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Everything posted by seaguy

  1. One thing I noticed last time I was down in the south (I live in Seattle, WA) was that the people tend to be a little bigger. I was at Dollywood in TN and whenever they have one of those lists about the fittest states most of the ones down south are down the list. So it could be that your location is not helping matters. Just an observation from someone who is not from that area but has visited.
  2. As long as they are not so slender that they look like they starve themself, I like all kinds of guys but I was always a skinny kid growing up so I guess that gave me a liking for similar but I have noticed that as I get older and the wieght seems to all go right in the waistline I am more open to stocky guys but i draw the line at guys who are overweight, just not into that. Tall skinny guys usually have big dicks too ;-)
  3. Depends on the gay people you ask. But I am not about asking others what they think when it comes to porn stars I like and don't like because that is my decision, and my dicks. lolI am over this thread. Can we agree you dislike Skyler based on your experiences with him and how you find him in the looks dept. and myself and some others like him and find him attractive. Lets just respect each others different views and move on.
  4. And he did all the work pretty much, sounds good to me.
  5. Is there clear evidence of a trend of guys lying about their undetectable status or is this just something you heard?
  6. Some probably have but there will be some who lie just because they want to have bragging rights..
  7. Looks good to me now. If you were local I would hit you up.
  8. It would help if you shared your user names so we could actually take a look at your profiles. I think the feedback would be more useful and valuable.
  9. I don't think he was comparing the two but using Cher as an example. Porn stars whether you like them or not and you obviously don't like Tim Skyler have thier fans and they get thier share of fans who think that they are these objects who will sleep with anyone and those fans write, email and even stalk. I can just see one being out and some fan who know no boundaries running up to them and giving them a kiss. And also you have to remember some porn stars might not be so outgoing off the camera they might have social anxiety which can easily be misconstrued as being a rude bitch.
  10. PrEP also should not be looked at as a license to be a complete total whore sleeping with anything and anyone. One must still use good judgement. If someone is a know IV drug user and you see that they have some discharge coming out of their penis don't think PrEP is going to protect you from whatever that guy might have, and then when it doesn't blame PrEP because its not an immunity shield to all STD's.
  11. He talks about meeting his current poz bf in an interview he did recently on thesword.com
  12. Love this scene with Owen Hawk and Tim Skyler http://www.raunchyfuckers.com/videos/owen-breeding-the-slutty-twink-5668.html
  13. Isn't a corn husker someone who peels the husks off corn?
  14. If someone is going to be taking information of something like Secret as being truthful, especially medical information then they are an idiot. Secret is in my opinion a gossip app for teens. As with anything you're going to have your crowd that does not believe science and will continue to spout misinformation whenever they can. Look at the people who do not believe in global warming.
  15. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=EifaQ-G291-#.U8mWxtJdXng Fuck buddy loads his hole.
  16. When I top I like the feeling, it feels more passionate, real. When I blow my load in thier ass it makes the orgasm so much more powerful because it reaches in to that primal need to breed that men have, I know I have impregnated him with my seed. Wearing a condom I know that didn't happen and that sheath takes away much of the feeling that comes from letting skin touch skin, naturally.
  17. I bet you gave him the lesson of his life that night, hot.
  18. I don't get down to Renton much do you ever get up to Capitol Hill? I'll show you how to suck dick and then if you wanna get fucked I'm neg just tested on 06/19/14.
  19. I bet that bottom wanted to just die right there with all those queens giving him the evil eye.
  20. Luv the one with you and the FA I think in the hotel so fucking hot.
  21. True story? Whatever the case Karma can be a bitch!
  22. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=ay6Nl-G291-#.U8ZUXajYVSl raw twink load hung twink comes to fill me up This guy has other hot bb videos in his profile.
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