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Everything posted by fuckboy20
Mr. Benson? It's funny how at one time that was somewhat an introductory or something to read to learn a little bit about leather. But the whole thing with the slave brothel in new york and everything. It got really far fetched. But there was a lot I liked about it and some stuff I did not agree with. But several authors and just erotic fiction writers have tangled on the whole "selling slaves" or "underground slave market" fantasy or hell. Just like prison rape fantasies. Oops that's what I get for being stupid. I read too much into it i apologize. But as others have said yes this kind of thing probably does happen. But it's just not that well known. In some ways us barebackers..at least the ones that are proud or admit to doing it. We aren't really that known either. Feels like it sometimes with all the people on here though I'll say this the guy has balls for admitting that he sells slaves even if it's legit.
...Since you went there. I did not want to name of the "edgier things" but castration, permanent hair removal, permanent markings..I don't really want to get deeper or edgier than that but 4realz is right. I suggest whitebttmslut read some erotic fiction stories out there. Maybe stories about slavery, getting sold, prostitution, or stories of subs submitting completely to an unknown man and the end result. Just because they are a fantasy doesn't mean that the situation in the story isn't someone's actual reality or former reality. That is one of the things I really like about this site. The barebacking, poz talk, bug chasing, stealing, chem, all that. I did not know all that was out there. But this site has opened my eyes up to how people view barebacking and the other things that some people do with barebacking. And even if I don't agree with all of it it's better to know it exists than not be aware of it or think it doesn't happen or exist. Best of luck to ya whitebttmslut
For those into bears and I mean big furry bears BearFilms has one. BearFilms doesn't do a lot of leather but one called "Midnight Growlers" Rocky West is the longer bearded bear Sir in it and I believe when he is gang fucking the boy at the end with the others it's raw. I think when he fucks the cub in the sling it might be raw too. But the other fuck scenes including the one with the hot bear top and the muscle cub in the sling is safe sex. But they say that it's their most intense (Which for bear films isn't saying much) but it is hot and one of my favorites. That and Bear Instinct is another one it's in but I forget if there is raw in that or not. It could be just because the model Rocky West prefers it raw which wouldn't surprise me. But strangely enough Midnight Growlers is not on bear films website anymore. I thought because there was raw in it but it's only in one of the bundled dvd sets. But with the world of bear porn (don't know much about) Rocky West is one hot fucker and I love his attitude and his take on leather. There is much hotter rougher bareback porn out there but he does bareback in that one..maybe the other two. And he is hot and bear films was probably one of the first film studios I got into. So even though they mostly do safe (except for their newer raw n hairy) that one with Rocky West will always be a favorite and one I remember. Especially since he barebacks. So I thought it was worth mentioning.
Interesting. I don't believe this is as common as some people think it is. I actually do know someone who was "bartered" from his vegas training master to his now ex-Master. I think it was a small gesture thing that was bargained to show the slave was property and meant something. But then again, the source might not be as reliable as I'd like it to be. I'd say be careful. A huge part of me wants to believe there is a community or people who do train slaves and sell them to Masters who are right for them and who are right for their Masters and it working out. But I think this is few and far between. I think more of what it is might be the underground and non consensual slavery. I won't argue that a man would pay top dollar for a young, inexperienced, slave with very few limits. Youth is always admired and desired. Take a young boy who doesn't know too much of the world or experience and you have a blank canvas that you can paint to your liking. While I think older slaves have more value because of their experience because they have taken time in their life to learn more about who they are some of their ways or things they do might be more set in stone and just stuck. They would most likely not be that way for a younger slave. ...Wow me observing this like an auctioneer or appraiser. Haha... But like I said proceed with caution. I won't say it can't exist non sensual. But MORE than likely if someone knows of a consensual training and selling slave who's to say they don't know about the underground methods. I know some people have fantasies about the underground slave markets but more than likely that situation is something that is completely out of the slaves control and their body, mind, and everything about them is surrendered to another or completely stripped and taken away for the person's amusement. I'm sure there might be some good situations with that. But more than likely they aren't because the slave more than likely has no consent or slave. Just be careful. It's a hot fantasy and if it's legit it's not a bad idea. But there is too much out there that isn't legit and isn't consensual even if not much is known about it and is hidden. I agree with rawtop. If you want to be someone's slave try finding someone who has a lot of experience who has a good reputation or is well known and who is interested in you for their use and their ownership not thoughts or desires about them selling you to someone else. If someone ever approached me like, "Oh hey boy you're hot I want to train you as my slave and possibly sell you." No thanks. I'll submit to become a man's boy/slave. But not to be sold off by the man to some underground slave market or some other country. Besides I already found someone. But one day..when I'm older. I actually would like to maybe have a submissive of my own or maybe train a submissive. But that's probably years...years down the line. And that's if I'm still around. But just be extra cautious of men who talk about wanting to sell you (with consent even) or wanting a brothel of boys or some type of far fetched fantasy. Also with that comment about, "There are REAL Masters out there but not slaves." I'd bet there aren't. Not all tops got to experience being on the bottom. Not all tops know what it's like being fucked, forced to submit, or being a boy. Some tops just decide early on they'll be dominant and have a boy or bitch to use and abuse. When maybe all along. There are some so called "REAL TOPS" out there who are probably, "REAL FUCKING BOTTOMS IN DENIAL". I think there are very few tops out there and probably more REAL BOTTOMS with potential to serve a man that's right for them. Not every bottom or slave will suit every top's needs or wants. But a very good bottom will be able to figure out and adjust to the top that they choose to serve. But that's just my opinion on it. And I have a fucking opinion on this.
