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Everything posted by aussie-vers

  1. B)Thanks for such a smoking hot story oink onk
  2. hehe nice touch
  3. oh yes this story is so hot it make you want to be involved hehe :2thumbs:
  4. I agree hot story worth reading again
  5. This still one of the hottest stories here oink oink
  6. Great Story looking forward to more
  7. The more I read this story the more I blow loads hehe
  8. Really hot story oink oink thanks and oldie but a fucking hot story wooof
  9. This is wickedly well written story I love reading it over and over thanks oink oink
  10. Really great story hot oink oink :-)
  11. Really hot story oink oink
  12. Really great story well written
  13. I agree with all the other guys. Great story, cant wait for more Keep writing :-)
  14. Really hot story woof cant wait for the next part :-)
  15. woof more please
  16. Smoking hot can't wait the next chapter woooof
  17. A true master always makes the beg really hot story I just wish I could write half as good. As we would say in OZ, Now that's one smoking hot mother fucking story there is no higher accolade in our slang
  18. Now that's what I call a short and sweet story with plenty of good honest pig play oink oink
  19. This is a very hot and stimulating story
  20. Part 2 I was tiredneeding a nap to make sure that I was ready for all the activities I hadplanned smiling to myself and knowing it was a 6 hour flight I had plenty oftime and so I settled back and closed my eyes. I was unsure whattime it was, how long I had been asleep or if I really had been asleep at all,having travelled large amount for work it was not unusual for me to wake up aplane on long haul flights I found them a great way to catch up on few wellneeded hours of sleep that you lose from working hard and playing harder I wish.It always takes a few minutes for the fog to clear from one’s mind andremember, I know where I am and yes everything was right were I left it alwayshoping that when I awoke the man that I had been dreaming about was real. Neverhappens, be careful sometimes dreams and reality mix. Well this time everything was missing, my shoes, Jacket, my laptop, my carry on hand luggage were evenmissing. I needed a drink, Now I love those people who don’t fly often andpocket what ever they can including those small bottles direct from the godsand then pass out spilling there ill gotten gains on the floor. It’s a greattrick on long haul red eye flights so a quick search under some seats and heypresto more than enough for my current needs and a few spare top ups for later. I checked my backpocket to find a card that. All it said in gold letters was First class is somuch more private, more adventurous and this upgrade is free. Free nothing isever for free. Normally I would findall my missing property but for what even reason, I headed to first class tofind out what the card meant and to get some answers. Heading to thefront of the plane and started up the stairs, but standing there was a very bigman with black short cut hair, hand’s the size of bread and butter plates, hewas wearing a white shirt and black suit pants and the largest pair of highlypolished black leather shoes I think I have ever seen. Now I have been insituations that things where not as they seemed. I’ve found it better to back awayand not ask any questions or show any interest. So it was much tomy surprise when, he was asked do you have your card sir, SIR my mind racing inso many different directions, all I could I do was to stutter, Say that again!! Sir Do you haveyour card the one, you found in your back pocket. Now my mind was much focusedon the card in my back pocket ah ha. Yes I do and started to pull it out of myback pocket and to hand it to him. No Sir that will not be necessary I recognised youfrom your photo Mr Ryan Sir my photo I asked with my eyes open wide with frightnot sure what photo he was referring to or how he had even got to see a photo ofme. Now this was something that I have never planned for and before I could sayanything, he went on to say, Oh Mr Ryan I didn’t mean to surprise you. Mr Kanejust wanted to make sure that you arrived relaxed and ready to enjoy the eventsthat Mr Kane has planned for your pleasure. My pleasure, theevents he had planned, I had been backing away and down from the stairs. Thehuge man standing before me whose name was Paul as I found out later hadcontinued down the stairs and had stepped aside so allow me access and thentold me to continue up the stairs and go through the door. So reaching thetop of the stairs