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Everything posted by MackyJay

  1. I bet. Like you have a nice ass and I want to load you up with my toxic cum? LOL
  2. I ask because I want to know when he does me. So far no luck finding any though. Still NEG and looking for a POZ guy that wants a NEG hole to use and fill.
  3. Ass ready for ANY loads and several even.

  4. I was wondering what you did also? Hope you went and enjoyed everything.
  5. Been a while now, but was at an ABS in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on south side. Used to have a large room there, or much larger than others, which was mainly for two or three guys at once. Got in there with a black guy who fucked me really good. Then when done he pulled a knife on me and told me to hand over all my money. Somewhat ridiculous as I never even take my billfold into those places and sure don't carry much money other than needed, at that time, for quarters for the machines. Think he got about $1.75 at most. He then took off and as I was getting ready to go I realized he had used a damn condom also and it was still hanging out of my ass and dripped all over the inside of my pants. If I had been in a more open area I might have resisted, knife or not, but in an enclosed place like that it wouldn't take anyone with skill to have cut me up, even if I would have won. Fucking idiot thinking he would get much in a place like that.
  6. fuck me fuck me fuck me, I need my hole filled full

    1. cumluvnbottom


      I second that emotion,Macky. In Dublin for a couple days. Bouncing off the walls I'm so horny.

    2. MackyJay


      cumluv, it has been over 3 months now since my hole had any filling and it desperate need now.

  7. Where the hell is all the hot cock at, I need some.

  8. Well, we had done it and stealthed my FB with a load of hvl poz cum. The poz guy, though, took a little advantage of the situation of me being in another world from being fucked so good. He had after loading my boy, also rammed home in me and bred me with his toxic load and it felt so good that he kept on pounding my hole until he had cum in me a second time to boot. WOW Was I ever in fuck heaven from the way they had used my hole. I loved every minute of it even if I had been surprised a lot by the poz cum and had not really been after that at all. Afterwards the poz guy and I had talked a bit and decided to get my boy again as soon as possible. He thought we could turn him into a cum dump and get rid of him wanting a condom ever again. We just needed to get him going more and we both decided to try and keep our 'rosters' clear as possible to be ready for him when he would call. We didn't have long to wait either. My boy loved my hole so much and it was hard for him to find anyone else who could take the pounding he liked to do with his huge cock. True to form he sent me an email and wanted to fuck me and again with only about an hour to try and get ready. He also asked if it was possible for the 'other guy', as he referred to him, to join also. He probably thought it would be too quick to get him. He was going to be surprised though, I hoped. I immediately got ahold of our poz guy and he was ready and could meet us at the time. We were both there early. Loved the way he made out and also the taste of his nice cock too. We made out for a good 20 minutes before my FB got there. He looked a little surprised to see the poz guy there but tried to not let on and said how happy he was for him to be there. My FB wanted to know if the poz buy would fuck me first to get me opened up more for him. This was a surprise though and I had not thought he would ask that. I looked at the poz guy and he smiled and told us he was ready for it. I wasn't sure I wanted it but laid down and we all started to make out for a bit and then the poz guy climbed on me. He looked me right in the eyes as he started to stick his cock in me. It was drooling precum and slicked my hole up and he was able to slide in fairly easily with his own lube. My boy was soon over me kissing me as the poz guy started to stroke his cock in my hole. It felt amazing and I was soon ramming my ass back at him as he tried to bottom out every time in me. This went on for a good 10 minutes when my FB all at once asked to take over. I groaned as the poz guys cock left my hole but soon I was back in ecstasy as my boy rammed his huge cock in me and started pounding away immediately. He was telling me he was too turned on watching me take another cock and just had to have my hole. The poz guy was now behind my boy with a hard cock in need and leaned over him again. He asked us what he was supposed to do with his cock now as he was really turned on badly and in need of getting off. I grabbed my boy though and planted a hot deep kiss on him to keep him from answering and just pointed with one had for the poz guy to ram it in him. The poz guy started rubbing his cock up and down my boys ass lubing his hole with his precum like he had mine. My FB started to squirm a little but I held him tight and shoved my tongue in his mouth as deep as I could and wrapped my legs around him tighter also. He quit moving so much other than ramming his cock in me deep and hard and soon I could tell the poz guy had his cock buried in him again. My boy held still for a bit deep inside me and I could feel the poz guy pounding away at his hole. My boy was looking me in the eyes and soon he could not hold still and he started to pound my again which definitely got him impaled deeper in me and the poz guy deeper in him too. He quit the kiss and his head went back as he arched his back and pounded me as hard as he could. He was then yelling how great this felt and looked over his shoulder at the poz guy who leaned in and kissed him passionately. My boy was moaning his pleasure now and soon broke the kiss and was telling us both to use him good. The poz guy kind of let part of the cat out of the bag as he then told my boy to get ready he was going to cum and impregnate him. My boy was too far gone and it didn't seem to register what was said. He just told the poz guy to hurry as he was about ready to cum too. They both went wild then and soon my bud rammed home in my ass as deep as he could and yelled he was cumming. The poz guy then yelled he could feel it in my boys ass and he was cumming too and all this set me off and I was cumming all over my stomach without having to touch my own cock. All three of us getting off at the same time and wow I was floating away my orgasm was so strong. I started to come back and again the poz guy was the only one with me as my boy had got up and left again quickly. He was rimming my ass and eating the load from by FB and before I could say anything he had lined his cock up with my ass and was rammed in deep. He held it still in me as it registered on my mind that his poz cock was again in me. I was trying to find a way to tell him no but could not think of a way with it feeling so good in me. I had never been able to turn down a hard cock and especially once it was in me it was basically impossible for me to say no. He just held still for a while and only kind of stirred around a little without actually pumping and out at all. The feeling was nice though. He was telling me he thought he was definitely pozzing my boy as he had noticed a little pinkish color on his cock this time when he pulled out of him and there had been he was sure some tearing in him and bleeding which would help his toxic load get into him better and faster. I hadn't heard it but he also told me my boy had thanked him for the load when he left. We both smiled at that one. As he told me about the thank you, the poz guy pulled back on his cock until only the head was still in me and asked if I wanted another load. Before I could answer he shoved forward and buried his cock to the hilt in me and I could only moan in pleasure and he took that as a yes and really started to fuck me good. Again, I got two more loads from him before he was done and I had not told him to stop. I was a doggone cum dump myself and now proabably getting pozzed when all I had wanted was my bud to get it. Not only that but I got two loads now for the one he got. What should I do now?
  9. We definitely need to hear more of this story.
  10. So very fucking hot and cannot wait for more.
  11. Another bad one, twink, is the trolls on CL that decide you are posting something they don't like and get your ad pulled. I had nothing on my ads that were not on other postings and had on about 3 or 4 occasions had my ads pulled for supposed violations of CL. Absolutely nothing on my ads that were not on several others and yet pulled off? Nonsense.
  12. You should always talk to your significant other about these types of things. Do not go behind their backs as that almost always ends in a bad way. Had a so-called open marriage once with EX. Rules were: other person had to know who they were with. Where they were going and phone numbers to be reached at(for emergencies only) No overnights and if either seemed to be going away from the other it was to be called off. She violated every single one of these and then got mad when I wanted it to stop and filed for divorce. This was many years ago now, but not telling is really bad and if one party goes overboard it can end badly also. We had kids involved too and that even caused a major problem also. She packed up and moved away and I had no idea where to for a long time and then she moved back but violated my visitation rights also. This is bad too, because if I did not send my child support the state would come after me but if she violates visitation rights, which were in the divorce decree from a judge, state would not do anything. I would have had to hire a lawyer to take her back to court for that and they still would not have done much but tell her to quit keeping kids away and she would have went right back to what she was doing again with no repercussions at all.
  13. POZ friendly bottom here to be bred by anyone