Not gonna lie. As soon as I saw the thread title and saw "einathens" I thought he was the op and thought I was being summoned . But that's because you are one of the few one this forum who really does reason and rationalize about everything. Something I admire. Not that others don't I'm just calling you out personally and in publicc. But thats because we know each other. *wink wink* @losttop:Was that really neccesary losttop? The guy knows that he needs multiple guys in his life and he recognizes it and so do the partners/fuck buds involved. As long as everyone is kosher with it why should you have to give it a jerry springer outlook. By the way saying something is "Jerry Springer" case is really lame. @einathens/OP: This is one of the reasons why I became an escort actually. When I was younger around 18 I'd have sex with a bunch of guys some guys I wasn't always into but I was not strong enough at that point to call it off or end it during or even before. But one thing I noticed was the guys were really happy. Even if I fucked with a condom back then it still made them happy. Just spending time with me for some reignited an old spark that they thought might have disappeared over time or just in general made them happy. And that in turn made me happy. So when I considered escorting I thought back to that. And while in the past I have been sort of a bb cum slut. I've always been somewhat selective, and not like I have a high standard except being attracted to the guy, that's more than some do. There were only a few occasions where I was in a dark room or somewhere when it was truly anonymous. But with fuck buds in the past or guys I hooked up with. There was always an emotional connection. Even a top who would literally just fuck me and sometimes fuck me with just spit and make me take it I loved the feeling of him in me, I loved making out with him, and the lust I had for him but after he came that was it. But I at least knew that. I did almost fall for..well I did for a TN fuckbud I had with a huge dick who reminded me that just because I'm a bottom doesn't mean I have to "Serve" or "take it" from every top. I can still be human. And more recently a bear bud I hooked up with quite frequently treated me sort of like a partner/sex toy but when he realized my job is for shit, no health insurance, and poz I became just a fuck hole to him. And that hurt a little because I actually did have an emotional connection with him and he did with me but he severed it. And within the last few weeks I've fallen for a Sir and his partner in another state and I am very well on the process to becoming his boy. I've played with a few guys since talking with him with his consent and with a client it felt very awkward because I have a lot of feeling for my Sir now. And with the man who we had a "poz" thing with there was so much emotion when we made out, held each other, and when he fucked me and when we were laying down next to each other. Basically I've come to realize how much emotion I show and give during sex. I'm not just a fish, I'm not just a hole. Yeah I have a hot ass and I'm a pig but I do feel a connection with a top, bottom, verse, or whoever I'm with. Because the simple fact is that there wouldn't be sex with them if there wasn't anything at all. But that being said that doesn't mean I get all mushy for the guy I'm with. It's that I analyze and recognize that, "I think I'm lusting after this man" or "In another time..we might have actually been an alright pair". Stuff like that sometimes. But I've chosen to be with my Sir so even if I continue to hook up with guys before we meet just because I might feel emotions for another man or develop a crush on him or lust for him doesn't mean I'll act on it. I'll just think of it as hot sex with a hot man and leave it at that. But maybe I've always known this. Because everytime I have sex with a man, every time I kiss a man, we embrace, or I feel his touch and I moan, groan, and wimper I feel every minute of it. Just like when I'm on my knees sucking a man's cock, on my back, or bent over feeling his cock go up my ass. I feel every second of it and everything that's going on. And strangely enough it always feels different and it always "feels" each and every time. Even now as much as I want to think about sex I don't know it until it's actually happening. I can remember it but the feeling of remembering and feeling in the moment is completely different. FEELINGS! But yes to guys who strictly want NSA I'd probably be the worse fucking candidate because of feelings. But at the same time I read men I'm with and I understand chemistry. If the top just wants to fuck and nut I don't dare try to kiss or be affectioniate or show that to the top. I present a hole for the top to use and fuck and thank afterwards with no body contact. And I used to think I liked that but maybe not so much anymore. Proof is in the pudding since I've became poz I've barely hooked up and that every encounter since poz has actually been physical and emotional contact..except at the bookstore. WHY DID THAT CUTE CUBAN BOY USE A FUCKING CONDOM DAMMIT. And why didn't I realize he had a condom on. And how dare that guy stick his ass in a glory hole and me fucking him raw say, "Oh wear a condom." Naive naive naive boy. But enough ranting. Nothing wrong with feeling or wanting to have emotion for a guy even if it's with most hook ups. It just means that with the right guys whether they are bf's, fuck buds, or just fucks. It will be explosive sex and with a lover or partner you'll both be really fucking happy to have each other. There will always be cumdumps and holes to use if needed. Everyone has their role to fill and be filled
Heh for some reason I feel like writing a hell of a lot right now. And keeping with my promise to make "certain" entries on here still. I was thinking of this when I was reading what I wrote in the "Strong" entry and when I was talking with someone on mancunt about getting tested, poz, and ryan white grant. I don't know how many times I've repeated the thing about Atlanta hating poz guys and fucking things up. I even said, "All I know is A-". And I thought to myself. ..Who am I really to say that. Yes I probably never will get a gay card..I did learn about gay history, conduct unbecoming, and the band played on, harvey milk, stone wall, and some other gay history and others about HIV. It's probably said by almost everyone in the older generation, "Those who don't know their history are damned to repeat it." But what about the present. I thought to myself that yes I know how things used to be because I read about it, studied it, and have known people who lived during that time period. And I'm learning more being positive. But what I really don't know is the present. I really don't know what's going on in the world right now and what's going on with gay politics, HIV advancement, grants, research, or hell even leather. But I stepped back from that last one. So I felt like such