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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Thanks for the follow, sexy!

    1. TxCowboyCub


      Of course, who wouldn't want to follow a sexy man like you! Grrrr!

  2. I'm sorry to hear that. I'll chime in same as the others, the hookup apps are pretty lame a lot of the time, especially if you're a familiar face (not new to the area) and if you're not right in a heavily populated area. If it makes you feel any better, I'd play with you in a heartbeat if I weren't 1500 miles away. Get out and get a social life... the people you meet that way are usually better bets, anyway.
  3. This is delightful! Terrific writing, and as I'm into hairy guys it turns my crank that extra bit! Kudos!
  4. very sexy, stud!

  5. Thanks for the follow, buddy!

  6. Wow... somehow I had missed this one. Awesome, and the bottom is seriously hot! https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/leather-bareback-breeding-25706761
  7. Thanks for the follow!

  8. I'm a scientist, and have gone to some effort (for reasons you can probably guess) to understand the details behind the tests. If there's some confusion in the above posts about whether Syphilis is curable and what the titers mean, that's because it's damn confusing (many health professionals don't seem to really get the details)! Here's the most accurate information I've been able to glean: Syphilis is generally *curable* with antibiotics (penicillin), although there are some strains that are resistant (but even these are usually curable with retreatment or stronger treatment). Entrenched syphilis (stage 2 or 3) is much more difficult to cure than early-stage syphilis. This is at least partly because the bacterium (not a virus) gets into the brain where it is difficult for most antibiotics to reach it (HIV does the same thing). Therefore, if you don't want to have long-term syphilis, it's good to be tested regularly. The RPR test, and others like it, (the ones that involve the 1:n titer levels) don't actually test for Syphilis or for antibodies to the syphilis bacterium per se. They test for antibodies to a substance that is found in heart muscle. When a human is infected with syphilis or any of several other agents, the bacteria cause damage to the cells and some of the substance leaks out, and the immune system forms antibodies to it. Once the Syphilis is cured, the leakage stops and the immune system *may* stop making the antibodies... but no guarantees. How long this takes depends on your specific immune response, but it is at least months and may be years... or never. If that's the case, even though you are cured of Syphilis (or hope so) you will still have a reactive test. There are more specific tests for Syphilis where they actually look for the bacteria in the blood, but these are not used as a first-line diagnostic because they require lab procedures that are more difficult, slower, and more expensive. [edit] Oh, yeah... and Syphilis can be really hard to notice if you don't happen to have a chancre in an obvious place. A fact I can confirm first-hand.
  9. I enjoyed this one - title says it all: https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/cumdump-taking-loads-at-outdoor-cruising-38075361
  10. bostontrad https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/hung-grindr-guy-breeds-me-in-stairwell-of-office-37719171 Cross-posted from xtube videos thread; thanks NLBear for finding it!
  11. https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/two-lovers-38185741 Looks to be reposted from elsewhere, so it may not last... but dang, that is HOT!
  12. There's no such thing as safe this side of the grave, but certainly you would be safer. Chances of getting HIV in that scenario would be small (not zero). Don't forget that your chances of getting other things would be the same... syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, hepatitis, robbed, etc. Responsible healthcare providers usually insist that you get tested for those first three every 3-6 months while you're taking PrEP, and in my experience that's a damn good idea. They aren't necessarily things you'll notice and prompt treatment is important, especially for syphilis (it gets harder to treat if it stays in your body longer.
  13. Eastern panhandle WV
  14. Yikes, that Google translation is terrible! I make it something like: Taking a hot bearded guy today April 21, this is how I like submissive hairy flirty whores, leaving my jism deep inside their ass Hot vid!
  15. Is this place the one near Pittsburgh or the one in NE PA near the NY border?
  16. If the value is dropping significantly over time (which it is), the penicillin was enough. The VRDL test does not actually detect the syphilis bacteria nor even your antibodies to it. It actually detects your antibodies to the by-products of the damage to your own cells that is caused by the bacteria. It normally takes many months (6-18 months or even more) for it to drop back to normal, and depending on how strong that immune response was during your infection, it may never go back down to the "unreactive" level.
  17. Yes to all of them, if they have facial hair.
  18. Syphilis is not very infectious unless you have active lesions. So even if you aren't cured, you probably aren't significantly contagious. If you want to be a fine upstanding citizen you could tell prospective partners that you had it and were treated and still waiting on confirmation of success. If you had the spotty rash, you were already stage 2, and my understanding is that you really should have had the three shot series but that one will very likely have been sufficient. So do make sure you get the follow up testing, but don't worry unduly about it. I think a 1:1 ratio is pretty normal for a while after treatment - it takes substantial time for it to drop back down. I've had it twice, and done some reading to try and get a good grasp of the biology involved in the different tests, which (as you also may have found) is rather obscure.
  19. Seems a shade faster even from West Virginia (Comcast), FWIW. Page load before was 2-3 secs, maybe, and now about 1.5-2.5 or so, at a guess.
  20. After a lot of searching, I found the dude's profile - he's still a member of xtube but has taken the vids down. What a shame. I did message him and ask whether I could get a copy, but never heard back.
  21. This one is hot. Guessing it won't last, so enjoy it now. https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/creampie-breeding-dudes-addicted-to-cum-33975961
  22. More fun from Marcus & John https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/marcus-takes-john-s-pa-like-a-champ-32889912 MARCUS TAKES JOHN’S PA LIKE A CHAMP Prince Albert fucking close up! Marcus loves Johns PA which swivels as we fuck! It doesn’t take much with it for marcus to catch his nut!
  23. You can look at the data that Gilead gave to the FDA yourself. It's summarized in the prescribing information; if you go to the NIH web site here https://aidsinfo.nih.gov/drugs/406/truvada/8/professional#nlm34084-4 Scroll the navigation pane on the left down to the bottom and select "adverse effects", then scroll the text pane down to Section 6.2 - it gives the actual data from the (5+ year) clinical trials (about 3000 people in each trial, half got Truvada, half got placebo, and it shows the rates of side effects in each group). The rates are virtually identical in the two groups... therefore we can conclude that the chances the side effects are from the drug are very small. It's important to note that this is the data from people who were NOT infected with HIV and were NOT taking other antiviral meds. Data from trials on people in those groups are elsewhere in the document.
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