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Everything posted by TigerMilner

  1. I'm sorry but I still retain the right to exclude any guy I want to exclude for any reason I may have. And if you have an STI, no thanks dude. Keep that shit to yourself. I love taking the cum from as many men as I can, but I still can say no. It's just my right. Especially when it comes to STI's. And especially if you are one of those guys who takes forever to cum. In a group setting, that is just not cool. Get on, get off, then step aside. Plus, some guys are assholes. I don't let assholes fuck me.
  2. Club Aqua in Miami is a bath house and it can be hot, but nothing is as uninhibited and sexually charged as Slammers. Club Aqua is on Coral Way, google it.
  3. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... I couldn't say no to this response when I posted my Glory Hole open for nooners ad on Craigslist. The guy was 27 and had never visited a Glory Hole. He was very excited. Small dick, but nice load. More...
  4. Im like you, if i see the condom, or know it is there, i'm not interested any more. It's just not hot even if the guys are hot. And I agree about the Eastern European twink porn with the "zombie" moaning. Bare or not, it is lame. Who taught them to moan like that? lol
  5. At first you pissed me off, now you are just boring. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  6. I'm so glad to hear these comments. I totally agree and with what you see in most studio porn these days, I was beginning to think I was abnormal. I like to see a man bust his load as deep inside his bottom as he can thrust it. I like verbal tops and love to see the balls draw up and the face contort in ecstacy. Breeding, it's what it is all about.
  7. Man I really feel for you. Wait til you experience the treatment for anal warts. It is amazing the shit we go thru for the indescribable thrill of getting fucked and bred by the men we lust after and want again. And the bizarre thing is, yes your libido will return, and you will be ass up, face down, taking loads again and fulfilling your deepest instinctual urges. And satisfying the men who use you. The circle of life kind of thing. Ain't life grand. In the end, yes it is worth it. Hang in there my friend.
  8. Man I love how you think HLD! My kind of man. lol
  9. The fact that you are "stating known facts" is not what bothers me about your post. You have stated nothing that hasn't been common knowledge for 30 years. You are addressing an audience on this site that knows more about the topic than most people, so saying that people can die from HIV/AIDS or that the meds have side effects is like telling us the sky is blue. What makes me say you are an asshole (for which I apologize , I could have handled that better) are the following two things. First, you are gossiping about someone and making assumptions about his HIV status. There is only one person on this planet who can reveal his status and that is Antonio Biaggi himself. No one else has the right to reveal or to post speculation. Porn stars are people too. I have stated this opinion in this thread before. If you want to know, ask him. Asking others, and commenting like you did based on an article in a sensational rag is gossip. Secondly, you are perpetuating the the stigma that goes with the disease. In my opinion, the stigma is the worst part of it. It is simply a virus, nothing more. Any of us could get it, you included, as you admitted you love bareback sex. You have to have done it in order to make that statement. So to use the judgmental tone and verbiage that you chose to use, just makes it worse for those of us living with this condition. People like you are the reason some of us lie about or choose to hide our status. One of my best friends is an RN and I know how little she actually knows about the disease from our conversations. Just because you work in a hospital doesn't mean you are up to date on what is going on and it sure doesn't mean you have any tact at all in your writing skills. So, as a favor to all the patients you come in contact with in the course of your job, I am going to share a link with you about The Stigma Project. Do some research, learn something new and how to speak to someone about HIV before you go acting like you have seen the light. And as for Antonio Biaggi, the only answer you can give is "I don't know, I've never asked him". https://www.facebook.com/TheStigmaProject?ref=ts&fref=ts Also, check out POZ.com for some of the latest information. Most of us have started there.
  10. Thanks for putting us in the loop RT. Interesting stuff. I've been reading alot about tube sites lately and how they work while researching the new format for my blog and it is fascinating. I am glad you have segregated Raunchy Fuckers as a special project and not a numbers game.
  11. At risk of getting banned from this site, let me say that you, Mr. New Guy, are not only an idiot, but you are an asshole. "Become informed..." yes, why don't you become informed before you rant. I can't even begin to address the misinformation in your post, and I won't because it is garbage. When did you write this, 1988?
  12. I have learned from some fans that my videos are very popular in Cuba. He says I'm quite famous there as a "handsome white man". I really want to go there and possibly shoot a video. I've looked into tours, but am wondering if any of you might have some inside information. A bud I chat with has offered to put me up in his house and i've found a photographers tour that might make a perfect cover, but it is expensive. I am also concerned about having my computer and camera equipment stolen as well as getting in trouble for making pornography in a communist country. There is no american embassy their so i could be fucked, and not in a good way. On the other hand, if my plan works, I could come back with some amazing gangbang video with alot of foreskin and alot of hot cuban men. Any one out there in the travel business who can advise me? Yes, I am dead serious and want to go in September.