an ass when I said, "All I know." I then emailed them explaining.."I really don't know". Because that's true. I'm freshly poz, 22, and while I do know some history I don't know what the hell people are doing right now to help. I should learn about that. But it's not just that there's a lot of things I don't really know about. Even obama care I hear that being mentioned sometimes and how that will help me not having health insurance and stuff like that. I hope I don't get cited for mentioned that..please gods no. LOL someone at my work says that..I laugh everytime he says that. But on a serious topic. I guess maybe I shouldn't try to think I'm so fucking high and mighty sometimes. Even with technology, media, and computers. There's still a shit I don't know a lot about. Much more I want to learn about. I'm an enthusiast as best. Far from a fucking expert. But I won't deny that I don't fucking adapt to technology like a (really lame pun..in a really lame pun) and that I absorb knowledge like a sponge sometimes.. But really I don't know a damn thing about this world. I don't know a damn thing about AIDS, being poz, being gay, leather? But that's okay. Because there is so much I want to learn about. There is so much I want to help with and maybe someday I can even help someone as well. So i kind of felt like shit when I thought that I'm really just an insignificant little shit who is just a smear on this world. But I have to recognize my own talents and abilities and keep in mind that what I don't know. That's just an empty canvas ready to pain on and fill with knowledge, experience, and so much more. So I guess I'm happy that I made that stupid "Strong" post. Because it reminded me that I have so much to learn. I just wish I could find the time to learn more about things. But I'll work harder to try and read about stuff or study stuff more than just technology, gaming shit, and porn after work. Because even as much as that I look at. Do I still know how to arch my back. That makes me a fucking failure of a bottom if I don't even know how to arch my back properly. Even a whore on the street could do that. Wahhh I'm worth less than a 2 bit whore on the street. I only bring that up because a Sir once told me that there is a certain way a boy should arch his back and present his ass to his Sir and that really turns on a Sir. But things like positions or slave positions..damn that takes me back. But even as far as bottoming goes I still have much to learn with that. And topping. I just need to learn to control that shit. Every guy I've fucked they've either told me to slow down or pulled out and same for blowing. I'm just an aggressive and untamed wild little fuck when it turns to topping. And I'd like to learn more control and more with just fucking someone until I come. But in time I'll learn that too. It might be somewhat truthful when a guy once told me, "Stop topping boy. You're too young for that. Top when you are in your 30's are so learn to bottom and submit right now. There is some truth to that. But lets see taking an average of one month was like 6-7 loads a night (in january) and all the guys I've been with and all the times I've been fucked and bred. Not only that but the Sirs I've submitted to, obeyed, showed obedience to, and even was a slave/boy to a man at one point. Yes I might have never gotten gang banged or done an orgy. But I probably have a hell of a lot more experience bottoming to the point where I am ready to learn to top. So much to learn. So little time. *and I'll probably end up insulting someone and apologizing for this post later on*
There is a slave registry. I don't know how official or current it still is. But I remember in the past hearing how a Sir found his boy because he saw pictures of him online with his slave registry number tattooed. I suppose you could call that a registered bottom. I don't know much about the gage and size of PA's. But total I've probably had 3 PA's in me up til now. I have sucked a few guys with PAs. The first time I took a PA bareback really hurt and it popped in but I took it anyways. And the second time I was drunk and I was able to take it no problem. And the third time I was way too tight but I still took the PA until the guy took it off to fuck me harder. The only PA's I've ever had in me are the ones with the little ring around it and the bell. I don't think I've ever had just the bell. But the ring was really little. Still kinda scares me and excited me knowing they have been up there
Where did you get (or give) your last load?
fuckboy20 replied to rawTOP's topic in General Discussion
Went old school last night. No anal. But I sucked the guy and he came in my mouth once and after playing and making out some more he came in my mouth a second time. Rare according to him. I came a total of 4 times altogether. Though he did not swallow any of the loads. Still hot. And he sucked my dick really good to the point where it did not take much jacking to cum. -
Lately I've felt so much stronger. Through work, at home, and just overall. That's pretty much because I've fallen in love with someone and fully realized who I am and what I am not. I have also pretty much decided which course to take and it's right for me. Not only that but being poz isn't easy. With all the stigma everywhere and fucking criminalization? Really GA. A guy backs up on my dick and doesn't ask and I don't say anything and I'm the criminal? Fuck. I knew I had to be stronger. But I had no idea I had to be that much stronger. Basically this state probably wants to imprison us to control the HIV Epidemic which and I quote GA considers it "A public health hazard." I think an extreme one at that. Just wait for fucking pride. Shit I might even march in the fucking parade. I'm tired of being afraid. I'm tired of being weak. I'm tired of being concerned of what others think of me. And now because I'm in love with a man and he's in love with me I have so much more strength. Not only that but lots of changes are coming soon. Good changes. And changes that will allow me to be even stronger. So fucking get ready pride and Atlanta. You want to try to hide the criminalization and how you treat and really feel about poz guys in Atlanta. Hell I'll show it all. I'll fucking shout in parade, "I'M FUCKING POZ WANNA FIGHT ABOUT IT?" I'll show Atlanta that there's at least one fucking proud poz boy and that I don't care what this city, grady, the government or the public health system thinks of me. But this also shows. If some people in that high power are really afraid or hateful of someone who's poz and considers them a threat. Than that means. I really have to be a hell of a lot stronger in the future. Because someday. I'll really fight some of this. I'll really make a difference. Whether it's with leather, poz, barebacking I'll probably make quite a few enemies. Enemies I couldn't take on today but someday I can. But whatever I do. I'll be fucking proud and strong. Because that's who I am!
