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Everything posted by 1hornyjohn

  1. Probably have had that many in my hole. Some may be repeats though....I didn't stamp their loyalty card
  2. As a bottom, can't beat getting fucked by a top with a PA in his cock
  3. Poz. On meds and undetectable. Get tested at least every 4 months. More often if I've been a dirty slut
  4. Not painful at all but I'd been using dildo and candles etc on my hole from a young age so when a flesh and blood cock went up there it was extremely pleasant! So I did it again. And again. And again. Ad nauseum.
  5. Tested poz in early 2020. Went onto meds immediately. Tested every 6 months at Dean Street. Last one was February 2024 and undetectable
  6. The Heath is good but you'll need to keep your eye on the time as public transport closes down and you might get stuck there! The Vault naked nights (Monday and Thursday) are excellent. Be there at around or just before 7pm as, especially on Thursday, it gets busy. Also try the Bunker on City Road ( nearest tube Old Street). They have themed nights so look at their website to see what floats your boat. Also try SBN (tube Vauxhall) on Sunday afternoons. It starts at 2pm but I tend to arrive just after that as it gets busy as the afternoon goes on. Its basically wall to wall cock and hole. You might look at Hardon to see if one of their monthly events falls on the week you're in town. If you're adventurous and can face South London try the Lord Clyde. Nearest main line station is Deptford and then about 15 minute walk. It's newish. I've been a couple of times and had fun on one of those visits. They don't have website. Look them and others on squirt.irg Saunas...are a but so-so. Sailor's, Locker Room, Pleasuredrome...all can be good or lousy. Can't easily say whats best day/time. Good hunting. Let me know if you want more info or are looking for a hole to fill John
  7. Fucking wonderful post
  8. I have not been asked about my status for ages. Most tops fuck me raw. I don't ask them whether they're poz, on meds, take PreP etc. Life has moved on and if you're poz like me you're usually on meds and getting regular check ups for all kinds of STIs. Ironically, fucking a poz guy is probably the best way of avoiding catching something because they take care and monitor their sexual health.
  9. Thanks for the advice. Not at work today. Packing for a long weekend in Barcelona. Strictly tourism. No naughtiness
  10. From @AirmaxUK... been using psyllium husk in my diet and it really helps the preparation go efficiently. That and a precautionary immodium and I can last a whole afternoon/evening. Ends
  11. Had a couple of helpful private messages with some useful tips on cleaning out. I know it's part of the risks of anal sex but it's still annoying and upsetting when it occurs to one's own hole! My sex drive goes down like a stone. Going to try a sauna on Wednesday to see if some of the advice I've been given does work.
  12. I went to SBN and thought I had got myself well prepared for an afternoon of getting fucked and, hopefully, loaded. After my 4th cock, I smelt the distinct odour of shit on the top's cock when he pulled out. I checked and found that my hole was the guilty one. I got washed, dressed and left. My apologies if your cock got mistakenly into the "sandpit" ! No matter how long and well one prepares and how deep one douches these things happen.
  13. Sorry. I'm certainly one of those categories but not the other.
  14. Up to 5 ( all in my arse) now. Went to ME1 sauna yesterday and spent the afternoon getting fucked. Lovely!
  15. ME1 sauna in Rochester England. 4 loads. Countless cocks
  16. 1 (in my arse) So far this year
  17. This afternoon. Just north of London. Had a 3sum and one load shot into my arse. Lovely
  18. The ones at Central Station King's Cross start at around 9pm through to about 11 30pm. Times are approximate and the 2 that I went to started late!
  19. Not going next month but have been a couple of times last year. If you're a mare prepare for a bit of hanging about at first. Try and make sure you get placed centrally on one of the benches to get most amount of cock. If you feel you're not getting your share, move! You won't get loads in your hole until close to the end if the evening when tops want to cum before they leave. Also last few moments are a bit if a free for all. Masks come off and everyone tries to get final bit if action in before closing time
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