I had hands on me, and a cock went inside for a jackhammer fuck. I love these: you know it doesn’t feel that ecstatic, and you’re braced with your legs wide, leaning against a wall… or in the case, your arms around the shoulders of someone else cos it was in the middle of the dark room floor, and this other guy seemed happy to support me. But you know: he’s jack hammering you because he just needs to cum. And yeah, three or four minutes of being hammered and he exploded into me. “Thank you thank you thank you” I gasp during his own gasping howls. He pulls out, and exits, leaving me with my supporting guy. Who has had an ulterior motive for supporting me: he wants to be next. It’d be rude not to allow myself to be manhandled up against the wall for pretty much more the same treatment. Bang bang bang goes the jack hammer, slam slam slam goes his hips into my ass, but this time the shivers come back and give me ecstasies… or is that a wave of jizzjoy? Whatever: another five-ish (??) minutes (I swear, time loops so differently in a dark room) of fucking and another hot blast of cum rushes into my ass. “Thank you thank you thank you” goes my desperate submissive cumdump gratitude. This one takes a bit of time to ensure his cum is safely fucked into me before pulling out and again leaving without a word. As he should. And another pair of hands take me, in similar vein up against the wall, to the same conclusion: “Thank you thank you thank you”. A final cock slides into my ass having been directed to the fuck bench at the back of the dark room. And again: “thank you thank you thank you” Four loads in quick succession… in what, twenty minutes maybe? Apparently I Have Seductive Eyes: Towards the end of my sauna trip, I get a bit of feedback from someone about exactly what those top vibes I’m allegedly constantly giving off actually are. I’m tall, I’ve got tattoos, I roll my shoulders and I kinda take up a bit more space with my movements and my body than a sub btm should. Ok, that last one is probably the ADHD. “But”, says the guy who tells me this in the corridor, “It’s your eyes. They’re really sexy and seductive.” I get a lot of compliments about my eyes. They’re big, hazel and with long girly lashes. It’s noticeable for some reason, and yeah I’m not shy about using them 😉 It’s the way he says this last sentence though… like a bit of a blur. Like he’s caught in the seduction a bit. So I switch it up, gaze into him and tilt my head with a half-smile like some kind of animal. Give him a wink and he gives a bit of a gasp. I glide him into the cubicle with whatever seduction he perceives me to have. If I’m half pretending to be Dom here, I’m also using my eyes to get him to lay me down on the mat, making sure my eyes are fully visible in the low light. “Fuck me,” It’s practically a command. I successfully hide both my own surprise and amusement, but I don’t let him out of my gaze. I am visualizing headlights, beams flying out of my eyes to fix him. We fuck. It’s not a bad fuck, and he does shoot a couple of mini-cumshots into me – “sorry I’ve come about three times already today” – but it’s that eyes locked together moment that’s memorable. I’m on my back, legs in the air, he’s over me and pounding away… but he’s given me all the power and it’s completely through my eyes. If I look away the spell will break. Eventually it does break, and we part. But every time afterwards when we pass in the corridor, I make sure to playfully give him a bit of the eye beaming right at him. It’s a strange thing, pretty much all in his head, but I am happy to play it for his thrill. After this, one last dark room trip for a couple more loads, and then time to make my exit. All in all, another good trip! *** Oh I almost forgot: I got chatting to some guy who wanted to fuck me, but with a condom - "I only fuck safe, sorry" to my "I only get fucked bare man, sorry" - so that wasn't going to happen. Anyway, I lied and told him I was poz, just to see his reaction. I’m not quite sure why I did it. It was interesting to see his mental gears clashing - must not stigmatise, but also must make my exit. Not to go all Backroom on this moment, but it was nice to experience that...
  4. I used to have a friend who was an organist for a prominent Anglican church in London. He said the clergy was chock full of gay men, and the congregation was an equal mix of elderly locals, music lovers who came to hear him play - he was a talented organist and the organ itself was remarkable (puns probably intended! 🤣) - and gay men on the cruise. He invited me to listen one time, and I was successful in both enjoying the music and cruising a couple who took me off to the toilets in the park behind the church to fuck and breed me, in a double act which if I am honest is the closest I ever come to praying. That was a happy Sunday! My friend also knew all the gossip about the gay clergy. He used to tell a story about the Bishop of [ Diocese Redacted! 🤣 ] who went to the doctor complaining of a problem with his rectum, saying "I've got soreness and a rash right at the entrance here", to which the doctor replied: "Your Grace, most people refer to it as the exit!" 🤣 He also had a gay-married Canandian clergy couple as neighbours for a while. Never told my friend this but while he was out of his apartment one hot summer day, I went over shirtless, knocked on the door "just to say hi" to be answered by the older one who invited me in, told me his husband was out (which I already knew). Apparently my reptutation had preceded me. We did it in the kitchen. I never told my friend about it, to this day. That was also a happy Sunday!