To be fair, "Dirtpiglet" you were bugchasing. What do you expect. Bug chasing is probably a bigger gamble and risk than just barebacking and taking loads. Because you actually seek high viral load tops or guys that you know are poz so you can become poz. You were trying to bug chase for whatever reason and probably not the right reasons. So you aren't really preaching you are just sharing the thoughts of a bug chaser who chased and turned around and did safe sex and found a neg lover to be with. That's good for you. I did not quite bug chase before I became poz. I almost did but before I could even consider it I was poz already. I wasn't bug chasing or trying to get poz. I was having bareback sex because I love the feeling of raw cock up my ass or my raw cock in another man's ass. I love the feeling of having all of a man inside me with no barriers and the true bonding or true sluttiness of it. The freedom of it. That's what it was for me (and still is) freedom not forced or trying to be poz. My biggest fear of barebacking was that because I'm into leather that a Sir wouldn't except me since I figured most Sir's were neg or safe only. God how I was naive back then but I met a poz leather top and he alleviated me of it. And as for finding a relationship or dating. Yes it has been a little awkward. I have to tell my status otherwise I'm a criminal even if the other guy never asks. Even though I've started topping there are many who will never want to take my poz dick. So yes dating or trying to find a relationship and being poz is tricky. However, I've always believed that regardless of who I am and what I am whether I'm poz, barebacking, or whatever there are so many people in this world I'll be able to find someone to accept me and love me for who I am and not care about my status or be poz. And yes, even though I've had neg guys fuck me bare..I still have gotten some stigma from some neg tops and some get off on that. But now I've decided to just be honest about being poz and barebacking and completely. That and I've found a poz daddy who does care. And I'll tell you. As rough as it is for anyone finding someone, add being gay, into leather/pig sex/poz if someone like me were to find someone than that not only makes me a fucking winner but them. The harder it is to be accepted and the more struggles and judgement you face from people. Well the easier it is to filter through that useless crap and find what's right for you. At least that's how it's worked for me. Glad things worked out for you though
Thank you for warning me about the legal implications. I urge ANYONE who fucks bareback or with condoms with someone neg and doesn't disclose status who is poz to click this LINK! http://www.aclu.org/files/images/asset_upload_file292_35655.pdf The bible belt is truly fucked. I need to get the fuck out of this state. 10 years minimum if you have sex with someone and don't state your status. Only exception is if the other is informed of your status. So basically you could go home with a neg guy and you could both be drunk and horny and he could ask you to fuck him bare or not and if he doesn't ask and "YOU" don't say anything you are the one at fault. This state is so fucking ass backwards. But thank you for letting me know of the legal matters because now that I know them I will state I DO NOT PLAY SAFE on all my profiles. Never again will I bear that horrible rubber. If someone fucks me and then says, "fuck me but use a condom." I'll just fucking walk out won't say anything. Oh and for NY. You lucky fuckers. Just a simple misdeamenor, It's like, "Billy...even though he never asked your status you really should have let him known your status. I'm going to have to slap your wrists. Now behave you! *shakes finger*" Bible belt: HOW DARE YOU HAVE SEX WITH SOMEONE NEG AND NOT MENTION YOUR STATUS EVEN THOUGH THEY BACKED UP ON YOUR DICK AND RODE YOU (with condom or without) MONSTER IN THE SLAMMER FOR YOU. NO HEALTH CARE, MEDS, YOU'LL ROT AND DIE I really wish that I could find a way to have that on the "Welcome to Georgia" sign so those poor bastards travelling here know. I want to get a shirt that says, "I'm fucking poz wanna fight about it?" That's it..that's my shirt for pride
Hmm. What the hell I've give it a shot Might be a fun change. Actually I know it will be.
Here Sir have a drink to relax first off *tosses a virtual drink* How dare you insult my Ft. Lauderdale first. I'm sorry but before you cry about Ft. Lauderdale come to Atlanta. See what "our" so called gay community is. And how it's actually being chipped away at by the city of Atlanta, famlies and hetero couples, and gays themselves. I really don't know what it will be like when I'm 30 or so...well maybe 35-40. Our only leather bar actually got rid of smoking and now has fucking drag queens on mondays. The only sleazy area around cheshire is in THREAT to be torn down so nice homes and apartments can be built..because it's a trashy area. It's a mess. While I was in Ft. Lauderdale briefly I saw so many gay businesses opening or reopening and even know ones coming soon. The sex clubs were AMAZING and beyond what someone who only lives in Atlanta can only dream of and the men there are fucking hot. I know there is a spanish influence down there but I also couldn't believe all the barebackers and poz guys that were there. There are so many there that I think it scares the safers (totally my slang to call someone who plays safe lol) I think it's a generational thing. You don't know what it's like to grow up being gay (well..most of your generation diddn't for that matter..some came out or admitted it later) so that's one thing to keep in mind. There are men and women who are brave enough in this day and age to be open and gay at a very early age and people who are accepting of that. I know that's something that past generations would be fucking proud of and somewhere they're probably smiling for that. Second you so wrongfully underestimate youth. I once had at a sex club a very beautiful blond haired, twink boy with a huge dick. He was so passionate, sweet, sensual, and a damn good lover but my beef was he was young. Even though he fucked me I couldn't enjoy it because he was my age and I had sort of a thing against guys my age. I even told him afterwards, "You are an amazing guy someone else would be really lucky but I'm not into younger guys..sorry." That was such an asshole thing I did but he just smiled and thanked me and said he enjoyed it and he understands. Cute and sweet and smart. I sort of repented in ft. lauderdale because a boy who used to live in macon moved to ft. lauderdale after he visited and fell in love with someone...and talking to him at the bar I could tell he was very much like an Atlanta twink. A bit effeminate, he had stylish dressing and very gay, and talked like a girl a bit. But beyond that I talked to him and learned he's a boy who is working hard to live in ft. lauderdale, likes his job, loves his boyfriend (he says) and his social skills surpass mine greatly and there is a lot to admire about him. But it would be ignored if you just write him off as a twink. And when he I was on my knees sucking his cock and he was fucking me bare with his huge dick he was amazing. His dick was huge, stamina was amazing and I could feel his youth and his drive. And I agree with another poster on here. I think there are TONS of butch looking masculine daddies who want nothing more than to spread their ass for a young twink and take the big young cock. Not only that but have you seen some men around your age. Some of these mature or so called butch men. They are fucking more fem and less masculine than a twink. I saw a guy in a leather shop once and thought he was the fucking hottest beefy butch daddy I ever saw and when he spoke it's like fucking rainbow colored boas spurged out of his mouth and he grew fucking wings and had a fucking wand with magic pixie dust (****) and displayed it for everyone. Also some of these so called men who are supposed to mature and masculine. Shit some of em are no better than a so called twink. Also, you don't realize this but besides the youth, drive, and sexual energy us twinks have we also have lots of hopes, lots of dreams, lots of fears, and lots of strength. Some of us really look up to the older generation and want to become better, stronger, and happy and we'll even learn from your mistakes. Everyone I've come into contact with and met..for some reason I feel I've changed them a little bit and made them a bit happier or smile a bit more and laugh. Even if it's just at a bar or a hook up. I don't really know how I do it or what it is but maybe I'm starting to understand the power and influence of youth more. Now with that being said I fucking love a hot butch daddy top and a man who has swager. But that doesn't mean a twink should get written off for just being a twink. But that is of course your choice. And also, lots of the butch, leather, and all those men. A lot of them did pass on. I'm sure lots of boys would love to have a more masculine, butch, and strong role model or archetype. But not everyone does. I was lucky in the sense I was raised by gay leather men. And you worked too hard? You don't think the younger generation works hard enough and never went through the school of knocks. So some of us never got the switch, never got beat in public, and yes some of us might have lived with our parents longer. It's a