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Everything posted by TigerMilner

  1. I'd rather have this top with his ten requirements than a wimpy top who asks "what position do you want to do?" or "where do you want me to cum?" Those things are always decided by a true top. And a true bottom knows it. However, I agree with the concept that is arising here about bottoms having needs, worth, whatever. A good total top always knows this. A good top who wants to fuck you again is going to let you know it and he will figure out that if he treats you with at least some appreciation for you being his cumhole that he will get it again, and again. Tops need bottoms as much as bottoms need tops. But no one needs a bossy, bitchy, demanding bottom. No one. Boner kill. Oh, and i like my hairy asshole and smooth white cheeks. I'm not shaving and plucking it. Well, that is unless you tell me too. But I prefer not and I have no trouble finding men who like it that way. But I am not very hairy and with my cheeks being naturally smooth, I think I offer a good compromise. It does feel very sensitive and raw when it is shaved and the fuck is usually intense. Whatever it takes really.
  2. This is a great topic! I just saw some still photos taken last week of a very hot top using two fingers of each hand to open my asshole up. I was amazed at how it looked. I bet the video was awesome too. I have noticed in the last few years that my hole is more of a gash after fucking. Not sure if that is as "used" as you are referring to. I do not have one of those puffy, prolapsed deals but it is something I have worked to develop. Like building muscles at the gym. I do have what most men refer to as my "clit" which is just a looser piece of stretched skin that resulted from 3 and a half years with a hung danish top who fucked me all the time. Being tight was a curse with him so I learned muscle control. I can't do that "rosebud" thing. I love what Hunglatindom said. We are gonna hit it off one day, I guarantee it.
  3. I've always been attracted to men who are bigger than me. I'm 5'9", 150lbs, so being bigger than me is not necessarily a really big guy. I don't mind a bit of a gut on a handsome man if his shoulders are broad and he is manly. A bit of a spread happens to most men after say 30. I'm not going to limit my sexual options by saying I'm above sleeping with certain types of men or certain body types. But if a guy has to lift is gut to get to his dick, that would probably turn me off. If he can get to it though, I'd probably let him fuck me. lol. If it turned me off it would be not so much how it looks as that it shows a tendency of excess and a lack of activity. It's unhealthy and thus to me, uninteresting. It is more what it reveals about him than it is the body image. I've had some amazingly hot fucks with "fat" guys. And I will again. Never have been attracted to skinny men. Still not. Unless they have a huge dick. But then, it's just about the dick. Rather have a football player than a gymnast.
  4. I think I'm an adrenal junkie, so I like a dose of fear to get things going for me. Makes it more exciting. But for the record, I do not like being hit or abused. I seem to have gotten a reputation for liking rough sex. That scares me more than any top does. lol
  5. Fear is a very healthy emotion. Protects us. I was with a big muscular intimidating top last week who I was not afraid of, but probably should have been. He had my ass cheeks bleeding from being slapped so hard that it broke the skin, and he bent me and forced his 220lbs down on me so hard it nearly broke my back. I'm still in pain. He was SO handsome though that it was worth it. A little fear can be hot, but I prefer the fear of the unknown to the fear of injury.
  6. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... Tiger Milner — Visual AIDS This is not my typical post. It has to do with my real life as an artist, creator, designer, etc. I am working on a new series of work using images from my videos. I'm experimenting with the fine line between art and pornography. They are going to kind of "Rauschenberg" inspired image transfers and I am in contact with a prominent, gay owned gallery that is interested in showing them for me. The images currently on this site are limited editions of 10 images and are on die-infused metal. They are all still available. Contact me if you are interested in adding me to your art collection, or in starting one. I will send you my credentials, artists bio, etc. I have paintings as well that are not yet on the site. Thanks for following my blog and for checking this out. If you make a donation to Visual Aids, mention you saw them on my blog. More...
  7. YCD, I certainly hope you didn't take offense at my response last night. It was not intended to insult you. My son turned 18 last year and my daughter is 18 next week, so I know 18 year olds. It broke my heart to read your post thinking of you being their age and convinced that you need to be poz, as if it is some sort of rite of passage. You need to focus on yourself, go to school, learn to do something that makes you happy for a career so you can be independent. For you to get pozzed now, would complicate your life. Insurance issues, medications, sides effects, etc. Stay young, make yourself proud of yourself, then you won't have to regret not doing so later on. Feel free to message me privately if you want to as I am not going to be reading the Hiv/bug chasing/gift giving posts anymore. The eroticism of HIV is insane to me. I can't take that on. But I do wish the best for you.
