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Everything posted by bbzh

  1. I'll be there. Can't wait. Bringing the bf along too.
  2. Today my bf invited a versatile guy over and we had our first threesome. The versatile guy fucked and bred me. My bf fucked and bred the versatile guy. Then I fucked the versatile guy before my bf fucked and bred me. This is one Christmas that I shall not soon forget.
  3. I think probably 60-70% are. What do you think?
  4. Worst things about being poz: 1) the health insurance issue 2) it's yours forever - a chronic illness that must be managed or it will kill you 3) dating - most neg guys run the other way Best things about being poz: 1) once you start meds, have no side effects and get your viral load down, you can take loads worry-free 2) you tend to look after your body better - I trimmed down, attract more guys and look 10 years younger than I am 3) met and fell in love with a poz guy who is as piggy as me That being said, I don't think anyone should aspire to be poz. And if you don't want to cut your life short on this earth, get tested at least once a year if you are giving and taking loads.
  5. I do have experience with married/bi guys who have topped me. I could be totally wrong but I thought they were more tender when it came to fucking - almost like making love. The story I told myself is that most women probably demand to be stroked and caressed so the married/bi guy is not used to rough, physical sex. Wait a minute. Scratch that. I just thought of a married/bi guy who was a one-man pussy wrecking machine. LOL.
  6. Just took a load in the woods from a regular fuckbuddy. We both know the drill by now and don't say anything to each other. We found a secluded spot. He undid his pants and took a hit of poppers. I sucked him until he got hard. I bent over and within two minutes, load #1 was deposited. He stayed inside me, poppered up and a few minutes later I got another load. Going to jerk off now with his seed dribbling out my mancunt. He is so patient with me which I appreciate. We both have bf's so there are many nights when one of us wants to fuck but the other can't. A no-strings cum dump. That's me.
  7. Impossible to know the figure since sometimes I have been bred and only realized it later!
  8. Unfortunately the gap between what is legal and what actually occurs is wider than we'd like to think. Expect the worst and hope for the best.
  9. I may be in the minority here but this kind of freaks me out. Doesn't it multiply the chances of coming home with an STD? But I'm a live and let live kind of guy!
  10. I like the idea of the wristbands. I hope I get one! As for the afternoon fuck sessions, why not video it? You could provide masks for those who want them. Then you've got new material for your various websites. Maybe the following is not practical but for the afternoon sessions, I would make stripping mandatory to cut down on the gawkers.
  11. I have been to Open Mind twice - once for a bear party which was hot. The other time was just ok - a normal Friday night. That second time, there were a few too many people drugged up for my tastes. A good amount of bb sex though. Sauna Condal while a bit dirty and old does get raunchy. I've been fucked there a lot but the guys tend to pull out. Something to keep in mind : My bf is there alone at the moment and got jumped leaving a bar at 1 am. Nose broken and eye blacked. This can happen to anyone but just be alert when you are out so late in places that you don't know so well.
  12. This is what I bought: http://www.forttroff.com/30003_gallery?pcat=TOP Can't wait for MAL to start now
  13. Thanks for the info guys.
  14. Wow you bitches don't play! Bbtwink methinks you better tell Tollie what you did before he hears about it on twitter.
  15. Has anyone here stayed at the Hyatt during MAL the last couple of years? If so, how did you clean out? Did you attach a shower shot to the shower head? Could you tell me how you managed this and/or what I need to buy? I'd also be willing to pay someone to adapt my shower while there.
  16. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=0lPQZni7I18&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D0lPQZni7I18 LOL
  17. For various reasons I hadn't offered any ass to my bf for almost a month. Last night, we fucked. He shot a huge load deep in me. He said thank you and fell asleep in my arms. It was the first load I've taken from him since he found out he was poz.
