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Everything posted by bbzh

  1. Not a size queen at all. In fact I ask dick size so I can screen out the telephone poles! But I always tell a guy my size (average) so he doesn't feel like I am judging. I must admit though that pics of a hard dick on a profile get the most attention from me. I don't like it when guys lie in either direction about their dicks. Don't say it's L when it's M. And don't say it XL when you know that thing is XXXL. My prep work for a fuck depends on the size of dicks I am taking. I have got dildoes in 3 sizes to make sure the top gets a hole that fits like a glove. So be proud of your cock. Somebody wants it. Unfortunately if you are only into guys who get so much dick offered to them that they can discriminate, what can you do? I am lucky enough to go to sex parties where the bottoms are face down and ass up. Nobody is refusing any cocks there.
  2. I don't use CL but isn't a sure fire way to identify a faker is those guys who don't want to exchange cell numbers after you agree to hook up? Maybe it's wrong but I want the guy to text me and then I text my address back. I prefer a face pic but will hook up with a body pic. Have had some problems with guys posting very old pics. Don't post the tight body pics of you at 25 when you are plump and in your 40s. Ha!
  3. I try to steer clear of the married guys, but they are freaky as hell. One Serb guy who used to fuck me has a huge cock and is married. He once came back frustrated from a vacation with the wife and dumped two massive loads in me in a row. The thing I don't like about the married guys is that they think it's fine to pester you for sex, but you can never contact them directly when you want sex. Same thing with gay guys in relationships. Totally a turn off to know you are just a piece of ass to a guy no matter how horny you are. If the dick is good, I don't want anything that poses an obstacle between it and me.
  4. I prefer raw too but sometimes I think a guy gets freaked out by the bottom insisting on it. I think many guys have "safe only" in the profiles and will fuck raw but not if you insist.
  5. My take on life is that if you truly understand and are ready to accept the consequences of your actions, then there is not much more I can ask of you. You asked if maybe you should get your life together first. The answer is yes. I recall being your age. I got started in the scene slowly. First homosexual act at 18. Second at 21. It was not until my late 20s that I started really fucking around a lot. However in the meantime, I went to undergrad and grad school and made sure I had a career. I think that served me very well. You have got plenty of time to be a slut. Anybody can do that. But the window of time you have to do other things in your life closes. So in a nutshell, the choices you make now will affect the options you have later in life. If you poz, think about what that means in terms of treatment options available, insurance, future relationships etc. The meds will keep you from dying but you still have to live with HIV. Think of it like getting pregnant, but you can't abort or give the kid up for adoption. It's yours, presumably for life. This site is full of advice on getting and giving as many loads as you can, and I have lived too, but I also got my shit together. And I got options.
  6. I think co-infection is a real concern until you get on meds and get your viral load down. If the virus is raging inside your body, why risk picking up another strain until you get control of the one you have?
  7. My advice: 1) fuck your bottom regularly so that his ass gets to know the curve of your dick 2) it drives this bottom wild if you can get hard without oral and you start fingering my prelubed hole, 3) after you cum, roll over and go to sleep - the bottom thinks "damn my pussy was so good it knocked his ass out"
  8. I got bred by a guy from my job on Christmas Day last year. The sex was just ok. When he sees me at work, he asks me when we are going to hook up again. NEVER EVER AGAIN!!! No more fucking guys from my job. It's just weird. There are guys I'd like to fuck. But I will just jerk off to the idea.
  9. Would love to be on the road for a few days with a trucker, swapping fucks and watching/filming each other taking loads. All meals/hotels on me. Cum on MascMountainMan, make my gay dream come true. :-)
  10. Yeah flipping is hot. Total bottoms miss out on a lot of good fucks by having such a limited view and for insisting that guys stick to one role. I prefer to bottom but will top. At the sex parties I attend, I think the versatile guys probably end up giving and getting the most loads because they can adjust better. :-)
  11. It depends on the situation and the guy. At sex parties I attend, I don't even see much oral, let alone kissing. It is all about penetration. If I meet a guy one on one, I might kiss him. I won't even meet guys who insist in the ads that kissing is a must. There needs to be chemistry for me to enjoy kissing. Right now I am totally into my bf and he gets kissed as much as he wants. I do notice that he wants to fuck if we start kissing so I understand all the posts here from guys who want, need or require it.
