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About barebackboy23

  • Birthday 09/08/1987

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
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  • Looking For
    Looking for all STDs and bugs and AIDS and HEP C. Take ALL BUGS.

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  1. Hey Will, I miss you tons! I hope you are in a better place now. It was great knowing you all these years. 

    1. Acheron


      What happened? 😞

    2. TwinkChaserSlut


      He passed away but I'm not sure if it was Covid or what. He's from Nicholasville but lived in Queens with his b/f. We played on & off since he was in college @ UK.

  2. Thank you for the follow PiG ~ Fantastic ASS. I'd be up your cunt in a heartbeat, sharing with you all I have to gifT. ☣️

    1. barebackboy23


      Hot. Thanks. I'd love to take your toxic bugs. 

  3. Love homeless!
  4. Can any pigs on here suggest a good hotel in P-Town that's good for anon loads and cumdump gangbangs?
  5. No load refused Slut around.
  6. cant wait! we will have so much fun swapping STDS
  7. wow. best. story. ever. can't wait for more!
  8. WEHO motel cumdump. Taking Anon loads. Love Poz and bugs. Pm me if interested
  9. Infuriating is more like it
  10. Wish I could share your syph.

  11. thanks for the follow

  12. Pig daddy in CT looking to convert....you can charge my hole any day

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