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Everything posted by seaguy

  1. Puberty is happening earlier in teens now than it used too due to environmental causes they think. But as long as you were happy more power to ya. That ass sure does look nice so I bet it was hard for anyone to say no too.
  2. Damn I have not been over to that side of the state in years might have to take a trip what hotel was that? lol
  3. Great logos. Does anyone else associate the colors with hanky codes. I see on some sites so when I saw the brown I thought scat but that might just be me.
  4. Visit the websites that do bareback scenes and the studios that shoot bareback porn and apply on the site. Almost all have a link where you fill in the questionnaire they have and then submit some photos. Most of them have it set up like that rather than just sending in an unsolicted email. Anymore it is like applying for a job except instead of a resume you submit your nude photos. Then if they are interested they usually will get in touch and want to arrange an interview either via Skype or if possible in person but unless you're some supermodel hunk most of them won't fly you in for an interview due to the expense. The other thing to remember is that they get lots of applications so you might not even hear back. Or you might get a we will be in touch if we want to use you. I have heard from guys who have applied that the usual response is don't call us we will call you. There are allot of guys who have that I want to be in porn fantasy and they think they are just what the studios need but then you gotta remember your not alone so Don't get your hopes up. The other thing I would suggest is use social media. Follow stars on twitter. Shane Frost for example is now representing models and is always tweeting recruitment requests you can apply for him at http://shanefrost.blogspot.com/2014/02/apply-to-model.html Trenton Ducati also reps models now and both him and Shane have done lots of work bareback and condom with most of the gay porn studios and websites. Good luck stud.
  5. From what I have read in interviews with porn stars and heard porn stars are like the rest of us they bareback off camera too but some are safe depends on the guy. As for why some choose condom porn for some it is because they get work from a condom only studio, some it is because they are not comfortable with the risk even with testing being there is a 2 month window and many porn stars escort on the side. I think PrEP is going to change that we have already seen Lucasentertainment go from condom only to bareback due to PrEP and a couple of the guys who have worked for them bareback have stated that they decided to do it due to PrEP. But there are still the holdouts Chi Chi LaRue, Raging Stallion, Falcon and those two studios are big because they also own AEBN, and just bought Hot House so since those studios are condom only some stars might be hesitant to do bareback because some studios have been known to not use models who have done bareback before though that seems to be going away as I have seen more guys who do both condom and bareback than in the past. Used to be doing bareback got you blacklisted with the non bareback studios which to me was wrong and discrimination. There also is not one standard for gay porn as far as testing. Not all test. I read that TIM serosorts and will test if requested by one of the scene partners. But otherwise there is no testing. There's also the militant anti bareback crowd like Michael Weinstein who runs the Aids Healthcare Foundation. He along with peoeple like him (many who love to troll porn blogs and post anti bareback porn comments) are behind the condoms required law that has or soon will pass in CA and he's also responsible for filing complaints against many of the big bareback studios alleging that they have put the models in harms way by shooting them having bareback sex. For studios making less and less money this tactic even if it isw ultimately unsucessful in getting the studio in trouble with the law costs them money in legal fees and time having to respond to the allegations. Is that how the AHF should be spending its money not in my opinion and how many people do they think they will prevent from getting HIV just by trying to make condoms mandatory in porn? Its not gonna stop people from watching the stuff already made and amateurs cant be forced to wear rubbers.
  6. The Cop in Texas who is that? You can search Gloryhole or restroom in the xtube search box its like any other site with search functionality. But that does not ring a bell as someone I am familiar with on xtube.
  7. Are you clicking on a link posted recently or really old ones? If its an old thread then bad links are more likely as URL's can change over time.
  8. Not showing at least part of the cum shot leaves too much room for faking in my opinion. When you see cum flowing from the cock thats not as easy to fake as internal cum shot which then they can easily use fake cum to make it look like the top came inside the bottom. I would rather they show some of the load being shot then have the top finish off inside.