different game now Sir. Internet, technology, what schools have become now, the education system, the poor and than the rich, the way society is. We have our own shit to go through and some of us work very fucking hard to keep what we have and what little we have. I think it's actually fucking arrogant to say that "you worked too hard" and we haven't or don't know what it's like. The sad thing is if you actually give people a chance you'll learn so much more about them instead of thinking of just of a good piece of ass to fuck or a dick to ride. Not that it's ever wrong to go just looking for that. But I see people like you at bars and other places. Always galavanting about the good ol days how the younger generation doesn't know anything, so naive, and how you live and just love to gloat about your glory days. What good is all your achievements in life and all your pride if you don't have someone to share it with. While some might be bored as fuck hearing about your ramblings and drivel a young man takes curiosity to it and listens and is engaged and captivated. But you will miss out on that. I'm sorry but I might not be a twink..maybe I'm growing out of it but I was a twink at one point. It sucked getting judged by guys just for being younger..but then again I did the same to people my own age so I guess that's karma for you. But you really should be fortunate and happy to live in Ft. Lauderdale with such interesting people and tons of hot guys both tops and bottoms and versatile. And so many things to do, great bars, and great places to go for sex. But then again, I'm just a twink, I haven't worked hard enough and I don't know what it's like to be a man. And I'll let you know. I even HAVE called out someone in a bar before when he shouted, "God dammit this bar is becoming full of fucking twinks it's a fucking twink bar" (when it really wasn't.). I looked him in the eye and said, "What's wrong with twinks." He bitched out and said, "Uhm nothing I wasn't even talking to you." I commented that, "Well no but I'm talking to you because you made a comment which partially applies to me so I'm curious." He just bitched out and said nothing. And I even called out someone who criticized me for barebacking when we talked in a bar and said out loud how I shouldn't do it and I told him don't fucking tell me how to live my life, I understand the consequences and am responsible for my own life and I can make my own decisions and they don't impact you and I will do what I want and what is right for me. Nerve of that asshole to shout in the bar that I bareback and then act concerned. And trust me. There are lots of twinks out there that are strong, can speak their own mind, and will beat the shit out of someone if they are insulted or need to defend themselves. Ironically I've actually known one or two.
Thank you. I really appreciate this. There was only one time the weekend after I became poz I went home with someone from a bar. Before we fucked I said I just tested poz and am waiting for the confirmatory results (truth) but probably still poz. He chose to fuck me bare. Ever other times it's been consensual with someone I know who is poz or just some random cum dump in a book store/sex club. I'll admit as well that I'm not sure I agree with the way that works but that is what it is. You are correct in the sense that it's not really worth going after someone who isn't poz or is neg and doesn't want to fuck with a poz guy especially bareback. And yes there are places to go and drop a nut and there are websites as well. On every site I state I'm poz. I'm really glad I asked this because going to bars more often or being in places where it's not quite cut and dry who is poz or who is into BB it's important to know what my responsibilities are. And now I know. Thank you very much hollywoodslut. Your insight was very helpful and very much appreciated. I'll probably just go after verse/top poz guys or just go elsewhere to drop a load.
@hungry_hole Interesting the way you describe that in third person. You are correct in that sense. Although, I want to leave it up to the bottom to decide. But if it were my choice I'd rather just fuck and breed them. I'm already trying that make that scenario a reality just trying to actually get that going. But cumunions are popping up all over the country now. But the scenario is perfect. Just fucking, sucking, and loads being deposited or going up my ass and no mention of status or anything. If a guy does not "ask" you your status or even bring it up then I think you are correct in that it is not stealthing. I don't think the top should have to say, "I'm Positive." If nothing is said I'm not sure if it's really two consenting adults but it is consenting to the anonymous aspect of it. I just know it's going to happen one day even if I state how serious I am, I'll shout, "I'M GOING TO CUM" and someone will go, "Pull out no pull out stop stop". That's probably bad that typing that just made me rock hard instantly > @einathens Thank you. You know I'd love to but also part of being a top (which I'm not really trying to be is patience). In time I'll be able to do fun stuff like this and have some anonymous no questions asked sex with many guys. But I can't wait until it happens. I appreciate the compliment as well
It's an interaction with someone it's not some random person at a book store and bath house. Even though their reasons might be invalid as well as their reasoning. If they choose not to take poz bare cock that is their choice. Fortunately, or maybe not fortunately I haven't gotten to the point where I fuck someone bareback and they tell me not to cum in their ass or tell me to pull out. I can see that going several ways but at the same time if they take a bare cock be it poz or neg they should realize pre-cum leaks and that not everyone control that. But I haven't experienced that yet. That's a great point. Some do like the double standard. They aren't all bottoms verse guys are the same sometimes too. But what I don't want to do is stick my cock in and fuck them bareback without their consent. Even if they like it they might scream at the last second, "Don't cum in me" or "Why are you fucking me bareback, you're poz" or "you raped me and pozzed me". We already know some people out there are batshit or just wanna start shit. I'd rather not try to play games with someone who doesn't say, "Fuck me bareback with your poz cock." and consent. I have fucked two guys bareback and bred them at a book store and sex club before. But one guy I shoved my cock bare in his ass when he was bent over at the glory hole he said, "OH wait let me get a condom." I diddn't say anything and just walked away. But that's an anonymous thing. If you're with a guy like at his house or he's at yours it's a little harder to just walk away. But you are right. I might just have to say, "Nope I only fuck bare and I don't pull out." And if they say, "Oh no I can do that" I can just say, "Goodbye". You are correct that it is my choice to have sex the way I want. As it's their choice to refuse or walk away it's also mine. Trust me I'm not going to stealth. A guy I fucked with a condom last night was so paranoid and wouldn't let me cum in him even with the condom on and checked the condom to make sure it wasn't doctored. All the while I listed off the ways that guys do stealth, doctor condoms, heat and freeze them, and things they do to seed a naive bottom. Just to warn him so he can be safer if he wants. I think I'll agree with rawtop. I think I'll just state clearly and boldly, "If I fuck you I'm not pulling out." If they say, "Well you can just put it in for a little bit." I'll repeat, "I'm not going to pull out." That way they can do their own pyscho reasoning in their minds and push it as far as they want or don't want or they can say, "Well no thanks." Because I'm sure it will eventually happen where even if I state, "I don't pull out and I deposit my poz load." Even if they tell me to bareback them or they back up on it and take it they cannot say I raped, pozzed or violated them because I "warned them" and was serious. But if I sense someone is that bat shitty, clingy, or paranoid I'd probably not do anything with them and just zip up and walk away. Well actually some people there might argue with that. Actually I'm curious. To those tops who are poz and fuck bottoms if you are fucking a bottom bareback and you've already stated you don't pull out and will breed and the bottom ignores you or tries to pretend they'll pull out. If you fuck them and are about to cum if they say, "Stop" or "Pull Out" if you don't pull out are you at fault or liable? That's something important I should probably know or at least decide If I'm going to bareback and top from time to time. @rawtop You are correct. I've started fucking to where I can cum from fucking and if they are hot enough or willing enough I can fuck them more than once and breed them more than once. But if they don't want me to cum in them than should I even fuck them to begin with. At the same times there are many guys out there and some probably with really hot asses, holes, and etc. There might be times where they might get me to agree to fucking them as long as I don't cum and I might get suckered and go along with it just because they are really fucking hot. I diddn't realize there was so much to learn about poz and topping. Thank you everyone for the advice so far it's appreciated.