  18. Back down Matias47. MascMountainMan is my husband in my head. I will cut a bitch.
  19. Sometimes I feel like I am in the minority in the gay world because I do not like big dicks. If the shit is over eight inches then all I can do is admire it for you because I don't want my jaws or my ass stretched to the breaking point. I have been at bb sex parties and passed up many dicks because they were too big. But just recently I let this Dutch guy with a big dick fuck me. It was a brutal fuck and I had a bloody stool for several days (I know that was too much information). Anyway I just enjoy sex better with guys who have normal sized dicks.
  20. Don't want to rain on your parade but you might want to spend at least some time thinking about what you are going to do if you end up poz. Barebacking is an all or nothing proposition as far as I am concerned. Too many guys think they are cheating the odds by doing a little raw fucking here and a little raw fucking there. Think of it like being at the beach. You can just stick your foot in the water, or you can wade out until you are waist-deep, or you can get in over your head. You can get the bug no matter how little risk you think you are taking. Once you are ready to accept the potential consequences of your actions, have fun in Berlin. And if I run into you in one of the darkrooms, I might give you the gift that keeps on giving.
  21. Six months on, here is an update on the situation: 1. We are dating and very much in love. Awwwwww. 2. I finally convinced him to get tested 2 weeks ago and he is poz. I am pretty sure I didn't poz him although I have every reason to believe he pozzed ME 3 years ago because I was not the slut then that I am now. But I'm not mad. 3. He did not want an open relationship but I insisted on it. I take loads from other dudes and while I spare him the details, he knows that I do. Last Sunday, I couldn't bottom for him because my hole had gotten destroyed at leather pride in Amsterdam. So we went to a sauna and I watched him breed a guy. It was fucking hot. I also fucked the guy which shocked my bf since he thought I was a total bottom. 4. Money is an issue as I earn four times as much. But I don't flaunt it. We never eat out but I pay more when we go on vacation (mostly because I can be divalicious when it comes to hotel rooms). And he has some debt issues which he needs to resolve. Hint: if you ever want to encourage your man to tell the truth, ask him "what would I find out about you if I ran a background check on you?" 5. I will turn him into a sex pig. We are going to MAL in Washington, DC in January. I don't think he wants to see me taking loads but he will learn to like it! 6. He has a key to my place but I don't see us ever living together because I am a neat freak who needs his own space. 7. For a minute there, I thought he was an alcoholic. I grew up with a father who was a drunk. I made it very clear that that would not be tolerated. Not even for a minute. He got drunk during our holidays on the Turkish riviera and let's just say that after I finished with his ass, he is very careful not to get drunk around me again. 8. Is this the love of my life? Who knows? He's hot, loves breeding my hole and we have fun together. And I've learned a lot about myself and love since he's been back. 9. Thanks to you guys for encouraging me to give him a chance. 10. You can find love and be a whore too.
  22. To be as big a whore as I am, I frankly don't like cum that much either. I don't let guys cum in my mouth often. I've probably only enjoyed tasting and swallowing cum about 10% of the time. When a guy cums in my mouth, I like to drink beer immediately afterwards. I prefer to take it anally. And when I push it out I'm often disgusted by the smell of it then. But I take the loads because I like making my top happy. Interestingly enough, I have no problem cumming in a guy's mouth or ass.
  23. I find it rather amusing how greedy bottoms can be. And now getting fucked isn't enough? There has to be a load deposited? That is putting a lot of pressure on tops, when there are already not enough to go around it seems! To me, the load is a bonus. It is an honor because the top could not resist after feeling how juicy and tight my hole is. Whatever happened to enjoying getting your prostate massaged by the dick? I always shoot bigger loads after I have been fucked and I leak precum for HOURS after a good fuck. I would rather have that than a 30 second load. But that's just me.
  24. Coming at your question from a totally different angle, I have had sex just once or twice with a guy and we became really close friends. Never touched each other sexually afterwards.
  25. He's too worried about telling his ex-bf, finding a doctor, losing his job if coworkers find out, the side effects of the meds and how to pay for the meds to embrace HIV right now. When I said game over, I was referring more to the very serious issues one has to face after pozzing. Trust me he is not embracing HIV right now. Cursing it maybe but not embracing it.
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