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Everything posted by Ozpig

  1. Thx for the follow

  2. My ex did all of that for me in our 13 years together. He totally ruled my sex life, organized plenty of tops to fuck me every weekend - which sated the cockslut in me. I had no say in who fucked me - he totally dominated me and I fucked whoever whenever he wanted me to. He also arranged my conversion party and it was a wonderful experience/
  3. Exactly what my ex liked - watching other men or groups of men breed me and then he would take me home and "ride their silk trail" as he called it. I loved it as I got to get fucked by heaps of beautiful cocks and it fed my total addiction to cock and cum and he loved it. Worked well for both of us
  4. exactly the way to treat us bottom cumdumps
  5. Only once ever. I was riding a guys cock in the group room with my ex there and without warning I shot everywhere. My ex got furious at me coming and worrying about myself more than the top's please so when the top whose cock I was riding nutted in me, my ex put me straight in the sling and tied me in and eight men one after the other fucked me straight after I had cum.
  6. Exactly - I watch what I eat and douche to prepare myself for men's cock and seed and once I am in that mood when my arse controls my brain - there is no way any one cock can satisfy me. I have taken up to 14 different men in a gangbang and I loved no 14 as much as no 1. I try to spend at least one time at the backroom every weekend so I can get a minimum five or six to feed me their cocks and satisfy my addiction'
  7. Mine is to beat my own gangbang record of taking 14 loads in one gangbang session. For me it was the most wonderful feeling having top after top fuck me and breed me
  8. As a bottom cockpig I just love Mardi Gras in Sydney. Since Monday I have had 22 loads pumped into me from 17 different men. Tonight is blackout at headquarters (a naked sex party) and I will be taking loads off any cock that is offered to me. By Sunday the week should have been wonderful. I just love having a mixture of seed in me!
  9. excite me - I love taking hot seed
  10. spot on.
  11. absolutely a 100% correct. My little dick is irrelevant. My sex organ is my butt and it is there for the pleasure of tops my job as a bottom is to totally surrender myself to the top and be used by him in the way he sees fit.
  12. My ex whored me out basically every weekend - and he made the rules whether it was in our house, at a sex party or in a club. I never got to choose who fucked me and it was my total role to service cock and take seed. I was whored out individually and with other bottom pigs and I enjoy working with another bottom and tops seem to like the fact they have a choice of holes to breed and fuck. Most bottoms - if they are true cumsluts - love being whored out. I would get so excited by lunchtime on Friday knowing full well he would have at least three or four tops lined up to fuck me that night.
  13. Me too nothing nicer than a mixture of different seed that has been fucked into a frothy batter on a top's cock. I too just love it.
  14. give me girth over length any day I love tha feeling of being split in two by cock that is why I love being DP'd
  15. Friday afternoons my mind starts to go hazy and I find the last three hours of work very slow as I start thinking of how many cocks and loads I might get over the weekend. I go through my fuck contacts and start texting tops to see if they need a hole to use to start their weekends off with a bang. I also start putting up quick connect ads everywhere - hoping to attract some new meat and seed. By the time I finish work my cunt is on fire. I am usually chatting to some guys on the train home, and my weekend hobby kicks in - taking cock and seed as much as I can. That is my addiction, my hobby and my passion. As I live out in the suburbs - getting raw cock during the week is hard, sometimes a regular might be looking for a hole of last resort so he will text and cum over and breed me - but usually I have not trouble getting a safe fuck off Grindr most nights. It scratches the itch a bit but I always crave raw cock and men blowing in me - so the weekend is my big bang! I answered this add from a Chinese guy - who was visiting in town for five days - pics looked ok, said he was total top (my kinda man), uncut cock, looked average but thicker than a lot, and the body was fine - and he was staying in a city hotel. What caught my eye in his ad was "love whoring a bottom out." We messaged and I told him I could be at his hotel by 8 douched - and ready for him to open me up, whack a load or two in me and lubricate my hole for the rest of the night's activities. When I got there he met me in the lobby, stylishly dressed, much taller than me (well most men are considering I am only 5 feet 5 inches). We said very little in the lift - but when we got in the room, he had already dimmed the lights and the lube and towels were on the bedside table. He said "strip off slut and show me that fuckhole." Again, my knda guy - taking command. I did as I was told and he sat at the end of the bed watching me until I had nothing but my G-string on. He stood up and started to undress. I was surprised to see he already had a harness on under his shirt, his nipples were pierced and a leather studded pouch encased his now half hard cock. He opened the bedside draw and produced a bag of toys - butt plugs, dildos, cuffs and tit clamps. I was excited as he looked like a top that was going to give me mancunt and senses a hammering. He was dom, he was rough, he was vert aggressive. He turned the music up and then got very verbal. We did it ll, he fucked me with dildos, nearly pulled my tits off when he was fucking me with his lovely thick uncut cock, and he gave me a good slapping around and I was thanking God it was Friday. After we finished I spent a good 10 minutes cleaning his cock and balls and then I just lay there with my head on his stomach and his lovely soft cock in my mouth