  9. I cheated once in a past relationship and that was after getting really drunk otherwise I would not have cheated. To me I would not like being cheated on so I try and not cheat on my boyfriends. But no one is perfect. Do you have any evidence that he might be cheating like finding his profile on a hookup site in Denver or are you just hoping he might be as a means of justifying your cheating? Two wrongs don't make a right they say...
  10. My cock tends to be soft at the start because I am concentrating on getting relaxed and used to the tops dick in my ass but once that is over and the real fucking starts and he is hitting my prostate with his cock I get hard that to me shows the top he is doing a great job.
  11. Get tested again more regularly then you might not have so much anxiety because you won't have as many partners between testings which can lead a person to get more anxious as you go through the list thinking back about who might have been risky. When you get tested regularly you don't have to think that far back so the memory is clearer too.
  12. There are sadly those who don't know common sense either online or off. Like I have this guy that I met went over to his place we hunt out watched porn together a couple of times. Then he disappeared from BBRT where we had met for like 6 months. When he reappeared I sent him a message saying "hey how are things" instead of replying he blocked me. Baffled me I was like what did I do. So I just wrote him off but then I see the ther day he had unblocked me. But I am done he obviously has his own issues and I don't have time for the games. People like that person who you never talked who blocked you usually have thier own issues either they are mentally not all there, on drugs, or whatever and I just figurer at least I learned to avoid them before having wasted any time actually trying to get to know them.
  13. http://www.myvidster.com/video/20056155/Jerry_Sterns_and_Sage_Daniels
  14. No pullout at all? http://www.allgayclips.com/gay-porn/16533/lito-cruz-and-sage-daniels.html?autoplay=1 he pulls out real fast but goes right back in.
  15. So you think your first poz load has already pozzed you? Since you list your status as not sure probably poz.
  16. seaguy


    Well I have had dental work and I have been given novacaine and lydocaine and I would not want either in either end for sex. First it would be harder to feel anything as they are strong numbing agents, and one of the reasons I like bareback is that it feels better so numbing would defeat that purpose. In my mouth I would probably hate giving a blow job with novacaine for me whenever I leave the dentist and go home and try to drink anything or even eat I have troubles because the novacaine makes it harder to have mouth control. I guess if all you want is to just be two holes that others can use then go for it. But I would even question how its going to feel fucking and ass or mouth that has been given novacaine. It could be like I imagine fucking a pussy is all loose and not pleasurable.
  17. I see people who use thier first and last name for thier email and then post it publicly on hookup sites and other sites they might not want potential employers knowing about but when you use things like your name in your email address that is easily connected. It sucks but employers are looking potential job candidates up online to get an idea of who they are. Have a Grindr profile come up might not be a problem for some but in certain careers it would be frowned upon.
  18. Dore Alley and Folsom street fair are both exempt for the new SF anti nudity law. This was in the SF gay newspaper.
  19. He's the proverbial forbidden fruit it seems. I would steer clear cause it could end up causing all kinds of drama if you two messed around. But be there if the kid comes to you for advice or something.
  20. No PrEP is pre exposure PEP is post exposure here is a good explainer of the two http://www.aidsmeds.com/articles/HIVtests_12371.shtml
  21. can't wait to hear part 2
  22. I guess it all depends on how you define slutty. He is a porn star doing what he does to make a living so I don't consider what he does on screen to count towards being a slut because it is work related. But I have always appreciated his openness with fans and he has a boyish look that has gotten more manly over time.
  23. Take them to judge judy, seriously though I had an ex who ripped me off and I contacted the show and the producers called me back that was enough to get him to pay me back. How those shows work is you get your money regardless of the case outcome it is basically payment for doing the show if you didn't win. If you don't want to be on TV take them to small claims court. If they are gonna kick you out for being gay then you should use the law and system to get what your owed. Two can play at that game.
  24. He was there to film a scene for TIM with Jessy Karson. His last scene before he retires from porn to attend law school is likely going to be with Raw Fuck Club he said the other day on twitter or ask.fm
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