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Everything posted by PozBottomACNJ

  1. Honestly, I wasn't much into the bar scene, and the majority of my encounters were anonymous, but I'd be happy to chat sometime, @njScott227
  2. I love the idea of that! However, I think it would be so much hotter, too take a full pill, instead of half, and hide a video camera, and make a public posting, so just ANY guy can cum in, fuck me, and go! I imagine it would be so hot, to look at the video later, and see who actually fucked me! (Or perhaps make it so I can only see shapes and sounds and only be able to see how many used my cunt!)
  3. I started taking cocks at the age of 14. By the time I was 16, I'm sure I had taken at least 500 DIFFERENT cocks. (To be honest, it's rate that I find a guy that I want to fuck me, more than 3-4 times.) I LOVE the feeling of a strange Man, or Men using my holes for their pleasure! Between the ages of 17-40, I was taking probably 200-300 different cocks up my asscunt and throat, with, I'd guess, probably 99% of them filling my holes with their cum. Once I hit 40, I slowed down, mainly due to maturity, work, and marriage (to a woman). from 40-50, I'd guess I was getting fucked by 2 strange Men a week, on average. When I hit 50, I was diagnosed as HIV Positive, and, while it didn't stop me from taking strange Men bare, up my ass, I think, subconsciously, I knew I had to cut back. Now, due to health issues (heart (Afib), and copd), I consider myself extremely lucky, if I get fucked 6 times a year. Part of that, is that I don't drive, and public transit in Atlantic City,NJ SUCKS, and the adult bookstore/theater scene here is horrible! Makes me not even want to waste time, going out.... I'd kill for the opportunity to take strange (or familiar) cocks at least 3-4 times a month! But, back to the topic, I'd have to guess that this old, closeted faggot slut has taken at least 2000 cocks so far. I'd love to break 3000, before I turn 80!
  4. I'll take a THICK cock, over a long cock, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE! (as long as it's RAW!)
  5. I can't honestly say that I have NEVER been humiliated, per se.. I have been forced to service total strangers, often, old trolls (when I was much younger), ugly men, men with small dicks, and men with HUMUNGOUS COCKS, been pissed on, and pissed in, called names, had my face and ass slapped, spit in my face (MAJOR turn on for me, especially if they spit in my eyes, while telling me what a filthy faggot slut I am!), had my face forced into a smelly, dirty asshole, been made to lick clean and suck, a dick full of smegma/dick cheese (hated that, but turned on by the treatment), been forced to my knees in semi-public places (alleys, DJ booth, hallways in adult bookstore video arcades, in front of hotel/motel windows, and balconies), while others have watched in disgust, been made to lick shit off the Tops' cocks, and had pictures and videos taken of me being used. I've had men throw money (small amounts) at me, after using me, telling me I'm a cheap whore, but I can honestly say I've never felt humiliated by these acts. The opposite, I find myself turned on, by Men using me like a cheap whore/slut/cumdump/pig, turned on seeing the looks of shock and disgust of viewers, and constantly hope that I will some day, find pictures and videos of me being a slut! I've NEVER had a problem with being used by ugly/unattractive Men, and/or total strangers. I have, on a couple occasions, been thrown out of a room, totally naked, my clothes thrown out after me, and forced to get dressed in a public hallway, where anyone could see. I'm sure I've shown up on quite a few hotel security cameras naked, or half-dressed, with cum on my face, and/or dripping down my legs. Again, the thought of that, just turns me on more! I've been surprised when additional Men have either shown up during the acts, or were already in the room when I was brought in, and never turned down the opportunity to service additional Men. I've shown up at hotel rooms, where the Top told me to drop my pants and bend over, gotten brutally fucked, fast and hard, til the Top came in my ass, and he told me "Get out", sometimes with the words whore or slut, or faggot, added, and that sent a thrill through me, knowing that I was seen as nothing more than a set of holes to fuck, and cum in. Not even seen as a human. Now THAT, to others, might seem to be a humiliating situation, but not me. I LOVE being treated this way, and wish it would happen more often! As for Degrading activities, see the above. And if I'm spun, I might try even more extreme activities!
  6. Or, they could fuck me, for free!
  7. I *THOUGHT* I was neg, for years, as I never had the fuck-flu, and no symptoms, until I got hit with MRSA, and asked them to do an HIV test, while they were running other bloodwork. They said it looked like I was poz for about 10 yrs, yet, as I said, I never had any symptoms... NOW, on the other hand, I'm falling apart. heart issues (AFIB), breathing issues, etc... yet, I'm considered undetectable now..
  8. Getting used, abused, and BRED by a fat, disgusting, ugly old troll (preferably a GROUP of such Men!), and having them spit in my face, while telling me what a cheap, sleazy, disgusting pig faggot I am! Preferably watched by many others, and pics and videos taken, shared, and posted online, for all to see!
  9. So hot! Exactly how I want to be treated, and used! I hope you'll continue!
  10. Please, Continue!
  11. I'd LOVE to be the plaything of these two hot Men!
  12. OMG, I NEED this to happen to me!
  13. To me, there's nothing HOTTER, than being bred, roughly, and when the Top(s) are done using me, being told to "get the fuck out"! I LOVE it when I get treated this way! Just makes me hungrier for more cock, and more cum!
  14. On my knees, with others watching, while the Man face-fucks me, and verbally abuses me.
  15. I've had that happen a couple times, where a strange Man would come up to me, and mention that he fucked me in an adult theater or bookstore video room, and that he wanted a repeat. We were nowhere NEAR a bookstore of adult theater, so, without hesitating (as I was alone), I took one guy into an alley (late night), where it was dark and deserted, bent over, and he fucked me so long, that I thought he was never going to cum in me (he's been drinking), but when he did, he flooded my guts pretty well. I licked his cock clean afterward, of course, and he was like "Thanks, slut, I needed that!" Other time, I was leaving a gay bar, pretty tipsy, and a guy that I hadn't seen before, followed me out, and asked for a blowjob. Who was I to say no? We went between a couple parked cars, and I sucked him off, swallowing his load, of course! Much easier, when I was younger, and guys liked that I looked in my late teens, when I was in my early 20's...sigh...
  16. So many possibilities for this story!
  17. I'd love to be a hungry cumdump bottom, available to Evan, and ALL her friends! Especially the horse-cocked man with huge tits! I'd be in heaven, getting used and abused by them, and bred over and over! Evan sounds like my fantasy Transwoman, and Xanthe sounds like she could even make me hard, to fuck her, despite what meds have done to my dick....
  18. OMG! Please continue! This is how I wish MY life had turned out! This story wants me to head to a bathhouse, or adult theater, every day, and offer my holes to some old, nasty, twisted perverts, to use and abuse!
  19. poz, gangbang,verbal,slam
  20. LVL 6, since the first time I got fucked, at 14. (I'm 59 now) Diagnosed poz about 4 years ago. Still going bareback, no questions asked.
  21. "Sex Bucket List"??? Please, tell me more?
  22. I LOVE being used like that! Rip my asscunt apart, breed me like a bitch, then throw me out, like a cheap lot-lizard, cum dripping from my ruined hole, and down my legs, for other Men to see!
  23. Try this one... I couldn't believe how THICK this is! I haven't gotten past the head, YET.. Poppers have done wonders for taking more each time, but I think I'm going to need help from Miss Tina, possible Gina, and poppers, to take this bad boy! [think before following links] https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805138008600.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.133.73b01802TXchCr&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa
  24. I've fantasized of taking a really BIG, THICK chain in my ass, hopefully two, side by side, for that extra stretch, and weight! Anyone in, or visiting, Atlantic City, NJ?
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