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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Thanks! I remember seeing a scene from that a few years back and thinking it was super hot. Probably ought to get myself a copy.
  2. Thanks for the follow!

  3. OK, men, here's a new one. Who's this bottom and where is this scene (him getting gangbanged on a carpeted floor) from? I found a clip of it in a compilation on barebackbastards, shuffled in with a lot of other stuff. He's just adorable, and the scene is very hot (at least the bits in the compilation). https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/monthly_2019_11/XXXCapture.PNG.aa78f854254399de4dded4b1be7acaa5.PNG
  4. Thanks for the follow!

  5. Oh, hell, yeah - this has got to be some of the hottest verbal I've ever heard! [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/3396/fuckbuddy/ Cross-posted from xtube videos thread. Thanks @Pornlover for finding and posting it, and a hearty welcome to BZ!
  6. Never guilty about having sex. My Mom always told me that sex between two people who love one another is a wonderful, good thing. She was right. Turns out sex between two (or more!) people is in general a good thing, even if sometimes it falls short of wonderful and you get the occasional dud. Now, I've felt guilty about what I should have been doing while I was having sex instead...
  7. Unexpectedly had a Grindr hookup yesterday afternoon. Was very horny and wanking to BZ and xtube as usual, and scoping Grindr and Growlr to see if there was anything new there (which mostly there wasn't - par for the course in my rural area). I tapped one unfamiliar face, and lo and behold he actually responded. Turns out he has a country place here and gets up every 3 weeks or so. Half an hour later we had done the time and place dance and he was arriving at my place. Nothing fancy, just a good bit of kissing and a little blowjob to get me hard, and I had him on his back easing my fat meat into his snug hole (a bit of poppers to help with that). It got a bit messy at one point (hazards of the trade), but after a quick cleanup we kept going until I dumped a big load of spooge deep in him. Then I stayed inside while he jerked until he came. Sweet relief!
  8. Thanks @drscorpio for catching that. I must have broken the link when I edited the post 😞 Here it is again: Here's one I just found for the first time, which doesn't seem to be here yet. A lot of this guy's vids are very hot IMO, in a "verite" sort of way. The image quality is kind of lousy mostly, but the framing and action are smoking... [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/raw-fucking-in-public-wc-20037902
  9. Beautifully written!
  10. Nicely written! I would suggest that you use a spell checker to catch typos, if you can.
  11. Excellent story; very well-written. Thanks!!!
  12. Thanks for the follow!