like a dummy. I had got two loads out of him and he was great sex. He asked what my plans were for the rest of the evening and I was honest. I told him he had got me super horny so I was going to go to the backroom and take as much seed and cock as I could get for a couple of hours. He laughed and said we might fuck again over the weekend - which I simply said to him - call me or message ne and I will come. "Kyle" said - "you really are a slut aren't you." "Totally I just love it" I replied. As I was leaving he was still laying on his back naked on the bed and he held his cock up at me and said "you want more of this." I walked over and leaned down to kiss his half flaccid cock and said - "I'm yours whenever you want." I headed to HQ for "blackout" the Friday night nude party. I checked my messages and one top - who had fucked me a couple of times before wanted to unload in me but wouldn't be home till 11.30. That gave me an hour and a half at the backroom. I checked in got undressed and my body always feels hyper sensitive after I have been fucked good and hard. It also heightens my sex drive and my mind had flicked into total pig mood - I needed cock in my mancunt, in my mouth and in my hand. Straight to the group room. Thankfully the fuck bench was unoccupied and there were a few guys hovering around stroking lubed cocks and one guy was on his knees giving head. I took up my position leaning over the bench and in one minute I could feel a hand on my arse and a bare cock being slapped on my cunt cheek. I groand and opened my legs to give the man easy access. I leaned back and felt a solid hairy chest. He reached above my head to the lube dispenser I grabbed his arm and said "no need, there are two loads in me for lube," he groaned with pleasure an immediately placed his cock at my hole. I think he was taken aback as I thrust back to take his better than average cock in one hit. I hate tops easing into me - I like cock to hurt me - to take my breath away. His load was the first of the night and I took three more, before I left while a couple of tops had a taste - stuck their cock in and pumped a bit before pulling out as they obviously did not want to nut too soon. I left and headed for Brian's - a decent enough top, good body, great cock and the three times he had fucked me previously were basically blown n' go jobs as it is all over red rover for him when he blows. Mind you he always gave me a good 15 minutes pleasure from his cock. I texted him to tell him I was on my way and that I was pretty full of seed and looking forward to him being my last load for the night. He sent me back some pig emjois and said my sloppy hole was one of the reasons he liked fucking me - and he knew I would by loaded up by this time of night. I got there and he was laying on his back naked - which was my queue to undress and straddle his lovely cut cock. As usual I got my 15 minutes of heavenly fucking off him, my mancunt was slupring with all the seed in me and he fucked a good bit of it out of me. Finally I headed for the train home. I love it when I go out whoring, I only wear a G-string so my mancunt leaks and there is a wet patch at the back of my jeans - its special to me. I went home very satisfied and about half way home a message came through from Kyle - "can you come over same time tomorrow night whore". Of course I said yes, smiled and leaned back in the train and put my head against the window. I could feel that beautiful puffiness my cuntlips get when I have have been fucked five or six times. "This is going to be one hell of a weekend," I thought.
  16. The other side of the coin is there are bottoms like myself who are simply addicted to cock and seed and one man cannot satisfy our craving to get fucked four or five times a day. We trybut just cannot help ourselves.
  17. I am an equal opportunoity cumpig - if the man has a hard cock I take it - irrespective of race. I do love bbc and when I was in America last time I made sure I got a total of about a metre of bbc chocked into me every day.
  18. Me neither - I totally give myself to tops for their use, however they want to use me. My reward is the insane pleasure I get from having hard cocks in me and having seed pumped into me.
  19. Absolutely 100% correct. I surrender to my tops and am there totally for their pleasure to use how they wish to breed and totally appreciate whatever they do to me. I have one partnered top who uses me regularly because he can be rough, he can dominate me and push me around, have his cock and balls cleaned when he blows and piss all over me beore he goes. I have had more than a few bruises from him over the last two yesars but I always make myself available whenever he needs to use my cunt
  20. Excite me beyond belief - I love having hot seed pumped into me.
  21. My weekend is usually dedicated to getting bred as often as possible. I often leave work at lunch time and go to the book store and spend my lunch break swallowing loads which is not good as the taste of seed drives me insane and gets my cunt on fire so I usually end up straight to the sauna after work to get some loads pumped into me. The weekends - well I just slut out wherever and with who ever an average weekend is 15 loads pumped into me..
  22. you are right. I never refuse cock and seed and my total role is to serve tops and do what they want. If I go to a backroom and get in the sling or lean on the fuck bench I am there to be used by tops and it is tat simple
  23. I find I get a lot of "partnered" tops and they are looking for the slutty experience. They want a filthy slut that will do what turns them on and in a lot of instances what their partners wont do.
  24. as a poz bb slut I accept I am going to be single - as I am just totally addicted to cock and seed. If I go to a backroom or naked party I never leave till I have been fucked at least half a doxen times and I am still horny.
  25. I do that too I always had to clean my ex after he had fucked a stray bottom
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