  8. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... One day I had a giant of a bear respond to a Craigslist post for an anonymous pump and dump scene. He said he was straight, but needed to unload. I usually get off on that. This guy was hot, but he did seem nervous. He finally busts his nut and goes out the door as quickly as he could. Love the tattoos. Do you think he is a straight man just looking to pound a hole, or is he a bear cheating on his partner? More...
  9. When I said "what a load of crap" I was referring to the comment that "true gay men get pozzed on purpose". Not the honest request for information. That comment is a "true load of crap". Am I not a "true gay man" because I avoided HIV for 20 years and got without knowing? I don't think so.
  10. Not to be harsh, but what a load of crap. Who fed you that line? I know a lot of gay men, "true gay men" and I don't personally know anyone who has gotten HIV on purpose. How on earth do you think contracting a potentially fatally virus is going to make your life better? Whether or not you will regret it, you will definitely complicate your life. There is nothing sexy about it. I'm not going to go on and on, but despite all the usual comments, research is just now starting to get into what does it do to you to be on HIV meds for an extended period. You could easily be on them for 50 years at your age, barring a cure. We become susceptible to numerous cancers and diseases that have nothing to do with HIV other than the effects of longterm use of meds. And if you go the "no meds for me" route, you won't live to be 30. I think your real desire is to be fucked and to take a man's load in your ass. That is not the same as getting pozzed. If you are confused and think it is, let me tell you a negative load feels just as good as a poz one. No difference. If you want to be a cumwhore, go ahead. Just take your time. No use in chasing the inevitable. Best of luck to you.
  11. I was pozzed by a guy's precum. He pulled out at the last minute, which I hate, but I guess he felt maybe he had something. His viral load must have been very high since I know he didnt realize he was positive at the time. We've had sex since then and he doesn't pull out. So, yes, you can get it from precum. Especially from a big dick during an aggressive and lengthy fuck.
  12. Oh man, I've got to stop taking Ambien and getting online. I can't believe I put this out there! lol. I read this this morning and didn't remember posting it. Oh well, it is true. And I appreciate the feedback. We are on excellent terms. There was never a break up scenario. Sometimes we have gone months in between seeing each other as he retreats back into his heterosexual life. I have never phoned or texted him in nearly five years. It is always up to him. Last year I last fucked with him three weeks before I was infected. I got sick in two and half weeks so by the next time I heard from Bryan, I knew I was HIV positive. And not on meds til four months later. But by then it was summer, and we never see each other during the summer so I got to keep putting off telling him. But it hung over my head-the disclosure. I was kinda touched when on the very first day of school, which is the end of the summer, I got a text from him. Anyway, I managed to put him off. I didn't want to tell him this in an email or a text, or even a phone call. I wanted to tell him in person. But I was also afraid of putting us in an awkward situation by doing it in person. No way I was going to give his name to the Health Department to notify anonymously. So I emailed him what had happened about a month later. I am torn now between do I take this as my way out of a situation that really has gone on too long anyway, or do as GermanFucker said and lay it out how I feel and probably start up something again. I could easily fall in love with this man (if I haven't already) and that will lead to nothing but pain. His cock is amazing but he is also a great guy, physically attractive, charming, successful, funny and I like how he makes me feel with i am with him. I really do want him again. Thanks for the input guys. I think I probably just need to get fucked by a really big cock really soon. lol