stepped towards the door it slid open I hadn’t noticed anydetectors. Now that’s kool as I stepped through a voice off to my left said Wouldsir like a drink, A drink, yes a drink would be nice but getting what I orderedall ways seems to be a problem. But just as I was about to reply the voice offto my left spoke. Mr Ryan I believe that Sir there was that word again SIRenjoys a lemon, lime and bitters in a tall narrow glass with very little icealso a white russian in a fat stubby also with very little of crushed ice bothglasses pre chilled. I am not sure howmany others have ever been in this situation; I know that it all sounds greatall your dreams coming true. But not for me I liked, No had to be in control,suddenly found all of this again sounding too good to be true. Those alarmbells were not just ringing, they were pounding and the voice that often goesalong with them “Danger Will Roberson Danger”. Looking backunder any normal situation, I wouldn’t have hesitated in making a very hastyretreat but this was not like any previous situation, I had ever been in. Itwas all most if I had been kidnapped, I had entered willing having no where torun, all I could do was to keep the best possible calm exterior while inside Iready to explode was reply. The lemon lime is it pre-mix and the white russian milkor cream. Now the answer wasn’t the surprise but now standing next to me wasone of those poster pin up boys that we all wanted to have our devilish waywith. Wearing nothing than a new but used jockstrap with a black band aroundthe waist with in white letters Poz Cum Chem. Whore Pig. A soft black leather pouch,that had yellow and red straps running across the front and around each leg. Now I really wanttoo be a collector of other pig’s used jockstraps with cum, piss and otherstains on them that I was wearing while they are fucking me, so that I canremember it long after or the highly prized others I’ve been donated from othertrue cum pig slut Poz or Not Now this stylehad been one of my fantasies, not with the lettering of course and I knew thatit would take time to take my first I was a BB Slut and FF Novice. But that’s anothermatter! My mind was spinning, racing I didn’t hear the answer to my questionand again there was that word SIR. Yes! Your question sir, What, No pre-mix andcream is that not correct? I can change them if you like? No No that’s perfectand let me guess Mr Kane? Yes Sir, with that he turned and walked to the bararea, all this Sir stuff was starting to really piss me off but then all this attentionwas really kind of hot but nothing as smoking hot, very cute smooth tannedbubble butt that was walking away. Now that’s fucking hot, totally fuckable. Unsure what I hadgotten myself into; and been really thirsty I sculled the lemon, lime andbitters without it touching the sides. I headed to toward the closest of theseveral leather lounges situated in the lounge area. My head spinning the worldmoving in and out time around me slowed to slow motion, ever step everymovement taking great effort, suddenly having the urge to stroke my cock thosedeep long powerful strokes that you feel like your pulling your cock out by theroots. I discreetly rub my cock through my jeans but since it was rock hard andbusting to escape this was impossible. My man cunt was really screaming forattention. I needed cock any cock, I hadn’t been fucked in a very long time Iwas tight, no lube I was dripping wet with pure pig lust. I hadn’t managedto reach the lounge I was aiming at and sit down, who wanted to sit down, Ineeded to sit down, but all I truly wanted was my cunt well and truly powerfucked. I sure don’t remember feeling this high ever before or horny before, Ihave slammed before and got high but never like this. I knew I was flying andthat enhance the total experience. I remember thefirst time I got totally wasted, and just really enjoyed it also it seemed tolast forever. (Really good times) I have tried many times to relive those days.Well this was so much better, sometime after I discovering that I had hands andfingers that floated in air and could do really amazing things. I became awareI was sitting more laying on one of the lounges, I was not alone but if I couldbelieve my eyes it was that stunning blonde hair blue eyed boi I had beenadmiring, ok stripping naked and having my way with him. There is only oneproblem with my plan, is that I don’t have the tools, and equipment any realexperience or the self confidence and now totally unable to move. I looked again,yes it was him naked well not totally naked he’s wearing the same style ofjockstrap