  12. You have to do what works for you. I am dating a guy now and we have already fallen for each other. We have a don't ask don't tell policy in place. I'm not possessive and I am not willing to waste my time worrying about what he is doing with his dick. As long as he is fucking me good, I don't care. But what's good for the goose is good for the gander, so if I feel like it, I will go out and get fucked. Period. I looked him dead in the eye and told him "you have to decide for yourself if you are going to be monogamous. I can't decide that for you." When he attempted to reassure me that he would play safe with others, I said (knowing full well that a word was never said about condoms when he started fucking me years ago), "Honey, let's not play games. If you catch something, just be decent enough to tell me so I can get treated." It wasn't long after that that he told me he was falling in love. A man is gonna be a man. If monogamy is your thing, I hope you find it or it finds you. If it ain't, it doesn't make you any less of a person or your relationships any less valid. I would rather have a deep bond with someone who is more interested in loving me for who I am - flaws and all- than having someone who thinks they are gonna control me. And if my man feels the same way, then we will transcend any and all labels and judgments that others may have.
  13. My bf is in the bedroom asleep. He has been working overtime. He did the flowers on the balcony, he fixed the toilet and he cooked and served me dinner. And he washed the dishes too! I was cockteasing him but finally let him breed me last night before we went to bed. Hey, its the least i could do, right? He got up to pee at 4 in the morning but instead of going back to sleep, he bred me two times in a row. What have I done to deserve this? Maybe going to bed wearing just a wifebeater and having a lubed up hole might have had something to do with it. Those last loads were huge. I am holding them in as long as I can. ;-)
  14. I've got a several vids. One is me getting fucked by a North African guy. One of me getting bred by a Serb who has a big cock. One sucking the Serb. And a few weeks ago, a bud fucked me raw in London. That clip is on my barebackcity profile. It's harder to arrange but it's better to have a third guy to film and to have masks for the tops. That way you can get the different angles and guys are not worried about who sees. And you and your top can focus on the sex. I think it can be distracting for the top to film and breed, but of course it can be done. Some people are naturally good at multitasking. :-)
  15. Just left the sex party in Mainz. I took a pair of scissors and cut the ass out of my boxer briefs. I thought that was a clever way to signal that I wanted to bottom. Um it worked. Within 30 minutes my ass got destroyed. For some reaon, the party seemed to attract men with cartoonishly large dicks. After my third 9 incher, I went to the bar for some more alcohol. I usually get fucked a dozen times at this party but tonight I was fucked six times and took two loads. Found myself passing up dick because it was too big. One guy was like "Oh it is not as big as it seems." Riiiiiight.
  16. He has had the same job for a couple of years and he does have his own place. And anyone who knows me that I try to steer clear of any drama, which is why I asked for people to tell me what they think of the situation.
  17. I will proceed cautiously. We live 1.5 hours apart so it is a long distance thing for now. To answer the questions posed, I was the one who was emotional not him. I am an executive in a multinational company. He works in a restaurant. I am not hung up on socioeconomic status. Have dated guys who have earned more and less than me. I am tailored suits, cuff links and Italian shoes at the office but jeans and tee shirt on the weekends. We are hooking up again next Wednesday. I can at least enjoy a regular breeding as I get to know him. He texts me everyday so I am on his mind. Agree that it's simply preposterous to expect anything close to monogamy at this stage. I am on my way now to a sex party. After that a buddy wants a private breeding session. I will have to stop being a ho or at least slow way down if we get serious.