  13. As soon as I tested positive I slammed the breaks on my sex life. I had basically affairs going with two married men who I had been seeing for over 4 years each. They were both bisexual and were young men still able to bang their wives cunts regularly. And becuase they never once wore a condom with me, I always felt an obligation to stay as clean as possible so they didnt take anything home to their wives. I'm a decent guy/whore that their husband is fucking. My Dilemma now is that they don't care now that I am undetectable. The favorite one, 6'4" 38 year old countryclub tennis champion who is handsome and hung and is really nice to me. He's a very successful business man and I love how he struts his sucess. It makes him feel manly. One day he comes over in a $3000 suit and the next time he's wearing jeans, a t-shirt, a $2000 sport coat and $1600 cowboy boots. I like a man who is proud of himself and who indulges himself. I am one of his indulgences. We will call him Bryan. I told him I couldn't see him anymore and I told about contracting HIV. He was awesome and offered me money to help out, a shoulder to cry on, the works. I didn't encourage him as I felt it was done. I didn't want to be a part of potentially changing his and his wife's lives. So i resigned myself to letting him go. My favorite fuck buddy. I've been undetectable for 6 months and I feel I have this undercontrol. He is always the top so his risk is cut even further. I have bled after his fuckings because his dick is like a tennis ball can. It is big. He's an agressive fuck. Like a straight man. I WANT HIM BACK. Should I email him and just lay that all out? Let him decide if he wants to fuck me again bad enough to take that small insignificant risk. He loves our sex. It has always had an air of "us getting away with something together'. It was hot. And I keep cumming back to his big German cock. I love that cock. And his huge balls flood my ass and my throat with ungodly amounts of his Aryan seed. I want him back. Should I leave well enough alone that I got out of it with no one getting hurt and he and I still friends, or should I tell him I want to be his whore-again. I haven't been fucked in his new Audi A8 yet damnit. Sometimes we fuck in his car cause it is another symbol of his success, and thus his manliness. I buy into it all. I want him back! Opinion? Advise? and don't bother with "if he fucks you it's his problem what he might take home....." Cliche, heard it already. Plus, I'm just not like that. Having an ongoing affair with a married man is actually a responsibility. Besides not giving him STI's, keeping our secret is as important to me as him. His lovely wife is also a tennis champion at their country club and if it got out that bryan was cheating with another man, alot of people could be hurt. Lives woudl be altered. So, I am trying to do the right thing, not what I want to do.
  14. First you should not apologize for putting some real content in your post. It is real, genuine, and is actually what forums like this one are designed for . It makes it work. Second, I know exactly the feelings you are having as far as your questions, your desires, and your reaction of periods of celibacy. I have had all those same feelings and I too have, rather than resort to condom sex, gone without for long periods until I would give in to my needs and binge out sexually. I used to think I wanted the romance and commitment of a relationship with the perfect partner, but I am like you in that i need to be a whore from time to time. I need to experience and service many men. If I could find that one perfect man for me he would have to also enjoy whoring me out, and he needs to be good at it. I'm not sure i was meant for just one man. Not sure if any of us were. So, don't sweat that one, you are a bottom, a cum hungry slut, and that is a very good thing. There are lots of men who are tops who need us. What strikes me as charming, if not a bit odd, is that you two have been naked together but not had sex. That is not typical gay men's behavior. Most of us would have had sex upon initial encounter, then let the rest unfold. I've had a lot of little crushes and such that start out with a buildup, but when I'm naked with a man, someone is gonna shoot a load. If not, I'll loose interest or assume their is no chemistry. Shallow aren't I. lol. It sounds though like you do have an intense mutual attraction. Maybe he is going slow because he is poz and he realizes it is something you have to be fully aware of and accept. Don't forget that poz guys are in fear of rejection. Most guys on this site don't sound like it, but it is true. We want to be honest and upfront with whoever we meet and we want to be accepted for who we are. I'm not talking about anonymous hookups, gloryhole or backroom fucking, I'm talking about a situation like your where you establish a rapport, knowing it could lead to more. I just had a similar discussion in the last 24 hours with a 21 kid who emailed me from my xtube profile. He is just a kid and he is into Daddys and he thinks I am the one for him. It is very flattering and sweet, but as the dialoque has continued I told him I want to be the first one to fuck him so bad, but that I am poz, undetectable and on meds and I couldn't go any further with him without him knowing. His response was good and I didn't have to feel that rejection of him saying "thanks, but no thanks". He said he