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Everything posted by billy88666

  1. Another intense chapter. Juan was damned if he did and damned if he didn't ask for a poz load. I wonder how many loads it will take until he converts :@)
  2. Nice twist.. Wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of Moham 🙂
  3. So good to see this story updated . Loved the last chapter.
  4. I struggled reading this 1st chapter and couldn't quite put my finger on it until I read your postscript. The set up wasn't a bad one but I just knew there was something off as I was reading it. I felt that it was written by a young or inexperienced writer. By inexperienced, I don't mean that your writing wasn't accomplished. They always say that a writer should write about what they know if they want to avoid it sounding contrived or stilted. It's difficult to write about something that you haven't experienced personally. It's the same for a man trying to write in detail about childbirth. It just didn't scan as believable for me. It was too wordy. Your attempt to "flesh out" the characters with the backstory about the mother was irrelevant to your prospective audience, as was a lot of the other detail. If you want to take a look at Losolent's writing here it may help. He is truly gifted when it comes to getting the perfect balance of detail and narrative. His characters are skillfully written and credible. I hope I haven't offended you as I don't mean to offer criticism without attempting to be constructive and I truly wish you well with the remainder of you story.
  5. So it looks like Simon has missed out again... We're all thinking Joshua is back but could this be Carrington that has chloroformed Charlie? It would certainly be a "Positive" way to ensure that he breaks up with the girlfriend?
  6. I'm interested in how this story will conclude. Will our defenseless victim have the last laugh? Perhaps a fever could give him added strength and in his delirium, he could have the opportunity to overpower his Master and get his revenge by raping him and filling his body with his infected sperm. If he was clever enough, he might be able to turn the tables on his Master by drawing some of his contaminated blood and injecting it into him. Maybe a bite into his Master's flesh and his saliva could be enough for him to exact his revenge. It would be interesting to hear his Master's back story. What were his reasons for doing what he did? Was he looking to create a new Super Virus? If he under pressure from the company he works for to produce such a virus or if he intended to develop it and then use it to as a terrorist weapon to make money? There could still be a lot of mileage in this incredible story.
  7. Oooh.. I really like your latest addition to the family. Carrington sounds like he could be the man who finally tames Simon. We know he has his Eagle tattoo but I'm hoping that he may have another crucial one... 🙂
  8. What an excellent piece of writing! Your words seemed to flow off the screen and form solid images in front of me as I read. I loved the sex scene between Simon and Jamal. It was feral... Your stories here, combined, could make a huge amount of money on Amazon as a book of short stories. Thank you again for sharing them .
  9. A great set up for the next chapter. Looking forward to it 🤓
  10. I found this incredible story for the first time today. What an incredible read! I really hope that you continue it. My dick was straining in my jeans reading it Mate !
  11. A 5 week wait before meeting... we all know where this is going ... and I can't wait :@)
  12. Poor Jack.. that brought a tear to my eye. Loved every word of this latest chapter.
  13. An Incredible read! Great concept and I can forgive the odd typo and comma for such a well crafted plot. Can't wait to read more!
  14. Has Conrad been stealthed?.. I certainly hope so
  15. Another amazing chapter. I thought when Charlie went to London that he was going to encounter the Arab Businessman rather that Harry. What a nice twist to the tale. Think I've fallen in love with Jack though but then again so has Conrad 🙂
  16. Lets hope that when he arrives in London that he has forgot to bring his meds.
  17. Hope you continue to add to this incredible story. Love the fact that they have been inked with their status. Would love them to get tattoos that they will never be able to hide.
  18. You said you fuck a guy no more that 3 times. Hope we get to read about number 2 and 3.
  19.  The tale of a loner was an incredible piece of writing... Your ability to describe each action and reaction was breathtaking. Well done mate!

    1. paintedgrey


      Thank you greatly for your lovely compliment I'm glad you enjoyed it xx

  20. This was a very powerful piece of writing. I almost felt like this was happening to me as I read it. I do hope the author decides to add to this .
  21. Great opening chapter.
  22. I'm hoping that Dan will decide to let that threesome at his ass too ..
  23. I truly hope that you will finish this incredible story. I loved everything I've read so far and it would be a shame if it fizzled out , never to be finished like so many other promising tales here.
  24. I like that this is getting darker. Sounds like Geoff will prove to be a very harsh Top. I hope he will have an unhealthy propensity for extreme bondage and delivering pain to the men that agree to a breeding.
  25. An incredible piece of writing.... given the opportunity I'd take his place :@)
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