as the guy that had provided me with my drinks. My lemon lime and chem.’s“who’s complaining”, I was so horny my pig lust to play was beyond belief. Now I don’tnormally have voices in my head but I started to hear a voice saying somethingbut it was just too hard to stay focused my jaw starts to ache I’m sure that Iam smiling from ear to ear and everything was just really wasted. I really have nomemory of what from that moment and when I opened my eyes and found the world stillmoving and spinning but able to focus and take in my surrounds’ totally unsurewhere I was found myself bound in full size leather sling gently swing back andforth. I suddenly felt a draft in my man cunt a really strange feeling, I feltopen, empty now. I had felt empty before after a good size cock pump his negload into me wishing that it was a poz load and he was seeding and breeding mebut being afraid of losing control I have always played safe. Being safe meanttaking all those safety measures so I had never felt the true love of anotherman, feeling his seed being pumped in and then forced in deeper and deeper butthis time I felt totally different I knew that my man cunt was sore a littlepainful but nothing I was worried about, now that was until I suddenly feltwhat I believed to be the largest cock I have ever had forced into my cunt.Then stopped my cunt lip locking tight around the bottom of a but plug that hadbeen very carefully inserted by allowing my now well used and abused cunt torelax by blowing chilled air gently into my open cunt carefully timed to arouseme back to life to my senses. At the moment I’ve opened my eyes and gained theunderstanding of where I was, the but plug is forcible inserted, its not painits sheer pleasure I want, I need to blow my load and that’s when I see a greenball sound inserted deep into my cock that is still rock hard and this slimaround the slit of my cock. I was stillfocussed on my cock I hadn’t seen my blonde blue eyed stud standing next to mewhen he spoke I turned and looked at him. Ah Mr Ryan I am glad to see that youawake and trust that you have enjoyed your flight, we are due to land shortlyand would you like to shower and dress before we land. Woo back up land,flight, dress now I was confused where time had gone. A shower now that soundedgood so I quickly agreed and was released and shown to a full size bath roomwhere I found a clean set of clothes being a pair of loose fitting black andwhite track pants and a black zip up hoodie with red and yellow strips on it.But what really took my eye was the jockstrap having a closer look a noticedthe piss, cum and gono stains. Now I had reallywanted to have a dose of gono and had told Kane I was smiling thinking wellI’ve done it too late to turn back. I turned to my stud and before I could askanything he said my name is also Ryan and I am here to make sure that yourvacation with Mr Kane is as enjoyable as possible. Why Ryan I asked? Well MrKane said that you never forget a cock or face by names. Smiling I replied yep that’strue. We will belanding as soon as you have showered the pilots have slowed our decent and assoon as you’re ready also Mr Kane is waiting. Also I would suggest that youleave you sound in to ensure your dose of gono and the butt plug. So I quicklyshowered, carefully washing my abused man cunt making sure not to dislodge thebut plug and also carefully washing my cock and resitting the urge to powerwank my cock even after washing it carefully the slim was still oozing out myslit with the green ball sound still inserted deep. Having nowdressed and sitting in a standard first class seat when Ryan handed me anotherlemon lime and bitters, I looked up at him with looks of doubt. Oh no Sir thistime no extra’s just a refreshing drink. Ohh yer thanks I laughed I had so muchto ask and Ryan keeps on disappearing. When suddenly dressed in tracksuit thesame as mine he sat next to me and all he said was. It will take to long toanswer all your questions but I am sure the video will answer most of them. Hehad this wicked smile as he said I sure I can answer the rest. With that thecaptain made an announcement, Ladies and Gentleman just to keep you informed thatwe now have been given clearance to continue to our destination and that thishas caused about an hour delay but all contacting flights have been held and allother requested arrangements have been made. I trust you will continue to enjoyyour flight, our special in flight entertainment and thank you for flying whereRyan spoke up saying STD Airways. STD Airway what the fuck, Watch the video wasall he said.