So I've experienced this lately. When I first became poz I decided not to have sex for a while and no sex with neg guys. Although almost immediately after I did fuck a poz versatile guy. It was really fucking hot and that started me to want to start fucking bareback. I did fuck another poz versatile guy after him who took my bare cock and load no problem. I always let someone know I'm poz if I'm meeting them and going to play with them. With tops it's mostly, "I'll fuck you bareback but if you fuck me it's condom." So I've started fucking a few guys with condoms even after or before they fucked me bareback. It's understandable since first off it's less likely for them to get anything fucking me bareback. Second, they are MUCH MORE LIKELY to get infected if I fuck them bareback and breed them. And I don't want to fuck or breed someone who doesn't want that. But it feels very strange..especially tonight that a top fucked me bare really rough and then I try to fuck him bare and he tells me "no". And I realize after that he loves getting fucked but uses a condom..but fucks bare mostly. And then another guy I hooked up with once he asked me to rim him I told him he was going to fuck me but he had me wear a condom. He told me not to cum inside the condom while in him, I sort of did, and he checked the condom afterwards like fucking dissected it. He saw that it really was in the condom and not poppers or broken. It's sort of common since some guys are worried about being stealthed..and there is reason they should be. But at the same time as a barebacker it doesn't feel right if a top is fucking me bareback and then has me wear a condom. I understand him not wanting to get poz but still. A tad bit unfair or awkward. Keep in mind I don't meet everyone on BBRT and I met guys outside of online sometimes so it's not like everyone is into taking loads unfortunately... This question might be more for poz versatile guys. Since poz tops probably fuck bareback regardless and turn down guys who don't. Is this just something that you experience when you first are freshly poz and start topping (especially if you formally bottomed). Just wondering if i should stop using condoms altogether and refuse guys who ask me to wear a condom.
Where did you get (or give) your last load?
fuckboy20 replied to rawTOP's topic in General Discussion
Got together with my usual bear bud and he got a hotel room as usual. Cleaned out and went over to see him and stripped for him and got on my knees and sucked his already hard cock. He had me keep my bikini briefs on and it was so fucking hot how he kept pawing at my ass and groping it and fingering my crack. Serviced his cock and balls until he bent me over the bed. I was a little late this time so he diddn't use any lube or give me any poppers. He pushed his hard cock in and made me take it. Diddn't let me get used to it just raped my hole and fucked me brutally. I was trying not whine like a bitch but I couldn't help it. I just had to take it. He pulled all the way out and shoved his fat meat back in me too. Finally after stretching and tearing up my ass he hands me the bottle of poppers and lets me use them. Then he really fucks me and I really relax and loosen up. We move over to the couch and I bounce up and down on his cock and gyrate my ass. I love doing that with him and I feel so fucking slutty bouncing up and down on a hot bear daddy's cock on a couch. He pulled me off him and I suck him and swallow his first load. After laying down and watching some tv I see him rubbing his cock and I ask, "Sir Permission?" He removes his hand and I service his cock and he tells me to get it nice and wet. I sit on it again and I ride him for a while. This time, he pulls me off and puts me on my back and starts pounding my hole while degrading me, spitting on me, and then he starts jack hammering my ass. He pauses for a moment and I feel his load seeping into me and then he pounds his load into my ass. I jack off with his cock up my ass and shoot a huge load myself. We clean up and go to bed. Woke up this morning and saw him lightly sleeping. I felt his hard morning wood and gently lowered my mouth onto his cock and slowly worked it. I heard him groaning and stirring awake and I suddenly feel his hand on my head forcing me on his cock and making me choke. He fucks my face a bit more and then I sit on his dick. I take a big hit of poppers to completely relax and loosen up for him and I ride his cock for all I'm worth and I just feel so slutty and so right doing so. Just love bouncing up and down on a man's cock. He pulls me off and bends me over the bed and starts fucking me. I'm moving a little too much because I'm so excited and horny but he orders me to stay still a few times. After not heeding his warning enough he slams my face into the bed and starts rough fucking me even more all the while telling me to be a good little bitch and obey him and I lay there and take it as he pounds my ass. Finally he shoots his morning load up my ass. We shower, watch a little more tv and then I go on my way and he goes on his. Great friday night and great way to start a saturday. -
That isn't too uncommon. Sites used to be easier to save guys pictures online as well. A lot of sites now either just thumbnails, preventing you from saving the pictures, and etc. so it's not as easy as it used to be. I do notice now that more and more guys do save pictures of guys from their phones now. I know a friend who has quite a few pictures of guys he meets and the pictures they send him. I don't think he ogranizes it though. Spreadsheet sounds more efficient to list it but for pictures as well blogs or documents are probably better.
Advice for a conflicted young man
fuckboy20 replied to behindonestep's topic in What's It Like To Be Poz?