didn't want to go all the way yet, he wants to make out, feel each others bodies, and give massages. I thought that was cute, but I know that if I am naked with him, I won't stop at a massage. Maybe he needs me to take him where he's afraid to let himself go. He wants to go. We will see. If he is undetectable and stays up on his meds, his bloodwork, and doctors appts, you should be ok. Very low risk of him exposing you. So, you do want it. You need to have it. It could be an incredible sexual experience, maybe more. But don't forget what slipped in, that you want to be a Pig too. As a cum hungry fuck hole, you shouldn't mislead him into thinking you can be his, when you know you can't. Share that with him though cause you just might find that he is your perfect guy who fantasizes about taking you out, or having a bunch of guys over and offering them your hole. Then you will have it all. Unless he's broke or an alchoholic. My bottom line for you is this. 1. You are a cum whore. You will never outgrow that. You are made that way. Do not judge yourself over that . It is perfectly natural. Your higher power made you exactly the way you need to be because he made men like him. Tops. Men who need to breed a warm wet hole. We go together and it part of a beautiful life. A life spent in pursuit of your ultimate purpose must include your ultimate sexual purpose: you must be bred, regularly. Enjoy this delicious top and give of your inner flesh as he requires, but don't give him the right to take away who you are. Guys in your position who play this right end up with relationships that are exciting, satisfying for both, and for the random partners the two of you will involve but it won't lead to a boring life. I wish I was near, I woudl fuck you raw after your dates with him just so you can savor that exquisite feeling of his semen swimming inside you, elating you emotionally, but it would be my cum substituting. Yes, I get you and if you accept yourself at this deep level, then you are in for a very rewarding life. So, your next move is to bed that stud and tell us all the details. and include the details of the way it made you feel to have his cum inside you. It's amazing. Almost a delicate high. It also affirms that you were indeed made this way as part of sceam of things and it is as it should be. Acceptance of who we are takes us a long way towards finding our happiness. Here's to finding it! Damn I think mine got longer than yours. lol you inspired me, and you have a rocking hot profile picture.
  15. Oh, it is hot! I really love a strong man so I get off on the fact that he can pick me up like that. Not all tops can do it. It is very athletic. It requires a very strong back and the strong thighs to keep it going. It makes the top feel like a total stud too. You are his at that point and both of you love it. lol This is making me hard...
  16. Check out my "Fucked in a Stall" videos on my blog. This particular mall is a favorite of mine. It is really hot to see and hear men coming and going as you get fucked withing feet of them. Also on RawTOP's Raunchy Fuckers Site http://www.raunchyfuckers.com/videos/fucked-in-a-stall-583.html
  17. Ive done it. You can't beat Craigslist. And the sluttier the ad, the better the response. No one wants to fuck a "Mr. Nice Guy". THey might want to date that, but for an anonymous scene, they just want a whore. The anticipations and anxiety is exhilarating. The element of danger is most evident. Like skydiving.
  18. Yes I would say cumming is what it is all about. Many bottoms don't want to cum, jus t focusing on the top's pleasure, and I get that, it's hot. But I like to cum if not during the fuck, at least I get a good nut after. I do not shut down after I shoot my load. I am ready for the next stud to step forward and breed my freshly seeded hole and the guy behind him as well. The feeling I get from having men's cum inside me is that it makes me giddy. It's almost a high. All I know is I want more. I would like to have the challenge posed to me to see just how many loads I could actually take. Not a gimmick or a plot, a real live test of my endurance and stamina. But who would organize such a feat, getting all the tops to show up would be a full time job. I would really like to know what my limits are, as I don't have alot of them at this point.
  19. I have not had that request but I did get a comment on my blog from a black man who referred to "breeding me with his nigger dick". I refused to post the comment. He sent another asking if I'd take a load from his dog. I refused to post that one too. He got annoyed and asked why I don't post his comments. I told him it's my blog and I can approve the content. If I don't like it, I don't post it. I will not post a comment with that word in it, and no, I won't take a load from an animal.