  5. I think if you let me know beforehand about the colour, it would be get me intensely curious, and I'd want to experience it. To be honest I would probably find it horny, thrilling and laugh-out-loud absurd in equal measure, but it wouldn't stop me bathing myself in it, or opening my throat to drink it down. But you'd have to also know that I'd definitely take it away as a story to recount later: "guys, let me tell ya the time I met a guy whose piss was blue..." 🤣
  6. My official load tally this year is 42 in my ass that I know of. Didn't count loads down my throat but it's about 20ish I think. Definitely been fucked by 100+ guys and prob close to 200, mostly in saunas so top guys float around from btm to btm. Pretty good for me, given I only got about 90ish loads in my ass last year in total. My goal was to get 100 loads in my ass this year - it's only March and I'm already within shooting distance of halfway. I'm on track for sure. I don't live in a big city - small town not far from two cities - so always have to travel for saunas or cruising, and Grindr/Scruff hookups are usually travel too. But I'm always willing to do that work!
  7. "Do you fuck on the first date?"

    "I'm btm but yeah I'm fucked on the first date. I'm fucked instead of he first date. I'm fucked as the first date!" 🤣😈

  8. The way I see it, I am on my knees before this man – a naturally submissive position – working my hardest to use my mouth and throat to bring him pleasure, and make him cum. So really it’s up to him if he wants to direct me and tell me what he likes in a blowjob – if that’s the sort of guy he is – and it’s my job to respond to that. I don’t tend to use my hands when sucking cock, except to direct the cock into my mouth, or to help get it hard at the beginning. Within a few minutes, the only use for my hands will be to run them over his body for extra pleasure, or to use them to grab his hands and place them on the back of my head so he can skullfuck me with full control. I think offering my head to be skullfucked is the greatest thing I can give to a man during oral sex. But, there again, I have sucked some guys that want me to use my hands, to jack their cock into my mouth, to work not just my hands but my arm to really whack that thing off, with the head just in my open my mouth, and basically hitting myself in the mouth with the energy of it. Some guys like that. It’s really for the guy I am cocksucking to tell me what he wants, and if he is the kinda guy to give orders, it’s my job to follow them.
  9. BB Btm in Leeds-Bradford, but in Basement sauna one or two Sundays a month, always giving my ass away to rpetty much anyone who wants to fuck me raw. Also jd13 on BBRT and Subjack on Recon. My profile on here also lists how to find me on Scruff through hashtag search. No loads refused and no prep here 😉
  10. I have no preference whatsoever for cun or uncut. I am uncut, which is the norm here in the UK, but I have sucked my fair share of both. To me, the question is odd, almost as if I'm being asked if I prefer cut or uncut cocks to fuck me. Why would I choose or discriminate? I love cocks of all shapes, sizes, colours, ages, flavours, and will suck pretty much any that are offered to me these days, either as a prelude to a fuck or as an end in itself. Plus, for the most part, the head of the cock is going to be spending a lot of time in my throat, so... yeah 😉
  11. Christ I've turned this into my bloody confession time here!! 🤣🤣🤣
  12. One of the very worst things I did was back in 2014. Was seeing this fuck buddy who I knew was cheating on his bf. Didn't care, neither did he. He used to fuck me on the bed he shared with his bf. We'd meet about once every couple of weeks. Third or fourth time, he showed me a picture of his bf. Fatal mistake: I didn't let on but I knew him socially. Next time I saw the bf out drinking, I put the moves on him. Long story short, he ended fucking me in the very same apartment - but not in the bedroom - that I had been visiting for weeks. I had both of their numbers on my phone and started meeting both of them - guy #1 at the apartment and the bf (guy #2) would come to fuck me outdoors near me - semi-regularly. This went on for two months. Fairly abruptly, they both broke off contact and I got the sense both had blocked me. I decided not to go to that particular bar for a while. Three or four months after that, I started to go back there and I heard that they had broken up. About a year after they broke off contact, some random guy came up to me in the same bar, told me he was guy#2/the bf's best friend, and then punched me off my chair 🤣 Best punch i ever fucking took. Right in the face. Deserved it and more. Guess they had figured it out after all! I really really shouldn't have done it but... y'know *shrugs* 🤣
  13. You're right. That is exactly Doctorow's definition of 'enshittification' right there, in the experience you report. I may have been overly optimistic in saying 'three to five years'
  14. I definitely got this from felching cummy holes on Sunday in the sauna! 🤣
  15. True enough. I'm fine with STIs turning up, especially given my sexual behaviour. But strep throat? Ick, please no, not again! 🤣
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