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About AIDSfaggot

  • Birthday 05/18/1976

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Taking AIDS and STDs in my hole, sex with other unmedicated pigs. I now have Ghana Strain of HIV2, which is fucking aggressive. Meeting a toxic top man to be my boyfriend and have AIDS together. into leather, for everyday and for cruising sex sessions.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Hot poz faggot slut, Into sleazy, perv and humiliation, love being in the position of a worthless faggot and being treated by men as such.
    Into bareback only, fuck, cum, random loads, fist, dildos and strapon, verbal, perv, outdoors, humiliation, Dom/sub and role-play. And into wasting and losing massive amount of weight to become an AIDS faggot. I've already lost 10+kg, and planning to lose another 10/15. Had to change my leathers from 34 size to 30 size, so they stay tight and make me look sick and skinny.
  • Porn Experience
    Just amateur AIDS porn being filmed while taking massive VL and being charged by corpses looking tops.
  • Looking For
    Looking for sleazy sessions with perv twisted toxic tops or versatile. Not into other 100% bottom.

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  • BarebackRT Profile Name

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  1. Hottest fucking POZpig around.

    1. gasskinPOZ


      AIDSfagot is a most pervert PIG here

      Let suck pozz seed out ouer BUGholes

      in a Pervert Pozzing Aids ORGY!

  2. Good I wish I was closer to you to take your load gift.

  3. I love Aids guys I am neg.

    1. AIDSfaggot


      Hey I'm very close to full blown AIDS and chasing more...

  4. Fuck yes, there is a group of black homeless next to where I'm living, and I've been going there to get used and bred (and probably infected) several times. They are all looking sick and skinny, which I fucking love and would fuck anything. I'm usually going there high and geared up in tight and slutty leather. They are seriously homophobic so they are not just hate fucking me, but they also treat me like a worthless faggot, a low life cumdump piece of shit, and keep insulting me... which is turning me on... always bareback, always dumping loads in my ass, always pissing in me too... I'm usually always going there late at night, and always bump into one neighbour in his car, who smirks at my outfit. One day he followed me and discovered the low life piece of sub human I was, taking many black cock from sick homeless guys... Most of the neighbourhood knows about that now... So I'm treated as a worthless fag by everyone which is almost a hot as the fucks. Not surprising considering the outfits... See below.
  5. Sorry, I'm being a bitch, I think the end of this story triggered something for me 😉 The only reason I'm allowing myself to express something for the end of the story, is because the begging is amazing. I just think it's a shame it did not stop 4 or 5 chapters ago. This is your "and just like that" part of the story, the extra season we realise a bit late we should have not watched.
  6. This story started like a masterpiece, and ended (if this is the end - the worst is still possible) like the very sad long and tedious expression of a manic disorder. Do I think that expressing a psychiatric disorder in a storyline is a problem? Not at all. In an independent cinema, for instance, it could sounds great. But I'm usually not trying to cum in an independent cinema. Do I find this sexy and arousing on Breeding zone? Fuck. No.
  7. Dam dude, fucking hardcore hot. 


  9. Oh My...Yr Profil is so horny and feeling very dizzy from yr sexual adventures...London...

  10. Oh fuck, your profile makes me horny...


    1. Slave4sadistic


      Id love a guy to make me detectable again 

    2. Twistedperverted


      Hail AIDS, fuck yes to that

  12. Hot man, and hot STD policy... Same here, treating them as little as possible...
  13. Honestly, just fucking amazing, the rhythm of some sequences is mesmerising. I find the end so incredibly dark, which is in one hand the result of an obvious mechanical process based on ego. But in another hand, it's quite surprisingly dark, considering how bright the characters are at the beginning. It's like the therapy version of kitchen nightmares... When a process is so wrong is consuming the light in the people. Fascinating. Oh, and hot.
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