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Everything posted by TigerMilner

  1. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... Well guys I can't hold back! I just filmed my first "Fucked in a Stall-Double Header!". Two tops, one right after the other. It is SO HOT! I would have loved to have had them both at the same time, but hey, it is a stall. Plus with traffic in and out, I just couldn't risk it. Having two guys coming out of a stall is risky enough, but three would be dangerous, even for me. Funny thing was, I could tell both of the other stalls had men in them who I believe were there cruising for sex. Little did they know I was filming porn in my stall. lol. I'm doing my best to get it edited and up on the blog by Friday night. I am filming a scene at a gay campground with three hot and handsome new tops. I believe it's going to be over the top. We have three HD cameras and two cameramen, three tops, me, and some gorgeous Central Florida woods. I can't wait. More...
  2. Thanks Bearbandit. Yes my doctor watches kidney and liver functions closely for that reason. He is awesome. I had started taking testosterone injections about a year before I got pozzed and was paying $65 per shot every two weeks. When I started seeing my ID specialist, I figured I'd ask if he could prescribe it so it would be covered by insurance since I had to cut expenses due to being sick. He was happy to and explained it had numerous benefits for HIV positive patiients including helping with depression, anemia (not so much for me I guess), sex drive, fatigue and many others. I took it on myself a few months ago to cut my dose in half since I was getting acne on my back and had never had that. It went away. Maybe cutting my dose back also allowed the anemia to return, I don't know. As long as the fatigue doesn't go back to what it was early on. I'm working a great new job and I will have even better insurance, long and short term disability insurance, and life insurance, which is all nearly impossible for us to buy on our own, plus a sweet paycheck. All in all, life is good. I have cut way back on the sex for the past 7 months, but I'm shooting a new "Fucked in a Stall" video tomorrow with a hot man I met through my blog and saturday I'm shooting a gangbang with 3 hung tops at a gay campground in Central Florida. Fasting is OVER! It is great to feel good again.
  3. I've had some great times at Club Aqua in Miami, especially if you like latin men. Alot of condom use goes on there, but not always. Great patio play area. Of course Slammers in Ft Lauderdale is awesome. I've heard good things about Clubhouse II, but Ive never had a good time there. Maybe the timing. Club Baths is all guys with attitude standing around and showering but no action. Maybe a blowjob. I don't like the place. The only group area there is a steam room/cavern. Too damn hot and steamy to be the only group area. You will have a great time. Also, you might want to check out Inn Leather if you are into that. You can get a day pass and every room has a sling.
  4. Well I saw my ID Specialist yesterday and it was one year since I started on meds. Six months being on Complera only (plus Androgell). My viral load is still undetectable and my CD4 cells are 733! They were 568 when I started and my vl was over 100,000. The stuff is working. The only negative issue is that the anemia I struggled with the first six months is back. It's not nearly as bad as it was, but still there. Red blood cells, hemoglobin and hemotocrit are all low. I am surprised since I have been taking iron and b-12 supplements daily. It's just a side effect I guess. Overall, I'm doing great.
  5. I love Eric Videos. He uses Peto Coast and other tops like him. I don't care if I don't speak french. Hot fucking is hot fucking.
  6. There is a book called "Trust" that is a terrific "how to" for a first timer. I've only done it a few times and this book, and a really hot man, are what got me there. It really does take a great deal of trust. Also, once you get past the knuckles, it gets easier. Just getting past them is a real mental hurdle. Google the book.
  7. Damn that is hot. I love latin men.
  8. Your doctor gave the same advice that the first two doctors I saw did. It makes me think he is not up to date. All the new research and articles indicate that there is no advantage to waiting and every advantage to starting at the earliest possible time. I was 5 months into it when I started. I've been undetectable for a year this month. I realize a lot of guys fantasize about bug chasing and gift giving but the reality is it's your body and this virus is working against you right now. It is trying to kill you. Why on earth would wait to fight back? I think you should see another doctor, and be sure he is an Infectious Disease Specialist. Nothing hot about dying.
  9. I really have a thing for parking garages after hours. Most of them are desolate after 7 or 8 pm. Especially like the rooftops. I like to find one that I can hear a car coming up the ramps well before they could ever get to me. Then just do it between my car and whoever I meet's car. Once spent 5 hours getting fucked by one guy there. We went down to a nearby bar for a drink and a break once or twice. Was ho hot.
  10. Mike, you sound like a lot fun! I love meeting guys like you.
  11. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... The series continues with the fifth installment of "Fucked in a Stall". This is my third video fuck with the Hairy Daddy Bear who I enjoy and who so many of you have commented on. This time we use a new bathroom which has brighter lighting. Also used my iPhone for an additional camera angle that I think was pretty hot. Enjoy. More...
  12. I think married men have just figured out that gay guys are easy and cheap. Not only will we let them fuck us in the ass, but we post ads looking for it. We even wait on all fours with our asses open and waiting. How much easier could we make it. They don't even have to talk to us. I love men who just need to breed a hole. It's hot. I don't like it if they ask me dress in drag though. Not my scene. I do have a buddy who is a smokin hot jock but he looks amazing in drag and does it to hook up with straight men. He gets some hot guys, always the type who wouldn't do him except that he looks like a hot chick. A whore.