  13. Your statement about living out their most secret fetishes includes that bottom who insisted on condoms. Obviously, he was trying to do just that, but didn't want to take the health risks of actually doing it raw. Stealthing is not justified. I agree that the idea of stealthing is hot, but in reality, it is just wrong to fuck someone raw who asked for a condom. Especially if they think you are using one. It's lying. And you don't have the right to make those decisions for him, stranger or not.
  14. I've always been able to feel it and I love it. It's great to feel the cock pulsing too, but the warm, moist splats against my raw hole are unmistakeable.
  15. Three times is nothing. You gotta douche til nothing but clear water comes out. Then wait 30-45 mins and do it all over again. I do like Jizzdump said and take a few Immodium tablets as well to slow things down so I know I stay clean for hours. You also have to watch what you eat the 24 hours before. That xtube video that has been mentioned seems really stupid when you first watch it but it is actually very informative and accurate. Worst mistake is to put too much water up there and start your entire bowel moving. That will fuck you up for hours and you will not be clean. Unless you go all out and get a colonic. Then you will get everything out of your entire large intestine. But that is not practicle for regular action, and is not necessary.
  16. I'd really like to see this film. All the talk in the news about the possibility of "a cure" from Denmark makes me wonder, if there is a cure, will there still be bug chasers? Or will the allure/mystique fade?
  17. I really like repeats. I prefer to have a group of reliable fuck buddies. It is a must in order to have groups. I can never get a real gangbang together without basing it on three or more guys I know who have already fucked me and that I know will be into a group scene. I know many pigs who love to fuck a pre-loaded hole. Then I just have to get a newbie to come by and give me that first load as my regulars all want to go second or later.
  18. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... One of the best things about having this blog and an internet presence, is that when I meet someone who knows me online, they already know what I am about, what I like, what I look like, how I sound, etc. It gives me a pleasant sense of confidence since I don’t have to deal with the anxiety of “what if he doesn’t like me”. I already know he does. That is great. I, however, do not always have the same feeling of comfort with who I am meeting. Pictures can be fake, stats made up, and the guy who shows up for a hook-up or whatever may not be the guy you think you have been chatting with. I’d rather meet a total stranger in an anonymous situation than to meet someone who is not who they say they are. There is an element of danger to it all that I have to admit I find extremely stimulating. And I have been lucky, quite lucky. This weekend I was really lucky. The guy I met was even better in person and he fucked me for four hours. And he was the kind of guy who even though he was handsome, built and hung well, was also smart, ambitious, successful, and all these things are very masculine traits in my eyes and they all added up to him being the type of total top with the manly attitude that brings out the best in me. I often write about my sexual adventures but I try not to reveal too much personal info about the man or men I play with, to protect their privacy. I need these men way too much to risk being turned down by a man because he thinks I will post about him in my writing, so I’ll just say we met on BBRT. No, I will not give you his screen name, so don’t ask. I get e-mail all the time asking how to contact the men in my videos and I absolutely will not give that information out, it’s just not cool. Not to mention, why would I want to give another bottom my tops. I’m very selfish and greedy in that way. What is mine is mine. Even it’s only mine once. Because we met on BBRT, I already knew he would be into the same scenes as I am and he told me that he was. We chatted about meeting for about four months I think, maybe six. He doesn’t live in the same area so it would have to be coordinated at a time when I was in his area and he available. Which was Friday afternoon. We met at a parking lot of a nearby restaurant, a neutral and safe location where either of us could back out if we didn’t feel comfortable. Nothing is worse than having that scene at someone’s house. Anyway, he drove up and basically said “Follow me” and I smiled a really big grin at seeing how hot he was in person and said “OK”. We had been texting all afternoon til I got there at 4:45pm so I knew that when we got back to his place, he wanted me to strip naked as soon as I walked in. I loved how specific and clear he was in his direction, but not in a way that made me feel diminished at all. Getting his approving responses was encouraging and made me feel special. Like I said, he was smart. He knew that. It was part of how he gets what he wants. And he wants a lot. He was a high achiever and he knew it. Part of his living the high life included partying with a capitol T. So we got a little buzz. Me naked, him not. Then he got naked too and I went for his cock, though I already knew he was calling the shots. He let me suck him for a short time then said “Up on the bed, on your knees, I want to taste that ass”. I spun myself around 180 degrees as he stood at the side of the bed. “Back up to me” he said as he squatted down to face my hole. I brought myself to the edge of the bed and he positioned my knees and feet where he wanted them and got his face in between them. I realized the position was basically as wide as I could go and ass at his most optimum height. He dove in with his tongue. It drove me wild. I wanted to push back into him but tried to stay exactly where he put me as he knew where it needed to be. He made me want to open up as wide as I could go. I wanted him