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Everything posted by DNG999

  1. Just caught up on this story last night. Nice one
  2. Absolutely. It’s the only way
  3. That was a great story, thank you! Looking forward to your next one …
  4. Just the once, and we are not talking Sons of Anarchy bike either. In his late 50s, beard, pretty furry and very horny.
  5. Definitely on my bucket list 🙂
  6. I had a close friend who I’d experiment with. Guess we were both 16 at the time. Nothing heavy but certainly the foundations of what was to come.
  7. Just reread, just as good second time
  8. Let’s bump this one up the list for those who haven’t read it. Still hanging out for more.
  9. They’re great little hide outs aren’t they, although a little spooky in the still of night. The pill Box I used was by the canal so pretty damp. Lots of graffiti. Like a scene from Blair Witch Project!
  10. Yep, agree. Furry bear with jungle pits!
  11. Nice! Certainly woken me up downstairs!
  12. I only noticed once, and he made it pretty obvious. Sadly I wasn’t with the right company to respond 😞 Other than that I have no gaydar!
  13. Fantastic start, you tell a good story
  14. I always carry on with me just in case. Will establish during the pre chat what he likes and turn up for him accordingly
  15. Not the end of the road, I see a number of guys over 60. In fact I’m meeting a 67 year old top tomorrow. Nice guy, hard cock and still cums buckets
  16. Ticking all the boxes here
  17. Reading —- London. Can travel
  18. Like some here I’m the same. I love fucking raw and taking loads but I’m not a chaser. If a guy pre presented to me that the was poz no meds then I’d probably decline through the fear. But one day I will be caught out, I’d just prefer not knowing in advance
  19. Never been a cumdump. Maybe one for the future, but I do meet a lot of guys from dating sites. Used to be looking for neg, then neg on prep, to undetectable Not I don’t ask just let it happen, so I guess no loads refused.
  20. Great follow up. Loving this.
  21. There’s been a few places but one which springs to mind is being fucked in a dark and damp Pill Box, along the canal. For those who don’t know, a Pill Box Is a Second World War reinforced concrete guard post with loopholes for firing weapons, built as part of defensive fortifications. It felt almost dungeon like, pretty sleazy.
  22. This us good stuff!
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