  18. You guys are mostly split on the issue but it seems fair to say that you think i should be cautious. There are some things I could have been clearer about in my first post. I knew he was in a relationship when we first met. He was breeding me once a month. I started having feelings for him and he had no clue. I was just a hole to him. After we started kissing the other day, all of the feelings came back and I began to sob uncontrollably which must have freaked him the fuck out. If I was the one he cheated with during his last relationshup, then it's likely he will cheat on me. I'm not hung up on monogamy. I asked him about open relationships. He does not want that. He didn't say no to the idea of us fucking around with others on vacation. I said that it is harder to overlook indiscretions in our town. And lets face it, people tend to be jealous. If he had just been out breeding another guy, I wouldn't want him in my hole. (he's slightly oversexed so I imagine he would have no problem fucking several times a day). And I get the sense he would not like me climbing into our bed full of another man's spunk. Funny how sometimes we think it is ok for us to cheat but not our boyfriend! What I didn't say earlier was that I think he is also interested in me because I am in a much better situation financially and professionally. I didn't tell him that I recently bought a luxury condo which is being custom built. And I feel safe saying that I earn probably triple what he does. AND his last boyfriend had way more money than me. He left that relationship with pretty much the clothes on his back, which also raises some concerns for me. He went from living in a nice house to renting a room, so he could be looking for someone to hitch his wagon to. We are both in our early 40s. By the way he was married to a woman in the early 90s and has two adult children aged 20 and 23. Gosh our life paths have been so different. And I also wonder if he is poz. Yesterday after already having bred me a few times, he asked me how many pills I take a day. Now that's an awfully specific question for a neg guy to ask. I could see him asking if i take my meds regularly. Now to my last point. I think I may need to take a step back and go REAL slow with him. But I feel weak because he is very good-looking, very charming, has a nice dick and can breed multiple times. I am at a linguistic disadvantage here as we speak German to each other (his mother tongue and my third language). Wait. He just sent me a text message telling me he misses me already. Y'all might want to pop some popcorn and pull up a chair for this one. :-) And I want to go to my regular sex party in Mainz tomorrow and I feel guilty!
  19. I'm starting to ask myself what I want as well. Since pozzing I became sluttier but is that going to make me happy as I age? For a long time I thought no one would want a serious relationship with me because of my status. But I am starting to see where that is simply not true. And I also see how tricky it is to be in a loving, healthy relationship and still take loads on the side. Just because my partner is willing to look past HIV does not mean he wants to end up with a drippy dick from my extracurricular activities. I guess to the OP I would say, if you want to be a ho, then be a ho but don't try to hide what you really are from others. Your partner didn't sign up to be with a ho, right? So love him or leave him alone.
  20. When I tested poz two years ago, I did the responsible thing and told my sexual partners. I had three who were breeding me. The hottest of the three dropped me COLD when I told him. Fast forward to two days ago. This guy texts me and wants to meet. I'm confused. When he arrives I told him it hurt me to be rejected at such a difficult time in my life. He said he freaked out because he was in a monogamous relationship at the time. He got tested and was neg. That relationship ended 6 months ago. Well after quite a few tears, we had some of the most wild passionate sex ever. He bred me 5 times and said he wants to date me. Would you date him? He knows I am undetectable.
  21. cam1972, we'll have to agree to disagree on this issue...my dates may be off but i tested neg in july 09 but i tested poz in april '10. So for the better part of a year, I was telling guys I was neg and barebacking. I was not lying. I did not have an up-to-date test to refer to. It took me from april '10 to january '11 to become undetectable - that means sexually non-infectious. I feel no need to tell a guy that I am poz when I can't infect him. I was way more of a threat when I was walking around thinking I was neg. It's not about not caring. I would not have gone on meds to stop spreading the virus if I didn't care. I also informed my regular sexual partners that I tested poz. In one case, I feared for my safety, but I told him anyway. If I am having anonymous sex - e.g. bent over in a cabin with a crowd watching while I get fucked, I am not going to stop after each fuck and inform about my status. Even if I had a high viral load, I would not tell guys in an anonymous situation because if you are willing to bend over for me in a park, sex party or ABS, then you obviously are not too worried about becoming poz. I have never knowingly stealthed anyone. I do think it's unfortunate that guys who know they are poz with a high viral load lie and say they are neg when the other guy is genuinely concerned about hiv, but that neg guy should not be barebacking. My right to privacy trumps the rights of some neg barebacker who is giving/taking loads to know my medical history. I know how to answer the question to get to the sex without actually lying. So as I said at the outset, let's just disagree and move on.