inside me. He tongued my hole like he was tasting it. Then he tongued it like he wanted inside it. Then he started working it with his fingers. Not blind poking, but working it like he wanted to open it up, to know it inside. He fingered me like he was exploring, trying to find his perfect pleasure point. Once he felt it was properly primed and he knew it inside and out, it was time to fuck it. He entered me in one swift stroke, after re-positioning me for his exact angle of penetration. I felt the flare of the head pushing me open. He fucked me all the way in and all the way out. I made an effort to stay exactly where he had positioned me. I lost track of time once his cock was inside me. I think we fucked for about an hour til he decided it was time to hit the pipe. He kept his cock inside me as he loaded the stem and placed it in my mouth. He lit it and told me not to inhale until he said so. I could feel his cock throb when he moved certain ways. “Inhale deep, now” he said. I did. Then he took a hit, cock still inside me. We had another each before we resumed the fucking. All the while I felt his cock pulsing inside me. It was hot. I was enjoying playing with him by clamping my ass as tight as I could and alternating loosening up like a wet gash in between. He was loving that. I was actually using breath control on myself to accomplish that. I find it easiest to clamp down when holding my breath. He loved that too. He adjusted my position as necessary when he adjusted his own. It was all about maximum cock thrust in perfect alignment with hole. There was no buffering his fuck. It was all out. He pounded me hard. He fucked with a purpose. And the purpose was not to get off in two minutes or less. I was warned that he liked to go for a long time and that most guys couldn’t take it. I kidded him back that he would quit before I did. I think he liked that I took it as a challenge. I enjoyed the masculine banter that made it a competition. He was certain I would ask him to stop at some point, I was certain I’d get his load before I gave in. We were a perfectly matched pair in that regard. It fueled the fucking. He was compelled to give me all he had, and I was compelled to show him that I could take it. I didn’t want to be one of those guys who just lays there and let him fuck a lifeless hole. I am an active bottom, even if that means only that I squeeze his dick with my asshole as he pounds away. We took a couple of breaks, to catch our breaths and blow some clouds. I enjoyed laying back, my head on his firm chest, his arm around me watching some porn and chatting about nothing. He became quite comforting. It was nice. Not cuddly at all, just comforting, his muscular arm draped around my neck and hooked under my arm. I climbed down to the foot of the bed to reach the computer that was playing porn. The next thing I knew, he had several fingers in my ass again, just probing, feeling, and learning my hole. I stayed on all fours and just let him play, enjoying it myself. After a few minutes the pressure was building, as more fingers were inserted. I asked him “how many fingers do you have inside me?” “Four” was his response. I thought so. It felt like he was going to try to push his hand inside me. I had to tell him that I was not prepared for that. “No problem” he said. “Just stay like that.” I stayed on all fours as he mounted me from behind and again his cock was inside me. I pushed back, trying to open myself up as wide as I could to get as much of him inside me as possible. I milked his dick with my sphincter muscle. He said “I like that”. He pounded me deep and hard, my chest touching the bed so my ass was up and spread. He held me by the back of the neck, like he had conquered me. His fucking picked up in tempo. His feet were flat on the bed beside me, holding me by the shoulders as he squat fucked me, driving it in deeply with each lunge. “I’m going to cum inside you” he calmly announced. He kept driving it into me. He began to make obvious breathing noises as his climax built up. Finally, I could feel the first shots of his hot load shooting into my guts. He kept up the deep fucking, pounding out his entire production of sperm, one squirt at the time, breeding me like I was his own personal receptacle. I took it all. I squeezed the head of his cock with my ass muscles, draining him of all juices. He collapsed on top of me. Limp from the exertion, breathing deeply and covered in sweat, both of us. His cock slipped out of me as it returned to its normal state. He stayed on top of me. Almost as if to tell me that I was not to move until he was ready for me to move. Then he rolled off me. I rolled over on my back, content with the feeling of warm cum inside me. I joked, “I told you I could out last you!” He rolled onto his stomach. “Shut up, a massage would be nice right now - hint, hint…” I was happy to indulge him as it gave me the chance to put my hands all over his beautiful body. I really enjoy massaging a well- built man. Especially after taking his load. I worked his shoulders and neck first, then down his back. I massaged his glutes and down to his hamstrings and calves. Every muscle was well formed, not body builder obsessed, but retaining the definition of days playing college football. Now in his mid-thirties, he was exactly the kind of physical specimen that turns me on. His skin felt great, damp from sweat. We chatted as I loosened up his entire backside. Back to his full round butt cheeks, I spread his ass, and could not help but lick my tounge across his tight hole, just once. He tightened up and told me not to do that. I ask “Why?” He came back with “I just don’t like my ass messed with”. I smiled. “My kind of man.” I had lost all track of time. The only sense of it came from how the room had changed as it was now totally dark out and no lights were on in the house. It had been daylight out when we first got there. It was now 10:30pm. We had fucked for over 4 and a half hours. And I never asked him to stop. And I never will. More...