  21. Thanks guys for all your helpful comments. I am in the middle of writing the next section and its suddenly taking the mile high club to new limits I hope that you enjoy the next chapter
  22. Hi Guys I hope you like this story its still in the production stage I have difficulty in writing so it look great to me but it may not be so please let me know and any suggestions on direction will always be helpful
  23. No good deed goesun-rewarded Part 1 I awoke to find myself still lyingin a sling blindfolded unrestrained but this time unlike the previous times Iwasn’t having my man cunt abused by some unknown well sized cock giving itsowner great pleasure, as I remember he was not the only one enjoying the hardforceful power fucks that I was receiving. Each time I woke up small amountsof pain but this time the pain was different It felt the cheeks of my ass wereon fire, and the very lower section of my back just above my ass crack. Try tosearch my mind which wasn’t easy I know I had felt this pain before, but notremember where. I took off my blindfold and it took several minutes to take inwhat I was seeing, The sling that I had spent quite a few hours in was locatedin the centre of a large room with 2 other slings simular to my own. With large mirrors mounted aboveeach sling and mirrors mounted along every wall. There was also a number ofbenches, large crosses and other sorted of equipment hanging on walls or lyingwhere they were last used. I have been in the mirror room at steam works butthis was far more professional. The ceiling was painted in an off white colourwith hundreds of little led’s that provided plenty of light, but didn’t reflectoff any of the mirrors. The walls were painted a pale grey colour and they alsohad hundreds of tiny led’s mounted into the walls to provide and extra lightingas required. As the fog in my head still keptclearing this was a lot to take in, considering my present state, Closing myeyes seemed like a good idea at this point as my head was spinning and I neededsome more time before I was able to take in every thing around me, having laidstill apart from taking off my blindfold and not said anything it seemed thatmy actions had gone unnoticed by anyone else in the room. Which surprised me as a number ofcurved shaped mirrors, had been specially positioned in such a way that alloweda person to view almost all of the action that was happening, in this room nomatter which direction he was facing or doing? I again opened my eyes still foggyand having problems concentrating this time I focused on the large mirrormounted above me and noticed a dome mirror mounted directly above the sling insuch a way that if you weren’t blindfolded you see everything going on in theroom and you where able to see clearly the other sling and what pleasure orpain was being inflected on who ever was lying in those slings. It was not until now that Irealise I was not alone but in the very centre of a room I don’t remember, withthe most wonderful selection of sexy studs a true poz pig cum slut like mecould ever hope for. I wasn’t sure whether this was all a wonderful dream orreal I was thinking about pinching myself but having just rubbed my sore asscheek and found the pain to be very real. All I could think of was fucking hotI hope that as many of these studs was poz and had reseeded my well abusedcunt, little did I know. Here I am telling you my story andI haven’t even told you my name or anything about me, well my name is Ryan I am38 years old black short hair ( all my own hehe ) 96 kg’s no 6 or 8 pack butwell defined upper and lower body a good set of low hand balls and a 7.5” cockalso with good size arms and well defined legs. I love my bike long and hard orbeing ridden the same way. I had recently being faced withthe inability to work fulltime any more being an EMS control officer I had seemmore my fair share of the bad side of peoples lives. It had been suggested thatI should take extended leave, stress less and enjoy life and find a good womanto get my rocks off with, little did my work collages know that was the lastthing I wanted. It had been very hard leadingalmost a double life, which I had found necessary as I was gay. Being gay wasconsidered a huge disadvantage for any promotion in my chosen field. So I hadkept my lust for hot hard throbbing cock being forced deep into my guts (ahhh)my deep dark secret. I had played when ever I could, well away from work orhome to ensure my secret was safe. So here I was faced with having todecide what to do with my time, I decided that I would take up the offer Kanehad made months ago. I had met Kane in one of the BB chat rooms that I had beenusing off and on for about 8 months. Even though I had not had much experienceI had found plan gay sex boring and totally dissatisfying, so I had been drawnto the darker side of gay sex as I saw it back then. In my work I had always protectedmyself to ensure I did not catch anything. Here I was looking at online videosand reading stories about BB sex and guys chasing HIV and other guys openlyboasting about being Poz and how they were sharing this gift and other gifts asthey called them. A first I did not understand anyof this and found it unbelieve that anyone would be chasing such a disease thatkills people. The more I read and watched the more I wanted many of thesethings but I had decided that there were things that I would not give into eventhough I kept thinking about them. Kane had been suggesting for aslong as we had been chatting that I really need to take some time off work andstart to enjoy life, but most importantly I should find the real me become theperson I was pretending to be. Kane was very careful when wefirst started chatting never to suggest or talk about any thing unless I hadalready suggested or asked about it. I felt totally at ease with him and foundthat I could talk about any thing my deepest darkest thoughts, my boundaries,my wants and needs, and without realising I told him that all the stories andvideos I have been reading and watching was now