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Everything posted by TigerMilner

  1. You sound exactly like I did a little over two years ago. My numbers were almost identical and I was sick all the time. It started with the "fuck flu" which I got about 3 weeks after infection. I've never been so sick. It had me down for a about 2 weeks. I got better but never fully well. Fatigue was terrible and I got that cough you mentioned. I felt better at first on meds but I was taking two meds for the first six months just to be sure I got to and stayed undetectable. Then the meds made me sick too. Sorry to say it but I was sick for months. Part on and part before meds. My doctor said the same thing about me having strong immune system. The way he explained it the fact that I had a strong immune system was actually making me feel sick since all of my energy was being consumed by the battle going on inside me. He did tell me that only 10% of us get this sick. Most guys don't. But, once we dropped the Issentriss, I began to feel better within 30 days. I still have anemia and fatigue, but knowing my viral load has remained undetectable for nearly 2 years makes me feel better than anything. Im taking Complera which I am doing ok with. Maybe Stribild will be easier on you. Stick with it.
  2. No, tell him a LOT of men like it that way. Then tell him if he doesn't enjoy your skill then you can find someone who will. Snap.
  3. First, I have to say that if you bareback, you get what you get and it's no one else's fault. Own it. Secondly, I have found that if it is a "date" situation that will lead to at least knowing the guy, I disclose upfront. I don't like waiting, then getting rejected after I'm invested. If I'm getting rejected, do it upfront before I care at all. That also keeps me within legal requirements. I put it in hookup ads as well. I don't want guys wasting my time if they are not into undetectable (because it also shows me they are stupid). So even in that anonymous situation, I still put it out there upfront. I really don't feel it is anything I need to hide. Now, If I am doing a sex party or visiting a bath house, or Slammers, well, there is no time for conversation. I think everyone assumes you are poz and they probably are too, or are on prep, or just don't care. So in those settings, no I don't say anything. Belleve it or not, I don't think it is even appropriate. I have done these things many many times and come away without catching any std's. In fact, I rarely do. But it only takes one guy. It happens.
  4. I cum every day. Well actually I should say about 350 times a year. lol. Some days I don't. As far as fucking goes, the way I usually cum is riding a hard a dick. My first partner trained me that way and it still works for me 90% of the time. Though I don't usually cum when getting fucked.
  5. I love getting eaten out after, by the top or anyone else, but I most prefer to keep in inside and let it become part of me. That is the best.
  6. My blog is amatuer but several of my favorites feature me and a black top. Check it out. I love black cock. Hell, I love black men...and brown men. Ok, I love men.
  7. You definitely need to go. Just don't go with a snobbish attitude about the "rustic" accommodations. Once you get past that, you will find it very relaxing and sensual. Everyone should experience Fire Island at least once. Just keep an open mind and remember you are not going to P town or Key west. It's much better than both.
  8. If you are going to take on a gangbang or spend an evening taking loads at a bath house, you might want to go all out. Especially if you want to go really deep with toys or take a fist. This is hard core, but you did say empty all. Just get some Miralax, Dulcolax and some gatorade. Google "prep for colonoscopy" and plan to spend 6 hours shitting water. THis is not typical prep for a fuck, but it sounded like you want more than a typical Fleet Enema. You can also do a search on xtube for a video on the subject. It is corny but very helpful. www.life123.com/question/Colon-Cleanse-for-Colonoscopy
  9. I agree with you that it is a special place. I hope my comments about my initial reaction didn't come off as I don't care for it. I love it there. For me, it is a complete escape from reality. An island where the roads are boardwalks and adults pull red wagons is cool. And woods where naked men meet 10 point bucks with the sounds of the ocean is fantasy land.
  10. The sphincters are muscles and muscles can be developed. Muscle control is something we learn. You don't loose control over your bowels from getting fisted or fucked. If anything, you gain greater muscle control. I have been fisted a couple of times, but it is not something I do regularly. But I suffered no permanent damage from the experience. If anything, it really made me realize how much I can do with that set of muscles and just how much it will stretch. But I also can be so tight you won't be able to get your cock inside me if I want to. So push yourself. Think of it as working out.
  11. If you have never been to Fire Island, you may be in for a shock at first. Most places on the island are dumps. Construction is just not the same as on the mainland. Everything has a "cabin" like feel. But once you get over the fact that your walls are actually plywood, you can relax into the casualness. Go for a walk thru the Meat Rack and you won't care anymore. What I like best is the lack of roads and cars. That is what makes it feel so much like an escape for me. The wooden walkways are the roads. Even the houses of people like Calvin Klein and Micheal Lucas are modest by most standards. It is all very UNpretentious. It is nothing like Key West or Ptown. But yes, it is overpriced, but then they only have 3-4 months to make a years income. I bet you will love it.