  20. Saw my Immunologist today and two months after dropping the Issentris from my daily regime, I am happy to report I am still undetectable! The 'one pill a day' Complera is holding me there. CD4 cells are 522 and 42% and VL is Undetectable. I've hestitated to say anything for fear of jinxing it, but I feel like my seroconversion is finally complete. It's been nearly a month since I felt the fatigue lift, the muscle spasms stopped, my thinking cleared, nausea went away and all the weird little side effects went away as if a storm had passed. I feel like myself again. The unexplained anemia that kept getting worse each month as been reversed. I am still slightly anemic, which is a typical HIV reaction, but no longer are the doctors thinking I might have luekemia or lupus or vasculitis. I've been back to the gym regularly this month, something I love to do but just hadn't had the strength for months, so the endorphins have been good for my mood as well. I remember reading somewhere that the body's adaptation to the meds can take up to a year. I was overwhelmed by the thought of that. But it seems it took nine months in my case. I can tell it is done. I can feel it. I am vampire. I want to thank you guys for putting up with my rants and my whiny bitchy little attitude. I've never been a sickly person so it was difficult for me to accept. The process has been hard and is not easy to talk about. I even quit talking to most of my closest friends about it because it just got to be too much to talk about. Having this forum helped me to get it off my chest, vent some anger, calm some fears, and most importantly, realize I can do this. Oh yeah, this was weird. I "came out" to my doctor today, too. Not that he didn't know I am gay. He is also gay (and smokin hot!) so that was one of the first things I liked about him. But I came out to him that I am a bareback whore! lol. I told him about my blog and that I don't plan to stop having sex, raw sex, and that taking the amateur porn thing to next level was still a goal for me. I have an innocent, kind of boyish appeal that is kind of "all american", but is very deceptive. It was somewhat surprising to him, my honesty that is. But he told me "you certainly are not the first person to tell me that"! Then he set me up with some "just in case" prescriptions because I told him I have group situation coming up next month that I am looking forward to and I want to make sure I don't give anybody anything and I don't want to bring anything new home with me. It was an awesome conversation. Every gay man should have a gay doctor. It is really hard to talk about barebacking with a doctor. My first Immunologist asked me "Do you use condoms 100% of the time?" I responded "If I did we wouldn't be having this conversation would we?" I knew she was not going to last long. I like that my HIV Specialist is someone I'd like to bend over and spread my cheeks for some day. Oh wait, I have. Anal pap smears, an annual treat. But really, thanks guys.
  21. Click here to see Tiger Milner's original blog post... Two "straight" men showed up for nooners this time. The first was married, big thick cock, and gave lots of direction. Number two was extremely nervous about the experience. He was very tall, and told me to make sure I stayed out of sight. He didn't want to see me. He came quickly and left even faster. Usually I take loads up my ass so it is a treat to swallow some fresh cum. The perfect lunch. More...
  22. If you are always playing with condoms, I don't see your concern, or understand your screen name. But oh well, condoms say right on the box that they are 97% effective. Getting HIV from giving head is so rare. I could happen in theory, but you would know if your gums were that bad or if you had sore in your mouth. In the event of the sore, maybe you should abstain til it goes away. Gross. Also, if he is undetectable, he lowers his risk of infecting you by 96%. But the undetectable viral load reading is in his blood, not necessarily his semen. I think the jury is still out on that one because it is a blood test, not a semen test. You definitely should explore possibilities, or just stay home with the wife.
  23. Actually my ultimate favorite is when a big strong tog goes for it face to face but it's one of those where my ankles are on his shoulders by his ears and he grabs me by the arms and stands up, picking me up so that my own weight and the force of gravity impale me on his cock. You are open wide and at his mercy at this point. He just has to bounce you a bit and you are fucked.
  24. It's all about attitude for me. I manly, assertive, confident, aggressive, attitude will go farther with me than a beautiful body and handsome face. Age, race, type are all secondary. He needs to know what he wants and that he will get it, whether from me or someone else. Physically? I like a man to be bigger than me, dark complexion and features, not obese, 8" thick and uncut, hairy in all the right places with a nice smile and as a bonus, a deep rich voice. Eyebrows seem to make men attractive to me, but a top would NEVER have them waxed or any of that type thing. Pluck a unibrow, yes, but otherwise, a nice shape bushy brow is hot.
  25. "Fuck Flu" is basically a slang term for the flu-like symptoms some guys get when they seroconvert. It is the HIV virus and your body's immunune response to it that makes you feel so bad and gives you the symptoms. It varies with the individual. It is not actually a flu bug, it is HIV. No flu vaccine will have any relevant effect on this. Two completely different things. But when you asked "covered" are you talking about insurance coverage? If so, you can probably be covered because most doctors will pass you off as a case of flu and leave it at that. They don't go to HIV unless you ask. And if you don't ask, then it's just going to go down as flu. I have had no problems with insurance since testing positive, in fact, they have been great.
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