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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Jersey
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Background
    • I bathe every day! 😝
    • I am willing to share the remote 😇
    • I am very sexy....with the right backlighting 🥵
    • I like work. It fascinates me. I sit and look at it for hours 🤓
    • I am athletic but I don't jog, have you seen anyone jogging and smiling? 😩
    • To be honest, I get a little nervous right before I have to say Worcestershire sauce. 😬
  • Looking For
    I am looking for that dynamic figure who can woo me with their sensuous and godlike trombone playing 🤭 I am looking for that ruthless protector, who can hurl tennis rackets at small moving objects with deadly accuracy! 🎾 I am looking for that man who can make me extraordinary four-course meals using only a mouli and a toaster oven! And after we balance, weave, dodge, frolic, we relax by doing full-contact origami!

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  1. Worcestershire sauce does tend to make most meat dishes better with of course of raw cock ; ) 

  2. wow..so hot!
  3. Thank you for your stories. They are even better than some porn.
  4. I hope there are more updates..
  5. So hot
  6. At a minimum, once a week, at max 2 times a week. As for the rest, it is plenty of walking and biking. Sadly though, every so often you get people (school kids on school buses are the worst!) making rude noises or remarks at you (in a suburb of NJ, most drive, hardly anyone walks).
  7. Thanks for the follow!

  8. Hey stud, I tried sending you a message but apparently, I have maxed out for the day.  Meantime here are some at 



  9. You know I LOVE to rim buddy. I can literally rim for hours and I will gladly rim you, anytime!
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