Hmm. Sounds like we are in similar situations. Like yourself I'm also younger. I'm 23 and became poz this year. I stopped having sex for a while after because of fear and a little guilt and just unsure. I'm back to having sex but no where near as much as I did before. But that's partially by choice. To be a cum dump or not that is the question. It's a good idea to talk to other cum dumps to ask about that one. I'm not quite sure if I want to be one right now. Or maybe not so much a public or communal cumdump. Even though it sounds hot. You'd be surprised. I currently see a neg top a few times a week. When we first talked I told him I was neg and he was okay with it. One thing that you might or might not realize about being poz and a bottom is I think some tops find that more attractive. Whether they are poz, undetectable, or neg. Some bottoms tease about wanting to get fucked raw or play it and don't even take loads. Tops don't like bottoms that bullshit like that. The fact that there are guys like you and me which take raw cock and take loads does please tops. Obviously the question is finding them. But since you are young you still have lots of time. There are lots of people out there. I don't know what the PA area is like but try sites like breeding zone or even location based apps if you have a smart phone. On some location based apps I put that I'm poz in the profile and some I don't have a picture and do something like, "versbb". Then people can contact you if they are interested. But I think you'll definitely find a top whether he's poz or not that will want you and want to use you regularly. I don't have experience on number 2. Well I did do that once. A guy took me to the baths and had me go off with certain guys and get fucked or bring guys into the room and they'd both fuck me or he'd watch. It was just a couple of guys though not like a room full of guys. But it was a hot experience. But I'm sure there are people who can relate to that one more than I can. As for STD's and diseases. I haven't really gotten those only one once when I was younger and I even played safe back then. But if you are on meds and have good health insurance I wouldn't worry too much about catching something. Most are treatable as long as you detect them early. Best of luck From one young poz pig to another -
Damn. Talk about organization. I forgot about this but I knew someone who first off had every profile for hook ups and guys he's fucked in a folder in his computer with a direct link to their page. He also had I believe word documents with a screen capture of their profile and what he thought of them and what they did together. I never even thought about doing spreadsheets. But I do know some people who are spreadsheet happy.
It's like a secret, within a secret, within a secrete. It's called JUB...errr extra, hidden, bonus, alternate, aw who gives a fuck. So yes I have three blogs running now...seriously wish I updated them more. But writing for me I'm like a fucking primadona. One my hair has to be the right way, the temperature has to be right, I prefer chill but not frozen.. Basically I have to sort of be in the mood but not only that have the time and I guess allow myself to relax and be at ease enough to in a hippy, faggy, spiritual sense, "let my soul flow through me and have my writing reflect what my soul feels.." soul. That's so gay. Okay now I'm just being a n00by, sarcastic, interwebz asshole right now. I guess I feel sort of random or something. I need a way to channel that. But anyways. So I'm running three blogs. Because I haven't said that enough and I haven't made enough of a production about that. Damn I can't be fucking straightf-..lol straight. Err..I can't be forward with anything right now. Wow if these are a complete analysis and literal transcription of my thoughts I'm more fucking batshit than that kinky crazy bitch on the zaxbys commercials. You know the one who will harvest your organs if you fucking touch her zaxby's salad or her special horsey sauce, dressing, or whatever the fuck they call it. LOL. (This Blog is Not Rated because it makes no fucking sense and has no flow, premise, rationality, or purpose at all please delete) In a sense. This will be the extra. I have the other three bases covered. I have them covered because I'm tri-polar..oh yeah that was a good album. But because I have three aspects of my life that can be broken down into three categories so they don't get mixed mashed and confusing. So those are properly channelled. Too bad for this one. So here I go..and no one can say I'm that bat shit crazy with the fucking drama going on in certain parts of this forum right now. For fucking christ's sake those two need to get the fuck of the interwebz and go on fucking maury or Dr. Phallus or something so they can get humilated and paid. Because yes we can. Not that I have an opinion on it..diddn't even realize shit was already going on before I replied to that one. Oh wellz, too late to delete or edit. But not too late to get another warning, violation, probation, house arrest? (please no) So I'm probably seriously fucked at work. That guy probably isn't coming back to warehouse, I pray his surgery went well and he's okay but with the department I worked for before just hiring someone a few days before I left and went back to warehouse and certain things that have been said. I can't help feel that I've been set up. Don't think that the guy diddn't have surgeory and isn't in seriou shit. But the way my possibly former boss said, "Well..don't know if you'll be back here or not tomorrow but we'll find out tomorrow." He has an asshole/gleefull like way of lying or bullshitting people. I seriously think I got trolled. I pray to fucking god that friday is my last day in warehouse and I'm back in printing but somehow I think I'm pretty fucked and there for another week at least or permantely. And to be quite honest, the only way I've been able to get by and mantain my composure is because I THOUGHT it wasn't permanent. Be it physical or mental pain/pressure I can deal with shit as long as I know that it's not forever and the pain will subside. But if it doesn't and it's never ending then what? I'll promise this much. If I do end up being permanent. I'm going to speak my fucking mind. I already got laid off and hired back for shits and giggles by them. If someone tries to fuck with me or bullshit me I'm fucking calling them out don't care who it is. I'm not afraid of being fired anymore and I'm not afraid of getting in trouble. I've already been let go. There is no job security, there is no growth, there is no future. But I'm not going to let those fuckers treat me like shit anymore or try to blame me for something. And I'm not gonna be some scared little kid like, "OH BOSS BOSS THEY DID THIS THEY CAN'T DO THAT." That will get me nowhere. But I shouldn't worry about that too much right now..but I can't help but shake these deep feeling that it's coming. And when it does do I swallow it or do I just go numb and say, "Please, is this the best you got?" But that's painful as well. Being poz now and having to be more careful too. This job will fucking erode my health so fast. Shit I already can't sleep at night worse than before and stress is higher than ever. If they think I'll really just idly sit by and just take it they have another thing coming... elsewhere... I think of my old fuck bud who I don't see anymore. Part of me regrets saying to him that night, "I wish it was you that pozzed me". Wasn't asking to marry him but that was sort of a deep thing to say. Even after the weeks of silence and he talked to me again I stated, "I don't take back what I said. I meant it." I decided to let him take that how he wanted. And he did so it can't be helped. But my new fuck bud that I see. Young 30 stocky bearish man with younger features who is smart, sharp, observant, and hot as hell. We've fucked a few times and we do stuff besides just fucking and he made a lot of effort when we first hooked up and let me know I'm a bit more than "just" a trick. And visa versa. But when at dinner he said, "YOU NEED TO GET OFF YOUR ASS, FIND A JOB THAT HAS HEALTH INSURANCE, TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH, AND GET OUT OF WHERE YOU ARE NOW" I think in some ways that also might be his qualifications. I think everyone has qualifications for what they desire in a partner or friend. But having a partner, boy, whatever that has no insurance, a crappy job, and will someday deterioate because they don't take care of themselves. Not the best choice to make. So I know he said it because he cares. And it probably hurts him a bit since I'm in a crappy situation. But then again, that's why I'm not looking for someone right now anyways. I'm just glad I get to see him very often and that we have fun and I'd rather take it slow either. As for the leather couple. I really like them, and I can't help but wonder if they are looking something closer with me. But not sure if I'm ready for that after the poly leather experience I got. But I do know that in terms of leather education, play, growth, and desire. That man..they are the next step. Teachers, friends, mentors, or whether it goes farther then that. That's up to me and them. But if nothing else I can't ignore that. Because in many ways what they possess and who they are. They are part of what I've been searching for. But that also brings out some old fear and fear in general. But I've shown I can get past that. ...And now I'm boring or tiring myself out. That's so bad that my own writing bores me or puts me to sleep. Or it could be that technically speaking, "I've exhausted my thoughts, feelings, and released myself so I can rest now" ...Probably not.
