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Everything posted by TigerMilner

  1. I never understood why TIM ever cast a pretty little twink like that anyway. And TIM has way too much heat for their content to take the risk of casting a neg bottom in a gangbang or a one on one scene. Too much potential liability. I've been told directly by their people that they only cast neg/neg and poz/poz. The little boy if full of shit.
  2. I've had syphillis twice. Once when I was 21 and then just last year. You are so right. The shots hurt like a bitch but the soreness the three or so days after is unbelievable. I remember the first time, I lived on a second floor apartment and I could barely get up the stairs the next day my ass was so sore. This is why I don't get guys who say they want any and all bugs. Why on earth would anyone want that? Luckily it is all it takes to clear it up completely. That is the good news.
  3. I was raised Southern Baptist. Have good manners, talk behind peoples backs, and til death do us part. I think I still have good manners. The rest is bull shit.
  4. If you are really lucky, he will open you up with a good and thorough rim job. Nothing opens a hole better than a tongue.
  5. I voted for BBFuck Club. I like the idea of a club and like the association with a Fight Club mentality, i.e., you don't talk about Fight Club. But dshanebb makes a really good point about tapping into the established brand of Breeding Zone. Taking that one step further, why couldn't the new hookup site be a feature of this site? Instant membership. I know it is not a new vehicle for you to sell advertising on but it would increase traffic and retention and make your ads on this site more saleable to a new market and more valuable. Just thinking out loud.
  6. I think you are not ready for bareback sex. You can't push an ora quick home test in the face of every guy who fucks you. Not to mention, your fretting like an old lady is pretty much a turn off. It is obviously worrying you more than any pleasure you derive. That is ok, not all of us are cut out for it, if it was, then this site would called Readers Digest. Maybe you should just wait til you are in a relationship and then smother him with your restrictions and worry about that.
  7. But you will prevent your immunue system from being engaged with HIV. Even when the meds are working, your immune system is still fighting it. That is how the fatigue part of it was explained to me. That alone is worth not getting pozzed. You can't imagine what fatigue really means til you experience this one. If you can get Prep on your insurance or free, do it. Yes, either way you are on meds, but with Prep, you don't have a deadly virus waiting for the opportunity to kill you.
  8. Check this one out on RaunchyFuckers.com There are more if you like it. http://www.raunchyfuckers.com/videos/fucked-in-a-stall-6-double-header-2320.html
  9. Jake Wetmore is SO hot. I'm Tigertail on BBRT. Hit me up when you are in FL
  10. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance and it has been really good through all of the last year and a half. You should definitely buy insurance now, before you test positive. If you haven't had any symptoms, you probably haven't seroconverted and thus you will still test negative on a typical Eliza test, which tests for antibodies and not virus. You will be able to get treatment even without insurance since there are many charities and organizations that subsidize the costs, including pharmcuetical companies who will give you free meds if you prove financial need. AHF will also subsidize meds. Life insurance is another matter. You can't buy it if you test positive unless you get it through a job. But, unless you have kids, it's something you can live without. I just took a new job after 12 years of making a living as a freelance artist and display designer. I did so because besides a great salary, they are giving me amazing benefits including long term disability coverage and 5 times my salary in life insurance. Because I am poz, I need this kind of security in case the day comes when I can't work. I really understand your concerns, but it does sound like you are in a position where you might be able to find a better job. Even if you stepped back to teaching high school instead of college, you could get really good benefits. And HIV is not really that easy to get. Ask a bug chaser. If got it from two unsafe encounters, you are the most unlucky man I've ever heard of. Yeah, I know, it only takes one time, but chances are, you are fine.
  11. Undetectable guys are the new safe sex. Safer to fuck us undetectable poz guys than to fuck a neg guy who doesn't yet know he is newly infected. The unmedicated newly infected are the most infectious guys out there.
  12. Yeah these are smokin hot. Liam Cole makes great porn. TIM was smart to snag him.
  13. I agree with Bearbandit, hit it early and hit it hard. Who is going to die if things go badly, you or your master. Fuck him, do what is right for you.
  14. [Tiger Milner needs ti be ionn the list His porn gets men off all over the wod=rldQUOTE=pipesmokin'manfucker;104085]Ray Dalton Tom Shannon James Roscoe Jake Wetmore Steve Hurley AKA Titpig Will West and Morgan Black: all on my list of the men I'd like to fuck at least a few hundred times EACH, before I die. Does Michael Brandon do bareback? If so, I have something 8.5" long and fairly thick & I'd like to share with him. I bet he'd like it. Lotsa men have - though not yet enough, LOL!
  15. I wish there were more men like you. Yes, he was out of line. You should have found a new fuckhole that night. I can't stand demanding bottoms. Shut up and bend over. It's not like he wants men to date. Pics are not necessary. Blindfold the bitch and put a gag in his mouth.
  16. This new video is on RaunchyFuckers.com as well as my blog. It's hot.
  17. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... More...
  18. Thanks Man! I get a boner every time I read your name.
  19. When it is good, I can't help but moan. Unless I'm in a public place where silence is required. That is hard, but hot.
  20. As long as he cums inside me he can set the pace. I like how different all men are. I don't dictate how it should go. I respond to his tempo and his need.
  21. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... Rough Ass Fucker - XTube Porn Video - xirus_cardenas Love this guy's stuff! More...
  22. I tested positive on 4/20 last year and couldn't get to see the ID specialist I was initially referred to for six weeks. It was mid July by the time I got in to see the one I have stayed with. Stick with it. Unfortunately, testing HIV positive is not considered by the medical community to be an emergency. At least now they are coming to the agreement that starting meds as soon as possible is a good thing, so maybe they will turn around. Hang in there. ( As sick as I was, I was lucky I didn't have diarrhea.) Weird how differently it affects us all.
  23. Ive wondered the same thing. I've heard of a site similar to Kickstarter or Indiegogo that promotes and funds porn projects. I don't know anyone who has done it. I think it would be great to get an influx of new talent and new ideas rather than the formula porn major producers are forced to crank out to keep up with membership sites demands.
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