  22. I know it was marketed and shown in Berlin and London. I heard about it on discodamaged.com. I think it targets the occasional negative barebacker who probably doesn't know he is having sex with hardcore barebackers and who is at much more risk than he thinks. The poz guys interviewed seemed to have no regrets and will keep fucking raw. The neg guys don't appear ready to stop barebacking. I posted it because I think it captures well what I read on this forum. Seems full of (neg) guys who think they are going to somehow enjoy having lots of raw sex and not end up with the bug. I just shake my head when people start these long threads saying guys should tell you if they are poz. Keep on dreaming honey. Here is a funny anecdote for you: I was at a sex party where 95% of the sex is raw. This dude watched me take two raw dicks before topping me and breeding me. Later, I saw him on a chat site and we struck up a conversation. I drop strong hints that I was poz. He freaked out. But admitted that he hates condoms. This helped me to understand just how many guys are in denial about the risks. By the way, I saw him fucking other guys as well. I guess he thought he could tell the neg holes from the poz ones. ;-)
  23. This is a 27 minute documentary about barebacking in Berlin and London, two cities where I have recently taken loads. :-) http://vimeo.com/37365165
  24. Layedback, I'm very impressed that as a neg guy, that you've given this some serious thought. If/when you seroconvert - and I hope you don't - you will understand even better the nuances of this issue. It goes well beyond what's legal and moral. As much as we'd like everybody to play the game according to our own rules, the truth is, people don't. Every morning when I swallow those four pills, I am reminded of that. To all neg barebackers, please get tested regularly.
  25. I know others disagree but I make a distinction between 1) casual anonymous sex and 2) dating/relationships. If it's anonymous, there is no way in hell I am going to disclose that I am poz (unless he's poz) because he could use it against me. Any neg guy out there - who wants to stay neg -is out of his freaking mind if he thinks he is going to get a truthful, detailed answer about the exact date of his partner's last test and/or status. Your partner may not know (and there's nothing sinister about that). But if that helps you justify what you are doing, then knock yourself out. If I am taking it slow and getting to know the guy, I will tell him everything at the appropriate time. If he leaves, then it wasn't meant to be. I don't know whether the guy who pozzed me did it by accident or if it was intentional. But guess what? It doesn't change a damn thing. If I had known that dick was dirty, would I have taken it? No. But I fully accept the responsibility for the outcome because I knew the risks. I always say if you are willing to accept the consequences of your actions, then what more can I ask of you? But one thing I can say is that in a way, seroconverting was a huge relief. No more worrying. I lucked up and got one of the world's leading HIV doctors. He has told me a thing or two that have really allowed me to relax. He only asked that I get my viral load to zero before barebacking. And I must say it's really satisfying to take a guy's load without being terrified. I do feel sorry for the neg guys who want to take loads. If you're that chicken, then move the fuck out of the way. I'll take the load! I don't feel morally flawed or at all conflicted about not telling random guys my medical history. The one thing my doc said that I found amazing was that a neg top who wants to stay neg would be better off seeding my undetectable hole than having the condom break while he is fucking a guy who doesn't know his status. Stop for a minute and take that in. I doubt the condom nazis would ever accept that statement as truth. So to you neg tops out there, find and fuck the shit out of any undetectable hole in your area code. ;-) On a serious note again, if you don't want to be poz, then don't bareback. It's really that simple. Your health is your responsibility. And your business. No one else's unless he wants to put a ring on it. Sorry to you neg barebackers out there, but on this particular issue, you cannot have your cake and eat it too.
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