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Everything posted by seaguy

  1. You might get more guys interested by completing your profile so we know what city your in or at least the state, age details like that.,
  2. But that was for religious reasons I am not aware of any religion that would be able to get an exemption for HIV prevention. The whole issue Hobby Lobby had was they consider certain forms of birth control to be abortion. I think that the courts ruling was narrow in such that it would not allow a company to stop covering PrEP just because the companies owners think homosexuality is a sin because PrEP is for gay or straight people.
  3. That is a fucking awesome story dude.
  4. Amen I want to take Armond Rizzo's uncut dick in my ass and milk his load out of it too. All they have to do is lay there I will sit on it. But I want to have those cocks I have seen so many times while they are getting fucked just sitting there dangling or being jerked on. There is something about getting bred by a porn bottom that makes me get turned on big time. Probably cause not many others have experienced their cock, at least no on camera.
  5. I think many are afraid of the costs and just don't even bother checking into it and seeing if the savings card and other programs might apply for them and make it affordable afterall. I tell everyone don't just dismiss it you never know until you try. I did that with my ADHD medication and get it free every month now. Anyone who is barebacking regularly with men they don't know should get on PrEP the side effects, well you won't know if you get them until you try it.
  6. I like bareback sex and know that there are risks involved so when I do bareback I try and do what I can to reduce the risk if possible. Because if I ever do get pozzed I would prefer to hold it off until as late into my life as possible, since I would rather not have to deal with the medical issues that being HIV+ entails. I think some of the younger guys on here who are gung ho about getting pozzed don't really think about all the issues they may face. Just the other day I heard on the news that HIV+ patients have a higher risk of not getting a cancer diagnosis caught early, and catching cancer early is important. They just think you take a pill daily and everything is fine. I honestly don't understand why someone wants HIV, but I am believe in live and let live.
  7. I would want to breed him then him breed me, the reason I want him is I always see him getting fucked with his dick hard and I want to feel that dick in me, and take his load. He's always on BBRT by the way.
  8. Bareback porn and porn addiction are two totally seperate things. Your addicted to porn but have a preference for bareback porn. That does not mean you became addicted because you were watching bareback porn, and if you had watched condom you wouldn't have gotten addicted. A drunk is addicted to alcohol but might have a preference for Vodka but they would still be an alcoholic if they drank beer.
  9. This forum is a place where people can post the fantasies that they have without fear of being attacked because thier fantasy might be a bit kinky or different from the norm. That said your going to get some twisted fantasies... But I would not say that it necessarily means that allot of the users are violent sexual deviants most of what is written that is violent in nature is fictional from what I see and suspect.
  10. Collared indicates he has a master. If I saw that I would probably just find someone else and not bother asking if he was able to play. So I would leave th3e collar at home if you want to have the most men available to you.
  11. I would think that your work does some checking into his background before hiring to make sure he is not some child molester and he was released early for good behavior after serving time for drug charges which could have been for having a few joints on him when he got busted. Just be cautious.
  12. I would lookup your dept of health and see if they have like an STD clinic or something and then go there because your doctor sounds like a total idiot when it comes to GTBLT health. You should have been tested regardless of whether you were exhibiting symptoms, the fact that someone you were with caught it is reason enough alone to test you. I have a doctor who is gay and I am so glad he makes it less anxiety ridden to have to ask about things because he does the asking. I get white coat syndrome so I have a hard time with anxiety in the doctors office so it makes my visits much easier when my doctor is all up on the latest gay health news and keeps tabs on the trends in the community. Like the last time I went he asked if I had ever had anal warts because that was something he was seeing moew of lately. Thankfully I could say nope. Not something I care to get either.
  13. What does Steven go by online where his vids are posted?
  14. Why do people lie about shit like being on meds then they are not. Is it out of desperation, a desire to get revenge causee someone pozzed them?
  15. Just quickly move on to fucking.l
  16. I consider myself versatile, have always tried to be that way because it is less limiting. I have had times where I wanted to get fucked and the other guy was bottom only and it was frustrating. So I prefer other versatile guys but I have never looked for or posted an ad saying Versatile only. I just usually go with bottoming if I hookup with a top only vice versa if with a bottom only. I find that posting ads with such specific demands is limiting in that you're automatically telling those who are not versatile only that they are not welcome. I would rather have a larger pool of potential guys than narrow it down rather than have such specifics listed because I find those kinds of ads annoying, people who list all kinds of no's like no fems, etc...
  17. Came across this post that defines a Power Bottom and could not agree with it more: http://www.gayguys.com/2014/07/real-definition-power-bottom/
  18. Why don't you sign up for Xtube yourself?

  19. They don't allow addresses to be posted openly like that.

  20. This is breaking news Ethan just posted this on his real name Facebook account he is going to be going to medical school to become a doctor: "Tonight I made a judgement call based on all my years of combined schooling in pre hospital emergencies, medicine, and now real life situations in which gave me the insight and foresight to spot and treat for this condition and may have just saved the life of another man in my life I hold so dear. It hurts me to know what I know and do what I do when in the eyes of my mother, sister, and associated parties who have allowed their claim that "I self-medicate because I believe I should be a doctor" and have done so in civil court committals. Today I am glad to say I am still on that path and will finish med school for my validation that I am worth more than their misjudgments about who and what I am becoming in practice today... A damn fine doctor researching what I love. I hope now that this message finds the eyes of many of my friends and chosen family and will allow the truth to be seen in why some of us just have what it takes... knowledge, wisdom, and great powers with no difference when its how we save lives with the "Healers Embrace". More will follow as to how and why this gift has been changing my life and showing me even "what scientists dont know" about how this condition is also apart of my diagnosis that is often missed or misdiagnosed"
  21. I know miss him being a piggy barebacker in porn. He was gonna come out of retirement last year I heard from a bareback blogger but that unfortunately never materialized.
  22. Here is Jarod's photobucket page with lots of pics of him http://s51.photobucket.com/user/ctfranek/media/img_09812.jpg.html
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