  12. I think you stated this very well. But you are describing an accomplished, or well trained hole. Not the vice grip of tightness that I was referring to. That kind of tightness is not fun to fuck. It is not fun to be that bottom either, because if you are that tight, fucking hurts. Learning that level of resistance you described, where your ass is milking the dick takes pratice. And usually I think it takes practice with a man that a bottom has a level of intimacy with, a level where guidance and direction are not perceived as complaints. One does not get that from hook ups.
  13. All you need to do baby boy is get another guy off. Use your mouth, your ass, your feet, whatever he wants. I don't think it takes 5-10 years, some guys progress faster than others. And also whether drugs are involved. I don't recommend that, but meth will turn you into a cumdump whore overnight. Though that night may last 4-5 days. Don't worry about the goal, enjoy the journey. Enjoy each and every cock you encounter. Learn to enjoy the look on a man's face as he lets go and shoots his load inside you or down your throat. Learn to love the taste. Some of us enjoy the hunt as well.
  14. I've seen the youtube videos and read this crap. Usually it comes from someone trying to make me "feel better" by denying I am sick in any way. You are right, it is a load of crap. I love the one that poppers causes AIDS. There is a "journalist" in Ft Lauderdale who spreads that lunacy. No doubt the pharmacuetical companies are making a fortune, but that doesn't mean it's not real. Anyway, in reality, Santa Clause gave me HIV. Right? Cause I was a bad boy.
  15. Come to south florida and I'll work your buttons. I agree with you 100% that most bottoms today just lay there like opening their hole is all they are for. Boring. I like to participate. Not take over, just do my part. And do it better than other bottoms. That is my goal.
  16. That is SO damn hot. He loved that you were freshly fucked. He obviously wants you to be a cheap whore. Good for you man.
  17. I like you Slutboy. You are so my type of guy. I tend to like men who are bad for me too. And so far, none have snuffed me out. I had my sometimes abusive (only when he's drunk) fuckbuddy over tonight. It's been about 2 months. He fucked me with that big uncut cock like it was the first time. He looked amazing too. He is really hot. You will be ok.
  18. I like the handles, nice touch. We need those after the first top to stay in position. Especially with an aggressive top. I'd like to try yours on sometime.
  19. I think you nailed it here. I've always thought monogomy was important in a relationship, but now i think it is unrealistic. So why burden a good relationship with that. Men are dogs. We need to fuck and we need variety. Having a relationship like you described would awesome. I don't want to be controled, but I would love to have someone to come home to and tell about it. Thanks, FP.
  20. When he asked me "how can I tame a wild stallion like you?" it sort of turned me on, I mean the idea of him trying to tame me. That is the kind of man I like. I responded "Just try". I can't answer that. I mean I've had three long term relationships in my life and can't say any of them tamed me. Maybe I just need a man who wants a "wild stallion" and appreciates that. Today he started texted me again this morning and said he wasn't giving up on me. lol. I have to admit, he has a beautiful uncut 8" dick and is a Ginger. I've only been with one ginger. A big fat cock is a good start towards taming this wild child. Oh, and he made a point of telling me he is a millionaire. lol. He spent the whole day watching my videos and reading my blog. Maybe he needs some excitement in his life.
  21. You sound a lot like me. As long as they fuck me good I'll put up with a lot. Question is is he just playing by humiliating you? Or is he a seriously fucked up asshole? And will it get worse? Is it like that with him everytime? But hey, I just fucked with the guy who broke three of my ribs last fall, so what do I know. I didn't return his texts for months, then one down day, he got lucky. And then he got lucky again friday afternoon. WTF
  22. I met a man the other day, online. We emailed, then texted. His pics were hot and he had an 8" uncut cock I wanted. I knew he was looking for relationship material and I just wanted a good fuck. So I told him about my website and he checked it out. He came back with "how do you tame a wild stallion like you?" He decided he was not enough for me. I sure wasn't going to try to convince him was exciting enough for me. He obviously was not. I like a man with attitude and confidence. Anyway, it made me start to think, can a cum whore be tamed? Do you guys think that men who like multiple and random sex hookups can fall for and be satisfied by one man? Not that I'm looking for that, but then, arent we all on some level? What do you think?
  23. I've gotten several. You will survive.
  24. It would at best be two amazing months. But then you are back to reality. If you have the freedom to drop out for 2 months, i'd say go for it. Otherwise, keep jerking off to it. If you think about it, the same 5 guy over and over is less dick than you probably already get in two months.
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