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  1. Doesn't matter that much to me if I cum. I'm here for my top so if he cums its job well done. One FB was really interested in me cumming, so I came almost every time with him. Actually we usually came at the same time (he in me and I on me) - his favourite position was missionary and he seemed to love to watch me shooting my load while he was pumping his in my ass. It was fun and created deep sense of bond between us.
  2. 14 I think, a friend 2 years older wanted me to suck his dick. I tried but I was disgusted by it.. so he fucked me instead 🙂
  3. OPTIMISTIC and POLITICAL.. Well those words do not combine well in my mind. As I live and breathe my whole life in retrospect seems to be full of significant, global even, events: - Born in 1985 so I survived collapse of the USSR (as a citizen of former soviet republic). - My country went through turbulent 90' (transition to market economy and rife organized crime) - Then 00' and war on terrorism begun - 10' economic near collapse (really good timing when you're about to hit labor market full speed), followed by EU debt crisis (even better) - 20' COVID-19 and now war in Ukraine... Russia is rattling with nuclear weapons constantly and Donald in U.S. exceeded all the expectations (of what I even thought possible).. My optimism stems from the fact that I survived all that (by sheer luck), so I'm waiting in defiance what the future will throw my way.
  4. Woa. Its close to what I have with my FB. This boy found me on hookup site almost year ago. And we meetup since then (but 2 times a moth at max.). He is 22, I'm 40 (younger looking). The relationship is one sided since then - he calls or texts when he is in a need to drop load (usually no more than an hour in advance). Really don't know what he feels, we are not discussing that, but he mentioned girlfriend and that this is just a game. He also mentioned that its "last time", but he came back. Sometimes we kiss, sometimes we don't. Sounds like a mess, but boy, the sex is amazing! Gentle and rough we seem to click together in bed like I've never experienced - no words just go at it and its a bliss. After that he showers, packs and leaves. Then I wait if he texts or calls again.. And when he does, I feel like a teen again..
  5. Have to say, capitalism in its core isn't evil for starters - it's just a system. Plain and simple. Its up to governments to set the required (and enforced) parameters but it works. This is huge thing. One big reason for it is its self regulating qualities of a sort - You set the parameters and everything adjust to them on its own with time, so as a governor of the system you need to watch it and implement checks and balances on the move (this is manageable). Other systems tend to be top-to-bottom managed and it eventually fails, because there is no capacity to micromanage everything. I remember the last days of USSR and there was literally not even enough toilet paper and women had to make their the sanitary pads - you guessed it there were none to be found in the stores. As a child a remember eating meat only in preschool, and one day a week at home - what an utopia! Well I have survived one shot at "alternative" system and don't want to try the other. I don't actually understand that everyone is yawning how dire the situation is, cause in general we never had it so good. Good questions are: - Why it works and how it self regulates? - What are the consequences? - Why other systems tend to fail? In my opinion the basic principle is well understood SUPPLY - DEMAND set the PRICE creating a balance state.Other system tend to meddle it this basic principle too much so they create imbalances in the system as a whole. And really important component is that you can do as you like if you abide to the rules set by the government. Why it is essential is well stated in Two Concepts of Liberty (by Isaiah Berlin). I encourage everyone contemplating new socio-economic systems to read this piece first.
  6. Don't forget to account, for the origin of the NATO weapons systems I suppose it is dominated by the US.. So when European NATO member buys equipment what percentage of that is channelled back to US military industrial complex? And really.. compare Albania's contribution to the country with largest nominal GDP on the planet is bit off. USA is now acting as a mother in law with PMS... 🙂
  7. One hookup flopped on me this way: Guy drove to my place, then he was sitting in a car. And texted me about his second thoughts. He eventually went to my place, we chatted for a while, and parted ways. Friend of mine told me the exact thing: A guy wanted to meet, then got spooked up. So friend got invited home, he was informed that the other one is not up the job, he was offered apology and then went home. So I won't believe to some "got off" theory, cause if that was the case, he could have said that.. So this was purely intentional - he just loves to waste someones time.
  8. Top cumming is a must. It means job well done on my part. As I see it, I'm here for him, so if he is done quickly so be it. If I suck him and he cums, its fine, but when I get fucked it is for the feeling. Just love being fucked, but I'm not sure if I would handle hour long fucking..
  9. At home, 18Y younger friend of mine gave me some hard time in standing position.. So much so, I couldn't handle it in the end and leaned forward, so he slipped out and his load landed on my back.. does it even count? 🙂
  10. Would never refuse top because of condom.. I'm for playing it safe... So if the situation would seem to be one night stand, then it would be me insisting on condom. For a regular it is a matter of trust.
  11. Once while having a threesome with two tops, one of them referred to me as "a hole". He apologized immediately on his own.. 🙂 Well no harm done, when they can call it (and me) whatever they can as a part of the game. But they must acknowledge and respect my personality. As I do respect theirs.
  12. For me, It is more personal. To cum in me is a thing top usually asks for: one asked right before he dumped load in me after fucking me silly bare for few minutes, another asked just before cummed, but it was a second hookup (first time he was so over the moon that he breeded me no question asked) - fun stuff 🙂 And well only guys, to whom I feel some bond are allowed - big nope for one-nighters. I prefer regulars anyway..
  13. Yea, thats bad. If this is their general attitude, they can expect only medicore experiences (my opinion).. For me the sex tend to be WAY better with someone I know well. Guys can hide their kinks because they are afraid to be turned down. For example a friend of mine hid his dom side till fourt fuck (then he gently grabbed my neck and asked: "Is it OK?". And there is no hassle to hookup. Usually I get a text like: "U up some action?" And thats it. 🙂
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