  19. Agree with Whoa, use as little as necessary. I prefer silicone based lubes like Wet Platinum or Gun Oil, but a good old fashioned Vaseline fucking is hot sometimes too. It creates more drag than silicone which can really give you an intense sensation if you can handle it. It seems more... personal. I have no idea if they are condom friendly or not. Don't care. I have always liked the idea of "food" lubes such as the grape oil mention already, since I don't like getting a lot of lube in my mouth when it is something like silicone or vaseline. But bacon grease? I'll pass on that one, lol. I'd rather use spit.
  20. I've never understood bug chasing either, but I can totally relate to it as a feeling of belonging to the "brotherhood". That is what fraternities have always been about. I actually have felt something of a sense of belonging to a group since my conversion. Its like I've earned my stripes. In fact, when I was first diagnosed, I called my best friend as soon as I left the doctors office and his response was "welcome to the club!" I went from crying hysterically to laughing my head off at that comment and it was a moment he and I shared that I will never forget. He followed that line up with, "you've just opened up a whole new dating pool". It was possibly nervous laughter, to relieve the tension and emotion of the moment, but there was a great deal of truth in what he said. I didn't chase it, I didn't want it, but it is something that gives me a bond with other positive guys I meet or already knew. So I can totally relate to it from that perspective. Of course, it is totally different than the early 90's when that diagnosis meant you would be dead either quickly (if you were lucky) or would suffer for years and die a horrible prolonged death as a leper. That was a club I am grateful to never have been a part of, though I knew many back then who died.
  21. Having been basically a "stay at home dad" for the past 12 years, I have gotten most of my action from Mid-day guys. I love it. Especially if you are into married men. They always cheat during the workday and usually go bareback. I post on CL usually the morning of and I can get 3-5 guys between noon and 2:00 pm any day of the week. My regulars all know that I cut off the play time at 2:00 and my kids school bus dropped them off at 2:30. The few times I've had groups of 5 were always daytimers. In my case, cleaning up is not a problem since I have all morning to do it and I work from home so I can take the time to do it right. Most men appreciate it. College students are also horny by noon and on the prowl. Great thing is that no one is tired, drunk or stoned and the fucking is intense and forbidden. I highly advocate the nooner. I once had a gangbang at 9:00am. Five guys showed up, all at the same time, bred my hole, and left by 10:00. The first guy had to fuck and get to class and it was so hot when he hit me up again after class an hour and a half later to go a second round using all the fresh loads as lube. He was 21 and hung like a horse. I'll never forget that one . He's been fucking me regularly for 4 and a half years now. He just turned 26 last week, lol.
  22. I'm surprised you didn't put Raunchy Fuckers on the list. I do like that it has some stuff you would not find on the other tubes. And no 1:59 sample vids. I hate those. Glad to read Fillmyhole say Blogs! I spend more time on Blogs these days as tube sites just have the same stuff and it gets old.
  23. RT, I did not mean to paraphrase you with my statement "Neg guys who bareback are just not poz yet". My statement that I agree with you was one comment, the second statement was a separate comment of my own. I just jotted it down so quickly that it read that way. But I have to disagree with your final statement that "Guys like that tend to stay neg." I was one of those guys. I barebacked for over 20 years without getting pozzed. I took similar precautions and tried to limit my activities to a group of "trusted guys". I even began to think I might be one of those guys with an immunity. But eventually, it got me. And I believe it will eventually get anyone who indulges in unsafe sex. Yes, you can do what you can to minimize the risk, but it is still there. It's just a numbers game. I'm not judging or being pessimistic, just realistic. And I sure don't want to discourage barebacking. It is natural, it is hot. It is how sex is meant to be.
  24. I agree with RT. Neg guys who bareback are just not poz yet. There is no reason to be judgmental about it. Gratitude would be more appropriate. Anyone who thinks they have a strategy for staying negative and think they are better, or smarter, than anyone else is a fool.
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