always making my cock rock hardand dripping loads of pre-cum. My man cunt as he called it was moist and Ifound myself opening it up and playing with it for longer and longer periods. Ifound that smoking some green 420 make it easer with lube to force several ofmy fingers and other items that up until then had just lying around home forvarious uses suddenly became made only for one use and that was to open mycunt. I felt that what I found to give me great pleasure and enjoyment must insomeway be wrong as I was unable to see other like myself enjoying it like Iwas. Of course I did not tell him everything, I still kept most of my thoughts to myself and even though by now therewas very little we had not chatted about or I had not read or watched lookingback now Kane had suggested the web sites and the which story or video Iwatched and as time went on with out even realising it, I had crossed, bent andeven broken those self imposed boundaries. I secretly longed for the day Iwould knowingly be able to take any cock offered to me and enjoy it as much asI had wanted too. Be proud of whom I was and enjoy the life, I so wanted tolead, but had those deep dark fears kept on holding me back. I had always beenin control of everything possible, I was the guy who planned a trip away downto the last gallon of fuel that was need everything was controlled so it cameas a real shock that when Kane told me that needed to relax and let someoneelse worry about things I really did not like the idea. In short I rejected itout of hand, but told him I would think about it and every time he asked aboutit I told him that yer it sounded better as time went on. The one thing that Inever asked was his status he knew that I was Neg but it never crossed my mindto ask if he was POZ. There where many things as I found out later I shouldhave asked and not assumed what things meant or what was I really gettingmyself into, looking however back it was so much more mind blowing and fun I amglad I didn’t. We had traded pictures of eachother, so many in fact I believed that I could identify him out of a line upwith out ever having seen him in the flesh of other naked guys while wearing ablindfold just by touch. I had studied every photo he hadever sent me so many times I knew every line, wrinkle, wave of his stunning 6pack the definition of his well formed pecks, his marvellous pumped pignipples, his stunning low hanging balls well defined in his sack the size of amedium chicken eggs. The pictures were all in high definition so they permittedme to see and study every vein line, every angle, and not by any understatement those of his smoking hot 9” cock with a plum size head that he had amarvellous 0 g PA sticking out proud it was gold and I mean real gold where sofucking hot I blew my load the very first time I saw it and my pants had allthe fun. I know we all don’t quite tell the truth and we can alter pictures butif what I had seen on the web cam and in these pic’s I was sure to be a happypig I asked Kane about his gold PA andhe proudly told me that he had a Daddy who likes him to have nice things. Oh I said and told him that I fell in love withthe latest picture he had sent me of his now stand out on there own pig nips. Ihave always love my nips being played with and stretched. But when I saw hisfor the first time, it was then I decided that was what I wanted and now thathe had stopped working on them and they stood proud I really wanted the sameoink oink. I suggested that since he likegold so much that having his nipples done to match his PA would be so hot andsexy his response surprised me when he told me that he also thought so but hewould have to ask his Daddy. Well having made the decision tovisit Kane and to take him up on his offer a place to stay, relax, un-wind andperhaps some great sex. Having wanked so many times over the pictures he hadsend dreaming that it was his cock deep inside me and that he would blindfoldme keeping me in suspense of what he was going to do next. I would never tellhim of course. The decision to visit him was really easy as my cock started todo my thinking for me which is always a bad move. Since it had been so longsince I took a vacation I really was unsure on what to pack and having livedout of a suite case for so long because of work I packed the same stuff asnormal. I did how ever pack more lube and condoms than usual hoping deep downto really have some great sex. I had arranged everything daysahead of flying to make sure that it went as smooth as possible, and all thathad to happen was Kane picking me up from the airport and then I could put therest of my vacation plans into practise. I had googled where I was going made alist of place I want to visit and so on. I should have never wasted my timebecause as I was very soon to find out Kane had a completely different agendatotally planned out for me, one with such detail, planning, timing and evencontingencies should something happen that I would have been proud to haveorganised myself. As now as I lay back in mybusiness class seat watching this really cute 22 stud with long blond hair,piecing blue eyes. White Nike high-tops stone wash jeans with a very noticeablebulge and a well fitting white not tight but tight enough to see his welldefined abbs as his shirt moved when he walked the sight of well formed picksand these well formed pig nips. Was I seeing things I did a double take and yeshe had these well formed pig nips that had been pieced with a bar that could beclearly seen through his shirt walking towards me. I must admit I did stare alot longer than is polite but he was stunning and free I wasn’t touching and Idecided that he was straight and he was just showing off. Because lets behonest if I had what this boi had I sure would show it off as well woooof. I was tired needing a nap to make surethat I was ready for all the activities I had planned smiling to myself andknowing it was a 6 hour flight I had plenty of time and so I settled back and closedmy eyes.
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