...Since the poster never mentioned any names and it seems you've already called him out once and seem to enjoy doing so, there's a little something called, "Private Message". It's new and hi-tech. Also, you might be the type of person that people fear getting in relationships with. Also, no one should really be afraid to say things on this site even if they are referring to someone whether it be another member or someone outside the site. This should be a site where people can freely, openly, and not be afraid to ask about barebacking, discuss it, and talk about how hot it is. You're totally killing my buzz...but since you're already here, take a seat and read and scroll more. You'll learn a hell of a lot and it's pretty fucking insightful. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to being serious. I've realized lately that I don't have as much as a sex drive recently. Yeah I'm busy with work and other shit going on but I only play with a couple (partnered) and a friend of mine during the week. It's just that there is something about these people that fulfill a lot of what I'm looking for. Sex is highly involved, (especially with one) but it's getting to the point where I know a night of dickchasing is troublesome and can lead to sitting at the computer finding no one, staring at phone and finding no one, or going out to bars to find no one or even feeling desperate. Which leads to a night at the clubs or bookstores just taking random and anonymous loads. And nothing wrong with it. Just not for those reasons..at least IMO. My feelings on this so far is more of a split between wanting to be owned/have an equal partner. I've gotten a taste of both sides. I don't mind being a man's sub or boy and him deciding who he wants to fuck me and getting say or no say (depending on the chemistry). But at the same time I think if it was more of an equal partner thing maybe even a versatile man. I might miss having sex with others from time to time but I think monogamy for a little would work. But then in the back of my mind I know that it only takes one night at a bar, one encounter on a trip or somewhere and I'm servicing a random man and taking his bare cock up my ass or plowing a hot sloppy hole and not giving a fuck for that moment. As long as I realize this and if I ever get close to someone (and they realize) monogamy/open isn't something I'm worried about it. Besides, relationships change regardless on what their original base or intention was. Even moreso if it's a forced relationship or one sided. In a nutshell I probably can but don't think I want to completely be monogamous. Then again, all part of being young, learning, exploring, and exploding (cum?..sounds hot) I guess.
Where did you get (or give) your last load?
fuckboy20 replied to rawTOP's topic in General Discussion
Heh maybe I'm reverting. Played at the bookstore the other night. But last night with short notice got ready for my bud and went over to his place. Love how he just stripped me and spat on his cock and shoved it in. I was tight but he likes that. I took a hit of poppers and he fucked me for a good while with his normal verbal insults and degrading me and making me beg for his load. And fuck he loaded me and I came for him too. I like how it was so urgent and so lustful. But that was also because he was short on time. Normally I'd go home..I got together with a poz top I've been wanting to get together with for a while. Older man not really into rough, verbal, or kink but he had a huge cock. He loved me deepthroating and servicing his huge cock and I sat on it with no lube and only the load in my ass as lube. Felt so fucking good having that huge cock in me and feeling the load before act as lube. I rode his cock but he pulled me off and I got on the side of the bed and he bent me over. He pushed his hard cock inside me and fuck was it big and it felt so damn good. I took a hit of poppers and so did he and I arched my back and worked my ass on his cock. He took another hit of poppers before he shouted that he was cumming and I felt his huge poz load breeding me. It felt fucking great and my hole was pretty damn sore after. The earlier fuckbud always likes to pull all the way out and shove his cock back in and do this because he loves it when I squeal and shriek and he loves the reaction. He loves to tear up my ass and treat me like a bitch. So having him earlier and this big cock made me a tad bit sore. But as usual, it goes back to being tight Was a fun night. Having mixed loads in my ass felt hot too. -
Where did you get (or give) your last load?
fuckboy20 replied to rawTOP's topic in General Discussion
Well damn.. Got back from the bars and couldn't believe who messaged me on bbrt on the way home. He came over and he was looking so fucking hot, sexy, masculine, and strong as hell. He pinned me to the door and grabbed my ass and lead me into my own bedroom. Ordering me to close the windows, turn the light off, turn the other light on and everything. I sucked him, he fucked me, we made out, he pissed in my mouth and used my mouth like a water fountain and I drank his piss from the tap and I diddn't spill a FUCKING DROP. Once you look up at a big fucking strong beefy sexy daddy like that and you see those eyes you know that you have to give it 101%. He was very pleased that I drank it all and we went back to fucking and he shot some of it in me and jacked the rest off. I also shot two loads while I was riding his fat sexy daddy dick. We showed together afterwards and he let me know about what he'll do next time. Can't wait.
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