    1. backpackguy


      Damn Macky, while I', not Poz I'd luv 2 breed your hot hole. Too bad I'm on the West/Left Coast.

  14. I agrees with you 100%, twink.. I have put ads on CL before too and always get asked dumb assed questions even though, if they read the ad, the question is already answered. I always specify BB, Fill My Hole up to overflowing and am very very poz friendly. Have had several, not just a couple, but several guys ask what poz meant. Are they that clueless in this day and age? Seems to be a huge amount of fools and outright idiots wanting to play but without a clue at all.
  15. Hot ass here for use by ANYBODY that wants it

  16. WOW This story is one of the hottest on here for sure.
  17. I love cuddling too but before or after or a lead in to sex or more sex. It is all good. Can't turn down a hard cock though.
  18. Not sure but positive usually means not on meds and undetectable means on meds. Some are just stupid, to me, like don't know or don't care. Either of these seem to be--who the hell knows and I am too lazy to really know. Just my opinion on those. Negative could be anything as I see many that say Neg but then put down a testing date a year ago, so they really have no idea either. To me if you put down Neg your testing should be less than a month ago and then say when or if you got loaded by anyone since.
  19. It is kind of a hard question. My regular loads me every time and knows that is what I am after. Wouldn't mind anyone else letting me know when they are ready and when cumming too. Especially if they load me with a poz load, I would want to know just as he starts to cum and it is too late to move even. LOL
  20. Oh, man, do post book II. This first one was hot and next one probably hotter.
  21. Been said many times over but it is truly your decision. If it makes you uncomfortable, don't do it. Same for different fetishes or anything. not comfortable you should not do it. Personally I would not pay but would accept pay for it or a gift or whatever. Won't solicit it but if offered, I would take it. You have to decide what is best for you and nobody else can.
  22. Neg hole for use and never had a poz hvl before, that I know of.

  23. I need some cum loads of any kind soon.

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