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Everything posted by Greim

  1. Great story! Keep it cumming.
  2. I hope that you’ll get tested for all STIs ASAP. This could be and sounds like syphilis. I’ve had it twice and didn’t know it till it went to secondary syphilis, which was awful. The sores go away on their own, but it is still in your body and, if left untreated, syphilis goes systemic and eventually attacks your brain and the rest of your central nervous system. It will cause a lot of pain down the road when left untreated and eventually kills.
  3. Thanks for a well-written story. It captures a lot of the complexity of emotion that guys sometimes go through in deciding whether or not to go bareback.
  4. Fucking hot story and development! Keep going!
  5. Is there somewhere a list of what all is permitted and what is forbidden? If so, please direct us to it or remind us where to find it. Thanks!
  6. Fucking hot story and pretty well written! Keep writing it.
  7. Very hot story! Please continue!
  8. Greim


    Get well soon!
  9. You can get PrEP free. If you want to stay neg, that’s the ONLY way you can bb and be pretty sure you can stay neg.
  10. Very well written. And very hot!
  11. Thanks for explaining, @BootmanLA. I didn’t even know that there was a Status A or B.
  12. I too understand the need for many safeguards. This site can be very confusing for even long-time users, @UrBoyHenry. Everything that you suggest would really help members of the site and such positive (vs. punitive) changes are long past due, in my humble opinion. Hopefully I don’t get penalized or banned for being honest about my frustrations with this site. In terms of a helpful starting point, I wish that there were at least keys on how to understand what different statuses mean and tips on how to improve one’s status.
  13. That’s hot and beautiful.
  14. Good for you! Let us know how it goes.
  15. Hot pic.
  16. Wow, now that’s twisted and hot!
  17. That’s so hot. Still got the resistant gono and got any other bugs?
  18. Greim

    Thanks for accepting the friends request and reply.

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