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Everything posted by seaguy

  1. Just sent you a couple private messages with some info.
  2. Would you have to wear it all the time or would it just be during sex? If he expects you to wear it all the time that seems a little much because if you work how is that going to play with them? But around the house and during sex give it a try it might just end up making things more fun and kinky for you both? If it ends up being not your thing let him know.
  3. They can't be obese, smelly or have a tiny dick. Otherwise I am not that picky.
  4. Tell the BF if he is unwilling to fuck you bare then maybe it is time to end things because to me one of the benefits of having a bf is being able to fuck bare.
  5. I don't really put that much time into finding a specific type of top or bottom if the guy is a little fem it's fine by me I just don't want someone like the guys from Men On Film. Same goes with masculine I like masculine guys but I don't like the ones that are all judgmental about those who are less masculine than themselves. And working out is great but when 24 hour fitness is hour second home and all you talk about it working out that is too much for me. They say variety is the spice of life so I like to have variety and I have slept with some really hot guys who were great in bed on both ends of the scale. Most of us were born the way are and can't change that so I also try and not put too much focus on their perceived masculinity because often once you get to know ther person they are way different than you had imagined.
  6. Well with the WHO (World Health Organization)coming out with its recommendation that men who have sex with men take PrEP http://www.npr.org/blogs/goatsandsoda/2014/07/11/330747023/new-guidelines-for-gay-men-a-daily-anti-hiv-pill it's going to hopefully start becoming available in more countries now.
  7. That is bullshit. Move out here to WA where the minimum wage is $9.32 an hour for all workers and in some places like here in Seattle they are raising it to $15 an hour but it is going to take years to reach that amount for some types of workers and is being challenged in court by the franchisees assoc.
  8. If I were you I would call the Healthcare.gov people at 1-800-318-2596 tell them your situation and see if that is something that would then enable you to apply for medicaid. They encourage students who's can't get coverage under thier oarents for whatever reason to apply for medicaid or one of the individual plans using tax credits and since your partents pulled your coverage through no fault of your own maybe you can get an exemtion to sign up for medicaid? Never hurts to ask since your situation is unique and does seem to come up in all the Q & A's posted online.
  9. So your parents have you by the balls because you came out and they don't like that. Hmm I wonder if they are breaking any laws or rules by taking you off their insurance? That is totally fucked up for them to do that. If I were you I would put getting out from under their roof as your first priority above getting pozzed because your independence is and freedom from their mistreatment of you because they do not like the fact that you are gay. Once your out on your own they cannot legally claim you as a dependent and then you can apply for medicaid unless your working and making enough that you can get your own coverage through Obamacare exchange.When I first moved out on my own and thankfully my mom and dad were cool with me being gay I just didn't want to live in small hick town where my mom was moving but I was still listed on their tax returns as a dependent and that kept screwing me over when it came to getting financial aid and of course I was not getting anything from either parent. It sucked but then once I was on my own I was not a dependence and got more financial aid since it was based on my income not my parents too. Is NJ a state where they pay waiters a seperate wage that factors in tip income? Cause I thought Waiters did pretty well with tips at least the ones I know out here in Seattle do.
  10. Honey this is the oldest trick in the book. You get your foot in the door (cuddling) and then from there you work your magic. It's a trick as old as the hills.
  11. Not necessarily I believe Lucas allows poz models to pair up. Lucas is actually dating a poz guy.
  12. New bareback scene out today with Armond both topping and bottoming it is over on lucasentertainmentl.com
  13. Why did you not sign up for Obamacare? I am unemployed right now but have medicaid through Obamacare and it pays for my high blood pressure pills which I could not afford one without the medicaid. NJ did have a small medicaid expansion so you might want to see if you can sign up for it still, or if you make too much there is the Obamacare insurance through carriers initially I was on one of them and it was going to run me 70 a month the deductibles were not great but it was better than nothing. If you continue with no insurance eventually they are going to levy a $500 fine I think.
  14. HIV is not like high blood pressure where youi can take a pill and live out your life pretty much normally and it seems like the millenials or whatever just don't quite get that fact. Just the other day I read about HIV + individuals have a higher rate of missed diagnosis for cancer, there is still allot of discrimination against those with HIV as well. Is the "worry" so bad that you want to trade it off for all the things that come with being poz at mentioned above. And correct me if I am wrong but when one antiviral HIV med stops working they move you to another but eventually some people can run out of options and that can lead to getting full blown AIDS and eventually death. So getting HIV early in life would seem to increase the risk of something like that occurring. Personally if it were me and I had so much worry about getting HIV that it was causing me anxiety I would first see a therapist and try to work on getting over the worry. There are ways to do that. Then I could continue to take my chances barebacking but then getting it when I get it, which could be tomorrow could be 20 yrs from now who knows but the longer you put off getting it the better especially with advances in medicine.
  15. Gotta be this video http://www.machofucker.com/freepreview/movie.php?movie=u27cgy8b
  16. It helps if you list where your at in your profile or your ad. Seattle/Tacoma is too large an area for someone to know if they are down by you.
  17. I noticed that you say Undetectable Welcome in your intro paragraph but then down below you answer negative only for their status so the two answers are contradictory. I also would echo what the others have said about no pic. At least have a headless torso shot, or a cock shot that is viewable to all users and you'll get allot more interest. I usually don't waste my time with users who don't have any pics viewable because to me that indicates they might be hiding something? That asshole bottom had no right to send you that message I would forward it on to barebackrt support and see what they say or can do since he did make a thinly veiled threat towards you and I doubt they will look kindly at that. Hopefully they will kick him off the site. Ass holes like that don't belong on a website for meeting people in my opinionl.
  18. He should have just been honest and said I will be prelubed with another dudes load, and when you asked him point blank he should have definately owned up to it. I think there are enough dudes out there that like to fuck a bottom with a load already in his ass that he did not need to lie about that fact to get a top over to his place.
  19. I have heard of guys showing up at a hotel and robbing the bottom of his money, drugs, computer if he had one. The scenario of being blindfolded and alone like that in a motel room is a perfect target for someone looking to commit a robbery. Then if you have some standards and a total troll shows up and your not into him but he is not taking no for an answer and ends up raping you. Having a buddy is best, but even someone you meet online like another bottom you two can take turns and watch each others back. That way you don't have to ask a friend. I know that I would not want to ask one of my friends cause they would totally not understand why I was wanting to do that. Some things are better left unsaid.
  20. I wouldn't believe everything you read on here this is the internet afterall and you can't take everything you read online as being the truth or the right answer.
  21. Hot video stud. You have a nice big cock too.
  22. Armond aka Joey's real name is Rene he was a navy boy for 4 years too.
  23. Was? He is still shooting bare scenes as far as I know. Unless you have heard something different? ;-) The only one who would beat Armond is Jackson Taylor due to his TIM scenes.
  24. You just don't want to end up on that show Cheaters where they spy on the person cheating and gather a docier of evidence to present to the person being cheated on then they surprise the cheater with a confrontation.
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