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About Nullo-sub-N8

  • Birthday 09/15/1971

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    London UK
  • Interests
    Cum, sex, pnp and a whole lot more.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    49yo guy in N London. Poz for about 17:years, diagnosed 15yrs

    Into the kinkier side of things, vanilla just doesn't do it for me anymore.

    Now a eunuch so don't fuck anymore, now a nullo so have nothing to fuck with.
  • Looking For
    Looking for vers/top poz guys for loading sessions.

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  1. Any guy really but Irish, rugby build, ginger, skinheads totally set me off into Sub mode.
  2. I love being with a skinhead, especially if he crops me by force or even better shaves my head by force.
  3. I never get hard when being fucked now but that's obvious reasons. When I did have my cock and do T I would always get tina dick and it would never get hard.
  4. So want much more of this story. So hot.
  5. Fucking brilliant. Keep up the good work and looking forward to the next chapter, when ever that may be. 🙂
  6. Great story,, more please.
  7. You body is compensating, the testosterone will drop off soon and then you will need replacement therapy. At least that was how it was for me.
  8. Some do find it painful to take a fist the first time. I did and I will be the first to admit it. It took me several attempts of taking a whole fist before my body and mind synced and I found it pleasurable.
  9. Each to their own but for me I've never had a problem with older guys. I prefer them to younger guys.
  10. @NullopigN8
  11. Great news, enjoy.
  12. I will if its not too strong.
  13. Definitely Christian Mitchell.
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