  13. Here's one I just found for the first time, which doesn't seem to be here yet. A lot of this guy's vids are very hot IMO, in a "verite" sort of way. The image quality is kind of lousy mostly, but the framing and action are smoking... [think before following links] Raw Fucking in Public WC (20037902)
  14. I tried it once, in my 30s. I can do it, but it's against my nature, I don't like it at all, and I don't see any good reason to do it. The guy I was doing it for was jealous anyway, and thought I was running around on him when in fact I was not (although I did plenty of looking). After we broke up, I decided future boyfriends, husbands, etc., would have to take me as I am. That said, I certainly have the capacity for emotional fidelity (though even in that area I'm naturally polyamorous). I just don't have any trouble distinguishing love, sex, and friendship.
  15. I'll be happy to chime in here; I hadn't noticed this thread earlier. I used condoms for many years (for anal sex only - I have always done oral bare, because what's the point of doing it at all otherwise?), then did some judicious barebacking (mostly as a top) during the '90s. Now I'm on PrEP and bareback essentially all the time. During all of this, I've had crabs, gonorrhea, and chlamydia each a handful of times, and a couple of bouts with non-specific urethritis and syphilis. All happily cured with antibiotics. Yep, these are a pain in the butt (and when you're getting three rounds of penicillin injections, that's quite literal!). What's the worst part about it? The ones that are really hard to notice. Specifically, chlamydia (very mild symptoms penile, no symptoms at all anal) and syphilis (if you miss seeing the chancre, you're shit out of luck until it hits secondary, which doesn't happen for months and can be a mild skin rash easily mistaken for something else like a detergent allergy). Those friends of yours who claim they never catch anything are probably full of shit. In the bottom's case, likely it's shit full of chlamydia and gonorrhea at least. Which explains a lot about why these things are so prevalent... I try to get tested every three months, though sometimes it winds up being more like six (visiting the doctor is always more of a production than it ought to be). That means if I pick one up and don't notice it, I often have a fair number of actual buddies to contact with bad news. Apparently some people find this upsetting (my boyfriend was appalled when I told him last month that I had chlamydia) or embarrassing (OK, I find it mildly so, but not really all that much). But honestly, it shouldn't be - all of these are not particularly strange or unusual to encounter if one is having what I would call a healthy sex life. Communicable diseases are... contagious, how surprising! 🙂 As far as prevention goes, doxycycline can be used as prophylaxis against syphilis, and a number of studies have proven it to be effective used in this way against both syphilis and chlamydia... which incidentally are among the hardest to notice STIs. Because it's a broad-spectrum antibiotic with a lot of other uses, I don't find it appropriate to use all the time, but for occasional rounds of abject piggery at the sex club (which for me are altogether too rare), I think it can be helpful. A Google search will give you many links to the actual studies if you're interested. Also in the way of prevention (though I don't have any studies to cite) I have heard that simply cleaning up well after exposure can reduce rates of transmission. From what I know of anatomy, if you're having receptive anal, that's probably a lost cause (and obviously it is if you like keeping cum inside to absorb 😈). If you're a top, on the other hand, it's easy (and I think probably worthwhile) to give your dick a wash *soon* after whoring it around, and to drink lots of fluids so the inside gets washed. It may be worth drinking cranberry juice (the theory is that the sugars in cranberry juice are excreted in the urine and inhibit some bacteria from sticking to the mucous membrane in the urethra, but I don't know of any hard evidence backing it up), or taking hexamethylenetetramine (which is excreted in the urine, where it is converted to formaldehyde that acts as an antiseptic, as explained on Wikipedia - here's a link to the branded product that contains it [think before following links] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01C8BR84O ). That said, all of those strategies haven't completely prevented me from crossing paths with a thing or two. So peace out, pig out, test early, test often!
  16. Welp, looks like I have another one to ask about. Where's this scene from, and in particular who's the bottom in the foreground. So delicious! I thought he might be Riley Mitchel (also delicious), but it seems not...
  17. I'm actually 7.5" x 5.5" - but that girth is at the mushroom head, the rest is pretty average. I tell people 8x6, mostly because I want to give them a reasonably correct expectation. A fair number seem to think it's bigger than that when they see it in person. It isn't. But if the statistics page referenced above is accurate, I can see why they would think it is.
  18. The camera work is rather sketchy, but I found the content smokin' hot! https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=830958571
  19. Dirty Fuckers! - Bareback - By mascbtmoh: " Very hot 3way with a guy we met at the bathhouse. We sent this guy on his way well fucked and full of our DNA "
  20. I think you should go see a doctor and get tested for whatever you are worried about, and treat it if you have caught something. Also, I think you are very worried and scared, more than you really need to be, because you don't know much about these things. My advice (worth its weight in gold!) is to try to relax, and educate yourself, and maybe find some people whom you trust to talk with about it. I realize that last thing might be hard (I'm guessing you are not out as gay?) but it can really help. Here's how I think of it: All these STDs are just diseases like any other ones. Some of them are uncomfortable and some can kill you, but the same is true of all the other diseases you can catch in other ways. So there's no need to freak out, just evaluate the risk/reward equation and decide what is right for YOU. And I don't believe you have to feel guilty about passing diseases on to another person sexually, unless you do it deliberately and deceptively. The world is a dangerous place, and they decided to have sex with you.
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