  13. I agree with JizzDump, if you eat a high fiber diet, a quick douche with a fleet enema, maybe repeated two or three times right before a fuck should be adequate. The spontaneous unplanned opportunity is too good to pass up and this whole thing about bottoms spending hours emptying their bowels is a bit of overkill in most cases. It is only necessary to go that far for a visit to a bath house, sex club or an orgy where you need to be clean for hours. For the average spontaneous fuck, a quick rinse is sufficient. You only need to clean out the lower 6-9 inches in most cases. You can buy them anywhere and even do it in a men's room if necessary or if a date situation, you excuse your self and go to the bathroom for a few minutes. Sometimes, you just gotta go with it and hope for the best. This is where a good diet becomes essential. If you stay regular, you will know if you are clean enough to chance it.
  14. I've never been into toys. Just don't find it sexually appealing. I need a real cock with a man attached to it. I just don't get it.
  15. Also some people call it 321 instead of Slammer. (No s at the end, I got that!) . 321 is the address and it is the only sign on the outside, so look for that. Also don't be surprised to see porn stars there if you are lucky! I've seen many of them. Lots of people in the industry live in Ft Lauderdale. Sometimes I think they are there just to make an appearance but sometimes they are there like everyone else is, to fuck. It's hot.
  16. Thanks guys, I thought so. I knew it might be a legal matter, but the offer I accepted was in writing and it did state it was contingent on Drug Screen and Background Check. I think it's funny they have no idea about my online identity. I have make sure I keep it that way! lol.
  17. You are right, it a sex club and not a bath house. There are no rooms to rent, but they do have dozens of little private rooms that are pretty much like a changing room. They only have a bench (fixed in place, not movable) maybe a mirror and some have handles on the wall to hold onto while some guy rams you. Most people use the public areas. There are two or three slings (one is in a private room). I hardly ever see anyone using them for some reason. There are rooms that have gloryholes. There is a tiny room with a padded bench that accommodate three, sometimes four bottoms and tops walk up behind them and fuck. It is practically pitch black. That room can be fun, but it is tiny, cramped and often hot. The raised walkway area has gloryholes on the outside and fence bars on the inside. You can get a blowjob either way or if you want to suck cock, go into a booth or into the "pit" and you can get tons of cocks. That room has a fireplace and is really sexual. The best part is the "orgy" room in the back. It features a large round ottoman where bottoms go ass up facedown usually and guys walk up and fuck. All the bottoms faces are close together if the room is full and it can be cool when it is a good group of bottoms, sharing poppers, kissing, telling each other how hot the guy fucking them is and so on. Of course sometimes you get some drunk asshole who passes out on the ottoman and then no one can use it. Or worse, throws up. There are lockers for $5 and most guys do not go nude. Most guys don't get lockers and just open there flys. I usually get a locker and wear like gym shorts and a t shirt, something easily pulled off. As the night goes on, I usually ditch the gym shorts in my locker and will run around in a jock strap. You don't want to go barefooted. And guys will steal your poppers. It is a bottle club so take your own alchohol if you want to drink or you can buy water or sodas. There NO waterfountain, so do take some money and keep it in your locker. The only bad thing about the lockers is you have to get the attendent to open it for you. You don't take a lock and he has the only key. You don't have to keep up with a either though, and if you loose your shoes or pants in the orgy room he will get a flashlight and find them for you ( yes it has happened to me! lol). So tip him well and up front when you get your locker. If you are going to drink, you should take a cab. I don't drink and i can tell you that after 2 am the crowd becomes mostly drunk and it is not as fun. I don't care for drunks. It is not necessary to get wasted to get into the sexual vibe there. Even the music is sexual. Oh, and there is one (yes one) shower stall. I've never seen anyone using it. That is the only thing I don't like about the place. Go there clean and ready to fuck and come home covered in semen and take a shower then. lol. You will sweat. Have a great time and let us hear the details.
  18. I just accepted an offer of employment for an amazing new job. I have to have a drug screen as a condition of employment. While I'm not worried about illegal drugs showing up since I now have 75 days clean, I am concerned that my HIV meds might be a red flag of some kind. Anyone have any experience in this area? Especially would like to hear from guys who work in Human Resources or have first hand knowledge of the legal issues involved.
  19. I agree. Always thought he was hot. Very "regular guy". Especially after all those Big Macs.
  20. Good job RT. Nothing rhymed with Zamininc anyway. How could we ever be a "top notch poetry club" with members like that involved.
  21. Not voting, but curious about "icky". lol Oh, and how "silly" poppers are.
  22. Sounds pretty damn tasteless to me too. If the story was any good, it would work with a fictitious name. I mean really? A murder victim? Have some imagination dude.
  23. These are not links to information. These aren't even good references. Boring and non factual. The whole thread.
  24. I agree, I like to keep it in me and absorb each man's DNA. I do save cum and freeze it for later like whenever I get a guy who uses a condom, or my own load, and I even have a frozen condom full of the cum from a four man gang bang that I pushed out into a condom and froze it for a time when I want to start out like a well used whore. God that was a hot afternoon! I had a weird sort of ESP experience today related to my most regular fuck buddy. He's been out of town for almost a week. I had this sudden very strong feeling that I needed to reach out to him today. It was almost like a message or something. I thought maybe he had just gotten home. No, but he almost got killed by a drunk driver in Boston today. We laughed about the mental connection we have. I said it must be from having his hot latin DNA shot up in me for over four years. That is why we are connected. I've absorbed enough Mexican sperm to make me speak spanish.
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